Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 21 » Verse 12

Leviticus 21:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 Neither shall he go out H3318 of the sanctuary, H4720 nor profane H2490 the sanctuary H4720 of his God; H430 for the crown H5145 of the anointing H4888 oil H8081 of his God H430 is upon him: I am the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Leviticus 10:7 STRONG

And ye shall not go out H3318 from the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 lest ye die: H4191 for the anointing H4888 oil H8081 of the LORD H3068 is upon you. And they did H6213 according to the word H1697 of Moses. H4872

Exodus 29:6-7 STRONG

And thou shalt put H7760 the mitre H4701 upon his head, H7218 and put H5414 the holy H6944 crown H5145 upon the mitre. H4701 Then shalt thou take H3947 the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and pour H3332 it upon his head, H7218 and anoint H4886 him.

Leviticus 8:30 STRONG

And Moses H4872 took H3947 of the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and of the blood H1818 which was upon the altar, H4196 and sprinkled H5137 it upon Aaron, H175 and upon his garments, H899 and upon his sons, H1121 and upon his sons' H1121 garments H899 with him; and sanctified H6942 Aaron, H175 and his garments, H899 and his sons, H1121 and his sons' H1121 garments H899 with him.

Exodus 28:36 STRONG

And thou shalt make H6213 a plate H6731 of pure H2889 gold, H2091 and grave H6605 upon it, like the engravings H6603 of a signet, H2368 HOLINESS H6944 TO THE LORD. H3068

Leviticus 8:9-12 STRONG

And he put H7760 the mitre H4701 upon his head; H7218 also upon the mitre, H4701 even upon his forefront, H6440 H4136 did he put H7760 the golden H2091 plate, H6731 the holy H6944 crown; H5145 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872 And Moses H4872 took H3947 the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and anointed H4886 the tabernacle H4908 and all that was therein, and sanctified H6942 them. And he sprinkled H5137 thereof upon the altar H4196 seven H7651 times, H6471 and anointed H4886 the altar H4196 and all his vessels, H3627 both the laver H3595 and his foot, H3653 to sanctify H6942 them. And he poured H3332 of the anointing H4888 oil H8081 upon Aaron's H175 head, H7218 and anointed H4886 him, to sanctify H6942 him.

Isaiah 61:1 STRONG

The Spirit H7307 of the Lord H136 GOD H3069 is upon me; because the LORD H3068 hath anointed H4886 me to preach good tidings H1319 unto the meek; H6035 he hath sent H7971 me to bind up H2280 the brokenhearted, H7665 H3820 to proclaim H7121 liberty H1865 to the captives, H7617 and the opening of the prison H6495 to them that are bound; H631

Acts 10:38 STRONG

How G5613 God G2316 anointed G5548 Jesus G2424 of G575 Nazareth G3478 with the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 and G2532 with power: G1411 who G846 G3739 went about G1330 doing good, G2109 and G2532 healing G2390 all G3956 that were oppressed G2616 of G5259 the devil; G1228 for G3754 God G2316 was G2258 with G3326 him. G846

Commentary on Leviticus 21 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 21:1-24. Of the Priests' Mourning.

1. There shall none be defiled for the dead among his people—The obvious design of the regulations contained in this chapter was to keep inviolate the purity and dignity of the sacred office. Contact with a corpse, or even contiguity to the place where it lay, entailing ceremonial defilement (Nu 19:14), all mourners were debarred from the tabernacle for a week; and as the exclusion of a priest during that period would have been attended with great inconvenience, the whole order were enjoined to abstain from all approaches to the dead, except at the funerals of relatives, to whom affection or necessity might call them to perform the last offices. Those exceptional cases, which are specified, were strictly confined to the members of their own family, within the nearest degrees of kindred.

4. But he shall not defile himself—"for any other," as the sense may be fully expressed. "The priest, in discharging his sacred functions, might well be regarded as a chief man among his people, and by these defilements might be said to profane himself" [Bishop Patrick]. The word rendered "chief man" signifies also "a husband"; and the sense according to others is, "But he being a husband, shall not defile himself by the obsequies of a wife" (Eze 44:25).

5. They shall not make baldness upon their heads … nor … cuttings in their flesh—The superstitious marks of sorrow, as well as the violent excesses in which the heathen indulged at the death of their friends, were forbidden by a general law to the Hebrew people (Le 19:28). But the priests were to be laid under a special injunction, not only that they might exhibit examples of piety in the moderation of their grief, but also by the restraint of their passions, be the better qualified to administer the consolations of religion to others, and show, by their faith in a blessed resurrection, the reasons for sorrowing not as those who have no hope.

7-9. They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane—Private individuals might form several connections, which were forbidden as inexpedient or improper in priests. The respectability of their office, and the honor of religion, required unblemished sanctity in their families as well as themselves, and departures from it in their case were visited with severer punishment than in that of others.

10-15. he that is the high priest among his brethren … shall not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes—The indulgence in the excepted cases of family bereavement, mentioned above [Le 21:2, 3], which was granted to the common priests, was denied to him; for his absence from the sanctuary for the removal of any contracted defilement could not have been dispensed with, neither could he have acted as intercessor for the people, unless ceremonially clean. Moreover, the high dignity of his office demanded a corresponding superiority in personal holiness, and stringent rules were prescribed for the purpose of upholding the suitable dignity of his station and family. The same rules are extended to the families of Christian ministers (1Ti 3:2; Tit 1:6).

16-24. Whosoever he be … hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God—As visible things exert a strong influence on the minds of men, any physical infirmity or malformation of body in the ministers of religion, which disturbs the associations or excites ridicule, tends to detract from the weight and authority of the sacred office. Priests laboring under any personal defect were not allowed to officiate in the public service; they might be employed in some inferior duties about the sanctuary but could not perform any sacred office. In all these regulations for preserving the unsullied purity of the sacred character and office, there was a typical reference to the priesthood of Christ (Heb 7:26).