Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Lamentations » Chapter 3 » Verse 50

Lamentations 3:50 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

50 Till the LORD H3068 look down, H8259 and behold H7200 from heaven. H8064

Cross Reference

Isaiah 63:15 STRONG

Look down H5027 from heaven, H8064 and behold H7200 from the habitation H2073 of thy holiness H6944 and of thy glory: H8597 where is thy zeal H7068 and thy strength, H1369 the sounding H1995 of thy bowels H4578 and of thy mercies H7356 toward me? are they restrained? H662

Lamentations 5:1 STRONG

Remember, H2142 O LORD, H3068 what is come upon us: consider, H5027 and behold H7200 our reproach. H2781

Psalms 80:14-16 STRONG

Return, H7725 we beseech thee, O God H430 of hosts: H6635 look down H5027 from heaven, H8064 and behold, H7200 and visit H6485 this vine; H1612 And the vineyard H3657 H3661 which thy right hand H3225 hath planted, H5193 and the branch H1121 that thou madest strong H553 for thyself. It is burned H8313 with fire, H784 it is cut down: H3683 they perish H6 at the rebuke H1606 of thy countenance. H6440

Psalms 102:19-20 STRONG

For he hath looked down H8259 from the height H4791 of his sanctuary; H6944 from heaven H8064 did the LORD H3068 behold H5027 the earth; H776 To hear H8085 the groaning H603 of the prisoner; H615 to loose H6605 those that are appointed H1121 to death; H8546

Isaiah 62:6-7 STRONG

I have set H6485 watchmen H8104 upon thy walls, H2346 O Jerusalem, H3389 which shall never H8548 hold their peace H2814 day H3117 nor night: H3915 ye that make mention H2142 of the LORD, H3068 keep not silence, H1824 And give H5414 him no rest, H1824 till he establish, H3559 and till he make H7760 Jerusalem H3389 a praise H8416 in the earth. H776

Isaiah 64:1 STRONG

Oh H3863 that thou wouldest rend H7167 the heavens, H8064 that thou wouldest come down, H3381 that the mountains H2022 might flow down H2151 at thy presence, H6440

Lamentations 2:20 STRONG

Behold, H7200 O LORD, H3068 and consider H5027 to whom thou hast done H5953 this. H3541 Shall the women H802 eat H398 their fruit, H6529 and children H5768 of a span long? H2949 shall the priest H3548 and the prophet H5030 be slain H2026 in the sanctuary H4720 of the Lord? H136

Daniel 9:16-19 STRONG

O Lord, H136 according to all thy righteousness, H6666 I beseech thee, let thine anger H639 and thy fury H2534 be turned away H7725 from thy city H5892 Jerusalem, H3389 thy holy H6944 mountain: H2022 because for our sins, H2399 and for the iniquities H5771 of our fathers, H1 Jerusalem H3389 and thy people H5971 are become a reproach H2781 to all that are about H5439 us. Now therefore, O our God, H430 hear H8085 the prayer H8605 of thy servant, H5650 and his supplications, H8469 and cause thy face H6440 to shine H215 upon thy sanctuary H4720 that is desolate, H8076 for the Lord's H136 sake. O my God, H430 incline H5186 thine ear, H241 and hear; H8085 open H6491 thine eyes, H5869 and behold H7200 our desolations, H8074 and the city H5892 which is called H7121 by thy name: H8034 for we do not present H5307 our supplications H8469 before H6440 thee for our righteousnesses, H6666 but for thy great H7227 mercies. H7356 O Lord, H136 hear; H8085 O Lord, H136 forgive; H5545 O Lord, H136 hearken H7181 and do; H6213 defer H309 not, H408 for thine own sake, O my God: H430 for thy city H5892 and thy people H5971 are called H7121 by thy name. H8034

Commentary on Lamentations 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


La 3:1-66.

Jeremiah proposes his own experience under afflictions, as an example as to how the Jews should behave under theirs, so as to have hope of a restoration; hence the change from singular to plural (La 3:22, 40-47). The stanzas consist of three lines, each of which begins with the same Hebrew letter.


1-3. seen affliction—his own in the dungeon of Malchiah (Jer 38:6); that of his countrymen also in the siege. Both were types of that of Christ.

2. darkness—calamity.


3. turneth … hand—to inflict again and again new strokes. "His hand," which once used to protect me. "Turned … turneth" implies repeated inflictions.


4-6. (Job 16:8).

5. builded—mounds, as against a besieged city, so as to allow none to escape (so La 3:7, 9).

6. set me—Henderson refers this to the custom of placing the dead in a sitting posture.

dark places—sepulchers. As those "dead long since"; so Jeremiah and his people are consigned to oblivion (Ps 88:5, 6; 143:3; Eze 37:13).


