Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 3 » Verse 8

Leviticus 3:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of his offering, H7133 and kill H7819 it before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and Aaron's H175 sons H1121 shall sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 thereof round about H5439 upon the altar. H4196

Cross Reference

Leviticus 1:5 STRONG

And he shall kill H7819 the bullock H1121 H1241 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and the priests, H3548 Aaron's H175 sons, H1121 shall bring H7126 the blood, H1818 and sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 round about H5439 upon the altar H4196 that is by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150

Leviticus 1:11 STRONG

And he shall kill H7819 it on the side H3409 of the altar H4196 northward H6828 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and the priests, H3548 Aaron's H175 sons, H1121 shall sprinkle H2236 his blood H1818 round about H5439 upon the altar. H4196

Leviticus 3:2-5 STRONG

And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of his offering, H7133 and kill H7819 it at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and Aaron's H175 sons H1121 the priests H3548 shall sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And he shall offer H7126 of the sacrifice H2077 of the peace offering H8002 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD; H3068 the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards, H7130 and all the fat H2459 that is upon the inwards, H7130 And the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and the fat H2459 that is on them, which is by the flanks, H3689 and the caul H3508 above the liver, H3516 with the kidneys, H3629 it shall he take away. H5493 And Aaron's H175 sons H1121 shall burn H6999 it on the altar H4196 upon the burnt sacrifice, H5930 which is upon the wood H6086 that is on the fire: H784 it is an offering made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 3:13 STRONG

And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of it, and kill H7819 it before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 shall sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 thereof upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439

Leviticus 4:4 STRONG

And he shall bring H935 the bullock H6499 unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 before H6440 the LORD; H3068 and shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the bullock's H6499 head, H7218 and kill H7819 the bullock H6499 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 4:15 STRONG

And the elders H2205 of the congregation H5712 shall lay H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the bullock H6499 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and the bullock H6499 shall be killed H7819 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 4:24 STRONG

And he shall lay H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of the goat, H8163 and kill H7819 it in the place H4725 where they kill H7819 the burnt offering H5930 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 it is a sin offering. H2403

Isaiah 53:6 STRONG

All we like sheep H6629 have gone astray; H8582 we have turned H6437 every one H376 to his own way; H1870 and the LORD H3068 hath laid H6293 on him the iniquity H5771 of us all.

Isaiah 53:11-12 STRONG

He shall see H7200 of the travail H5999 of his soul, H5315 and shall be satisfied: H7646 by his knowledge H1847 shall my righteous H6662 servant H5650 justify H6663 many; H7227 for he shall bear H5445 their iniquities. H5771 Therefore will I divide H2505 him a portion with the great, H7227 and he shall divide H2505 the spoil H7998 with the strong; H6099 because he hath poured out H6168 his soul H5315 unto death: H4194 and he was numbered H4487 with the transgressors; H6586 and he bare H5375 the sin H2399 of many, H7227 and made intercession H6293 for the transgressors. H6586

Matthew 3:17 STRONG

And G2532 lo G2400 a voice G5456 from G1537 heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 This G3778 is G2076 my G3450 beloved G27 Son, G5207 in G1722 whom G3739 I am well pleased. G2106

2 Corinthians 5:19 STRONG

To wit, G5613 that G3754 God G2316 was G2258 in G1722 Christ, G5547 reconciling G2644 the world G2889 unto himself, G1438 not G3361 imputing G3049 their G846 trespasses G3900 unto them; G846 and G2532 hath committed G5087 unto G1722 us G2254 the word G3056 of reconciliation. G2643

2 Corinthians 5:21 STRONG

For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

Ephesians 2:18 STRONG

For G3754 through G1223 him G846 we G2192 both G297 have G2192 access G4318 by G1722 one G1520 Spirit G4151 unto G4314 the Father. G3962

Ephesians 3:12 STRONG

In G1722 whom G3739 we have G2192 boldness G3954 and G2532 access G4318 with G1722 confidence G4006 by G1223 the faith G4102 of him. G846

Hebrews 10:19-22 STRONG

Having G2192 therefore, G3767 brethren, G80 boldness G3954 to G1519 enter G1529 into the holiest G39 by G1722 the blood G129 of Jesus, G2424 By a new G4372 and G2532 living G2198 way, G3598 which G3739 he hath consecrated G1457 for us, G2254 through G1223 the veil, G2665 that is to say, G5123 his G846 flesh; G4561 And G2532 having an high G3173 priest G2409 over G1909 the house G3624 of God; G2316 Let us draw near G4334 with G3326 a true G228 heart G2588 in G1722 full assurance G4136 of faith, G4102 having G4472 our hearts G2588 sprinkled G4472 from G575 an evil G4190 conscience, G4893 and G2532 our bodies G4983 washed G3068 with pure G2513 water. G5204

1 Peter 2:24 STRONG

Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that G2443 we, G2198 being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 unto righteousness: G1343 by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed. G2390

Commentary on Leviticus 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 3:1-17. The Peace Offering of the Herd.

1. if his oblation be a sacrifice of peace offering—"Peace" being used in Scripture to denote prosperity and happiness generally, a peace offering was a voluntary tribute of gratitude for health or other benefits. In this view it was eucharistic, being a token of thanksgiving for benefits already received, or it was sometimes votive, presented in prayer for benefits wished for in the future.

of the herd—This kind of offering being of a festive character, either male or female, if without blemish, might be used, as both of them were equally good for food, and, if the circumstances of the offerer allowed it, it might be a calf.

2. he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering—Having performed this significant act, he killed it before the door of the tabernacle, and the priests sprinkled the blood round about upon the altar.

3. he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering—The peace offering differed from the oblations formerly mentioned in this respect: while the burnt offering was wholly consumed on the altar, and the freewill offering was partly consumed and partly assigned to the priests; in this offering the fat alone was burnt; only a small part was allotted to the priests while the rest was granted to the offerer and his friends, thus forming a sacred feast of which the Lord, His priests, and people conjointly partook, and which was symbolical of the spiritual feast, the sacred communion which, through Christ, the great peace offering, believers enjoy. (See further on Le 19:5-8; 22:21).

the fat that covereth the inwards—that is, the web work that presents itself first to the eye on opening the belly of a cow.

the fat … upon the inwards—adhering to the intestines, but easily removable from them; or, according to some, that which was next the ventricle.

4-11. the two kidneys … of the flock … the whole rump—There is, in Eastern countries, a species of sheep the tails of which are not less than four feet and a half in length. These tails are of a substance between fat and marrow. A sheep of this kind weighs sixty or seventy English pounds weight, of which the tail usually weighs fifteen pounds and upwards. This species is by far the most numerous in Arabia, Syria, and Palestine, and, forming probably a large portion in the flocks of the Israelites, it seems to have been the kind that usually bled on the Jewish altars. The extraordinary size and deliciousness of their tails give additional importance to this law. To command by an express law the tail of a certain sheep to be offered in sacrifice to God, might well surprise us; but the wonder ceases, when we are told of those broad-tailed Eastern sheep, and of the extreme delicacy of that part which was so particularly specified in the statute [Paxton].

12. if his offering be a goat—Whether this or any of the other two animals were chosen, the same general directions were to be followed in the ceremony of offering.

17. ye eat neither fat nor blood—The details given above distinctly define the fat in animals which was not to be eaten, so that all the rest, whatever adhered to other parts, or was intermixed with them, might be used. The prohibition of blood rested on a different foundation, being intended to preserve their reverence for the Messiah, who was to shed His blood as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world [Brown].