Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 14 » Verse 32

Luke 14:32 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

32 Or else, G1490 while the other G846 is G5607 yet G2089 a great way off, G4206 he sendeth G649 an ambassage, G4242 and desireth G2065 conditions G4314 of peace. G1515

Cross Reference

1 Kings 20:31-34 STRONG

And his servants H5650 said H559 unto him, Behold now, we have heard H8085 that the kings H4428 of the house H1004 of Israel H3478 are merciful H2617 kings: H4428 let us, I pray thee, put H7760 sackcloth H8242 on our loins, H4975 and ropes H2256 upon our heads, H7218 and go out H3318 to the king H4428 of Israel: H3478 peradventure he will save H2421 thy life. H5315 So they girded H2296 sackcloth H8242 on their loins, H4975 and put ropes H2256 on their heads, H7218 and came H935 to the king H4428 of Israel, H3478 and said, H559 Thy servant H5650 Benhadad H1130 saith, H559 I pray thee, let me live. H2421 H5315 And he said, H559 Is he yet alive? H2416 he is my brother. H251 Now the men H582 did diligently observe H5172 whether any thing would come from him, and did hastily H4116 catch H2480 it: and they said, H559 Thy brother H251 Benhadad. H1130 Then he said, H559 Go H935 ye, bring H3947 him. Then Benhadad H1130 came forth H3318 to him; and he caused him to come up H5927 into the chariot. H4818 And Benhadad said H559 unto him, The cities, H5892 which my father H1 took H3947 from thy father, H1 I will restore; H7725 and thou shalt make H7760 streets H2351 for thee in Damascus, H1834 as my father H1 made H7760 in Samaria. H8111 Then said Ahab, I will send thee away H7971 with this covenant. H1285 So he made H3772 a covenant H1285 with him, and sent him away. H7971

2 Kings 10:4-5 STRONG

But they were exceedingly H3966 H3966 afraid, H3372 and said, H559 Behold, two H8147 kings H4428 stood H5975 not before H6440 him: how then shall we stand? H5975 And he that was over the house, H1004 and he that was over the city, H5892 the elders H2205 also, and the bringers up H539 of the children, sent H7971 to Jehu, H3058 saying, H559 We are thy servants, H5650 and will do H6213 all that thou shalt bid H559 us; we will not make any H376 king: H4427 do H6213 thou that which is good H2896 in thine eyes. H5869

Job 40:9 STRONG

Hast thou an arm H2220 like God? H410 or canst thou thunder H7481 with a voice H6963 like him?

Matthew 5:25 STRONG

Agree G2468 G2132 with thine G4675 adversary G476 quickly, G5035 whiles G2193 G3755 thou art G1488 in G1722 the way G3598 with G3326 him; G846 lest at any time G3379 the adversary G476 deliver G3860 thee G4571 to the judge, G2923 and G2532 the judge G2923 deliver G3860 thee G4571 to the officer, G5257 and G2532 thou be cast G906 into G1519 prison. G5438

Luke 12:58 STRONG

When G5613 G1063 thou goest G5217 with G3326 thine G4675 adversary G476 to G1909 the magistrate, G758 as thou art in G1722 the way, G3598 give G1325 diligence G2039 that thou mayest be delivered G525 from G575 him; G846 lest G3379 he hale G2694 thee G4571 to G4314 the judge, G2923 and G2532 the judge G2923 deliver G3860 thee G4571 to the officer, G4233 and G2532 the officer G4233 cast G906 thee G4571 into G1519 prison. G5438

Acts 12:20 STRONG

And G1161 Herod G2264 was G2258 highly displeased G2371 with them of Tyre G5183 and G2532 Sidon: G4606 but G1161 they came G3918 with one accord G3661 to G4314 him, G846 and, G2532 having made G3982 Blastus G986 the king's G935 chamberlain G1909 G2846 their friend, G3982 desired G154 peace; G1515 because G1223 their G846 country G5561 was nourished G5142 by G575 the king's G937 country.

