Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 4 » Verse 35

Leviticus 4:35 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

35 And he shall take away H5493 all the fat H2459 thereof, as the fat H2459 of the lamb H3775 is taken away H5493 from the sacrifice H2077 of the peace offerings; H8002 and the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 them upon the altar, H4196 according to the offerings made by fire H801 unto the LORD: H3068 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for his sin H2403 that he hath committed, H2398 and it shall be forgiven H5545 him.

Cross Reference

Leviticus 4:26 STRONG

And he shall burn H6999 all his fat H2459 upon the altar, H4196 as the fat H2459 of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings: H8002 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him as concerning his sin, H2403 and it shall be forgiven H5545 him.

Leviticus 4:20 STRONG

And he shall do H6213 with the bullock H6499 as he did H6213 with the bullock H6499 for a sin offering, H2403 so shall he do H6213 with this: and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for them, and it shall be forgiven H5545 them.

2 Corinthians 5:21 STRONG

For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

Romans 10:4 STRONG

For G1063 Christ G5547 is the end G5056 of the law G3551 for G1519 righteousness G1343 to every one G3956 that believeth. G4100

Ephesians 1:6-7 STRONG

To G1519 the praise G1868 of the glory G1391 of his G846 grace, G5485 wherein G1722 G3739 he hath made G5487 us G2248 accepted G5487 in G1722 the beloved. G25 In G1722 whom G3739 we have G2192 redemption G629 through G1223 his G846 blood, G129 the forgiveness G859 of sins, G3900 according G2596 to the riches G4149 of his G846 grace; G5485

Ephesians 5:2 STRONG

And G2532 walk G4043 in G1722 love, G26 as G2531 Christ G5547 also G2532 hath loved G25 us, G2248 and G2532 hath given G3860 himself G1438 for G5228 us G2257 an offering G4376 and G2532 a sacrifice G2378 to God G2316 for G1519 a sweetsmelling G2175 savour. G3744

Colossians 1:14 STRONG

In G1722 whom G3739 we have G2192 redemption G629 through G1223 his G846 blood, G129 even the forgiveness G859 of sins: G266

Hebrews 1:3 STRONG

Who G3739 being G5607 the brightness G541 of his glory, G1391 and G2532 the express image G5481 of his G846 person, G5287 and G5037 upholding G5342 all things G3956 by the word G4487 of his G846 power, G1411 when he had G4160 G2512 by G1223 himself G1438 purged G4160 G2512 our G2257 sins, G266 sat down G2523 on G1722 the right hand G1188 of the Majesty G3172 on G1722 high; G5308

Hebrews 4:14 STRONG

Seeing G2192 then G3767 that we have G2192 a great G3173 high priest, G749 that is passed into G1330 the heavens, G3772 Jesus G2424 the Son G5207 of God, G2316 let us hold fast G2902 our profession. G3671

Hebrews 7:26 STRONG

For G1063 such G5108 an high priest G749 became G4241 us, G2254 who is holy, G3741 harmless, G172 undefiled, G283 separate G5563 from G575 sinners, G268 and G2532 made G1096 higher than G5308 the heavens; G3772

Hebrews 9:14 STRONG

How much G4214 more G3123 shall G2511 the blood G129 of Christ, G5547 who G3739 through G1223 the eternal G166 Spirit G4151 offered G4374 himself G1438 without spot G299 to God, G2316 purge G2511 your G5216 conscience G4893 from G575 dead G3498 works G2041 to G1519 serve G3000 the living G2198 God? G2316

1 Peter 1:18-19 STRONG

Forasmuch as ye know G1492 that G3754 ye were G3084 not G3756 redeemed G3084 with corruptible things, G5349 as silver G694 and G2228 gold, G5553 from G1537 your G5216 vain G3152 conversation G391 received by tradition from your fathers; G3970 But G235 with the precious G5093 blood G129 of Christ, G5547 as G5613 of a lamb G286 without blemish G299 and G2532 without spot: G784

