Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 26 » Verse 31

Leviticus 26:31 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

31 And I will make H5414 your cities H5892 waste, H2723 and bring H8074 your sanctuaries H4720 unto desolation, H8074 and I will not smell H7306 the savour H7381 of your sweet odours. H5207

Cross Reference

Nehemiah 2:3 STRONG

And said H559 unto the king, H4428 Let the king H4428 live H2421 for ever: H5769 why should not my countenance H6440 be sad, H3415 when the city, H5892 the place H1004 of my fathers' H1 sepulchres, H6913 lieth waste, H2720 and the gates H8179 thereof are consumed H398 with fire? H784

Hebrews 10:26 STRONG

For G1063 if we G2257 sin G264 wilfully G1596 after G3326 that we have received G2983 the knowledge G1922 of the truth, G225 there remaineth G620 no more G3765 sacrifice G2378 for G4012 sins, G266

Amos 5:21-23 STRONG

I hate, H8130 I despise H3988 your feast days, H2282 and I will not smell H7306 in your solemn assemblies. H6116 Though ye offer H5927 me burnt offerings H5930 and your meat offerings, H4503 I will not accept H7521 them: neither will I regard H5027 the peace offerings H8002 of your fat beasts. H4806 Take thou away H5493 from me the noise H1995 of thy songs; H7892 for I will not hear H8085 the melody H2172 of thy viols. H5035

Ezekiel 9:6 STRONG

Slay H2026 utterly H4889 old H2205 and young, H970 both maids, H1330 and little children, H2945 and women: H802 but come not near H5066 any man H376 upon whom is the mark; H8420 and begin H2490 at my sanctuary. H4720 Then they began H2490 at the ancient H2205 men H582 which were before H6440 the house. H1004

Lamentations 2:7 STRONG

The Lord H136 hath cast off H2186 his altar, H4196 he hath abhorred H5010 his sanctuary, H4720 he hath given up H5462 into the hand H3027 of the enemy H341 the walls H2346 of her palaces; H759 they have made H5414 a noise H6963 in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 as in the day H3117 of a solemn feast. H4150

Lamentations 1:10 STRONG

The adversary H6862 hath spread out H6566 his hand H3027 upon all her pleasant things: H4261 for she hath seen H7200 that the heathen H1471 entered H935 into her sanctuary, H4720 whom thou didst command H6680 that they should not enter H935 into thy congregation. H6951

Jeremiah 4:7 STRONG

The lion H738 is come up H5927 from his thicket, H5441 and the destroyer H7843 of the Gentiles H1471 is on his way; H5265 he is gone forth H3318 from his place H4725 to make H7760 thy land H776 desolate; H8047 and thy cities H5892 shall be laid waste, H5327 without an inhabitant. H3427

Isaiah 1:11-14 STRONG

To what H4100 purpose is the multitude H7230 of your sacrifices H2077 unto me? saith H559 the LORD: H3068 I am full H7646 of the burnt offerings H5930 of rams, H352 and the fat H2459 of fed beasts; H4806 and I delight H2654 not in the blood H1818 of bullocks, H6499 or of lambs, H3532 or of he goats. H6260 When ye come H935 to appear H7200 before H6440 me, who hath required H1245 this at your hand, H3027 to tread H7429 my courts? H2691 Bring H935 no more H3254 vain H7723 oblations; H4503 incense H7004 is an abomination H8441 unto me; the new moons H2320 and sabbaths, H7676 the calling H7121 of assemblies, H4744 I cannot away with; H3201 it is iniquity, H205 even the solemn meeting. H6116 Your new moons H2320 and your appointed feasts H4150 my soul H5315 hateth: H8130 they are a trouble H2960 unto me; I am weary H3811 to bear H5375 them.

2 Kings 25:4-10 STRONG

And the city H5892 was broken up, H1234 and all the men H582 of war H4421 fled by night H3915 by the way H1870 of the gate H8179 between two walls, H2346 which is by the king's H4428 garden: H1588 (now the Chaldees H3778 were against the city H5892 round about:) H5439 and the king went H3212 the way H1870 toward the plain. H6160 And the army H2428 of the Chaldees H3778 pursued H7291 after H310 the king, H4428 and overtook H5381 him in the plains H6160 of Jericho: H3405 and all his army H2428 were scattered H6327 from him. So they took H8610 the king, H4428 and brought him up H5927 to the king H4428 of Babylon H894 to Riblah; H7247 and they gave H1696 judgment H4941 upon him. And they slew H7819 the sons H1121 of Zedekiah H6667 before his eyes, H5869 and put out H5786 the eyes H5869 of Zedekiah, H6667 and bound H631 him with fetters H5178 of brass, H5178 and carried H935 him to Babylon. H894 And in the fifth H2549 month, H2320 on the seventh H7651 day of the month, H2320 which is the nineteenth H8672 H6240 H8141 year H8141 of king H4428 Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon, H894 came H935 Nebuzaradan, H5018 captain H7227 of the guard, H2876 a servant H5650 of the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 unto Jerusalem: H3389 And he burnt H8313 the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the king's H4428 house, H1004 and all the houses H1004 of Jerusalem, H3389 and every great H1419 man's house H1004 burnt H8313 he with fire. H784 And all the army H2428 of the Chaldees, H3778 that were with the captain H7227 of the guard, H2876 brake down H5422 the walls H2346 of Jerusalem H3389 round about. H5439

