Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 14 » Verse 30

Luke 14:30 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

30 Saying, G3004 This G3754 G3778 man G444 began G756 to build, G3618 and G2532 was G2480 not G3756 able G2480 to finish. G1615

Cross Reference

Matthew 7:27 STRONG

And G2532 the rain G1028 descended, G2597 and G2532 the floods G4215 came, G2064 and G2532 the winds G417 blew, G4154 and G2532 beat upon G4350 that G1565 house; G3614 and G2532 it fell: G4098 and G2532 great G3173 was G2258 the fall G4431 of it. G846

Matthew 27:3-8 STRONG

Then G5119 Judas, G2455 which G3588 had betrayed G3860 him, G846 when he saw G1492 that G3754 he was condemned, G2632 repented himself, G3338 and brought again G654 the thirty G5144 pieces of silver G694 to the chief priests G749 and G2532 elders, G4245 Saying, G3004 I have sinned G264 in that I have betrayed G3860 the innocent G121 blood. G129 And G1161 they said, G2036 What G5101 is that to G4314 us? G2248 see G3700 thou G4771 to that. And G2532 he cast down G4496 the pieces of silver G694 in G1722 the temple, G3485 and departed, G402 and G2532 went G565 and hanged himself. G519 And G1161 the chief priests G749 took G2983 the silver pieces, G694 and said, G2036 It is G1832 not G3756 lawful G1832 for to put G906 them G846 into G1519 the treasury, G2878 because G1893 it is G2076 the price G5092 of blood. G129 And G1161 they took G2983 counsel, G4824 and bought G59 with G1537 them G846 the potter's G2763 field, G68 to G1519 bury G5027 strangers G3581 in. G5027 Wherefore G1352 that G1565 field G68 was called, G2564 The field G68 of blood, G129 unto G2193 this day. G4594

Acts 1:18-19 STRONG

Now G3303 G3767 this man G3778 purchased G2932 a field G5564 with G1537 the reward G3408 of iniquity; G93 and G2532 falling G1096 headlong, G4248 he burst asunder G2997 in the midst, G3319 and G2532 all G3956 his G846 bowels G4698 gushed out. G1632 And G2532 it was G1096 known G1110 unto all G3956 the dwellers G2730 at Jerusalem; G2419 insomuch as G5620 that G1565 field G5564 is called G2564 in their G846 proper G2398 tongue, G1258 Aceldama, G184 that is to say, G5123 The field G5564 of blood. G129

1 Corinthians 3:11-14 STRONG

For G1063 other G243 foundation G2310 can G1410 no man G3762 lay G5087 than G3844 that is laid, G2749 which G3739 is G2076 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 Now G1161 if any man G1536 build G2026 upon G1909 this G5126 foundation G2310 gold, G5557 silver, G696 precious G5093 stones, G3037 wood, G3586 hay, G5528 stubble; G2562 Every man's G1538 work G2041 shall be made G1096 manifest: G5318 for G1063 the day G2250 shall declare G1213 it, because G3754 it shall be revealed G601 by G1722 fire; G4442 and G2532 the fire G4442 shall try G1381 every man's G1538 work G2041 of what sort G3697 it is. G2076 If any man's G1536 work G2041 abide G3306 which G3739 he hath built G2026 thereupon, he shall receive G2983 a reward. G3408

Hebrews 6:4-8 STRONG

For G1063 it is impossible G102 for those who were once G530 enlightened, G5461 and G5037 have tasted G1089 of the heavenly G2032 gift, G1431 and G2532 were made G1096 partakers G3353 of the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 And G2532 have tasted G1089 the good G2570 word G4487 of God, G2316 and G5037 the powers G1411 of the world G165 to come, G3195 If G2532 they shall fall away, G3895 to renew them G340 again G3825 unto G1519 repentance; G3341 seeing they crucify G388 to themselves G1438 the Son G5207 of God G2316 afresh, G388 and G2532 put him to an open shame. G3856 For G1063 the earth G1093 which G3588 drinketh in G4095 the rain G5205 that cometh G2064 oft G4178 upon G1909 it, G846 and G2532 bringeth forth G5088 herbs G1008 meet G2111 for them G1565 G2532 by G1223 whom G3739 it is dressed, G1090 receiveth G3335 blessing G2129 from G575 God: G2316 But G1161 that which beareth G1627 thorns G173 and G2532 briers G5146 is rejected, G96 and G2532 is nigh G1451 unto cursing; G2671 whose G3739 end G5056 is to G1519 be burned. G2740

