Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 18 » Verse 20

Leviticus 18:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 Moreover thou shalt not H5414 lie H7903 carnally H2233 with thy neighbour's H5997 wife, H802 to defile H2930 thyself with her.

Cross Reference

Exodus 20:14 STRONG

Thou shalt not commit adultery. H5003

Leviticus 20:10 STRONG

And the man H376 that committeth adultery H5003 with another man's H376 wife, H802 even he that committeth adultery H5003 with his neighbour's H7453 wife, H802 the adulterer H5003 and the adulteress H5003 shall surely H4191 be put to death. H4191

Matthew 5:27-28 STRONG

Ye have heard G191 that G3754 it was said G4483 by them of old time, G744 Thou shalt G3431 not G3756 commit adultery: G3431 But G1161 I G1473 say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 whosoever G3956 looketh G991 on a woman G1135 to G4314 lust after G1937 her G846 hath committed adultery G3431 with her G846 already G2235 in G1722 his G846 heart. G2588

1 Corinthians 6:9 STRONG

G2228 Know ye G1492 not G3756 that G3754 the unrighteous G94 shall G2816 not G3756 inherit G2816 the kingdom G932 of God? G2316 Be G4105 not G3361 deceived: G4105 neither G3777 fornicators, G4205 nor G3777 idolaters, G1496 nor G3777 adulterers, G3432 nor G3777 effeminate, G3120 nor G3777 abusers of themselves with mankind, G733

Hebrews 13:4 STRONG

Marriage G1062 is honourable G5093 in G1722 all, G3956 and G2532 the bed G2845 undefiled: G283 but G1161 whoremongers G4205 and G2532 adulterers G3432 God G2316 will judge. G2919

Deuteronomy 5:18 STRONG

Neither shalt thou commit adultery. H5003

Deuteronomy 22:22 STRONG

If a man H376 be found H4672 lying H7901 with a woman H802 married H1166 to an husband, H1167 then they shall both of them H8147 die, H4191 both the man H376 that lay H7901 with the woman, H802 and the woman: H802 so shalt thou put away H1197 evil H7451 from Israel. H3478

Deuteronomy 22:25 STRONG

But if a man H376 find H4672 a betrothed H781 damsel H5291 in the field, H7704 and the man H376 force H2388 her, and lie H7901 with her: then the man H376 only that lay H7901 with her shall die: H4191

2 Samuel 11:3-4 STRONG

And David H1732 sent H7971 and enquired H1875 after the woman. H802 And one said, H559 Is not this Bathsheba, H1339 the daughter H1323 of Eliam, H463 the wife H802 of Uriah H223 the Hittite? H2850 And David H1732 sent H7971 messengers, H4397 and took H3947 her; and she came in H935 unto him, and he lay H7901 with her; for she was purified H6942 from her uncleanness: H2932 and she returned H7725 unto her house. H1004

2 Samuel 11:27 STRONG

And when the mourning H60 was past, H5674 David H1732 sent H7971 and fetched H622 her to his house, H1004 and she became his wife, H802 and bare H3205 him a son. H1121 But the thing H1697 that David H1732 had done H6213 displeased H3415 H5869 the LORD. H3068

Proverbs 6:25 STRONG

Lust H2530 not after her beauty H3308 in thine heart; H3824 neither let her take H3947 thee with her eyelids. H6079

Proverbs 6:29-33 STRONG

So he that goeth in H935 to his neighbour's H7453 wife; H802 whosoever toucheth H5060 her shall not be innocent. H5352 Men do not despise H936 a thief, H1590 if he steal H1589 to satisfy H4390 his soul H5315 when he is hungry; H7456 But if he be found, H4672 he shall restore H7999 sevenfold; H7659 he shall give H5414 all the substance H1952 of his house. H1004 But whoso committeth adultery H5003 with a woman H802 lacketh H2638 understanding: H3820 he that doeth H6213 it destroyeth H7843 his own soul. H5315 A wound H5061 and dishonour H7036 shall he get; H4672 and his reproach H2781 shall not be wiped away. H4229