James 4:6-10 STRONG

But G1161 he giveth G1325 more G3187 grace. G5485 Wherefore G1352 he saith, G3004 God G2316 resisteth G498 the proud, G5244 but G1161 giveth G1325 grace G5485 unto the humble. G5011 Submit yourselves G5293 therefore G3767 to God. G2316 Resist G436 the devil, G1228 and G2532 he will flee G5343 from G575 you. G5216 Draw nigh G1448 to God, G2316 and G2532 he will draw nigh G1448 to you. G5213 Cleanse G2511 your hands, G5495 ye sinners; G268 and G2532 purify G48 your hearts, G2588 ye double minded. G1374 Be afflicted, G5003 and G2532 mourn, G3996 and G2532 weep: G2799 let your G5216 laughter G1071 be turned G3344 to G1519 mourning, G3997 and G2532 your joy G5479 to G1519 heaviness. G2726 Humble yourselves G5013 in the sight G1799 of the Lord, G2962 and G2532 he shall lift G5312 you G5209 up. G5312

Commentary on Luke 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 14:1-24. Healing of a Dropsical Man, and Manifold Teachings at a Sabbath Feast.

2. man before him—not one of the company, since this was apparently before the guests sat down, and probably the man came in hope of a cure, though not expressly soliciting it [De Wette].

3-6. (See on Mt 12:11, 12).

7-11. a parable—showing that His design was not so much to inculcate mere politeness or good manners, as underneath this to teach something deeper (Lu 14:11).

chief rooms—principal seats, in the middle part of the couch on which they reclined at meals, esteemed the most honorable.

8. wedding—and seating thyself at the wedding feast. Our Lord avoids the appearance of personality by this delicate allusion to a different kind of entertainment than this of his host [Bengel].

9. the lowest—not a lower merely [Bengel].

with shame—"To be lowest is only ignominious to him who affects the highest" [Bengel].

10. Friend—said to the modest guest only, not the proud one (Lu 14:9) [Bengel].

worship—honor. The whole of this is but a reproduction of Pr 25:6, 7. But it was reserved for the matchless Teacher to utter articulately, and apply to the regulation of the minutest features of social life, such great laws of the Kingdom of God, as that of Lu 14:11.

11. whosoever, &c.—couching them in a chaste simplicity and proverbial terseness of style which makes them "apples of gold in a setting of silver." (See on Lu 18:14).

12-14. call not thy friends—Jesus certainly did not mean us to dispense with the duties of ordinary fellowship, but, remitting these to their proper place, inculcates what is better [Bengel].

lest … a recompense be given thee—a fear the world is not afflicted with [Bengel]. The meaning, however, is that no exercise of principle is involved in it, as selfishness itself will suffice to prompt to it (Mt 5:46, 47).

13. call the poor—"Such God Himself calls" (Lu 14:21) [Bengel].

14. blessed—acting from disinterested, god-like compassion for the wretched.

15-24. when one … heard … he said, Blessed, &c.—As our Lord's words seemed to hold forth the future "recompense" under the idea of a great Feast, the thought passes through this man's mind, how blessed they would be who should be honored to sit down to it. Our Lord's reply is in substance this: "The great Feast is prepared already; the invitations are issued, but declined; the feast, notwithstanding, shall not want abundance of guests; but not one of its present contemners—who shall yet come to sue for admission—shall be allowed to taste of it." This shows what was lacking in the seemingly pious exclamation of this man. It was Balaam's, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his" (Nu 23:10), without any anxiety about living his life; fondly wishing that all were right with him at last, while all heedless of the precious present.

16. a great supper—(Compare Isa 25:6).

bade many—historically, the Jews (see on Mt 22:3); generally, those within the pale of professed discipleship.

17. supper-time … all now ready—pointing undoubtedly to the now ripening preparations for the great Gospel call. (See on Mt 22:4.)

