Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 14 » Verse 34

Leviticus 14:34 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

34 When ye be come H935 into the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 which I give H5414 to you for a possession, H272 and I put H5414 the plague H5061 of leprosy H6883 in a house H1004 of the land H776 of your possession; H272

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 32:49 STRONG

Get thee up H5927 into this mountain H2022 Abarim, H5682 unto mount H2022 Nebo, H5015 which is in the land H776 of Moab, H4124 that is over against H6440 Jericho; H3405 and behold H7200 the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 which I give H5414 unto the children H1121 of Israel H3478 for a possession: H272

Genesis 17:8 STRONG

And I will give H5414 unto thee, and to thy seed H2233 after thee, H310 the land H776 wherein thou art a stranger, H4033 all the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 for an everlasting H5769 possession; H272 and I will be their God. H430

Numbers 32:22 STRONG

And the land H776 be subdued H3533 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 then afterward H310 ye shall return, H7725 and be guiltless H5355 before the LORD, H3068 and before Israel; H3478 and this land H776 shall be your possession H272 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Deuteronomy 26:1 STRONG

And it shall be, when thou art come in H935 unto the land H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee for an inheritance, H5159 and possessest H3423 it, and dwellest H3427 therein;

Micah 6:9 STRONG

The LORD'S H3068 voice H6963 crieth H7121 unto the city, H5892 and the man of wisdom H8454 shall see H7200 thy name: H8034 hear H8085 ye the rod, H4294 and who hath appointed H3259 it.

Amos 6:11 STRONG

For, behold, the LORD H3068 commandeth, H6680 and he will smite H5221 the great H1419 house H1004 with breaches, H7447 and the little H6996 house H1004 with clefts. H1233

Amos 3:6 STRONG

Shall a trumpet H7782 be blown H8628 in the city, H5892 and the people H5971 not be afraid? H2729 shall there be evil H7451 in a city, H5892 and the LORD H3068 hath not done H6213 it?

Isaiah 45:7 STRONG

I form H3335 the light, H216 and create H1254 darkness: H2822 I make H6213 peace, H7965 and create H1254 evil: H7451 I the LORD H3068 do H6213 all these things.

Proverbs 3:33 STRONG

The curse H3994 of the LORD H3068 is in the house H1004 of the wicked: H7563 but he blesseth H1288 the habitation H5116 of the just. H6662

1 Samuel 2:6 STRONG

The LORD H3068 killeth, H4191 and maketh alive: H2421 he bringeth down H3381 to the grave, H7585 and bringeth up. H5927

Joshua 13:1 STRONG

Now Joshua H3091 was old H2204 and stricken H935 in years; H3117 and the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Thou art old H2204 and stricken H935 in years, H3117 and there remaineth H7604 yet very H3966 much H7235 land H776 to be possessed. H3423

Deuteronomy 27:3 STRONG

And thou shalt write H3789 upon them all the words H1697 of this law, H8451 when thou art passed over, H5674 that thou mayest go in H935 unto the land H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee, a land H776 that floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey; H1706 as the LORD H3068 God H430 of thy fathers H1 hath promised H1696 thee.

Genesis 12:7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 unto Abram, H87 and said, H559 Unto thy seed H2233 will I give H5414 this H2063 land: H776 and there builded H1129 he an altar H4196 unto the LORD, H3068 who appeared H7200 unto him.

Deuteronomy 19:1 STRONG

When the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath cut off H3772 the nations, H1471 whose land H776 the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee, and thou succeedest H3423 them, and dwellest H3427 in their cities, H5892 and in their houses; H1004

Deuteronomy 12:8-10 STRONG

Ye shall not do H6213 after all the things that we do H6213 here this day, H3117 every man H376 whatsoever is right H3477 in his own eyes. H5869 For ye are not as yet come H935 to the rest H4496 and to the inheritance, H5159 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 giveth H5414 you. But when ye go over H5674 Jordan, H3383 and dwell H3427 in the land H776 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 giveth you to inherit, H5157 and when he giveth you rest H5117 from all your enemies H341 round about, H5439 so that ye dwell H3427 in safety; H983

Deuteronomy 12:1 STRONG

These are the statutes H2706 and judgments, H4941 which ye shall observe H8104 to do H6213 in the land, H776 which the LORD H3068 God H430 of thy fathers H1 giveth H5414 thee to possess H3423 it, all the days H3117 that ye live H2416 upon the earth. H127

Deuteronomy 7:15 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 will take away H5493 from thee all sickness, H2483 and will put H7760 none of the evil H7451 diseases H4064 of Egypt, H4714 which thou knowest, H3045 upon thee; but will lay H5414 them upon all them that hate H8130 thee.