Malachi 3:5 STRONG

And I will come near H7126 to you to judgment; H4941 and I will be a swift H4116 witness H5707 against the sorcerers, H3784 and against the adulterers, H5003 and against false H8267 swearers, H7650 and against those that oppress H6231 the hireling H7916 in his wages, H7939 the widow, H490 and the fatherless, H3490 and that turn aside H5186 the stranger H1616 from his right, and fear H3372 not me, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Romans 2:22 STRONG

Thou that sayest G3004 a man should G3431 not G3361 commit adultery, G3431 dost thou commit adultery? G3431 thou that abhorrest G948 idols, G1497 dost thou commit sacrilege? G2416

Galatians 5:19 STRONG

Now G1161 the works G2041 of the flesh G4561 are G2076 manifest, G5318 which G3748 are G2076 these; Adultery, G3430 fornication, G4202 uncleanness, G167 lasciviousness, G766

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Leviticus 18

Commentary on Leviticus 18 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-5

Holiness of the Marriage Relation. - The prohibition of incest and similar sensual abominations is introduced with a general warning as to the licentious customs of the Egyptians and Canaanites, and an exhortation to walk in the judgments and ordinances of Jehovah (Leviticus 18:2-5), and is brought to a close with a threatening allusion to the consequences of all such defilements (Leviticus 18:24-30).

Leviticus 18:1-4

By the words, “I am Jehovah your God,” which are placed at the head and repeated at the close (Leviticus 18:30), the observance of the command is enforced upon the people as a covenant obligation, and urged upon them most strongly by the promise, that through the observance of the ordinances and judgments of Jehovah they should live (Leviticus 18:5).

Leviticus 18:5

The man who does them (the ordinances of Jehovah) shall live (gain true life) through them ” (see at Exodus 1:16 and Genesis 3:22).

Verse 6-7

The laws against incest are introduced in Leviticus 18:6 with the general prohibition, descriptive of the nature of this sin, “None of you shall approach בּשׂרו אל־כּל־שׁאר to any flesh of his flesh, to uncover nakedness.” The difference between שׁאר flesh, and בּשׂר flesh, is involved in obscurity, as both words are used in connection with edible flesh (see the Lexicons). “Flesh of his flesh” is a flesh that is of his own flesh, belongs to the same flesh as himself (Genesis 2:24), and is applied to a blood-relation, blood-relationship being called שׁארה (or flesh-kindred) in Hebrew (Leviticus 18:17). Sexual intercourse is called uncovering the nakedness of another (Ezekiel 16:36; Ezekiel 23:18). The prohibition relates to both married and unmarried intercourse, though the reference is chiefly to the former (see Leviticus 18:18; Leviticus 20:14, Leviticus 20:17, Leviticus 20:21). Intercourse is forbidden (1) with a mother, (2) with a step-mother, (3) with a sister or half-sister, (4) with a granddaughter, the daughter of either son or daughter, (5) with the daughter of a step-mother, (6) with an aunt, the sister of either father or mother, (7) with the wife of an uncle on the father's side, (8) with a daughter-in-law, (9) with a sister-in-law, or brother's wife, (10) with a woman and her daughter, or a woman and her granddaughter, and (11) with two sisters at the same time. No special reference is made to sexual intercourse with ( a ) a daughter, ( b ) a full sister, ( c ) a mother-in-law; the last, however, which is mentioned in Deuteronomy 27:23 as an accursed crime, is included here in No. 10, and the second in No. 3, whilst the first, like parricide in Exodus 21:15, is not expressly noticed, simply because the crime was regarded as one that never could occur. Those mentioned under Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10 were to be followed by the death or extermination of the criminals (Leviticus 20:11-12, Leviticus 20:14, Leviticus 20:17), on account of their being accursed crimes (Deuteronomy 23:1; Deuteronomy 27:20, Deuteronomy 27:22-23). On the other hand, the only threat held out in the case of the connection mentioned under Nos. 6, 7, and 9, was that those who committed such crimes should bear their iniquity, or die childless (Leviticus 20:19-21). The cases noticed under Nos. 4 and 5 are passed over in ch. 20, though they no doubt belonged to the crimes which were to be punished with death, and No. 11, for which no punishment was fixed, because the wrong had been already pointed out in Leviticus 18:18.

