Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Leviticus » Chapter 5 » Verse 2

Leviticus 5:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 Or if a soul H5315 touch H5060 any unclean H2931 thing, H1697 whether it be a carcase H5038 of an unclean H2931 beast, H2416 or a carcase H5038 of unclean H2931 cattle, H929 or the carcase H5038 of unclean H2931 creeping things, H8318 and if it be hidden H5956 from him; he also shall be unclean, H2931 and guilty. H816

Cross Reference

Leviticus 5:17 STRONG

And if a soul H5315 sin, H2398 and commit H6213 any H259 of these things which are forbidden to be done H6213 by the commandments H4687 of the LORD; H3068 though he wist H3045 it not, yet is he guilty, H816 and shall bear H5375 his iniquity. H5771

Numbers 19:11-16 STRONG

He that toucheth H5060 the dead H4191 body H5315 of any man H120 shall be unclean H2930 seven H7651 days. H3117 He shall purify H2398 himself with it on the third H7992 day, H3117 and on the seventh H7637 day H3117 he shall be clean: H2891 but if he purify H2398 not himself the third H7992 day, H3117 then the seventh H7637 day H3117 he shall not be clean. H2891 Whosoever toucheth H5060 the dead H4191 body H5315 of any man H120 that is dead, H4191 and purifieth H2398 not himself, defileth H2930 the tabernacle H4908 of the LORD; H3068 and that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from Israel: H3478 because the water H4325 of separation H5079 was not sprinkled H2236 upon him, he shall be unclean; H2931 his uncleanness H2932 is yet upon him. This is the law, H8451 when a man H120 dieth H4191 in a tent: H168 all that come H935 into the tent, H168 and all that is in the tent, H168 shall be unclean H2930 seven H7651 days. H3117 And every open H6605 vessel, H3627 which hath no covering H6781 bound H6616 upon it, is unclean. H2931 And whosoever toucheth H5060 one that is slain H2491 with a sword H2719 in the open H6440 fields, H7704 or a dead body, H4191 or a bone H6106 of a man, H120 or a grave, H6913 shall be unclean H2930 seven H7651 days. H3117

Deuteronomy 14:8 STRONG

And the swine, H2386 because it divideth H6536 the hoof, H6541 yet cheweth not the cud, H1625 it is unclean H2931 unto you: ye shall not eat H398 of their flesh, H1320 nor touch H5060 their dead carcase. H5038

Leviticus 4:13 STRONG

And if the whole congregation H5712 of Israel H3478 sin through ignorance, H7686 and the thing H1697 be hid H5956 from the eyes H5869 of the assembly, H6951 and they have done H6213 somewhat against any H259 of the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 concerning things which should not be done, H6213 and are guilty; H816

Leviticus 5:4 STRONG

Or if a soul H5315 swear, H7650 pronouncing H981 with his lips H8193 to do evil, H7489 or to do good, H3190 whatsoever it be that a man H120 shall pronounce H981 with an oath, H7621 and it be hid H5956 from him; when he knoweth H3045 of it, then he shall be guilty H816 in one H259 of these.

Leviticus 7:21 STRONG

Moreover the soul H5315 that shall touch H5060 any unclean H2932 thing, as the uncleanness H2932 of man, H120 or any unclean H2931 beast, H929 or any abominable H8263 unclean H2931 thing, and eat H398 of the flesh H1320 of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings, H8002 which pertain unto the LORD, H3068 even that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from his people. H5971

Leviticus 11:11 STRONG

They shall be even an abomination H8263 unto you; ye shall not eat H398 of their flesh, H1320 but ye shall have their carcases H5038 in abomination. H8262

Leviticus 11:24-40 STRONG

And for these ye shall be unclean: H2930 whosoever toucheth H5060 the carcase H5038 of them shall be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And whosoever beareth H5375 ought of the carcase H5038 of them shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 The carcases of every beast H929 which divideth H6536 the hoof, H6541 and is not clovenfooted, H8157 H8156 nor cheweth H5927 the cud, H1625 are unclean H2931 unto you: every one that toucheth H5060 them shall be unclean. H2930 And whatsoever H3605 H1992 goeth H1980 upon his paws, H3709 among all manner of beasts H2416 that go H1980 on all four, H702 those are unclean H2931 unto you: whoso toucheth H5060 their carcase H5038 shall be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And he that beareth H5375 the carcase H5038 of them shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and be unclean H2930 until the even: H6153 they are unclean H2931 unto you. These also shall be unclean H2931 unto you among the creeping things H8318 that creep H8317 upon the earth; H776 the weasel, H2467 and the mouse, H5909 and the tortoise H6632 after his kind, H4327 And the ferret, H604 and the chameleon, H3581 and the lizard, H3911 and the snail, H2546 and the mole. H8580 These are unclean H2931 to you among all that creep: H8318 whosoever doth touch H5060 them, when they be dead, H4194 shall be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, H4194 doth fall, H5307 it shall be unclean; H2930 whether it be any vessel H3627 of wood, H6086 or raiment, H899 or skin, H5785 or sack, H8242 whatsoever vessel H3627 it be, wherein any work H4399 is done, H6213 it must be put H935 into water, H4325 and it shall be unclean H2930 until the even; H6153 so it shall be cleansed. H2891 And every earthen H2789 vessel, H3627 whereinto any of them falleth, H5307 H8432 whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; H2930 and ye shall break H7665 it. Of all meat H400 which may be eaten, H398 that on which such water H4325 cometh H935 shall be unclean: H2930 and all drink H4945 that may be drunk H8354 in every such vessel H3627 shall be unclean. H2930 And every thing whereupon any part of their carcase H5038 falleth H5307 shall be unclean; H2930 whether it be oven, H8574 or ranges H3600 for pots, they shall be broken down: H5422 for they are unclean, H2931 and shall be unclean H2931 unto you. Nevertheless a fountain H4599 or pit, H953 wherein there is plenty H4723 of water, H4325 shall be clean: H2889 but that which toucheth H5060 their carcase H5038 shall be unclean. H2930 And if any part of their carcase H5038 fall H5307 upon any sowing H2221 seed H2233 which is to be sown, H2232 it shall be clean. H2889 But if any water H4325 be put H5414 upon the seed, H2233 and any part of their carcase H5038 fall H5307 thereon, it shall be unclean H2931 unto you. And if any beast, H929 of which ye may eat, H402 die; H4191 he that toucheth H5060 the carcase H5038 thereof shall be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And he that eateth H398 of the carcase H5038 of it shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and be unclean H2930 until the even: H6153 he also that beareth H5375 the carcase H5038 of it shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153