Ezekiel 21:15 STRONG

I have set H5414 the point H19 of the sword H2719 against all their gates, H8179 that their heart H3820 may faint, H4127 and their ruins H4383 be multiplied: H7235 ah! H253 it is made H6213 bright, H1300 it is wrapped up H4593 for the slaughter. H2874

Acts 6:14 STRONG

For G1063 we have heard G191 him G846 say, G3004 that G3754 this G5126 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth G3480 shall destroy G2647 this G3778 place, G5117 and G2532 shall change G236 the customs G1485 which G3739 Moses G3475 delivered G3860 us. G2254

Luke 21:24 STRONG

And G2532 they shall fall G4098 by the edge G4750 of the sword, G3162 and G2532 shall be led away captive G163 into G1519 all G3956 nations: G1484 and G2532 Jerusalem G2419 shall be G2071 trodden down G3961 of G5259 the Gentiles, G1484 until G891 the times G2540 of the Gentiles G1484 be fulfilled. G4137

Luke 21:5-6 STRONG

And G2532 as some G5100 spake G3004 of G4012 the temple, G2411 how G3754 it was adorned G2885 with goodly G2570 stones G3037 and G2532 gifts, G334 he said, G2036 As for these things G5023 which G3739 ye behold, G2334 the days G2250 will come, G2064 in G1722 the which G3739 there shall G863 not G3756 be left G863 one stone G3037 upon G1909 another, G3037 that G3739 shall G2647 not G3756 be thrown down. G2647

Matthew 24:1-2 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 went out, G1831 and departed G4198 from G575 the temple: G2411 and G2532 his G846 disciples G3101 came G4334 to him for to shew G1925 him G846 the buildings G3619 of the temple. G2411 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 See ye G991 not G3756 all G3956 these things? G5023 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 There shall G863 not G3364 be left G863 here G5602 one stone G3037 upon G1909 another, G3037 that G3739 shall G2647 not G3364 be thrown down. G2647

Micah 3:12 STRONG

Therefore shall Zion H6726 for your sake H1558 be plowed H2790 as a field, H7704 and Jerusalem H3389 shall become heaps, H5856 and the mountain H2022 of the house H1004 as the high places H1116 of the forest. H3293

Ezekiel 24:21 STRONG

Speak H559 unto the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will profane H2490 my sanctuary, H4720 the excellency H1347 of your strength, H5797 the desire H4261 of your eyes, H5869 and that which your soul H5315 pitieth; H4263 and your sons H1121 and your daughters H1323 whom ye have left H5800 shall fall H5307 by the sword. H2719

Genesis 8:21 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 smelled H7306 a sweet H5207 savour; H7381 and the LORD H3068 said H559 in H413 his heart, H3820 I will not again H3254 curse H7043 the ground H127 any more for man's H120 sake; H5668 for the imagination H3336 of man's H120 heart H3820 is evil H7451 from his youth; H5271 neither will I again H3254 smite H5221 any more every thing living, H2416 as I have done. H6213

Ezekiel 21:7 STRONG

And it shall be, when they say H559 unto thee, Wherefore sighest H584 thou? that thou shalt answer, H559 For the tidings; H8052 because it cometh: H935 and every heart H3820 shall melt, H4549 and all hands H3027 shall be feeble, H7503 and every spirit H7307 shall faint, H3543 and all knees H1290 shall be weak H3212 as water: H4325 behold, it cometh, H935 and shall be brought to pass, H1961 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Ezekiel 6:6 STRONG

In all your dwellingplaces H4186 the cities H5892 shall be laid waste, H2717 and the high places H1116 shall be desolate; H3456 that your altars H4196 may be laid waste H2717 and made desolate, H816 and your idols H1544 may be broken H7665 and cease, H7673 and your images H2553 may be cut down, H1438 and your works H4639 may be abolished. H4229

Lamentations 1:1 STRONG

How doth the city H5892 sit H3427 solitary, H910 that was full H7227 of people! H5971 how is she become as a widow! H490 she that was great H7227 among the nations, H1471 and princess H8282 among the provinces, H4082 how is she become tributary! H4522

Jeremiah 52:13 STRONG

And burned H8313 the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the king's H4428 house; H1004 and all the houses H1004 of Jerusalem, H3389 and all the houses H1004 of the great H1419 men, burned H8313 he with fire: H784