Hebrews 6:11 STRONG

And G1161 we desire G1937 that every one G1538 of you G5216 do shew G1731 the same G846 diligence G4710 to G4314 the full assurance G4136 of hope G1680 unto G891 the end: G5056

Hebrews 10:38 STRONG

Now G1161 the just G1342 shall live G2198 by G1537 faith: G4102 but G2532 if G1437 any man draw back, G5288 my G3450 soul G5590 shall have G2106 no G3756 pleasure G2106 in G1722 him. G846

2 Peter 2:19-22 STRONG

While they promise G1861 them G846 liberty, G1657 they themselves G846 are G5225 the servants G1401 of corruption: G5356 for G1063 of whom G3739 a man G5100 is overcome, G2274 G2532 of the same G5129 is he brought in bondage. G1402 For G1063 if G1487 after they have escaped G668 the pollutions G3393 of the world G2889 through G1722 the knowledge G1922 of the Lord G2962 and G2532 Saviour G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 they are G1707 again G3825 entangled G1707 therein, G5125 and G1161 overcome, G1096 G2274 the latter end G2078 is worse G5501 with them G846 than the beginning. G4413 For G1063 it had been G2258 better G2909 for them G846 not G3361 to have known G1921 the way G3598 of righteousness, G1343 than, G2228 after they have known G1921 it, to turn G1994 from G1537 the holy G40 commandment G1785 delivered G3860 unto them. G846 But G1161 it is happened G4819 unto them G846 according to G3588 the true G227 proverb, G3942 The dog G2965 is turned G1994 to G1909 his own G2398 vomit G1829 again; G1994 and G2532 the sow G5300 that was washed G3068 to G1519 her wallowing G2946 in the mire. G1004

2 John 1:8 STRONG

Look G991 to yourselves, G1438 that G3363 we lose G622 not G3363 those things which G3739 we have wrought, G2038 but G235 that we receive G618 a full G4134 reward. G3408

Commentary on Luke 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 14:1-24. Healing of a Dropsical Man, and Manifold Teachings at a Sabbath Feast.

2. man before him—not one of the company, since this was apparently before the guests sat down, and probably the man came in hope of a cure, though not expressly soliciting it [De Wette].

3-6. (See on Mt 12:11, 12).

7-11. a parable—showing that His design was not so much to inculcate mere politeness or good manners, as underneath this to teach something deeper (Lu 14:11).

chief rooms—principal seats, in the middle part of the couch on which they reclined at meals, esteemed the most honorable.

8. wedding—and seating thyself at the wedding feast. Our Lord avoids the appearance of personality by this delicate allusion to a different kind of entertainment than this of his host [Bengel].

9. the lowest—not a lower merely [Bengel].

with shame—"To be lowest is only ignominious to him who affects the highest" [Bengel].

10. Friend—said to the modest guest only, not the proud one (Lu 14:9) [Bengel].

worship—honor. The whole of this is but a reproduction of Pr 25:6, 7. But it was reserved for the matchless Teacher to utter articulately, and apply to the regulation of the minutest features of social life, such great laws of the Kingdom of God, as that of Lu 14:11.

11. whosoever, &c.—couching them in a chaste simplicity and proverbial terseness of style which makes them "apples of gold in a setting of silver." (See on Lu 18:14).

12-14. call not thy friends—Jesus certainly did not mean us to dispense with the duties of ordinary fellowship, but, remitting these to their proper place, inculcates what is better [Bengel].

lest … a recompense be given thee—a fear the world is not afflicted with [Bengel]. The meaning, however, is that no exercise of principle is involved in it, as selfishness itself will suffice to prompt to it (Mt 5:46, 47).

13. call the poor—"Such God Himself calls" (Lu 14:21) [Bengel].

14. blessed—acting from disinterested, god-like compassion for the wretched.

15-24. when one … heard … he said, Blessed, &c.—As our Lord's words seemed to hold forth the future "recompense" under the idea of a great Feast, the thought passes through this man's mind, how blessed they would be who should be honored to sit down to it. Our Lord's reply is in substance this: "The great Feast is prepared already; the invitations are issued, but declined; the feast, notwithstanding, shall not want abundance of guests; but not one of its present contemners—who shall yet come to sue for admission—shall be allowed to taste of it." This shows what was lacking in the seemingly pious exclamation of this man. It was Balaam's, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his" (Nu 23:10), without any anxiety about living his life; fondly wishing that all were right with him at last, while all heedless of the precious present.

16. a great supper—(Compare Isa 25:6).

bade many—historically, the Jews (see on Mt 22:3); generally, those within the pale of professed discipleship.

