Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Judges » Chapter 19 » Verse 20

Judges 19:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 And the old H2205 man H376 said, H559 Peace H7965 be with thee; howsoever H7535 let all thy wants H4270 lie upon me; only lodge H3885 not in the street. H7339

Cross Reference

Judges 6:23 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Peace H7965 be unto thee; fear H3372 not: thou shalt not die. H4191

Genesis 19:2-3 STRONG

And he said, H559 Behold now, my lords, H113 turn in, H5493 I pray you, into your servant's H5650 house, H1004 and tarry all night, H3885 and wash H7364 your feet, H7272 and ye shall rise up early, H7925 and go H1980 on your ways. H1870 And they said, H559 Nay; but we will abide H3885 in the street H7339 all night. H3885 And he pressed H6484 upon them greatly; H3966 and they turned in H5493 unto him, and entered H935 into his house; H1004 and he made H6213 them a feast, H4960 and did bake H644 unleavened bread, H4682 and they did eat. H398

Genesis 24:31-33 STRONG

And he said, H559 Come in, H935 thou blessed H1288 of the LORD; H3068 wherefore standest H5975 thou without? H2351 for I have prepared H6437 the house, H1004 and room H4725 for the camels. H1581 And the man H376 came H935 into the house: H1004 and he ungirded H6605 his camels, H1581 and gave H5414 straw H8401 and provender H4554 for the camels, H1581 and water H4325 to wash H7364 his feet, H7272 and the men's H582 feet H7272 that were with him. And there was set H7760 H3455 meat before him H6440 to eat: H398 but he said, H559 I will not eat, H398 until I have told H1696 mine errand. H1697 And he said, H559 Speak on. H1696

Genesis 43:23-24 STRONG

And he said, H559 Peace H7965 be to you, fear H3372 not: your God, H430 and the God H430 of your father, H1 hath given H5414 you treasure H4301 in your sacks: H572 I had H935 your money. H3701 And he brought H3318 Simeon H8095 out unto them. And the man H376 brought H935 the men H582 into Joseph's H3130 house, H1004 and gave H5414 them water, H4325 and they washed H7364 their feet; H7272 and he gave H5414 their asses H2543 provender. H4554

1 Samuel 25:6 STRONG

And thus shall ye say H559 to him that liveth H2416 in prosperity, Peace H7965 be both to thee, and peace H7965 be to thine house, H1004 and peace H7965 be unto all that thou hast.

1 Chronicles 12:18 STRONG

Then the spirit H7307 came H3847 upon Amasai, H6022 who was chief H7218 of the captains, H7970 H7991 and he said, Thine are we, David, H1732 and on thy side, thou son H1121 of Jesse: H3448 peace, H7965 peace H7965 be unto thee, and peace H7965 be to thine helpers; H5826 for thy God H430 helpeth H5826 thee. Then David H1732 received H6901 them, and made H5414 them captains H7218 of the band. H1416

Luke 10:5-6 STRONG

And G1161 into G1519 whatsoever G3739 G302 house G3614 ye enter, G1525 first G4412 say, G3004 Peace G1515 be to this G5129 house. G3624 And G2532 if G1437 G3303 the son G5207 of peace G1515 be G5600 there, G1563 your G5216 peace G1515 shall rest G1879 upon G1909 it: G846 if not, G1490 it shall turn G344 to G1909 you G5209 again. G344

John 14:27 STRONG

Peace G1515 I leave G863 with you, G5213 my G1699 peace G1515 I give G1325 unto you: G5213 not G3756 as G2531 the world G2889 giveth, G1325 give G1325 I G1473 unto you. G5213 Let G5015 not G3361 your G5216 heart G2588 be troubled, G5015 neither G3366 let it be afraid. G1168

Romans 12:13 STRONG

Distributing G2841 to the necessity G5532 of saints; G40 given G1377 to hospitality. G5381

1 Corinthians 1:3 STRONG

Grace G5485 be unto you, G5213 and G2532 peace, G1515 from G575 God G2316 our G2257 Father, G3962 and G2532 from the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