(Note: The marriage laws and customs were much more lax among the Gentiles. With the Egyptians it was lawful to marry sisters and half-sisters ( Diod. Sic. i. 27), and the licentiousness of the women was very great among them (see at Genesis 39:6.). With the Persians marriage was allowed with mother, daughter, and sister ( Clem. Al. strom. iii. p. 431; Eusebii praep. ev. vi. 10); and this is also said to have been the case with the Medians, Indians, and Ethiopians, as well as with the Assyrians ( Jerome adv. Jovin . ii. 7; Lucian, Sacriff . 5); whereas the Greeks and Romans abhorred such marriages, and the Athenians and Spartans only permitted marriages with half-sisters (cf. Selden de jure nat. et gent . v. 11, pp. 619ff.). The ancient Arabs, before the time of Mohammed, were very strict in this respect, and would not allow of marriage with a mother, daughter, or aunt on either the father's or mother's side, or with two sisters at the same time. The only cases on record of marriage between brothers and sisters are among the Arabs of Marbat ( Seetzen, Zach's Mon. Corresp. Oct. 1809). This custom Mohammed raised into a law, and extended it to nieces, nurses, foster-sisters, etc. ( Koran, Sure iv. 20ff.).)

Elaborate commentaries upon this chapter are to be found in Michaelis Abhandl. über die Ehegesetze Mosis, and his Mos. Recht; also in Saalschütz Mos. Recth. See also my Archäologie ii. p. 108. For the rabbinical laws and those of the Talmud, see Selden oxur ebr. lib. 1, c. 1ff., and Saalschütz ut sup .

The enumeration of the different cases commences in Leviticus 18:7 very appropriately with the prohibition of incest with a mother. Sexual connection with a mother is called “uncovering the nakedness of father and mother.” As husband and wife are one flesh (Genesis 2:24), the nakedness of the husband is uncovered in that of his wife, or, as it is described in Deuteronomy 22:30; Deuteronomy 27:20, the wing, i.e., the edge, of the bedclothes of the father's bed, as the husband spreads his bedclothes over his wife as well as himself (Ruth 3:9). For, strictly speaking, ערוה גּלּה is only used with reference to the wife; but in the dishonouring of his wife the honour of the husband is violated also, and his bed defiled, Genesis 49:4. It is wrong, therefore, to interpret the verse, as Jonathan and Clericus do, as relating to carnal intercourse between a daughter and father. Not only is this at variance with the circumstance that all these laws are intended for the man alone, and addressed expressly to him, but also with Leviticus 18:8, where the nakedness of the father's wife is distinctly called the father's shame.

Verse 8

Intercourse with a father's wife, i.e., with a step-mother, is forbidden as uncovering the father's nakedness; since a father's wife stood in blood-relationship only to the son whose mother she was. But for the father's sake her nakedness was to be inaccessible to the son, and uncovering it was to be punished with death as incest (Leviticus 20:11; Deuteronomy 27:20). By the “father's wife” we are probably to understand not merely his full lawful wife, but his concubine also, since the father's bed was defiled in the latter case no less than in the former (Genesis 49:4), and an accursed crime was committed, the punishment of which was death. At all events, it cannot be inferred from Leviticus 19:20-22 and Exodus 21:9, as Knobel supposes, that a milder punishment was inflicted in this case.

Verse 9

By the sister, the daughter of father or mother, we are to understand only the step-or half-sister, who had either the same father or the same mother as the brother had. The clause, “ whether born at home or born abroad, ” does not refer to legitimate or illegitimate birth, but is to be taken as a more precise definition of the words, daughter of thy father or of thy mother, and understood, as Lud. de Dieu supposes, as referring to the half-sister “of the first marriage, whether the father's daughter left by a deceased wife, or the mother's daughter left by a deceased husband,” so that the person marrying her would be a son by a second marriage. Sexual intercourse with a half-sister is described as חסד in Leviticus 20:17, and threatened with extermination. This word generally signifies sparing love, favour, grace; but here, as in Proverbs 14:34, it means dishonour, shame, from the Piel חסּד , to dishonour.

Verse 10

The prohibition of marriage with a granddaughter, whether the daughter of a son or daughter, is explained in the words, “for they are thy nakedness,” the meaning of which is, that as they were directly descended from the grandfather, carnal intercourse with them would be equivalent to dishonouring his own flesh and blood.