1 Peter 2:22 STRONG

Who G3739 did G4160 no G3756 sin, G266 neither G3761 was guile G1388 found G2147 in G1722 his G846 mouth: G4750

1 Peter 2:24 STRONG

Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that G2443 we, G2198 being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 unto righteousness: G1343 by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed. G2390

1 Peter 3:18 STRONG

For G3754 Christ G5547 also G2532 hath once G530 suffered G3958 for G4012 sins, G266 the just G1342 for G5228 the unjust, G94 that G2443 he might bring G4317 us G2248 to God, G2316 being put to death G2289 G3303 in the flesh, G4561 but G1161 quickened G2227 by the Spirit: G4151

1 John 1:7 STRONG

But G1161 if G1437 we walk G4043 in G1722 the light, G5457 as G5613 he G846 is G2076 in G1722 the light, G5457 we have G2192 fellowship G2842 one with another, G3326 G240 and G2532 the blood G129 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 his G846 Son G5207 cleanseth G2511 us G2248 from G575 all G3956 sin. G266

1 John 2:2 STRONG

And G2532 he G846 is G2076 the propitiation G2434 for G4012 our G2257 sins: G266 and G1161 not G3756 for G4012 ours G2251 only, G3440 but G235 also G2532 for G4012 the sins of the whole G3650 world. G2889

1 John 4:9-10 STRONG

In G1722 this G5129 was manifested G5319 the love G26 of God G2316 toward G1722 us, G2254 because G3754 that God G2316 sent G649 his G846 only begotten G3439 Son G5207 into G1519 the world, G2889 that G2443 we might live G2198 through G1223 him. G846 Herein G1722 G5129 is G2076 love, G26 not G3754 that G3756 we G2249 loved G25 God, G2316 but G235 that G3754 he G846 loved G25 us, G2248 and G2532 sent G649 his G846 Son G5207 to be the propitiation G2434 for G4012 our G2257 sins. G266

Revelation 1:5-6 STRONG

And G2532 from G575 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 who is the faithful G4103 witness, G3144 and the first begotten G4416 of G1537 the dead, G3498 and G2532 the prince G758 of the kings G935 of the earth. G1093 Unto him that loved G25 us, G2248 and G2532 washed G3068 us G2248 from G575 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 blood, G129 And G2532 hath made G4160 us G2248 kings G935 and G2532 priests G2409 unto God G2316 and G2532 his G846 Father; G3962 to him G846 be glory G1391 and G2532 dominion G2904 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165 Amen. G281

Leviticus 14:53 STRONG

But he shall let go H7971 the living H2416 bird H6833 out H2351 of the city H5892 into the open H6440 fields, H7704 and make an atonement H3722 for the house: H1004 and it shall be clean. H2891

Leviticus 4:30-31 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall take H3947 of the blood H1818 thereof with his finger, H676 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 of burnt offering, H5930 and shall pour out H8210 all the blood H1818 thereof at the bottom H3247 of the altar. H4196 And he shall take away H5493 all the fat H2459 thereof, as the fat H2459 is taken away H5493 from off the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings; H8002 and the priest H3548 shall burn H6999 it upon the altar H4196 for a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD; H3068 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him, and it shall be forgiven H5545 him.

Leviticus 5:6 STRONG

And he shall bring H935 his trespass offering H817 unto the LORD H3068 for his sin H2403 which he hath sinned, H2398 a female H5347 from the flock, H6629 a lamb H3776 or a kid H8166 of the goats, H5795 for a sin offering; H2403 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him concerning his sin. H2403

Leviticus 5:10 STRONG

And he shall offer H6213 the second H8145 for a burnt offering, H5930 according to the manner: H4941 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him for his sin H2403 which he hath sinned, H2398 and it shall be forgiven H5545 him.