Deuteronomy 7:1-2 STRONG

When the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall bring H935 thee into the land H776 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it, and hath cast out H5394 many H7227 nations H1471 before H6440 thee, the Hittites, H2850 and the Girgashites, H1622 and the Amorites, H567 and the Canaanites, H3669 and the Perizzites, H6522 and the Hivites, H2340 and the Jebusites, H2983 seven H7651 nations H1471 greater H7227 and mightier H6099 than thou; And when the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall deliver H5414 them before H6440 thee; thou shalt smite H5221 them, and utterly H2763 destroy H2763 them; thou shalt make H3772 no covenant H1285 with them, nor shew mercy H2603 unto them:

Numbers 35:10 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye be come over H5674 Jordan H3383 into the land H776 of Canaan; H3667

Numbers 32:32 STRONG

We will H5168 pass over H5674 armed H2502 before H6440 the LORD H3068 into the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 that the possession H272 of our inheritance H5159 on this side H5676 Jordan H3383 may be ours.

Leviticus 25:2 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye come H935 into the land H776 which I give H5414 you, then shall the land H776 keep H7673 a sabbath H7676 unto the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 23:10 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye be come H935 into the land H776 which I give H5414 unto you, and shall reap H7114 the harvest H7105 thereof, then ye shall bring H935 a sheaf H6016 of the firstfruits H7225 of your harvest H7105 unto the priest: H3548

Exodus 15:26 STRONG

And said, H559 If thou wilt diligently H8085 hearken H8085 to the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and wilt do H6213 that which is right H3477 in his sight, H5869 and wilt give ear H238 to his commandments, H4687 and keep H8104 all his statutes, H2706 I will put H7760 none of these diseases H4245 upon thee, which I have brought H7760 upon the Egyptians: H4714 for I am the LORD H3068 that healeth H7495 thee.

Genesis 13:17 STRONG

Arise, H6965 walk H1980 through the land H776 in the length H753 of it and in the breadth H7341 of it; for I will give H5414 it unto thee.

Commentary on Leviticus 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 14:1-57. The Rites and Sacrifices in Cleansing of the Leper.

2, 3. law of the leper in the day of his cleansing—Though quite convalescent, a leper was not allowed to return to society immediately and at his own will. The malignant character of his disease rendered the greatest precautions necessary to his re-admission among the people. One of the priests most skilled in the diagnostics of disease [Grotius], being deputed to attend such outcasts, the restored leper appeared before this official, and when after examination a certificate of health was given, the ceremonies here described were forthwith observed outside the camp.

4. two birds—literally, "sparrows." The Septuagint, however, renders the expression "little birds"; and it is evident that it is to be taken in this generic sense from their being specified as "clean"—a condition which would have been altogether superfluous to mention in reference to sparrows. In all the offerings prescribed in the law, Moses ordered only common and accessible birds; and hence we may presume that he points here to such birds as sparrows or pigeons, as in the desert it might have been very difficult to procure wild birds alive.

cedar-wood, and scarlet, and hyssop—The cedar here meant was certainly not the famous tree of Lebanon, and it is generally supposed to have been the juniper, as several varieties of that shrub are found growing abundantly in the clefts and crevices of the Sinaitic mountains. A stick of this shrub was bound to a bunch of hyssop by a scarlet ribbon, and the living bird was to be so attached to it, that when they dipped the branches in the water, the tail of the bird might also be moistened, but not the head nor the wings, that it might not be impeded in its flight when let loose.

5-9. the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed … over running water—As the blood of a single bird would not have been sufficient to immerse the body of another bird, it was mingled with spring water to increase the quantity necessary for the appointed sprinklings, which were to be repeated seven times, denoting a complete purification. (See 2Ki 5:10; Ps 51:2; Mt 8:4; Lu 5:14). The living bird being then set free, in token of the leper's release from quarantine, the priest pronounced him clean; and this official declaration was made with all solemnity, in order that the mind of the leper might be duly impressed with a sense of the divine goodness, and that others might be satisfied they might safely hold intercourse with him. Several other purifications had to be gone through during a series of seven days, and the whole process had to be repeated on the seventh, ere he was allowed to re-enter the camp. The circumstance of a priest being employed seems to imply that instruction suitable to the newly recovered leper would be given, and that the symbolical ceremonies used in the process of cleansing leprosy would be explained. How far they were then understood we cannot tell. But we can trace some instructive analogies between the leprosy and the disease of sin, and between the rites observed in the process of cleansing leprosy and the provisions of the Gospel. The chief of these analogies is that as it was only when a leper exhibited a certain change of state that orders were given by the priest for a sacrifice, so a sinner must be in the exercise of faith and penitence ere the benefits of the gospel remedy can be enjoyed by him. The slain bird and the bird let loose are supposed to typify, the one the death, and the other the resurrection of Christ; while the sprinklings on him that had been leprous typified the requirements which led a believer to cleanse himself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and to perfect his holiness in the fear of the Lord.

