Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 2 » Verse 9

Leviticus 2:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And the priest H3548 shall take H7311 from the meat offering H4503 a memorial H234 thereof, and shall burn H6999 it upon the altar: H4196 it is an offering made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Leviticus 2:2 STRONG

And he shall bring H935 it to Aaron's H175 sons H1121 the priests: H3548 and he shall take H7061 thereout H8033 his handful H7062 H4393 of the flour H5560 thereof, and of the oil H8081 thereof, with all the frankincense H3828 thereof; and the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 the memorial H234 of it upon the altar, H4196 to be an offering made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD: H3068

Leviticus 6:15 STRONG

And he shall take H7311 of it his handful, H7062 of the flour H5560 of the meat offering, H4503 and of the oil H8081 thereof, and all the frankincense H3828 which is upon the meat offering, H4503 and shall burn H6999 it upon the altar H4196 for a sweet H5207 savour, H7381 even the memorial H234 of it, unto the LORD. H3068

Philippians 4:18 STRONG

But G1161 I have G568 all, G3956 and G2532 abound: G4052 I am full, G4137 having received G1209 of G3844 Epaphroditus G1891 the things which were sent from G3844 you, G5216 an odour G3744 of a sweet smell, G2175 a sacrifice G2378 acceptable, G1184 wellpleasing G2101 to God. G2316

Exodus 29:18 STRONG

And thou shalt burn H6999 the whole ram H352 upon the altar: H4196 it is a burnt offering H5930 unto the LORD: H3068 it is a sweet H5207 savour, H7381 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068

Romans 15:16 STRONG

That I G3165 should be G1519 G1511 the minister G3011 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 to G1519 the Gentiles, G1484 ministering G2418 the gospel G2098 of God, G2316 that G2443 the offering up G4376 of the Gentiles G1484 might be G1096 acceptable, G2144 being sanctified G37 by G1722 the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151

Ephesians 5:2 STRONG

And G2532 walk G4043 in G1722 love, G26 as G2531 Christ G5547 also G2532 hath loved G25 us, G2248 and G2532 hath given G3860 himself G1438 for G5228 us G2257 an offering G4376 and G2532 a sacrifice G2378 to God G2316 for G1519 a sweetsmelling G2175 savour. G3744

Philippians 2:17 STRONG

Yea, G235 and if G1499 I be offered G4689 upon G1909 the sacrifice G2378 and G2532 service G3009 of your G5216 faith, G4102 I joy, G5463 and G2532 rejoice with G4796 you G5213 all. G3956

Psalms 22:13-14 STRONG

They gaped H6475 upon me with their mouths, H6310 as a ravening H2963 and a roaring H7580 lion. H738 I am poured out H8210 like water, H4325 and all my bones H6106 are out of joint: H6504 my heart H3820 is like wax; H1749 it is melted H4549 in the midst H8432 of my bowels. H4578

Isaiah 53:10 STRONG

Yet it pleased H2654 the LORD H3068 to bruise H1792 him; he hath put him to grief: H2470 when thou shalt make H7760 his soul H5315 an offering for sin, H817 he shall see H7200 his seed, H2233 he shall prolong H748 his days, H3117 and the pleasure H2656 of the LORD H3068 shall prosper H6743 in his hand. H3027

Zechariah 13:7 STRONG

Awake, H5782 O sword, H2719 against my shepherd, H7462 and against the man H1397 that is my fellow, H5997 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 smite H5221 the shepherd, H7462 and the sheep H6629 shall be scattered: H6327 and I will turn H7725 mine hand H3027 upon the little ones. H6819

Zechariah 13:9 STRONG

And I will bring H935 the third part H7992 through the fire, H784 and will refine H6884 them as silver H3701 is refined, H6884 and will try H974 them as gold H2091 is tried: H974 they shall call H7121 on my name, H8034 and I will hear H6030 them: I will say, H559 It is my people: H5971 and they shall say, H559 The LORD H3068 is my God. H430

Romans 12:1 STRONG

I beseech G3870 you G5209 therefore, G3767 brethren, G80 by G1223 the mercies G3628 of God, G2316 that ye present G3936 your G5216 bodies G4983 a living G2198 sacrifice, G2378 holy, G40 acceptable G2101 unto God, G2316 which is your G5216 reasonable G3050 service. G2999

Commentary on Leviticus 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 2:1-16. The Meat Offerings.

1. when any will offer a meat offering—or gift—distinguishing a bloodless from a bloody sacrifice. The word "meat," however, is improper, as its meaning as now used is different from that attached at the date of our English translation. It was then applied not to "flesh," but "food," generally, and here it is applied to the flour of wheat. The meat offerings were intended as a thankful acknowledgment for the bounty of Providence; and hence, although meat offerings accompanied some of the appointed sacrifices, those here described being voluntary oblations, were offered alone.

pour oil upon it—Oil was used as butter is with us; symbolically it meant the influences of the Spirit, of which oil was the emblem, as incense was of prayer.

2. shall burn the memorial—rather, "for a memorial"; that is, a part of it.

3. the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons'—The circumstance of a portion of it being appropriated to the use of the priests distinguishes this from a burnt offering. They alone were to partake of it within the sacred precincts, as among "the most holy things."

4. if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven—generally a circular hole excavated in the floor, from one to five feet deep, the sides of which are covered with hardened plaster, on which cakes are baked of the form and thickness of pancakes. (See on Ge 18:6). The shape of Eastern ovens varies considerably according to the nomadic or settled habits of the people.

5. baken in a pan—a thin plate, generally of copper or iron, placed on a slow fire, similar to what the country people in Scotland called a "girdle" for baking oatmeal cakes.

6. part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon—Pouring oil on bread is a common practice among Eastern people, who are fond of broken bread dipped in oil, butter, and milk. Oil only was used in the meat offerings, and probably for a symbolic reason. It is evident that these meat offerings were previously prepared by the offerer, and when brought, the priest was to take it from his hands and burn a portion on the altar.

11. ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey, in any offering of the Lord—Nothing sweet or sour was to be offered. In the warm climates of the East leavened bread soon spoils, and hence it was regarded as the emblem of hypocrisy or corruption. Some, however, think that the prohibition was that leaven and honey were used in the idolatrous rites of the heathen.

12. the oblation of the first-fruits—voluntary offerings made by individuals out of their increase, and leaven and honey might be used with these (Le 23:17; Nu 15:20). Though presented at the altar, they were not consumed, but assigned by God for the use of the priests.

13. every … meat offering shalt thou season with salt—The same reasons which led to the prohibition of leaven, recommended the use of salt—if the one soon putrefies, the other possesses a strongly preservative property, and hence it became an emblem of incorruption and purity, as well as of a perpetual covenant—a perfect reconciliation and lasting friendship. No injunction in the whole law was more sacredly observed than this application of salt; for besides other uses of it that will be noticed elsewhere, it had a typical meaning referred to by our Lord concerning the effect of the Gospel on those who embrace it (Mr 9:49, 50); as when plentifully applied it preserves meat from spoiling, so will the Gospel keep men from being corrupted by sin. And as salt was indispensable to render sacrifices acceptable to God, so the Gospel, brought home to the hearts of men by the Holy Ghost, is indispensably requisite to their offering up of themselves as living sacrifices [Brown].

14. a meat offering of thy first-fruits—From the mention of "green ears," this seems to have been a voluntary offering before the harvest—the ears being prepared in the favorite way of Eastern people, by parching them at the fire, and then beating them out for use. It was designed to be an early tribute of pious thankfulness for the earth's increase, and it was offered according to the usual directions.