17. supper-time … all now ready—pointing undoubtedly to the now ripening preparations for the great Gospel call. (See on Mt 22:4.)

18. all began to make excuse—(Compare Mt 22:5). Three excuses, given as specimens of the rest, answer to "the care of this world" (Lu 14:18), "the deceitfulness of riches" (Lu 14:19), and "the pleasures of this life" (Lu 14:20), which "choke the word" (Mt 13:22 and Lu 8:14). Each differs from the other, and each has its own plausibility, but all come to the same result: "We have other things to attend to, more pressing just now." Nobody is represented as saying, I will not come; nay, all the answers imply that but for certain things they would come, and when these are out of the way they will come. So it certainly is in the case intended, for the last words clearly imply that the refusers will one day become petitioners.

21. came, and showed, &c.—saying as in Isa 53:1. "It is the part of ministers to report to the Lord in their prayers the compliance or refusal of their hearers" [Bengel].

angry—in one sense a gracious word, showing how sincere he was in issuing his invitations (Eze 33:11). But it is the slight put upon him, the sense of which is intended to be marked by this word.

streets and lanes—historically, those within the same pale of "the city" of God as the former class, but the despised and outcasts of the nation, the "publicans and sinners" [Trench]; generally, all similar classes, usually overlooked in the first provision for supplying the means of grace to a community, half heathen in the midst of revealed light, and in every sense miserable.

22. yet there is room—implying that these classes had embraced the invitation (Mt 21:32; Mr 12:37, last clause; Joh 7:48, 49); and beautifully expressing the longing that should fill the hearts of ministers to see their Master's table filled.

23. highways and hedges—outside the city altogether; historically, the heathen, sunk in the lowest depths of spiritual wretchedness, as being beyond the pale of all that is revealed and saving, "without Christ, strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world" (Eph 2:12); generally, all such still. Thus, this parable prophetically contemplates the extension of the kingdom of God to the whole world; and spiritually, directs the Gospel invitations to be carried to the lowest strata, and be brought in contact with the outermost circles, of human society.

compel them to come in—not as if they would make the "excuses" of the first class, but because it would be hard to get them over two difficulties: (1) "We are not fit company for such a feast." (2) "We have no proper dress, and are ill in order for such a presence." How fitly does this represent the difficulties and fears of the sincere! How is this met? "Take no excuse—make them come as they are—bring them along with you." What a directory for ministers of Christ!

that my house may be filled—"Grace no more than nature will endure a vacuum" [Bengel].

24. I say unto you, That none—Our Lord here appears to throw off the veil of the parable, and proclaim the Supper His own, intimating that when transferred and transformed into its final glorious form, and the refusers themselves would give all for another opportunity, He will not allow one of them to taste it. (Note. This parable must not be confounded with that of Pr 1:24-33; The Marriage Supper, Mt 22:2-14).

Lu 14:25-35. Address to Great Multitudes Travelling with Him.

25. great multitudes with him—on His final journey to Jerusalem. The "great multitudes" were doubtless people going to the passover, who moved along in clusters (Lu 2:44), and who on this occasion falling in with our Lord had formed themselves into one mass about Him.

26, 27. If any man, &c.—(See on Mt 10:34-36, and Mr 8:34, 35).

28-33. which of you, &c.—Common sense teaches men not to begin any costly work without first seeing that they have wherewithal to finish. And he who does otherwise exposes himself to general ridicule. Nor will any wise potentate enter on a war with any hostile power without first seeing to it that, despite formidable odds (two to one), he be able to stand his ground; and if he has no hope of this, he will feel that nothing remains for him but to make the best terms he can. Even so, says our Lord, "in the warfare you will each have to wage as My disciples, despise not your enemy's strength, for the odds are all against you; and you had better see to it that, despite every disadvantage, you still have wherewithal to hold out and win the day, or else not begin at all, and make the best you can in such awful circumstances." In this simple sense of the parable (Stier, Alford, &c., go wide of the mark here in making the enemy to be God, because of the "conditions of peace," Lu 14:32), two things are taught: (1) Better not begin (Re 3:15), than begin and not finish. (2) Though the contest for salvation be on our part an awfully unequal one, the human will, in the exercise of that "faith which overcometh the world" (1Jo 5:4), and nerved by power from above, which "out of weakness makes it strong" (Heb 11:34; 1Pe 1:5), becomes heroical and will come off "more than conqueror." But without absolute surrender of self the contest is hopeless (Lu 14:33).

34, 35. Salt, &c.—(See on Mt 5:13-16; and Mr 9:50).