Verse 11

The daughter of thy father's wife (i.e., thy step-mother), born to thy father, ” is the half-sister by a second marriage; and the prohibition refers to the son by a first marriage, whereas Leviticus 18:9 treats of the son by a second marriage. The notion that the man's own mother is also included, and that the prohibition includes marriage with a full sister, is at variance with the usage of the expression “thy father's wife.”

Verse 12-13

Marriage or conjugal intercourse with the sister of either father or mother (i.e., with either the paternal or maternal aunt) was prohibited, because she was the blood-relation of the father or mother. שׁאר = בּשׂר שׁאר (Leviticus 18:6, as in Leviticus 20:19; Leviticus 21:2; Numbers 27:11), hence שׁארה , blood-relationship (Leviticus 18:17).

Verse 14

So, again, with the wife of the father's brother, because the nakedness of the uncle was thereby uncovered. The threat held out in Leviticus 20:19 and Leviticus 20:20 against the alliances prohibited in Leviticus 18:12-14, is that the persons concerned should bear their iniquity or sin, i.e., should suffer punishment in consequence (see at Leviticus 5:1); and in the last case it is stated that they should die childless. From this it is obvious that sexual connection with the sister of either father or mother was not to be punished with death by the magistrate, but would be punished with disease by God Himself.

Verse 15

Sexual connection with a daughter-in-law, a son's wife, is called תּבל in Leviticus 20:12, and threatened with death to both the parties concerned. תּבל , from בּלל to mix, to confuse, signifies a sinful mixing up or confusing of the divine ordinances by unnatural unchastity, like the lying of a woman with a beast, which is the only other connection in which the word occurs (Leviticus 18:23).

Verse 16

Marriage with a brother's wife was a sin against the brother's nakedness, a sexual defilement, which God would punish with barrenness. This prohibition, however, only refers to cases in which the deceased brother had left children; for if he had died childless, the brother not only might, but was required to marry his sister-in-law (Deuteronomy 25:5).

Verse 17

Marriage with a woman and her daughter, whether both together or in succession, is described in Deuteronomy 27:20 as an accursed lying with the mother-in-law; whereas here it is the relation to the step-daughter which is primarily referred to, as we may see from the parallel prohibition, which is added, against taking the daughter of her son or daughter, i.e., the granddaughter-in-law. Both of these were crimes against blood-relationship which were to be punished with death in the case of both parties (Leviticus 20:14), because they were “wickedness,” זמּה , lit., invention, design, here applied to the crime of licentiousness and whoredom (Leviticus 19:29; Judges 20:6; Job 31:11).

Verse 18

Lastly, it was forbidden to take a wife to her sister ( עליה upon her, as in Genesis 28:9; Genesis 31:50) in her life-time, that is to say, to marry two sisters at the same time, לצרר “to pack together, to uncover this nakedness,” i.e., to pack both together into one marriage bond, and so place the sisters in carnal union through their common husband, and disturb the sisterly relation, as the marriage with two sisters that was forced upon Jacob had evidently done. No punishment is fixed for the marriage with two sisters; and, of course, after the death of the first wife a man was at liberty to marry her sister.

Verses 19-23

Prohibition of other kinds of unchastity and of unnatural crimes . - Leviticus 18:19 prohibits intercourse with a woman during her uncleanness. טמאה נדּת signifies the uncleanness of a woman's hemorrhage, whether menstruation or after childbirth, which is called in Leviticus 12:7; Leviticus 20:18, the fountain of bleeding. The guilty persons were both of them to be cut off from their nation according to Leviticus 20:18, i.e., to be punished with death.

Leviticus 18:20

“To a neighbour's wife thou shalt not give שׁכבתּך thy pouring as seed” (i.e., make her pregnant), “to defile thyself with her,” viz., by the emissio seminis (Leviticus 15:16-17), a defilement which was to be punished as adultery by the stoning to death of both parties (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22, cf. John 9:5).