Galatians 6:6 STRONG

Let G1161 him that is taught G2727 in the word G3056 communicate G2841 unto him that teacheth G2727 in G1722 all G3956 good things. G18

Hebrews 13:2 STRONG

Be G1950 not G3361 forgetful G1950 to entertain strangers: G5381 for G1063 thereby G1223 G5026 some G5100 have entertained G3579 angels G32 unawares. G2990

James 2:15-16 STRONG

If G1437 G1161 a brother G80 or G2228 sister G79 be G5225 naked, G1131 and G2532 destitute G3007 G5600 of daily G2184 food, G5160 And G1161 one G5100 of G1537 you G5216 say G2036 unto them, G846 Depart G5217 in G1722 peace, G1515 be ye warmed G2328 and G2532 filled; G5526 notwithstanding G1161 ye give G1325 them G846 not G3361 those things which are needful G2006 to the body; G4983 what G5101 doth it profit? G3786

1 Peter 4:9 STRONG

Use hospitality G5382 one to another G1519 G240 without G427 grudging. G1112

1 John 3:18 STRONG

My G3450 little children, G5040 let us G25 not G3361 love G25 in word, G3056 neither G3366 in tongue; G1100 but G235 in deed G2041 and G2532 in truth. G225

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Judges 19

Commentary on Judges 19 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


War of the Congregation with the Tribe of Benjamin on Account of the Crime at Gibeah - Judges 19-20

This account belongs to the times immediately following the death of Joshua, as we may see form the fact that Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the contemporary of Joshua, was high priest at that time (Judges 20:28). In Judg 19 we have an account of the infamous crime committed by the inhabitants of Gibeah, which occasioned the war; in Judg 20 the war itself; and in Judg 21 an account of what was afterwards done by the congregation to preserve the tribe of Benjamin, which was almost annihilated by the war.

Verse 1-2

Infamous Crime of the Inhabitants of Gibeah. - Judges 19:1-14. At the time when there was no king in Israel, a Levite, who sojourned (i.e., lived outside a Levitical town) in the more remote parts of the mountains of Ephraim, took to himself a concubine out of Bethlehem in Judah, who proved unfaithful to him, and then returned to her father's house. הר־אפרים ירכּתי , the hinder or outermost parts of the mountains of Ephraim, are the northern extremity of these mountains; according to Judges 19:18, probably the neighbourhood of Shiloh. עליו תּזנה , “ she played the harlot out beyond him, ” i.e., was unfaithful to her husband, and then went away from him, ” back to her father's house.

Verse 3-4

Some time afterwards, namely at the end of four months ( הדשׁים ארבּעה is in apposition to ימים , and defines more precisely the ימים , or days), her husband went after her, “ to speak to her to the heart, ” i.e., to talk to her in a friendly manner (see Genesis 34:3), and to reconcile her to himself again, so that she might return; taking with him his attendant and a couple of asses, for himself and his wife to ride upon. The suffix attached to להשׁיבו refers to לבּה , “to bring back her heart,” to turn her to himself again. The Keri השׁיבהּ is a needless conjecture. “ And she brought him into her father's house, and her father received his son-in-law with joy, and constrained him ( יהזק־בּו , lit . held him fast) to remain there three days. ” It is evident from this that the Levite had succeeded in reconciling his wife.

Verse 5-6

Also on the fourth day, when he was about to depart in the morning, the Levite yielded to the persuasion of his father-in-law, that he would first of all strengthen his heart again with a bit of bread ( לב סעד as in Genesis 18:5; the imperative form with is unusual); and then afterwards, whilst they were eating and drinking, he consented to stay another night.

Verse 7

When he rose up to go, his father-in-law pressed him; then he turned back ( ויּשׁב is quite in place, and is not to be altered into ויּשׁב , according to the lxx and one Heb. Cod.), and remained there for the night.

Verse 8

And even in the morning of the fifth day he suffered himself to be induced to remain till the afternoon. התמהמהוּ is an imperative, “Tarry till the day turns,” i.e., till mid-day is past.