Leviticus 5:13 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him as touching his sin H2403 that he hath sinned H2398 in one H259 of these, and it shall be forgiven H5545 him: and the remnant shall be the priest's, H3548 as a meat offering. H4503

Leviticus 6:7 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and it shall be forgiven H5545 him for any thing H259 of all that he hath done H6213 in trespassing H819 therein.

Leviticus 9:7 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said H559 unto Aaron, H175 Go H7126 unto the altar, H4196 and offer H6213 thy sin offering, H2403 and thy burnt offering, H5930 and make an atonement H3722 for thyself, and for the people: H5971 and offer H6213 the offering H7133 of the people, H5971 and make an atonement H3722 for them; as the LORD H3068 commanded. H6680

Leviticus 12:8 STRONG

And if she be not able to bring H4672 H1767 H3027 a lamb, H7716 then she shall bring H3947 two H8147 turtles, H8449 or two young H1121 pigeons; H3123 the one H259 for the burnt offering, H5930 and the other H259 for a sin offering: H2403 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for her, and she shall be clean. H2891

Leviticus 14:18 STRONG

And the remnant H3498 of the oil H8081 that is in the priest's H3548 hand H3709 he shall pour H5414 upon the head H7218 of him that is to be cleansed: H2891 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for him before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 1:1-6 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 called H7121 unto Moses, H4872 and spake H1696 unto him out of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, If any man H120 of you bring H7126 an offering H7133 unto the LORD, H3068 ye shall bring H7126 your offering H7133 of the cattle, H929 even of the herd, H1241 and of the flock. H6629 If his offering H7133 be a burnt sacrifice H5930 of the herd, H1241 let him offer H7126 a male H2145 without blemish: H8549 he shall offer H7126 it of his own voluntary will H7522 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And he shall put H5564 his hand H3027 upon the head H7218 of the burnt offering; H5930 and it shall be accepted H7521 for him to make atonement H3722 for him. And he shall kill H7819 the bullock H1121 H1241 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and the priests, H3548 Aaron's H175 sons, H1121 shall bring H7126 the blood, H1818 and sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 round about H5439 upon the altar H4196 that is by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And he shall flay H6584 the burnt offering, H5930 and cut H5408 it into his pieces. H5409