10-20. on the eighth day he shall take two he lambs without blemish, and one ewe-lamb of the first year without blemish—The purification of the leper was not completed till at the end of seven days, after the ceremonial of the birds [Le 14:4-7] and during which, though permitted to come into the camp, he had to tarry abroad out of his tent [Le 14:8], from which he came daily to appear at the door of the tabernacle with the offerings required. He was presented before the Lord by the priest that made him clean. And hence it has always been reckoned among pious people the first duty of a patient newly restored from a long and dangerous sickness to repair to the church to offer his thanksgiving, where his body and soul, in order to be an acceptable offering, must be presented by our great Priest, whose blood alone makes any clean. The offering was to consist of two lambs, the one was to be a sin offering, and an ephah of fine flour (two pints equals one-tenth), and one log (half pint) of oil (Le 2:1). One of the lambs was for a trespass offering, which was necessary from the inherent sin of his nature or from his defilement of the camp by his leprosy previous to his expulsion; and it is remarkable that the blood of the trespass offering was applied exactly in the same particular manner to the extremities of the restored leper, as that of the ram in the consecration of the priests [Le 8:23]. The parts sprinkled with this blood were then anointed with oil—a ceremony which is supposed to have borne this spiritual import: that while the blood was a token of forgiveness, the oil was an emblem of healing—as the blood of Christ justifies, the influence of the Spirit sanctifies. Of the other two lambs the one was to be a sin offering and the other a burnt offering, which had also the character of a thank offering for God's mercy in his restoration. And this was considered to make atonement "for him"; that is, it removed that ceremonial pollution which had excluded him from the enjoyment of religious ordinances, just as the atonement of Christ restores all who are cleansed through faith in His sacrifice to the privileges of the children of God.

21-32. if he be poor, and cannot get so much; then he shall take one lamb—a kind and considerate provision for an extension of the privilege to lepers of the poorer class. The blood of their smaller offering was to be applied in the same process of purification and they were as publicly and completely cleansed as those who brought a costlier offering (Ac 10:34).

34-48. leprosy in a house—This law was prospective, not to come into operation till the settlement of the Israelites in Canaan. The words, "I put the leprosy," has led many to think that this plague was a judicial infliction from heaven for the sins of the owner; while others do not regard it in this light, it being common in Scripture to represent God as doing that which He only permits in His providence to be done. Assuming it to have been a natural disease, a new difficulty arises as to whether we are to consider that the house had become infected by the contagion of leprous occupiers; or that the leprosy was in the house itself. It is evident that the latter was the true state of the case, from the furniture being removed out of it on the first suspicion of disease on the walls. Some have supposed that the name of leprosy was analogically applied to it by the Hebrews, as we speak of cancer in trees when they exhibit corrosive effects similar to what the disease so named produces on the human body; while others have pronounced it a mural efflorescence or species of mildew on the wall apt to be produced in very damp situations, and which was followed by effects so injurious to health as well as to the stability of a house, particularly in warm countries, as to demand the attention of a legislator. Moses enjoined the priests to follow the same course and during the same period of time for ascertaining the true character of this disease as in human leprosy. If found leprous, the infected parts were to be removed. If afterwards there appeared a risk of the contagion spreading, the house was to be destroyed altogether and the materials removed to a distance. The stones were probably rough, unhewn stones, built up without cement in the manner now frequently used in fences and plastered over, or else laid in mortar. The oldest examples of architecture are of this character. The very same thing has to be done still with houses infected with mural salt. The stones covered with the nitrous incrustation must be removed, and if the infected wall is suffered to remain, it must be plastered all over anew.

48-57. the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the plague is healed—The precautions here described show that there is great danger in warm countries from the house leprosy, which was likely to be increased by the smallness and rude architecture of the houses in the early ages of the Israelitish history. As a house could not contract any impurity in the sight of God, the "atonement" which the priest was to make for it must either have a reference to the sins of its occupants or to the ceremonial process appointed for its purification, the very same as that observed for a leprous person. This solemn declaration that it was "clean," as well as the offering made on the occasion, was admirably calculated to make known the fact, to remove apprehension from the public mind, as well as relieve the owner from the aching suspicion of dwelling in an infected house.