Verse 9-10

When at length he rose up, with his concubine and his attendant, to go away, the father entreated his daughter once more: “ Behold the day has slackened to become evening, spend the night here! Behold the declining of the day, spend the night here, ” etc. חנות inf. of חנה , to bend, incline. The interchange of the plural and singular may be explained from the simple fact that the Levite was about to depart with his wife and attendant, but that their remaining or departing depended upon the decision of the man alone. But the Levite did not consent to remain any longer, but set out upon the road, and came with his companions to before Jebus, i.e., Jerusalem, which is only two hours from Bethlehem (compare Rob . Pal. ii. 375 and 379). עד־נכח , to before Jebus, for the road from Bethlehem to Shiloh went past Jerusalem.

Verses 11-13

But as the day had gone far down when they were by Jebus ( רד , third pers . perf ., either of ירד with י dropped like תּתּה in 2 Samuel 22:41 for נתתּה , or from רדד in the sense of ירד ), the attendant said to his master, “ Come, let us turn aside into this Jebusite city, and pass the night in it .” But his master was unwilling to enter a city of the foreigners ( נכרי( sre is a genitive), where there were none of the sons of Israel, and would pass over to Gibeah. “ Come ( לך = לכה , Numbers 23:13), we will draw near to one of the places (which he immediately names), and pass the night in Gibeah or Ramah .” These two towns, the present Jeba and er Râm , were not a full hour's journey apart, and stood opposite to one another, only about two and a half or three hours from Jerusalem (see at Joshua 18:25, Joshua 18:28).

Verse 14

Then they went forward, and the sun went down upon them as they were near (at) Gibeah of Benjamin.

Verses 15-30

And they turned aside thither to pass the night in Gibeah; and he (the Levite) remained in the market-place of the town, as no one received them into his house to pass the night.

Judges 19:16-19

Behold, there came an old man from the field, who was of the mountains of Ephraim, and dwelt as a stranger in Gibeah, the inhabitants of which were Benjaminites (as is observed here, as a preliminary introduction to the account which follows). When he saw the traveller in the market-place of the town, he asked him whither he was going and whence he came; and when he had heard the particulars concerning his descent and his journey, he received him into his house. ואת־בּית י הלך אני (Judges 19:18), “ and I walk at the house of Jehovah, and no one receives me into his house ” ( Seb. Schm ., etc.); not “I am going to the house of Jehovah” ( Ros., Berth ., etc.), for את הלך does not signify to go to a place, for which the simple accusative is used either with or without ה local. It either means “to go through a place” (Deuteronomy 1:19, etc.), or “to go with a person,” or, when applied to things, “to go about with anything” (see Job 31:5, and Ges . Thes. p. 378). Moreover, in this instance the Levite was not going to the house of Jehovah (i.e., the tabernacle), but, as he expressly told the old man, from Bethlehem to the outermost sides of the mountains of Ephraim. The words in question explain the reason why he was staying in the market-place. Because he served at the house of Jehovah, no one in Gibeah would receive him into his house,

(Note: As Seb. Schmidt correctly observes, “the argument is taken from the indignity shown him: the Lord thinks me worthy to minister to Him, as a Levite, in His house, and there is not one of the people of the Lord who thinks me worthy to receive his hospitality.”)

although, as he adds in Judges 19:19, he had everything with him that was requisite for his wants. “ We have both straw and fodder for our asses, and bread and wine for me and thy maid, and for the young man with thy servants. No want of anything at all, ” so as to cause him to be burdensome to his host. By the words “thy maid” and “thy servants” he means himself and his concubine, describing himself and his wife, according to the obsequious style of the East in olden times, as servants of the man from whom he was expecting a welcome.

Judges 19:20

The old man replied, “Peace to thee,” assuring him of a welcome by this style of greeting; “ only all thy wants upon me, ” i.e., let me provide for them. Thus the friendly host declined the offer made by his guest to provide for himself. “ Only do not pass the night in the market-place.

Judges 19:21

He then took him into his house, mixed fodder for his asses ( יבול from בּלל , a denom . verb from בּליל , to make a mixture, to give fodder to the beasts), and waited upon his guest with washing of feet, food, and drink (see Genesis 18:4., Judges 19:2).