Leviticus 16:1-34 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses H4872 after H310 the death H4194 of the two H8147 sons H1121 of Aaron, H175 when they offered H7126 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and died; H4191 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Speak H1696 unto Aaron H175 thy brother, H251 that he come H935 not at all times H6256 into the holy H6944 place within H1004 the vail H6532 before H6440 the mercy seat, H3727 which is upon the ark; H727 that he die H4191 not: for I will appear H7200 in the cloud H6051 upon the mercy H3727 seat. Thus H2063 shall Aaron H175 come H935 into the holy H6944 place: with a young H1121 H1241 bullock H6499 for a sin offering, H2403 and a ram H352 for a burnt offering. H5930 He shall put on H3847 the holy H6944 linen H906 coat, H3801 and he shall have the linen H906 breeches H4370 upon his flesh, H1320 and shall be girded H2296 with a linen H906 girdle, H73 and with the linen H906 mitre H4701 shall he be attired: H6801 these H1992 are holy H6944 garments; H899 therefore shall he wash H7364 his flesh H1320 in water, H4325 and so put them on. H3847 And he shall take H3947 of the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 two H8147 kids H8163 of the goats H5795 for a sin offering, H2403 and one H259 ram H352 for a burnt offering. H5930 And Aaron H175 shall offer H7126 his bullock H6499 of the sin offering, H2403 which is for himself, H1157 and make an atonement H3722 for himself, and for his house. H1004 And he shall take H3947 the two H8147 goats, H8163 and present H5975 them before H6440 the LORD H3068 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And Aaron H175 shall cast H5414 lots H1486 upon the two H8147 goats; H8163 one H259 lot H1486 for the LORD, H3068 and the other H259 lot H1486 for the scapegoat. H5799 And Aaron H175 shall bring H7126 the goat H8163 upon which the LORD'S H3068 lot H1486 fell, H5927 and offer H6213 him for a sin offering. H2403 But the goat, H8163 on which the lot H1486 fell H5927 to be the scapegoat, H5799 shall be presented H5975 alive H2416 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 to make an atonement H3722 with him, and to let him go H7971 for a scapegoat H5799 into the wilderness. H4057 And Aaron H175 shall bring H7126 the bullock H6499 of the sin offering, H2403 which is for himself, and shall make an atonement H3722 for himself, and for his house, H1004 and shall kill H7819 the bullock H6499 of the sin offering H2403 which is for himself: And he shall take H3947 a censer H4289 full H4393 of burning H784 coals H1513 of fire H784 from off the altar H4196 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and his hands H2651 full H4393 of sweet H5561 incense H7004 beaten small, H1851 and bring H935 it within H1004 the vail: H6532 And he shall put H5414 the incense H7004 upon the fire H784 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 that the cloud H6051 of the incense H7004 may cover H3680 the mercy seat H3727 that is upon the testimony, H5715 that he die H4191 not: And he shall take H3947 of the blood H1818 of the bullock, H6499 and sprinkle H5137 it with his finger H676 upon the mercy seat H3727 eastward; H6924 and before H6440 the mercy seat H3727 shall he sprinkle H5137 of the blood H1818 with his finger H676 seven H7651 times. H6471 Then shall he kill H7819 the goat H8163 of the sin offering, H2403 that is for the people, H5971 and bring H935 his blood H1818 within H1004 the vail, H6532 and do H6213 with that blood H1818 as he did H6213 with the blood H1818 of the bullock, H6499 and sprinkle H5137 it upon the mercy seat, H3727 and before H6440 the mercy seat: H3727 And he shall make an atonement H3722 for the holy H6944 place, because of the uncleanness H2932 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and because of their transgressions H6588 in all their sins: H2403 and so shall he do H6213 for the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 that remaineth H7931 among them in the midst H8432 of their uncleanness. H2932 And there shall be no man H120 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 when he goeth H935 in to make an atonement H3722 in the holy H6944 place, until he come out, H3318 and have made an atonement H3722 for himself, and for his household, H1004 and for all the congregation H6951 of Israel. H3478 And he shall go out H3318 unto the altar H4196 that is before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and make an