Leviticus 18:21

To bodily unchastity there is appended a prohibition of spiritual whoredom. “ Thou shalt not give of thy seed to cause to pass through (sc., the fire; Deuteronomy 18:10) for Moloch .” המּלך is constantly written with the article: it is rendered by the lxx ἄρχων both here and in Leviticus 20:2., but ὁ Μολόχ βασιλεύς in other places (2 Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 32:35). Moloch was an old Canaanitish idol, called by the Phoenicians and Carthaginians Melkarth, Baal-melech, Malcom, and other such names, and related to Baal, a sun-god worshipped, like Kronos and Saturn , by the sacrifice of children. It was represented by a brazen statue, which was hollow and capable of being heated, and formed with a bull's head, and arms stretched out to receive the children to be sacrificed. From the time of Ahaz children were slain at Jerusalem in the valley of Ben-hinnom, and then sacrificed by being laid in the heated arms and burned (Ezekiel 16:20-21; Ezekiel 20:31; Jeremiah 32:35; 2 Kings 23:10; 2 Kings 16:3; 2 Kings 17:17; 2 Kings 21:6, cf. Psalms 106:37-38). Now although this offering of children in the valley of Ben-hinnom is called a “slaughtering” by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 16:21), and a “burning through (in the) fire” by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 7:31), and although, in the times of the later kings, children were actually given up to Moloch and burned as slain-offerings, even among the Israelites; it by no means follows from this, that “passing through to Moloch,” or “passing through the fire,” or “passing through the fire to Moloch” (2 Kings 23:10), signified slaughtering and burning with fire, though this has been almost unanimously assumed since the time of Clericus . But according to the unanimous explanation of the Rabbins, fathers, and earlier theologians, “causing to pass through the fire” denoted primarily going through the fire without burning, a februation, or purification through fire, by which the children were consecrated to Moloch; a kind of fire-baptism, which preceded the sacrificing, and was performed, particularly in olden time, without actual sacrificing, or slaying and burning. For februation was practised among the most different nations without being connected with human sacrifices; and, like most of the idolatrous rites of the heathen, no doubt the worship of Moloch assumed different forms at different times and among different nations. If the Israelites had really sacrificed their children to Moloch, i.e., had slain and burned them, before the time of Ahaz, the burning would certainly have been mentioned before; for Solomon had built a high place upon the mountain to the east of Jerusalem for Moloch, the abomination of the children of Ammon, to please his foreign wives (1 Kings 11:7 : see the Art. Moloch in Herzog's Cycl.). This idolatrous worship was to be punished with death by stoning, as a desecration of the name of Jehovah, and a defiling of His sanctuary (Leviticus 20:3), i.e., as a practical contempt of the manifestations of the grace of the living God (Leviticus 20:2-3).

Leviticus 18:22-23

Lastly, it was forbidden to “lie with mankind as with womankind,” i.e., to commit the crime of paederastia , that sin of Sodom (Genesis 19:5), to which the whole of the heathen were more or less addicted (Romans 1:27), and from which even the Israelites did not keep themselves free (Judges 19:22.); or to “lie with any beast.” “Into no beast shalt thou give thine emission of seed,...and a woman shall not place herself before a beast to lie down thereto.” רבע = רבץ “to lie,” is the term used particularly to denote a crime of this description (Leviticus 20:13 and Leviticus 20:15, Leviticus 20:16, cf. Exodus 22:18). Lying with animals was connected in Egypt with the worship of the goat; at Mendes especially, where the women lay down before he-goats ( Herodotus , 2, 46; Strabo , 17, p. 802). Aelian (nat. an. vii. 19) relates an account of the crime being also committed with a dog in Rome; and according to Sonnini , R. 11, p. 330, in modern Egypt men are said to lie even with female crocodiles.

Verses 24-30

In the concluding exhortation God pointed expressly to the fact, that the nations which He was driving out before the Israelites (the participle משׁלּח is used of that which is certainly and speedily coming to pass) had defiled the land by such abominations as those, that He had visited their iniquity and the land had spat out its inhabitants, and warned the Israelites to beware of these abominations, that the land might not spit them out as it had the Canaanites before them. The pret. ותּקא (Leviticus 18:25) and קאה (Leviticus 18:28) are prophetic (cf. Leviticus 20:22-23), and the expression is poetical. The land is personified as a living creature, which violently rejects food that it dislikes. “ Hoc enim tropo vult significare Scriptura enormitatem criminum, quod scilicet ipsae creaturae irrationales suo creatori semper obedientes et pro illo pugnantes detestentur peccatores tales eosque terra quasi evomat, cum illi expelluntur ab ea ” ( C. a Lap. ).