Judges 19:22

Whilst they were enjoying themselves, some worthless men of the city surrounded the house, knocking continuously at the door ( התדּפּק , a form indicative of gradual increase), and demanding of the master of the house that he would bring out the man who had entered his house, that they might know him,-the very same demand that the Sodomites had made of Lot (Genesis 19:6.). The construct state בני־בליּעל אנשׁי is used instead of בּני־בל אנשׁים (Deuteronomy 13:14, etc.), because בליעל בני is regarded as one idea: people of worthless fellows. Other cases of the same kind are given by Ewald , Lehrb. §289, c .

Judges 19:23-24

The old man sought, as Lot had done, to defend his guests from such a shameful crime by appealing to the sacred rights of hospitality, and by giving up his own virgin daughter and the concubine of his guest (see the remarks on Genesis 19:7-8). נבלה , folly , used to denote shameful licentiousness and whoredom, as in Genesis 34:7 and Deuteronomy 22:21. אותם ענּוּ , “humble them.” The masculine is used in אותם and להם as the more general gender, instead of the more definite feminine, as in Genesis 39:9; Exodus 1:21, etc.

Judges 19:25

But as the people would not listen to this proposal, the man (no doubt the master of the house, according to Judges 19:24) took his (the guest's) concubine (of course with the consent of his guest) and led her out to them, and they abused her the whole night. It is not stated how it was that they were satisfied with this; probably because they felt too weak to enforce their demand. בּ התעלּל , to exercise his power or wantonness upon a person (see Exodus 10:2).

Judges 19:26

When the morning drew on (i.e., at the first dawn of day), the woman fell down before the door of the house in which אדוניה , “her lord,” i.e., her husband, was, and lay there till it was light, i.e., till sunrise.

Judges 19:27-28

There her husband found her, when he opened the house-door to go his way (having given up all thought of receiving her back again from the barbarous crowd), “ lying before the house-door, and her hands upon the threshold ” (i.e., with outstretched arms), and giving no answer to his word, having died, that is to say, in consequence of the ill-treatment of the night. He then took the corpse upon his ass to carry it to his place, i.e., to his home.

Judges 19:29-30

As soon as he arrived there, he cut up the body, according to its bones (as they cut slaughtered animals in pieces: see at Leviticus 1:6), into twelve pieces, and sent them (the corpse in its pieces) into the whole of the territory of Israel, i.e., to all the twelve tribes, in the hope that every one who saw it would say: No such thing has happened or been seen since the coming up of Israel out of Egypt until this day. Give ye heed to it ( שׁימוּ for לב שׂימוּ ); make up your minds and say on, i.e., decide how this unparalleled wickedness is to be punished. Sending the dissected pieces of the corpse to the tribes was a symbolical act, by which the crime committed upon the murdered woman was placed before the eyes of the whole nation, to summon it to punish the crime, and was naturally associated with a verbal explanation of the matter by the bearer of the pieces. See the analogous proceeding on the part of Saul (1 Samuel 11:7), and the Scythian custom related by Lucian in Toxaris, c. 48, that whoever was unable to procure satisfaction for an injury that he had received, cut an ox in pieces and sent it round, whereupon all who were willing to help him to obtain redress took a piece, and swore that they would stand by him to the utmost of their strength. The perfects ואמר - והיה (Judges 19:30) are not used for the imperfects c. vav consec . ויּאמר - ויהי , as Hitzig supposes, but as simple perfects ( perfecta conseq .), expressing the result which the Levite expected from his conduct; and we have simply to supply לאמר before והיה , which is often omitted in lively narrative or animated conversation (compare, for example, Exodus 8:5 with Judges 7:2). The perfects are used by the historian instead of imperfects with a simple vav , which are commonly employed in clauses indicating intention, “because what he foresaw would certainly take place, floated before his mind as a thing already done” ( Rosenmüller ). The moral indignation, which the Levite expected on the part of all the tribes at such a crime as this, and their resolution to avenge it, are thereby exhibited not merely as an uncertain conjecture, but a fact that was sure to occur, and concerning which, as Judg 20 clearly shows, he had not deceived himself.