Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Lamentations » Chapter 5 » Verse 18

Lamentations 5:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 Because of the mountain H2022 of Zion, H6726 which is desolate, H8074 the foxes H7776 walk H1980 upon it.

Cross Reference

Micah 3:12 STRONG

Therefore shall Zion H6726 for your sake H1558 be plowed H2790 as a field, H7704 and Jerusalem H3389 shall become heaps, H5856 and the mountain H2022 of the house H1004 as the high places H1116 of the forest. H3293

1 Kings 9:7-8 STRONG

Then will I cut off H3772 Israel H3478 out H6440 of the land H127 which I have given H5414 them; and this house, H1004 which I have hallowed H6942 for my name, H8034 will I cast out H7971 of my sight; H6440 and Israel H3478 shall be a proverb H4912 and a byword H8148 among all people: H5971 And at this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 every one that passeth H5674 by it shall be astonished, H8074 and shall hiss; H8319 and they shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and to this house? H1004

Psalms 74:2-3 STRONG

Remember H2142 thy congregation, H5712 which thou hast purchased H7069 of old; H6924 the rod H7626 of thine inheritance, H5159 which thou hast redeemed; H1350 this mount H2022 Zion, H6726 wherein thou hast dwelt. H7931 Lift up H7311 thy feet H6471 unto the perpetual H5331 desolations; H4876 even all that the enemy H341 hath done wickedly H7489 in the sanctuary. H6944

Isaiah 32:13-14 STRONG

Upon the land H127 of my people H5971 shall come up H5927 thorns H6975 and briers; H8068 yea, upon all the houses H1004 of joy H4885 in the joyous H5947 city: H7151 Because the palaces H759 shall be forsaken; H5203 the multitude H1995 of the city H5892 shall be left; H5800 the forts H6076 and towers H975 shall be for dens H4631 for H5704 ever, H5769 a joy H4885 of wild asses, H6501 a pasture H4829 of flocks; H5739

Jeremiah 9:11 STRONG

And I will make H5414 Jerusalem H3389 heaps, H1530 and a den H4583 of dragons; H8577 and I will make H5414 the cities H5892 of Judah H3063 desolate, H8077 without an inhabitant. H3427

Jeremiah 17:3 STRONG

O my mountain H2042 in the field, H7704 I will give H5414 thy substance H2428 and all thy treasures H214 to the spoil, H957 and thy high places H1116 for sin, H2403 throughout all thy borders. H1366

Jeremiah 26:9 STRONG

Why hast thou prophesied H5012 in the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 This house H1004 shall be like Shiloh, H7887 and this city H5892 shall be desolate H2717 without an inhabitant? H3427 And all the people H5971 were gathered H6950 against Jeremiah H3414 in the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 52:13 STRONG

And burned H8313 the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the king's H4428 house; H1004 and all the houses H1004 of Jerusalem, H3389 and all the houses H1004 of the great H1419 men, burned H8313 he with fire: H784

Lamentations 2:8-9 STRONG

The LORD H3068 hath purposed H2803 to destroy H7843 the wall H2346 of the daughter H1323 of Zion: H6726 he hath stretched out H5186 a line, H6957 he hath not withdrawn H7725 his hand H3027 from destroying: H1104 therefore he made the rampart H2426 and the wall H2346 to lament; H56 they languished H535 together. H3162 Her gates H8179 are sunk H2883 into the ground; H776 he hath destroyed H6 and broken H7665 her bars: H1280 her king H4428 and her princes H8269 are among the Gentiles: H1471 the law H8451 is no more; her prophets H5030 also find H4672 no vision H2377 from the LORD. H3068

Commentary on Lamentations 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


La 5:1-22. Epiphonema, or a Closing Recapitulation of the Calamities Treated in the Previous Elegies.

1. (Ps 89:50, 51).

2. Our inheritance—"Thine inheritance" (Ps 79:1). The land given of old to us by Thy gift.

3. fatherless—Our whole land is full of orphans [Calvin]. Or, "we are fatherless," being abandoned by Thee our "Father" (Jer 3:19), [Grotius].