Jeremiah 26:9 STRONG

Why hast thou prophesied H5012 in the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 This house H1004 shall be like Shiloh, H7887 and this city H5892 shall be desolate H2717 without an inhabitant? H3427 And all the people H5971 were gathered H6950 against Jeremiah H3414 in the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 26:6 STRONG

Then will I make H5414 this house H1004 like Shiloh, H7887 and will make H5414 this city H5892 a curse H7045 to all the nations H1471 of the earth. H776

Jeremiah 22:5 STRONG

But if ye will not hear H8085 these words, H1697 I swear H7650 by myself, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that this house H1004 shall become a desolation. H2723

Jeremiah 9:11 STRONG

And I will make H5414 Jerusalem H3389 heaps, H1530 and a den H4583 of dragons; H8577 and I will make H5414 the cities H5892 of Judah H3063 desolate, H8077 without an inhabitant. H3427

Isaiah 66:3 STRONG

He that killeth H7819 an ox H7794 is as if he slew H5221 a man; H376 he that sacrificeth H2076 a lamb, H7716 as if he cut off H6202 a dog's H3611 neck; H6202 he that offereth H5927 an oblation, H4503 as if he offered swine's H2386 blood; H1818 he that burneth H2142 incense, H3828 as if he blessed H1288 an idol. H205 Yea, they have chosen H977 their own ways, H1870 and their soul H5315 delighteth H2654 in their abominations. H8251

Isaiah 24:10-12 STRONG

The city H7151 of confusion H8414 is broken down: H7665 every house H1004 is shut up, H5462 that no man may come in. H935 There is a crying H6682 for wine H3196 in the streets; H2351 all joy H8057 is darkened, H6150 the mirth H4885 of the land H776 is gone. H1540 In the city H5892 is left H7604 desolation, H8047 and the gate H8179 is smitten H3807 with destruction. H7591

Isaiah 1:7 STRONG

Your country H776 is desolate, H8077 your cities H5892 are burned H8313 with fire: H784 your land, H127 strangers H2114 devour H398 it in your presence, and it is desolate, H8077 as overthrown H4114 by strangers. H2114

Psalms 74:3-8 STRONG

Lift up H7311 thy feet H6471 unto the perpetual H5331 desolations; H4876 even all that the enemy H341 hath done wickedly H7489 in the sanctuary. H6944 Thine enemies H6887 roar H7580 in the midst H7130 of thy congregations; H4150 they set up H7760 their ensigns H226 for signs. H226 A man was famous H3045 according as he had lifted up H935 H4605 axes H7134 upon the thick H5442 trees. H6086 But now they break down H1986 the carved work H6603 thereof at once H3162 with axes H3781 and hammers. H3597 They have cast H7971 fire H784 into thy sanctuary, H4720 they have defiled H2490 by casting down the dwelling place H4908 of thy name H8034 to the ground. H776 They said H559 in their hearts, H3820 Let us destroy H3238 them together: H3162 they have burned up H8313 all the synagogues H4150 of God H410 in the land. H776

Nehemiah 2:17 STRONG

Then said H559 I unto them, Ye see H7200 the distress H7451 that we are in, how Jerusalem H3389 lieth waste, H2720 and the gates H8179 thereof are burned H3341 with fire: H784 come, H3212 and let us build up H1129 the wall H2346 of Jerusalem, H3389 that we be no more a reproach. H2781

2 Chronicles 36:19 STRONG

And they burnt H8313 the house H1004 of God, H430 and brake down H5422 the wall H2346 of Jerusalem, H3389 and burnt H8313 all the palaces H759 thereof with fire, H784 and destroyed H7843 all the goodly H4261 vessels H3627 thereof.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Leviticus 26

Commentary on Leviticus 26 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Promises and Threats - Leviticus 26

Just as the book of the covenant, the kernel containing the fundamental principles of the covenant fellowship, which the Lord established with the children of Israel whom He had adopted as His nation, and the rule of life for the covenant nation (Ex 20:22-23:19), concluded with promises and threats (Exodus 23:20-33); so the giving of the law at Sinai, as the unfolding of the inner, spiritual side of the whole of the covenant constitution, closes in this chapter with an elaborate unfolding of the blessing which would be secured by a faithful observance of the laws, and the curse which would follow the transgression of them. But whilst the former promises and threats (Ex 23) related to the conquest of the promised land of Canaan, the promises in this chapter refer to the blessings which were to be bestowed upon Israel when the land was in their possession (Leviticus 26:3-13), and the threats to the judgments with which the Lord would visit His disobedient people in their inheritance, and in fact drive them out and scatter them among the heathen (vv. 14-39). When this had been done, then, as is still further proclaimed with a prophetic look into the distant future, would they feel remorse, acknowledge their sin to the Lord, and be once more received into favour by Him, the eternally faithful covenant God (Leviticus 26:40-45).