atonement H3722 for it; and shall take H3947 of the blood H1818 of the bullock, H6499 and of the blood H1818 of the goat, H8163 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And he shall sprinkle H5137 of the blood H1818 upon it with his finger H676 seven H7651 times, H6471 and cleanse H2891 it, and hallow H6942 it from the uncleanness H2932 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 And when he hath made an end H3615 of reconciling H3722 the holy H6944 place, and the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and the altar, H4196 he shall bring H7126 the live H2416 goat: H8163 And Aaron H175 shall lay H5564 both H8147 his hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the live H2416 goat, H8163 and confess H3034 over him all the iniquities H5771 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and all their transgressions H6588 in all their sins, H2403 putting H5414 them upon the head H7218 of the goat, H8163 and shall send him away H7971 by the hand H3027 of a fit H6261 man H376 into the wilderness: H4057 And the goat H8163 shall bear H5375 upon him all their iniquities H5771 unto a land H776 not inhabited: H1509 and he shall let go H7971 the goat H8163 in the wilderness. H4057 And Aaron H175 shall come H935 into the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and shall put off H6584 the linen H906 garments, H899 which he put on H3847 when he went H935 into the holy H6944 place, and shall leave H3240 them there: And he shall wash H7364 his flesh H1320 with water H4325 in the holy H6918 place, H4725 and put on H3847 his garments, H899 and come forth, H3318 and offer H6213 his burnt offering, H5930 and the burnt offering H5930 of the people, H5971 and make an atonement H3722 for himself, and for the people. H5971 And the fat H2459 of the sin offering H2403 shall he burn H6999 upon the altar. H4196 And he that let go H7971 the goat H8163 for the scapegoat H5799 shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 his flesh H1320 in water, H4325 and afterward H310 come H935 into the camp. H4264 And the bullock H6499 for the sin offering, H2403 and the goat H8163 for the sin offering, H2403 whose blood H1818 was brought in H935 to make atonement H3722 in the holy H6944 place, shall one carry forth H3318 without H2351 the camp; H4264 and they shall burn H8313 in the fire H784 their skins, H5785 and their flesh, H1320 and their dung. H6569 And he that burneth H8313 them shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 his flesh H1320 in water, H4325 and afterward H310 he shall come H935 into the camp. H4264 And this shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 unto you: that in the seventh H7637 month, H2320 on the tenth H6218 day of the month, H2320 ye shall afflict H6031 your souls, H5315 and do H6213 no work H4399 at all, whether it be one of your own country, H249 or a stranger H1616 that sojourneth H1481 among H8432 you: For on that day H3117 shall the priest make an atonement H3722 for you, to cleanse H2891 you, that ye may be clean H2891 from all your sins H2403 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 It shall be a sabbath H7676 of rest H7677 unto you, and ye shall afflict H6031 your souls, H5315 by a statute H2708 for ever. H5769 And the priest, H3548 whom he shall anoint, H4886 and whom he shall consecrate H4390 H3027 to minister in the priest's office H3547 in his father's H1 stead, shall make the atonement, H3722 and shall put on H3847 the linen H906 clothes, H899 even the holy H6944 garments: H899 And he shall make an atonement H3722 for the holy H6944 sanctuary, H4720 and he shall make an atonement H3722 for the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and for the altar, H4196 and he shall make an atonement H3722 for the priests, H3548 and for all the people H5971 of the congregation. H6951 And this shall be an everlasting H5769 statute H2708 unto you, to make an atonement H3722 for the children H1121 of Israel H3478 for all their sins H2403 once H259 a year. H8141 And he did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Numbers 15:25 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for all the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and it shall be forgiven H5545 them; for it is ignorance: H7684 and they shall bring H935 their offering, H7133 a sacrifice made by fire H801 unto the LORD, H3068 and their sin offering H2403 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 for their ignorance: H7684

