Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Judges » Chapter 14 » Verse 20

Judges 14:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 But Samson's H8123 wife H802 was given to his companion, H4828 whom he had used as his friend. H7462

Cross Reference

Judges 15:2 STRONG

And her father H1 said, H559 I verily H559 thought H559 that thou hadst utterly H8130 hated H8130 her; therefore I gave H5414 her to thy companion: H4828 is not her younger H6996 sister H269 fairer H2896 than she? take her, I pray thee, instead of her.

John 3:29 STRONG

He that hath G2192 the bride G3565 is G2076 the bridegroom: G3566 but G1161 the friend G5384 of the bridegroom, G3566 which G3588 standeth G2476 and G2532 heareth G191 him, G846 rejoiceth G5463 greatly G5479 because G1223 of the bridegroom's G3566 voice: G5456 this G3778 my G1699 joy G5479 therefore G3767 is fulfilled. G4137

Judges 15:6 STRONG

Then the Philistines H6430 said, H559 Who hath done H6213 this? And they answered, H559 Samson, H8123 the son in law H2860 of the Timnite, H8554 because he had taken H3947 his wife, H802 and given H5414 her to his companion. H4828 And the Philistines H6430 came up, H5927 and burnt H8313 her and her father H1 with fire. H784

Psalms 55:12-13 STRONG

For it was not an enemy H341 that reproached H2778 me; then I could have borne H5375 it: neither was it he that hated H8130 me that did magnify H1431 himself against me; then I would have hid H5641 myself from him: But it was thou, a man H582 mine equal, H6187 my guide, H441 and mine acquaintance. H3045

Jeremiah 9:5 STRONG

And they will deceive H2048 every one H376 his neighbour, H7453 and will not speak H1696 the truth: H571 they have taught H3925 their tongue H3956 to speak H1696 lies, H8267 and weary H3811 themselves to commit iniquity. H5753

Micah 7:5 STRONG

Trust H539 ye not in a friend, H7453 put ye not confidence H982 in a guide: H441 keep H8104 the doors H6607 of thy mouth H6310 from her that lieth H7901 in thy bosom. H2436

Matthew 26:49-50 STRONG

And G2532 forthwith G2112 he came G4334 to Jesus, G2424 and said, G2036 Hail, G5463 master; G4461 and G2532 kissed G2705 him. G846 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto him, G846 Friend, G2083 wherefore G1909 G3739 art thou come? G3918 Then G5119 came they, G4334 and laid G1911 hands G5495 on G1909 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 took G2902 him. G846

John 13:18 STRONG

I speak G3004 not G3756 of G4012 you G5216 all: G3956 I G1473 know G1492 whom G3739 I have chosen: G1586 but G235 that G2443 the scripture G1124 may be fulfilled, G4137 He that eateth G5176 bread G740 with G3326 me G1700 hath lifted up G1869 his G846 heel G4418 against G1909 me. G1691

Commentary on Judges 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Jud 14:1-5. Samson Desires a Wife of the Philistines.

1, 2. Timnath—now Tibna, about three miles from Zorah, his birthplace.

saw a woman … of the Philistines; and told his father and his mother, and said, … get her for me to wife—In the East parents did, and do in many cases still, negotiate the marriage alliances for their sons. During their period of ascendency, the Philistine invaders had settled in the towns; and the intercourse between them and the Israelites was often of such a friendly and familiar character as to issue in matrimonial relations. Moreover, the Philistines were not in the number of the seven devoted nations of Canaan [De 7:1-3]—with whom the law forbade them to marry.

3, 4. Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren—that is, "of thine own tribe"—a Danite woman.

Samson said … Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well—literally, "she is right in mine eyes"; not by her beautiful countenance or handsome figure, but right or fit for his purpose. And this throws light on the historian's remark in reference to the resistance of his parents: they "knew not that it was of the Lord, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines"—rather, "from the Philistines"—originating on their side. The Lord, by a course of retributive proceedings, was about to destroy the Philistine power, and the means which He meant to employ was not the forces of a numerous army, as in the case of the preceding judges, but the miraculous prowess of the single-handed champion of Israel. In these circumstances, the provocation to hostilities could only spring out of a private quarrel, and this marriage scheme was doubtless suggested by the secret influence of the Spirit as the best way of accomplishing the intended result.

Jud 14:5-9. He Kills a Lion.

5-9. a young lion—Hebrew, a lion in the pride of his youthful prime. The wild mountain passes of Judah were the lairs of savage beasts; and most or all the "lions" of Scripture occur in that wild country. His rending and killing the shaggy monster, without any weapon in his hand, were accomplished by that superhuman courage and strength which the occasional influences of the Spirit enabled him to put forth, and by the exertion of which, in such private incidental circumstances, he was gradually trained to confide in them for the more public work to which he was destined.

7. he went down, and talked with the woman—The social intercourse between the youth of different sexes is extremely rare and limited in the East, and generally so after they are betrothed.

8. after a time he returned to take her—probably after the lapse of a year, the usual interval between the ceremonies of betrothal and marriage. It was spent by the bride elect with her parents in preparation for the nuptials; and at the proper time the bridegroom returned to take her home.

he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of the lion—In such a climate, the myriads of insects and the ravages of birds of prey, together with the influences of the solar rays, would, in a few months, put the carcass in a state inviting to such cleanly animals as bees.

Jud 14:10, 11. His Marriage Feast.

10, 11. his father went down—The father is mentioned as the head and representative of Samson's relatives.

Samson made there a feast—The wedding festivity lasted a week. The men and women were probably entertained in separate apartments—the bride, with her female relatives, at her parents' house; Samson, in some place obtained for the occasion, as he was a stranger. A large number of paranymphs, or "friends of the bridegroom," furnished, no doubt, by the bride's family, attended his party, ostensibly to honor the nuptials, but really as spies on his proceedings.

Jud 14:12-18. His Riddle.

12-18. I will now put forth a riddle—Riddles are a favorite Oriental amusement at festive entertainments of this nature, and rewards are offered to those who give the solution. Samson's riddle related to honey in the lion's carcass. The prize he offered was thirty sindinim, or shirts, and thirty changes of garments, probably woolen. Three days were passed in vain attempts to unravel the enigma. The festive week was fast drawing to a close when they secretly enlisted the services of the newly married wife, who having got the secret, revealed it to her friends.

18. If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle—a metaphor borrowed from agricultural pursuits, in which not only oxen but cows and heifers were, and continue to be, employed in dragging the plough. Divested of metaphor, the meaning is taken by some in a criminal sense, but probably means no more than that they had resorted to the aid of his wife—an unworthy expedient, which might have been deemed by a man of less noble spirit and generosity as releasing him from the obligation to fulfil his bargain.

Jud 14:19, 20. He Slays Thirty Philistines.

19, 20. went down to Ashkelon, and slew thirty men of them—This town was about twenty-four miles west by southwest from Timnah; and his selection of this place, which was dictated by the Divine Spirit, was probably owing to its bitter hostility to Israel.

took their spoil—The custom of stripping a slain enemy was unknown in Hebrew warfare.

20. Samson's wife was given to his companion, whom he had used as his friend—that is, "the friend of the bridegroom," who was the medium of communicating during the festivities between him and his bride. The acceptance of her hand, therefore, was an act of base treachery, that could not fail to provoke the just resentment of Samson.