(Note: When modern critics, who are carried away by naturalism, maintain that Moses was not the author of these exhortations and warnings, because of their prophetic contents, and assign them to the times of the kings, the end of the eighth, or beginning of the seventh century (see Ewald , Gesch. i. 156), they have not considered, in their antipathy to any supernatural revelations from God in the Old Testament, that even apart from any higher illumination, the fundamental idea of these promises and threats must have presented itself to the mind of the lawgiver Moses. It required but a very little knowledge of the nature of the human heart, and a clear insight into the spiritual and ethical character of the law, to enable him to foresee that the earthly-minded, unholy nation would not fulfil the solemn demand of the law that their whole life should be sanctified to the Lord God, that they would transgress in many ways, and rebel against God and His holy laws, and therefore that in any case times of fidelity and the corresponding blessing would alternate with times of unfaithfulness and the corresponding curse, but that, for all that, at the end the grace of God would obtain the victory over the severely punished and deeply humbled nation, and bring the work of salvation to a glorious close. It is true, the concrete character of this chapter cannot be fully explained in this way, but it furnishes the clue to the psychological interpretation of the conception of this prophetic discourse, and shows us the subjective points of contact for the divine revelation which Moses has announced to us here. For, as Auberlen observes, “there is a marvellous and grand display of the greatness of God in the fact, that He holds out before the people, whom He has just delivered from the hands of the heathen and gathered round Himself, the prospect of being scattered again among the heathen, and that, even before the land is taken by the Israelites, He predicts its return to desolation. These words could only be spoken by One who has the future really before His mind, who sees through the whole depth of sin, and who can destroy His own work, and yet attain His end. But so much the more adorable and marvellous is the grace, which nevertheless begins its work among such sinners, and is certain of victory notwithstanding all retarding and opposing difficulties.” The peculiar character of this revelation, which must deeply have affected Moses, will explain the peculiarities observable in the style, viz., the heaping up of unusual words and modes of expression, several of which never occur again in the Old Testament, whilst others are only used by the prophets who followed the Pentateuch in their style.)

The blessings and curse of the law were impressed upon the hearts of the people in a still more comprehensive manner at the close of the whole law (Deut 28-30), and on the threshold of the promised land.

Verse 1-2

Leviticus 26:1 and Leviticus 26:2 form the introduction; and the essence of the whole law, the observance of which will bring a rich blessing, and the transgression of it severe judgments, is summed up in two leading commandments, and placed at the head of the blessing and curse which were to be proclaimed. Ye shall not make to you elilim , nugatory gods, and set up carved images and standing images for worship, but worship Jehovah your God with the observance of His Sabbaths, and fear before His sanctuary. The prohibition of elilim , according to Leviticus 19:4, calls to mind the fundamental law of the decalogue (Exodus 20:3-4, cf. Leviticus 21:23; Exodus 23:24-25). To pesel (cf. Exodus 20:4) and mazzebah (cf. Exodus 23:24), which were not to be set up, there is added the command not to put משׂכּית אבן , “figure-stones,” in the land, to worship over (by) them. The “figure-stone” is a stone formed into a figure, and idol of stone, not merely a stone with an inscription or with hieroglyphical figures; it is synonymous with משׂכּית in Numbers 33:52, and consequently we are to understand by pesel the wooden idol as in Isaiah 44:15, etc. The construction of השׁתּחוה with על may be explained on the ground that the worshipper of a stone image placed upon the ground rises above it (for על in this sense, see Genesis 18:2). - In Leviticus 26:3 the true way to serve God is urged upon the Israelites once more, in words copied verbally from Leviticus 19:30.

Verses 3-5

The Blessing of Fidelity to the Law. - Leviticus 26:3-5. If the Israelites walked in the commandments of the Lord (for the expression see Leviticus 18:3.), the Lord would give fruitfulness to their land, that they should have bread to the full. “ I will give you rain-showers in season .” The allusion here is to the showers which fall at the two rainy seasons, and upon which the fruitfulness of Palestine depends, viz., the early and latter rain (Deuteronomy 11:14). The former of these occurs after the autumnal equinox, at the time of the winter-sowing of wheat and barley, in the latter half of October or beginning of November. It generally falls in heavy showers in November and December, and then after that only at long intervals, and not so heavily. The latter, or so-called latter rain, fall sin March before the beginning of the harvest of the winter crops, at the time of sowing the summer seed, and lasts only a few days, in some years only a few hours (see Robinson , Pal. ii. pp. 97ff.). - On Leviticus 26:5, Leviticus 26:6, see Leviticus 25:18-19.