Romans 3:24-26 STRONG

Being justified G1344 freely G1432 by his G846 grace G5485 through G1223 the redemption G629 that is in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus: G2424 Whom G3739 God G2316 hath set forth G4388 to be a propitiation G2435 through G1223 faith G4102 in G1722 his G846 blood, G129 to G1519 declare G1732 his G846 righteousness G1343 for G1223 the remission G3929 of sins G265 that are past, G4266 through G1722 the forbearance G463 of God; G2316 To G4314 declare, G1732 I say, at G1722 this G3568 time G2540 his G846 righteousness: G1343 that G1519 he might be G1511 just, G1342 and G2532 the justifier G1344 of him G846 which believeth G4102 in G1537 Jesus. G2424

Romans 4:25 STRONG

Who G3739 was delivered G3860 for G1223 our G2257 offences, G3900 and G2532 was raised again G1453 for G1223 our G2257 justification. G1347

Romans 5:6-11 STRONG

For G1063 when we G2257 were G5607 yet G2089 without strength, G772 in due G2596 time G2540 Christ G5547 died G599 for G5228 the ungodly. G765 For G1063 scarcely G3433 for G5228 a righteous man G1342 will G599 one G5100 die: G599 yet G1063 peradventure G5029 for G5228 a good man G18 some G5100 would G5111 even G2532 dare G5111 to die. G599 But G1161 God G2316 commendeth G4921 his G1438 love G26 toward G1519 us, G2248 in that, G3754 while we G2257 were G5607 yet G2089 sinners, G268 Christ G5547 died G599 for G5228 us. G2257 Much G4183 more G3123 then, G3767 being G1344 now G3568 justified G1344 by G1722 his G846 blood, G129 we shall be saved G4982 from G575 wrath G3709 through G1223 him. G846 For G1063 if, G1487 when we were G5607 enemies, G2190 we were reconciled G2644 to God G2316 by G1223 the death G2288 of his G846 Son, G5207 much G4183 more, G3123 being reconciled, G2644 we shall be saved G4982 by G1722 his G846 life. G2222 And G1161 not G3756 only G3440 so, but G235 we also G2532 joy G2744 in G1722 God G2316 through G1223 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 by G1223 whom G3739 we have G2983 now G3568 received G2983 the atonement. G2643

Romans 5:15-21 STRONG

But G235 not G3756 as G5613 the offence, G3900 so G3779 also G2532 is the free gift. G5486 For G1063 if G1487 through the offence G3900 of one G1520 many G4183 be dead, G599 much G4183 more G3123 the grace G5485 of God, G2316 and G2532 the gift G1431 by G1722 grace, G5485 which is G3588 by one G1520 man, G444 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 hath abounded G4052 unto G1519 many. G4183 And G2532 not G3756 as G5613 it was by G1223 one G1520 that sinned, G264 so is the gift: G1434 for G1063 G3303 the judgment G2917 was by G1537 one G1520 to G1519 condemnation, G2631 but G1161 the free gift G5486 is of G1537 many G4183 offences G3900 unto G1519 justification. G1345 For G1063 if G1487 by one man's G1520 offence G3900 death G2288 reigned G936 by G1223 one; G1520 much G4183 more G3123 they which receive G2983 abundance G4050 of grace G5485 and G2532 of the gift G1431 of righteousness G1343 shall reign G936 in G1722 life G2222 by G1223 one, G1520 Jesus G2424 Christ.) G5547 Therefore G686 G3767 as G5613 by G1223 the offence G3900 of one G1520 judgment came upon G1519 all G3956 men G444 to G1519 condemnation; G2631 even G2532 so G3779 by G1223 the righteousness G1345 of one G1520 the free gift came upon G1519 all G3956 men G444 unto G1519 justification G1347 of life. G2222 For G1063 as G5618 by G1223 one G1520 man's G444 disobedience G3876 many G4183 were made G2525 sinners, G268 so G3779 G2532 by G1223 the obedience G5218 of one G1520 shall G2525 many G4183 be made G2525 righteous. G1342 Moreover G1161 the law G3551 entered, G3922 that G2443 the offence G3900 might abound. G4121 But G1161 where G3757 sin G266 abounded, G4121 grace G5485 did much more abound: G5248 That G2443 as G5618 sin G266 hath reigned G936 unto G1722 death, G2288 even G2532 so G3779 might G936 grace G5485 reign G936 through G1223 righteousness G1343 unto G1519 eternal G166 life G2222 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962

Romans 8:1 STRONG

There is therefore G686 now G3568 no G3762 condemnation G2631 to them which are in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus, G2424 who walk G4043 not G3361 after G2596 the flesh, G4561 but G235 after G2596 the Spirit. G4151

Romans 8:3-4 STRONG

For G1063 what the law G3551 could not do, G102 in G1722 that G3739 it was weak G770 through G1223 the flesh, G4561 God G2316 sending G3992 his own G1438 Son G5207 in G1722 the likeness G3667 of sinful G266 flesh, G4561 and G2532 for G4012 sin, G266 condemned G2632 sin G266 in G1722 the flesh: G4561 That G2443 the righteousness G1345 of the law G3551 might be fulfilled G4137 in G1722 us, G2254 who walk G4043 not G3361 after G2596 the flesh, G4561 but G235 after G2596 the Spirit. G4151

Commentary on Leviticus 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 4:1, 2. Sin Offering of Ignorance.