4. water for money—The Jews were compelled to pay the enemy for the water of their own cisterns after the overthrow of Jerusalem; or rather, it refers to their sojourn in Babylon; they had to pay tax for access to the rivers and fountains. Thus, "our" means the water which we need, the commonest necessary of life.

our wood—In Judea each one could get wood without pay; in Babylon, "our wood," the wood we need, must be paid for.

5. Literally, "On our necks we are persecuted"; that is, Men tread on our necks (Ps 66:12; Isa 51:23; compare Jos 10:24). The extremest oppression. The foe not merely galled the Jews face, back, and sides, but their neck. A just retribution, as they had been stiff in neck against the yoke of God (2Ch 30:8, Margin; Ne 9:29; Isa 48:4).

6. given … hand to—in token of submission (see on Jer 50:15).

to … Egyptians—at the death of Josiah (2Ch 36:3, 4).

Assyrians—that is, the Chaldeans who occupied the empire which Assyria had held. So Jer 2:18.

to be satisfied with bread—(De 28:48).

7. (Jer 31:29).

borne their iniquities—that is, the punishment of them. The accumulated sins of our fathers from age to age, as well as our own, are visited on us. They say this as a plea why God should pity them (compare Eze 18:2, &c.).

8. Servants … ruled … us—Servants under the Chaldean governors ruled the Jews (Ne 5:15). Israel, once a "kingdom of priests" (Ex 19:6), is become like Canaan, "a servant of servants," according to the curse (Ge 9:25). The Chaldeans were designed to be "servants" of Shem, being descended from Ham (Ge 9:26). Now through the Jews' sin, their positions are reversed.

9. We gat our bread with … peril—that is, those of us left in the city after its capture by the Chaldeans.

because of … sword of … wilderness—because of the liability to attack by the robber Arabs of the wilderness, through which the Jews had to pass to get "bread" from Egypt (compare La 5:6).

10. As an oven is scorched with too much fire, so our skin with the hot blast of famine (Margin, rightly, "storms," like the hot simoom). Hunger dries up the pores so that the skin becomes like as if it were scorched by the sun (Job 30:30; Ps 119:83).

11. So in just retribution Babylon itself should fare in the end. Jerusalem shall for the last time suffer these woes before her final restoration (Zec 14:2).

12. hanged … by their hand—a piece of wanton cruelty invented by the Chaldeans. Grotius translates, "Princes were hung by the hand of the enemy"; hanging was a usual mode of execution (Ge 40:19).

elders—officials (La 4:16).

13. young men … grind—The work of the lowest female slave was laid on young men (Jud 16:21; Job 31:10).

children fell under … wood—Mere children had to bear burdens of wood so heavy that they sank beneath them.

14. Aged men in the East meet in the open space round the gate to decide judicial trials and to hold social converse (Job 29:7, 8).

16. The crown—all our glory, the kingdom and the priesthood (Job 19:9; Ps 89:39, 44).

17. (La 1:22; 2:11).

18. foxes—They frequent desolate places where they can freely and fearlessly roam.

19. (Ps 102:12). The perpetuity of God's rule over human affairs, however He may seem to let His people be oppressed for a time, is their ground of hope of restoration.

20. for ever—that is, for "so long a time."

21. (Ps 80:3; Jer 31:18). "Restore us to favor with Thee, and so we shall be restored to our old position" [Grotius]. Jeremiah is not speaking of spiritual conversion, but of that outward turning whereby God receives men into His fatherly favor, manifested in bestowing prosperity [Calvin]. Still, as Israel is a type of the Church, temporal goods typify spiritual blessings; and so the sinner may use this prayer for God to convert him.

22. Rather, "Unless haply Thou hast utterly rejected us, and art beyond measure wroth against us," that is, Unless Thou art implacable, which is impossible, hear our prayer [Calvin]. Or, as Margin, "For wouldest Thou utterly reject us?" &c.—No; that cannot be. The Jews, in this book, and in Isaiah and Malachi, to avoid the ill-omen of a mournful closing sentence, repeat the verse immediately preceding the last [Calvin].