Verses 6-8

The Lord would give peace in the land, and cause the beasts of prey which endanger life to vanish out of the land, and suffer no war to come over it, but would put to flight before the Israelites the enemies who attacked them, and cause them to fall into their sword. שׁכב , to lie without being frightened up by any one, is a figure used to denote the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of life, and taken from the resting of a flock in good pasture-ground (Isaiah 14:30) exposed to no attacks from either wild beasts or men. מחריד is generally applied to the frightening of men by a hostile attack (Micah 4:4; Jeremiah 30:10; Ezekiel 39:26; Job 11:19); but it is also applied to the frightening of flocks and animals (Isaiah 17:2; Deuteronomy 28:26; Jeremiah 7:33, etc.). רעה חיּה : an evil animal, for a beast of prey, as in Genesis 37:20. “ Sword ,” as the principal weapon applied, is used for war. The pursuing of the enemy relates to neighbouring tribes, who would make war upon the Israelites. לחרב נפל does not mean to be felled by the sword ( Knobel ), but to fall into the sword. The words, “five of you shall put a hundred to flight, and a hundred ten thousand,” are a proverbial expression for the most victorious superiority of Israel over their enemies. It is repeated in the opposite sense and in an intensified form in Deuteronomy 32:30 and Isaiah 30:17.

Verse 9

Moreover the Lord would bestow His covenant blessing upon them without intermission. אל פּנה signifies a sympathizing and gracious regard (Psalms 25:16; Psalms 69:17). The multiplication and fruitfulness of the nation were a constant fulfilment of the covenant promise (Genesis 17:4-6) and an establishment of the covenant (Genesis 17:7); not merely the preservation of it, but the continual realization of the covenant grace, by which the covenant itself was carried on further and further towards its completion. This was the real purpose of the blessing, to which all earthly good, as the pledge of the constant abode of God in the midst of His people, simply served as the foundation.

Verse 10

Notwithstanding their numerous increase, they would suffer no want of food. “Ye shall eat that which has become old, and bring out old for new.” Multiplicabo vos et multiplicabo simul annonam vestram, adeo ut illam prae multitudine et copia absumere non possitis, sed illam diutissime servare adeoque abjicere cogamini, novarum frugum suavitate et copia superveniente ( C. a Lap .). הוציא vetustum triticum ex horreo et vinum ex cella promere ( Calvin ).

Verse 11

“I will make My dwelling among you, and My soul will not despise you.” משׁכּן , applied to the dwelling of God among His people in the sanctuary, involves the idea of satisfied repose.

Verse 12

God's walking in the midst of Israel does not refer to His accompanying and leading the people on their journeyings, but denotes the walking of God in the midst of His people in Canaan itself, whereby He would continually manifest Himself to the nation as its God and make them a people of possession, bringing them into closer and closer fellowship with Himself, and giving them all the saving blessings of His covenant of grace.

Verse 13

For He was their God, who had brought them out of the land of the Egyptians, that they might no longer be servants to them, and had broken the bands of their yokes and made them go upright. על מטת , lit., the poles of the yoke (cf. Ezekiel 34:27), i.e., the poles which are laid upon the necks of beasts of burden (Jeremiah 27:2) as a yoke, to bend their necks and harness them for work. It was with the burden of such a yoke that Egypt had pressed down the Israelites, so that they could no longer walk upright, till God by breaking the yoke helped them to walk upright again. As the yoke is a figurative description of severe oppression, so going upright is a figurative description of emancipation from bondage. קוממיּוּת , lit., a substantive, an upright position; here it is an adverb (cf. Ges. §100, 2).

Verses 14-16

The Curse for Contempt of the Law. - The following judgments are threatened, not for single breaches of the law, but for contempt of all the laws, amounting to inward contempt of the divine commandments and a breach of the covenant (Leviticus 26:14, Leviticus 26:15), - for presumptuous and obstinate rebellion, therefore, against God and His commandments. For this, severe judgments are announced, which were to be carried to their uttermost in a fourfold series, if the hardening were obstinately continued. If Israel acted in opposition to the Lord in the manner stated, He would act towards them as follows (Leviticus 26:16, Leviticus 26:17): He would appoint over them בּחלה terror, - a general notion, which is afterwards particularized as consisting of diseases, sowing without enjoying the fruit, defeat in war, and flight before their enemies. Two kinds of disease are mentioned by which life is destroyed: consumption and burning, i.e., burning fever, πυρετός , febris , which cause the eyes (the light of this life) to disappear, and the soul (the life itself) to pine away; whereas in Exodus 23:25; Exodus 15:26, preservation from diseases is promised for obedience to the law. Of these diseases, consumption is at present very rare in Palestine and Syria, though it occurs in more elevated regions; but burning fever is one of the standing diseases. To these there would be added the invasion of the land by enemies, so that they would labour in vain and sow their seed to no purpose, for their enemies would consume the produce, as actually was the case (e.g., Judges 6:3-4).

Verse 17

Yea, the Lord would turn His face against them, so that they would be beaten by their enemies, and be so thoroughly humbled in consequence, that they would flee when no man pursued (cf. Leviticus 26:36).