7-9. hedged—(Job 3:23; Ho 2:6).

chain—literally, "chain of brass."

8. shutteth out—image from a door shutting out any entrance (Job 30:20). So the antitype. Christ (Ps 22:2).

9. hewn stone—which coheres so closely as not to admit of being broken through.

paths crooked—thwarted our plans and efforts so that none went right.


10-13. (Job 10:16; Ho 13:7, 8).

11. turned aside—made me wander out of the right way, so as to become a prey to wild beasts.

pulled in pieces—(Ho 6:1), as a "bear" or a "lion" (La 3:10).

12. (Job 7:20).


13-15. arrows—literally, "sons" of His quiver (compare Job 6:4).

14. (Jer 20:7).

their song—(Ps 69:12). Jeremiah herein was a type of Messiah. "All my people" (Joh 1:11).

15. wormwood—(Jer 9:15). There it is regarded as food, namely, the leaves: here as drink, namely, the juice.


16-18. gravel—referring to the grit that often mixes with bread baked in ashes, as is the custom of baking in the East (Pr 20:17). We fare as hardly as those who eat such bread. The same allusion is in "Covered me with ashes," namely, as bread.

17. Not only present, but all hope of future prosperity is removed; so much so, that I am as one who never was prosperous ("I forgat prosperity").

18. from the Lord—that is, my hope derived from Him (Ps 31:22).


19-21. This gives the reason why he gave way to the temptation to despair. The Margin, "Remember" does not suit the sense so well.

wormwood … gall—(Jer 9:15).

20. As often as my soul calls them to remembrance, it is humbled or bowed down in me.

21. This—namely, what follows; the view of the divine character (La 3:22, 23). Calvin makes "this" refer to Jeremiah's infirmity. His very weakness (La 3:19, 20) gives him hope of God interposing His strength for him (compare Ps 25:11, 17; 42:5, 8; 2Co 12:9, 10).


22-24. (Mal 3:6).

23. (Isa 33:2).

24. (Nu 18:20; Ps 16:5; 73:26; 119:57; Jer 10:16). To have God for our portion is the one only foundation of hope.


25-27. The repetition of "good" at the beginning of each of the three verses heightens the effect.

wait—(Isa 30:18).

26. quietly wait—literally, "be in silence." Compare La 3:28 and Ps 39:2, 9, that is, to be patiently quiet under afflictions, resting in the will of God (Ps 37:7). So Aaron (Le 10:2, 3); and Job (Job 40:4, 5).

27. yoke—of the Lord's disciplinary teaching (Ps 90:12; 119:71). Calvin interprets it, The Lord's doctrine (Mt 11:29, 30), which is to be received in a docile spirit. The earlier the better; for the old are full of prejudices (Pr 8:17; Ec 12:1). Jeremiah himself received the yoke, both of doctrine and chastisement in his youth (Jer 1:6, 7).


28-30. The fruit of true docility and patience. He does not fight against the yoke (Jer 31:18; Ac 9:5), but accommodates himself to it.

alone—The heathen applauded magnanimity, but they looked to display and the praise of men. The child of God, in the absence of any witness, "alone," silently submits to the will of God.

borne it upon him—that is, because he is used to bearing it on him. Rather, "because He (the Lord, La 3:26) hath laid it on him" [Vatablus].

29. (Job 42:6). The mouth in the dust is the attitude of suppliant and humble submission to God's dealings as righteous and loving in design (compare Ezr 9:6; 1Co 14:25).

if so be there may be hope—This does not express doubt as to whether God be willing to receive the penitent, but the penitent's doubt as to himself; he whispers to himself this consolation, "Perhaps there may be hope for me."

30. Messiah, the Antitype, fulfilled this; His practice agreeing with His precept (Isa 50:6; Mt 5:39). Many take patiently afflictions from God, but when man wrongs them, they take it impatiently. The godly bear resignedly the latter, like the former, as sent by God (Ps 17:13).


31-33. True repentance is never without hope (Ps 94:14).

32. The punishments of the godly are but for a time.

33. He does not afflict any willingly (literally, "from His heart," that is, as if He had any pleasure in it, Eze 33:11), much less the godly (Heb 12:10).


34-36. This triplet has an infinitive in the beginning of each verse, the governing finite verb being in the end of La 3:36, "the Lord approveth not," which is to be repeated in each verse. Jeremiah here anticipates and answers the objections which the Jews might start, that it was by His connivance they were "crushed under the feet" of those who "turned aside the right of a man." God approves (literally, "seeth," Hab 1:13; so "behold," "look on," that is, look on with approval) not of such unrighteous acts; and so the Jews may look for deliverance and the punishment of their foes.