2. If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord—a soul—an individual. All sins may be considered, in a certain sense, as committed "through ignorance," error, or misapprehension of one's true interests. The sins, however, referred to in this law were unintentional violations of the ceremonial laws,—breaches made through haste, or inadvertency of some negative precepts, which, if done knowingly and wilfully, would have involved a capital punishment.

do against any of them—To bring out the meaning, it is necessary to supply, "he shall bring a sin offering."

Le 4:3-35. Sin Offering for the Priest.

3. If the priest that is anointed do sin—that is, the high priest, in whom, considering his character as typical mediator, and his exalted office, the people had the deepest interest; and whose transgression of any part of the divine law, therefore, whether done unconsciously or heedlessly, was a very serious offense, both as regarded himself individually, and the influence of his example. He is the person principally meant, though the common order of the priesthood was included.

according to the sin of the people—that is, bring guilt on the people. He was to take a young bullock (the age and sex being expressly mentioned), and having killed it according to the form prescribed for the burnt offerings, he was to take it into the holy place and sprinkle the atoning blood seven times before the veil, and tip with the crimson fluid the horns of the golden altar of incense, on his way to the court of the priests,—a solemn ceremonial appointed only for very grave and heinous offenses, and which betokened that his sin, though done in ignorance, had vitiated all his services; nor could any official duty he engaged in be beneficial either to himself or the people, unless it were atoned for by blood.

11. the skin of the bullock, and all his flesh—In ordinary circumstances, these were perquisites of the priests. But in the expiation necessary for a sin of the high priest, after the fat of the sacrifice was offered on the altar, the carcass was carried without the camp [Le 4:12], in order that the total combustion of it in the place of ashes might the more strikingly indicate the enormity of the transgression, and the horror with which he regarded it (compare Heb 13:12, 13).

13-21. if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance—In consequence of some culpable neglect or misapprehension of the law, the people might contract national guilt, and then national expiation was necessary. The same sacrifice was to be offered as in the former case, but with this difference in the ceremonial, that the elders or heads of the tribes, as representing the people and being the principal aggressors in misleading the congregation, laid their hands on the head of the victim. The priest then took the blood into the holy place, where, after dipping his finger in it seven times, he sprinkled the drops seven times before the veil. This done, he returned to the court of the priests, and ascending the altar, put some portion upon its horns; then he poured it out at the foot of the altar. The fat was the only part of the animal which was offered on the altar; for the carcass, with its appurtenances and offals, was carried without the camp, into the place where the ashes were deposited, and there consumed with fire.

22-26. When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments—Whatever was the form of government, the king, judge, or subordinate, was the party concerned in this law. The trespass of such a civil functionary being less serious in its character and consequences than that either of the high priest or the congregation, a sin offering of inferior value was required—"a kid of the goats"; and neither was the blood carried into the sanctuary, but applied only to the altar of burnt offering; nor was the carcass taken without the camp; it was eaten by the priests-in-waiting.

27-34. if any one of the common people sin through ignorance—In this case the expiatory offering appointed was a female kid, or a ewe-lamb without blemish; and the ceremonies were exactly the same as those observed in the case of the offending ruler [Le 4:22-26]. In these two latter instances, the blood of the sin offering was applied to the altar of burnt offering—the place where bloody sacrifices were appointed to be immolated. But the transgression of a high priest, or of the whole congregation, entailing a general taint on the ritual of the tabernacle, and vitiating its services, required a further expiation; and therefore, in these cases, the blood of the sin offering was applied to the altar of incense [Le 4:6, 17].

35. it shall be forgiven him—None of these sacrifices possessed any intrinsic value sufficient to free the conscience of the sinner from the pollution of guilt, or to obtain his pardon from God; but they gave a formal deliverance from a secular penalty (Heb 9:13, 14); and they were figurative representations of the full and perfect sin offering which was to be made by Christ.