But if these punishments did not answer their purpose, and bring Israel back to fidelity to its God, the Lord would punish the disobedient nation still more severely, and chasten the rebellious for their sin, not simply only, but sevenfold. This He would do, so long as Israel persevered in obstinate resistance, and to this end He would multiply His judgments by degrees. This graduated advance of the judgments of God is so depicted in the following passage, that four times in succession new and multiplied punishments are announced: (1) utter barrenness in their land, - that is to say, one heavier punishment (Leviticus 26:18-20); (2) the extermination of their cattle by beasts of prey, and childlessness, - two punishments (Leviticus 26:21, Leviticus 26:22); (3) war, plague, and famine, - three punishments (Leviticus 26:23-26); (4) the destruction of all idolatrous abominations, the overthrow of their towns and holy places, the devastation of the land, and the dispersion of the people among the heathen-four punishments which would bring the Israelites to the verge of destruction (Leviticus 26:27-33). In this way would the Lord punish the stiffneckedness of His people. - These divine threats embrace the whole of Israel's future. But the series of judgments mentioned is not to be understood historically, as a prediction of the temporal succession of the different punishments, but as an ideal account of the judgments of God, unfolding themselves with inward necessity in a manner answering to the progressive development of the sin. As the nation would not resist the Lord continually, but times of disobedience and apostasy would alternate with times of obedience and faithfulness, so the judgments of God would alternate with His blessings; and as the opposition would not increase in uniform progress, sometimes becoming weaker and then at other times gaining greater force again, so the punishments would not multiply continuously, but correspond in every case to the amount of the sin, and only burst in upon the incorrigible race in all the intensity foretold, when ungodliness gained the upper hand.

Verses 18-20

First stage of the aggravated judgments. - If they did not hearken אלּה עד , “ up to these ” (the punishments named in Leviticus 26:16, Leviticus 26:17), that is to say, if they persisted in their disobedience even when the judgments reached to this height, God would add a sevenfold chastisement on account of their sins, would punish them seven times more severely, and break down their strong pride by fearful drought. Seven, as the number of perfection in the works of God, denotes the strengthening of the chastisement, even to the height of its full measure (cf. Proverbs 24:16). עז גּאון , lit., the eminence or pride of strength, includes everything upon which a nation rests its might; then the pride and haughtiness which rely upon earthly might and its auxiliaries (Ezekiel 30:6, Ezekiel 30:18; Ezekiel 33:28); here it signifies the pride of a nation, puffed up by the fruitfulness and rich produce of its land. God would make their heaven (the sky of their land) like iron and their earth like brass, i.e., as hard and dry as metal, so that not a drop of rain and dew would fall from heaven to moisten the earth, and not a plant could grow out of the earth (cf. Deuteronomy 28:23); and when the land was cultivated, the people would exhaust their strength for nought. תּמם , consumi .

Verse 21-22

The second stage. - But if the people's resistance amounted to a hostile rebellion against God, He would smite them sevenfold for their sin by sending beasts of prey and childlessness. By beasts of prey He would destroy their cattle, and by barrenness He would make the nation so small that the ways would be deserted, that high roads would cease because there would be no traveller upon them on account of the depopulation of the land (Isaiah 33:8; Zephaniah 3:6), and the few inhabitants who still remained would be afraid to venture because of the wild beasts (Ezekiel 14:15). עם קרי הלך (“to go a meeting with a person,” i.e., to meet a person in a hostile manner, to fight against him) only occurs here in Leviticus 26:21 and Leviticus 26:23, and is strengthened in Leviticus 26:24, Leviticus 26:27, Leviticus 26:28, Leviticus 26:40, Leviticus 26:41 into עם בּקרי הלך , to engage in a hostile encounter with a person. שׁבע מכּה , a sevenfold blow. “ According to your sins, ” i.e., answering to them sevenfold. In Leviticus 26:22 the first clause corresponds to the third, and the second to the fourth, so that Nos. 3 and 4 contain the effects of Nos. 1 and 2.

Verse 23-24

The third stage. - But if they would not be chastened by these punishments, and still rose up in hostility to the Lord, He would also engage in a hostile encounter with them, and punish them sevenfold with war, plague, and hunger.

Verse 25-26

He would bring over them “the sword avenging (i.e., executing) the covenant vengeance.” The “ covenant vengeance ” was punishment inflicted for a breach of the covenant, the severity of which corresponded to the greatness of the covenant blessings forfeited by a faithless apostasy. If they retreated to their towns (fortified places) from the sword of the enemy, the Lord would send a plague over them there, and give those who were spared by the plague into the power of the foe. He would also “break in pieces the staff of bread,” and compel them by the force of famine to submit to the foe. The means of sustenance should become so scarce, that ten women could bake their bread in a single oven, whereas in ordinary times every woman would require an oven for herself; and they would have to eat the bread which they brought home by weight, i.e., not as much as every one pleased, but in rations weighed out so scantily, that those who ate would not be satisfied, and would only be able to sustain their life in the most miserable way. Calamities such as these burst upon Israel and Judah more than once when their fortified towns were besieged, particularly in the later times of the kings, e.g., upon Samaria in the reign of Joram (2 Kings 6:25.), and upon Jerusalem through the invasions of the Chaldeans (cf. Isaiah 3:1; Jeremiah 14:18; Ezekiel 4:16; Ezekiel 5:12).