Haggai 2:13 STRONG

Then said H559 Haggai, H2292 If one that is unclean H2931 by a dead body H5315 touch H5060 any of these, shall it be unclean? H2930 And the priests H3548 answered H6030 and said, H559 It shall be unclean. H2930

Luke 11:44 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto you, G5213 scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees, G5330 hypocrites! G5273 for G3754 ye are G2075 as G5613 graves G3419 which G3588 appear not, G82 and G2532 the men G444 that walk G4043 over G1883 them are G1492 not G3756 aware G1492 of them.

Psalms 19:12 STRONG

Who can understand H995 his errors? H7691 cleanse H5352 thou me from secret H5641 faults.

Isaiah 52:11 STRONG

Depart H5493 ye, depart H5493 ye, go ye out H3318 from thence, touch H5060 no unclean H2931 thing; go ye out H3318 of the midst H8432 of her; be ye clean, H1305 that bear H5375 the vessels H3627 of the LORD. H3068

2 Corinthians 6:17 STRONG

Wherefore G1352 come out G1831 from G1537 among G3319 them, G846 and G2532 be ye separate, G873 saith G3004 the Lord, G2962 and G2532 touch G680 not G3361 the unclean G169 thing; and G2504 I will receive G1523 you, G5209

Commentary on Leviticus 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Le 5:1. Trespass Offerings for Concealing Knowledge.

1. if a soul … hear the voice of swearing—or, according to some, "the words of adjuration." A proclamation was issued calling any one who could give information, to come before the court and bear testimony to the guilt of a criminal; and the manner in which witnesses were interrogated in the Jewish courts of justice was not by swearing them directly, but adjuring them by reading the words of an oath: "the voice of swearing." The offense, then, for the expiation of which this law provides, was that of a person who neglected or avoided the opportunity of lodging the information which it was in his power to communicate.

Le 5:2, 3. Touching Any Thing Unclean.

2. if a soul touch any unclean thing—A person who, unknown to himself at the time, came in contact with any thing unclean, and either neglected the requisite ceremonies of purification or engaged in the services of religion while under the taint of ceremonial defilement, might be afterwards convinced that he had committed an offense.

Le 5:4-19. For Swearing.

4. if a soul swear—a rash oath, without duly considering the nature and consequences of the oath, perhaps inconsiderately binding himself to do anything wrong, or neglecting to perform a vow to do something good. In all such cases a person might have transgressed one of the divine commandments unwittingly, and have been afterwards brought to a sense of his delinquency.

5. it shall be, when he shall be guilty … that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing—make a voluntary acknowledgment of his sin from the impulse of his own conscience, and before it come to the knowledge of the world. A previous discovery might have subjected him to some degree of punishment from which his spontaneous confession released him, but still he was considered guilty of trespass, to expiate which he was obliged by the ceremonial law to go through certain observances.

6-14. he shall bring his trespass offering unto the Lord for his sins which he hath sinned—A trespass offering differed from a sin offering in the following respects: that it was appointed for persons who had either done evil unwittingly, or were in doubt as to their own criminality; or felt themselves in such a special situation as required sacrifices of that kind [Brown]. The trespass offering appointed in such cases was a female lamb or kid; if unable to make such an offering, he might bring a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons—the one to be offered for a sin offering, the other for a burnt offering; or if even that was beyond his ability, the law would be satisfied with the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour without oil or frankincense.

15, 16. sin through ignorance, in the holy things of the Lord, &c.—This is a case of sacrilege committed ignorantly, either in not paying the full due of tithes, first-fruits, and similar tribute in eating of meats, which belonged to the priests alone—or he was required, along with the restitution in money, the amount of which was to be determined by the priest, to offer a ram for a trespass offering, as soon as he came to the knowledge of his involuntary fraud.

17-19. if a soul sin … though he wist it not, yet is he guilty—This also refers to holy things, and it differs from the preceding in being one of the doubtful cases,—that is, where conscience suspects, though the understanding be in doubt whether criminality or sin has been committed. The Jewish rabbis give, as an example, the case of a person who, knowing that "the fat of the inwards" is not to be eaten, religiously abstained from the use of it; but should a dish happen to have been at table in which he had reason to suspect some portion of that meat was intermingled, and he had, inadvertently, partaken of that unlawful viand, he was bound to bring a ram as a trespass offering [Le 5:16]. These provisions were all designed to impress the conscience with the sense of responsibility to God and keep alive on the hearts of the people a salutary fear of doing any secret wrong.