35. before … face of … most High—Any "turning aside" of justice in court is done before the face of God, who is present, and "regardeth," though unseen (Ec 5:8).

36. subvert—to wrong.


37-39. Who is it that can (as God, Ps 33:9) effect by a word anything, without the will of God?

38. evil … good—Calamity and prosperity alike proceed from God (Job 2:10; Isa 45:7; Am 3:6).

39. living—and so having a time yet given him by God for repentance. If sin were punished as it deserves, life itself would be forfeited by the sinner. "Complaining" (murmuring) ill becomes him who enjoys such a favor as life (Pr 19:3).

for the punishment of his sins—Instead of blaming God for his sufferings, he ought to recognize in them God's righteousness and the just rewards of his own sin.


40-42. us—Jeremiah and his fellow countrymen in their calamity.

search—as opposed to the torpor wherewith men rest only on their outward sufferings, without attending to the cause of them (Ps 139:23, 24).

41. heart with … hands—the antidote to hypocrisy (Ps 86:4; 1Ti 2:8).

42. not pardoned—The Babylonian captivity had not yet ended.


43-45. covered—namely, thyself (so La 3:44), so as not to see and pity our calamities, for even the most cruel in seeing a sad spectacle are moved to pity. Compare as to God "hiding His face," Ps 10:11; 22:25.

44. (La 3:8). The "cloud" is our sins, and God's wrath because of them (Isa 44:22; 59:2).

45. So the apostles were treated; but, instead of murmuring, they rejoiced at it (1Co 4:13).


46-48. Pe is put before Ain (La 3:43, 46), as in La 2:16, 17; 4:16, 17. (La 2:16.)

47. Like animals fleeing in fear, we fall into the snare laid for us.

48. (Jer 4:19).


49-51. without … intermission—or else, "because there is no intermission" [Piscator], namely, of my miseries.

50. Till—His prayer is not without hope, wherein it differs from the blind grief of unbelievers.

look down, &c.—(Isa 63:15).

51. eye affecteth mine heart—that is, causeth me grief with continual tears; or, "affecteth my life" (literally, "soul," Margin), that is, my health [Grotius].

daughters of … city—the towns around, dependencies of Jerusalem, taken by the foe.


52-54. a bird—which is destitute of counsel and strength. The allusion seems to be to Pr 1:17 [Calvin].

without cause—(Ps 69:4; 109:3, 4). Type of Messiah (Joh 15:25).

53. in … dungeon—(Jer 37:16).

stone—usually put at the mouth of a dungeon to secure the prisoners (Jos 10:18; Da 6:17; Mt 27:60).

54. Waters—not literally, for there was "no water" (Jer 38:6) in the place of Jeremiah's confinement, but emblematical of overwhelming calamities (Ps 69:2; 124:4, 5).

cut off—(Isa 38:10, 11). I am abandoned by God. He speaks according to carnal sense.


55-57. I called out of dungeon—Thus the spirit resists the flesh, and faith spurns the temptation [Calvin], (Ps 130:1; Jon 2:2).

56. Thou hast heard—namely formerly (so in La 3:57, 58).

breathing … cry—two kinds of prayer; the sigh of a prayer silently breathed forth, and the loud, earnest cry (compare "prayer," "secret speech," Isa 26:16, Margin; with "cry aloud," Ps 55:17).

57. Thou drewest near—with Thy help (Jas 4:8).


58-60. Jeremiah cites God's gracious answers to his prayers as an encouragement to his fellow countrymen, to trust in Him.

pleaded—(Ps 35:1; Mic 7:9).

59. God's past deliverances and His knowledge of Judah's wrongs are made the grounds of prayer for relief.

60. imaginations—devices (Jer 11:19).

Their vengeance—means their malice. Jeremiah gives his conduct, when plotted against by his foes, as an example how the Jews should bring their wrongs at the hands of the Chaldeans before God.


61-63. their reproach—their reproachful language against me.

62. lips—speeches.

63. sitting down … rising up—whether they sit or rise, that is, whether they be actively engaged or sedentary, and at rest "all the day" (La 3:62), I am the subject of their derisive songs (La 3:14).


64-66. (Jer 11:20; 2Ti 4:14).

65. sorrow—rather, blindness or hardness; literally, "a veil" covering their heart, so that they may rush on to their own ruin (Isa 6:10; 2Co 3:14, 15).

66. from under … heavens of … Lord—destroy them so that it may be seen everywhere under heaven that thou sittest above as Judge of the world.