Verses 27-30

Fourth and severest stage. - If they should still persist in their opposition, God would chastise them with wrathful meeting, yea, punish them so severely in His wrath, that they would be compelled to eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, i.e., to slay their own children and eat them in the extremity of their hunger, - a fact which literally occurred in Samaria in the period of the Syrians (2 Kings 6:28-29), and in Jerusalem in that of the Chaldeans (Lamentations 2:20; Lamentations 4:10), and in the Roman war of extermination under Titus ( Josephus bell. jud. v. 10, 3) in the most appalling manner. Eating the flesh of their own children is mentioned first, as indicating the extremity of the misery and wretchedness in which the people would perish; and after this, the judgment, by which the nation would be brought to this extremity, is more minutely described in its four principal features: viz., (1) the destruction of all idolatrous abominations (Leviticus 26:30); (2) the overthrow of the towns and sanctuaries (Leviticus 26:31); (3) the devastation of the land, to the amazement of the enemies who dwelt therein (Leviticus 26:32); and (4) the dispersion of the people among the heathen (Leviticus 26:33). The “high places” are altars erected upon heights and mountains in the land, upon which sacrifices were offered both to Jehovah in an unlawful way and also to heathen deities. חמּנים , sun-pillars, are idols of the Canaanitish nature-worship, either simple pillars dedicated to Baal, or idolatrous statues of the sun-god (cf. Movers Phönizier i. pp. 343ff.). “ And I give your carcases upon the carcases of your idols .” גּלּלים , lit., clods, from גּלל to roll, a contemptuous expression for idols. With the idols the idolaters also were to perish, and defile with their corpses the images, which had also become corpses as it were, through their overthrow and destruction. For the further execution of this threat, see Ezekiel 6:4. This will be your lot, for “My soul rejects you.” By virtue of the inward character of His holy nature, Jehovah must abhor and reject the sinner.

Verse 31

Their towns and their sanctuaries He would destroy, because He took no pleasure in their sacrificial worship. מקדּשׁים are the holy things of the worship of Jehovah, the tabernacle and temple, with their altars and the rest of their holy furniture, as in Ps. 68:36; Psalms 74:7. ניחח ריח (Leviticus 1:9) is the odour of the sacrifice; and ריח , to smell, an anthropomorphic designation of divine satisfaction (cf. Amos 5:21; Isaiah 11:3).

Verse 32-33

The land was to become a wilderness, so that even the enemies who dwelt therein would be terrified in consequence (cf. Jeremiah 18:16; Jeremiah 19:8); and the Israelites would be scattered among the heathen, because Jehovah would draw out His sword behind them, i.e., drive them away with a drawn sword, and scatter them to all the winds of heaven (cf. Ezekiel 5:2, Ezekiel 5:12; Ezekiel 12:14).

Verse 34-35

Object of the Divine Judgments in Relation to the Land and Nation of Israel. - Leviticus 26:34 and Leviticus 26:35. The land would then enjoy and keep its Sabbaths, so long as it was desolate, and Israel was in the land of its foes. השּׁמּה ימי כּל , during the whole period of its devastation. השּׁמּה inf. Hophal with the suffix, in which the mappik is wanting, as in Exodus 2:3 (cf. Ewald , §131e). רצה to have satisfaction: with בּ and an accusative it signifies to take delight, take pleasure, in anything, e.g., in rest after the day's work is done (Job 14:6); here also to enjoy rest (not “to pay its debt:” Ges. , Kn.). The keeping of the Sabbath was not a performance binding upon the land, nor had the land been in fault because the Sabbath was not kept. As the earth groans under the pressure of the sin of men, so does it rejoice in deliverance from this pressure, and participation in the blessed rest of the whole creation. וגו אשׁר את תּשׁבּת : the land “ will rest (keep) what it has not rested on your Sabbaths and whilst you dwelt in it; ” i.e., it will make up the rest which you did not give it on your Sabbaths (daily and yearly). It is evident from this, that the keeping of the Sabbaths and sabbatical years was suspended when the apostasy of the nation increased, - a result which could be clearly foreseen in consequence of the inward dislike of a sinner to the commandments of the holy God, and which is described in 2 Chronicles 26:21 as having actually occurred.

Verses 36-38

So far as the nation was concerned, those who were left when the kingdom was overthrown would find no rest in the land of their enemies, but would perish among the heathen for their own and their fathers' iniquities, till they confessed their sins and bent their uncircumcised hearts under the righteousness of the divine punishments. בּכם הנּשׁארים (nominative abs.): “as for those who are left in (as in Leviticus 5:9), i.e., of, you,” who have not perished in the destruction of the kingdom and dispersion of the people, God will bring despair into their heart in the lands of your enemies, that the sound (“voice”) of a moving leaf will hunt them to flee as before the sword, so that they will fall in their anxious flight, and stumble one over another, though no one is pursuing. The ἁπ. λεγ. מרך from מרך , related to מרח and מרק to rub, rub to pieces, signifies that inward anguish, fear, and despair, which rend the heart and destroy the life, δειλία , pavor (lxx, Vulg.), what is described in Deuteronomy 28:65 in even stronger terms as “a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind.” There should not be to them תּקוּמה , standi et resistendi facultas ( Rosenmüller ), standing before the enemy; but they should perish among the nations. “The land of their enemies will eat them up,” sc., by their falling under the pressure of the circumstances in which they were placed (cf. Numbers 13:32; Ezekiel 36:13).

Verse 39

But those who still remained under this oppression would pine away in their iniquities ( ימּקּוּ , lit., to rot, moulder away), and “also in the iniquities of their fathers with them.” אתּם refers to עונות , “which are with them,” which they carry with them and must atone for (see at Exodus 20:5),

Verses 40-43

In this state of pining away under their enemies, they would confess to themselves their own and their fathers' sins, i.e., would make the discovery that their sufferings were a punishment from God for their sins, and acknowledge that they were suffering what they had deserved, through their unfaithfulness to their God and rebellion against Him, for which He had been obliged to set Himself in hostility to them, and bring them into the land of their enemies; or rather their uncircumcised hearts would then humble themselves, and they would look with satisfaction upon this fruit of their sin. The construction is the following: וזכרתּי (Leviticus 26:42) corresponds to התודּוּ (Leviticus 26:40) as the apodosis; so that, according to the more strictly logical connection, which is customary in our language, we may unite Leviticus 26:40, Leviticus 26:41 in one period with Leviticus 26:42. “If they shall confess their iniquity...or rather their uncircumcised heart shall humble itself...I will remember My covenant.” With בּמעלם a parenthetical clause is introduced into the main sentence explanatory of the iniquity, and reaches as far as “into the land of their enemies.” With יכּנע או־אז , “or if, etc.,” the main sentence is resumed. או , “or rather” (as in 1 Samuel 29:3), bringing out the humiliation of the heart as the most important result to which the confession of sin ought to deepen itself. The heart is called “uncircumcised” as being unsanctified, and not susceptible to the manifestations of divine grace. את־עונם ירצוּ וץ̓הןךח́ףןץףי פב̀ע ב̓לבספי́בע בץ̓פש͂ם (lxx), they will take pleasure, rejoice in their misdeeds, i.e., in the consequences and results of them-that their misdeed have so deeply humbled them, and brought them to the knowledge of the corruption into which they have fallen: a bold and, so to speak, paradoxical expression for their complete change of heart, which we may render thus: “they will enjoy their misdeeds,” as רצה may be rendered in the same way in Leviticus 26:43 also.

(Note: Luther has translated עון in this sense, “punishment of iniquity,” and observes in the marginal notes, - “(Pleasure), i.e., just as they had pleasure in their sins and felt disgust at My laws, so they would now take pleasure in their punishment and say, 'We have just what we deserve. This is what we have to thank our cursed sin for. It is just, O God, quite just.' And these are thoughts and words of earnest repentance, hating itself from the bottom of the heart, and crying out, Shame upon me, what have I done? This pleases God, so that He becomes gracious once more.”)

But where punishment bears such fruit, God looks upon the sinner with favour again. When Israel had gone so far, He would remember His covenant with the fathers (“My covenant with Jacob,” יעקב בּריתי : the suffix is attached to the governing noun, as in Leviticus 6:3, because the noun governed, being a proper name, could not take the suffix), and remember the land (including its inhabitants), which, as is repeated again in Leviticus 26:43, would be left by them (become desolate) and enjoy its Sabbaths whilst it was waste (depopulated) from (i.e., away from, without) them; and they would enjoy their iniquity, because they had despised the judgments of the Lord, and their soul had rejected His statues.

Verse 44

“And yet, even with regard to this, when they shall be in the land of their enemies, have I not despised them.” That is to say, if it shall have come even so far as that they are in the land of their enemies (the words גּם־זאת stand first in an absolute sense, and are strengthened or intensified by ואף and more fully explained by בּהיותם וגו ), I have not rejected them, to destroy them and break My covenant with them. For I am Jehovah their God, who, as the absolutely existing and unchangeably faithful One, keeps His promises and does not repent of His calling (Romans 11:29).

Verse 45

He would therefore remember the covenant with the forefathers, whom He had brought out of Egypt before the eyes of the nations, to be a God to them; and He would renew the covenant with the fathers to them (the descendants), to gather them again out of the heathen, and adopt them again as His nation (cf. Deuteronomy 30:3-5). In this way the judgment would eventually turn to a blessing, if they would bend in true repentance under the mighty hand of their God.

Verse 46

Leviticus 26:46 contains the close of the entire book, or rather of the whole of the covenant legislation from Ex 25 onwards, although the expression “in Mount Sinai” points back primarily to Leviticus 25:1.