18. all began to make excuse—(Compare Mt 22:5). Three excuses, given as specimens of the rest, answer to "the care of this world" (Lu 14:18), "the deceitfulness of riches" (Lu 14:19), and "the pleasures of this life" (Lu 14:20), which "choke the word" (Mt 13:22 and Lu 8:14). Each differs from the other, and each has its own plausibility, but all come to the same result: "We have other things to attend to, more pressing just now." Nobody is represented as saying, I will not come; nay, all the answers imply that but for certain things they would come, and when these are out of the way they will come. So it certainly is in the case intended, for the last words clearly imply that the refusers will one day become petitioners.

21. came, and showed, &c.—saying as in Isa 53:1. "It is the part of ministers to report to the Lord in their prayers the compliance or refusal of their hearers" [Bengel].

angry—in one sense a gracious word, showing how sincere he was in issuing his invitations (Eze 33:11). But it is the slight put upon him, the sense of which is intended to be marked by this word.

streets and lanes—historically, those within the same pale of "the city" of God as the former class, but the despised and outcasts of the nation, the "publicans and sinners" [Trench]; generally, all similar classes, usually overlooked in the first provision for supplying the means of grace to a community, half heathen in the midst of revealed light, and in every sense miserable.

22. yet there is room—implying that these classes had embraced the invitation (Mt 21:32; Mr 12:37, last clause; Joh 7:48, 49); and beautifully expressing the longing that should fill the hearts of ministers to see their Master's table filled.

23. highways and hedges—outside the city altogether; historically, the heathen, sunk in the lowest depths of spiritual wretchedness, as being beyond the pale of all that is revealed and saving, "without Christ, strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world" (Eph 2:12); generally, all such still. Thus, this parable prophetically contemplates the extension of the kingdom of God to the whole world; and spiritually, directs the Gospel invitations to be carried to the lowest strata, and be brought in contact with the outermost circles, of human society.

compel them to come in—not as if they would make the "excuses" of the first class, but because it would be hard to get them over two difficulties: (1) "We are not fit company for such a feast." (2) "We have no proper dress, and are ill in order for such a presence." How fitly does this represent the difficulties and fears of the sincere! How is this met? "Take no excuse—make them come as they are—bring them along with you." What a directory for ministers of Christ!

that my house may be filled—"Grace no more than nature will endure a vacuum" [Bengel].

24. I say unto you, That none—Our Lord here appears to throw off the veil of the parable, and proclaim the Supper His own, intimating that when transferred and transformed into its final glorious form, and the refusers themselves would give all for another opportunity, He will not allow one of them to taste it. (Note. This parable must not be confounded with that of Pr 1:24-33; The Marriage Supper, Mt 22:2-14).

Lu 14:25-35. Address to Great Multitudes Travelling with Him.

25. great multitudes with him—on His final journey to Jerusalem. The "great multitudes" were doubtless people going to the passover, who moved along in clusters (Lu 2:44), and who on this occasion falling in with our Lord had formed themselves into one mass about Him.

26, 27. If any man, &c.—(See on Mt 10:34-36, and Mr 8:34, 35).

28-33. which of you, &c.—Common sense teaches men not to begin any costly work without first seeing that they have wherewithal to finish. And he who does otherwise exposes himself to general ridicule. Nor will any wise potentate enter on a war with any hostile power without first seeing to it that, despite formidable odds (two to one), he be able to stand his ground; and if he has no hope of this, he will feel that nothing remains for him but to make the best terms he can. Even so, says our Lord, "in the warfare you will each have to wage as My disciples, despise not your enemy's strength, for the odds are all against you; and you had better see to it that, despite every disadvantage, you still have wherewithal to hold out and win the day, or else not begin at all, and make the best you can in such awful circumstances." In this simple sense of the parable (Stier, Alford, &c., go wide of the mark here in making the enemy to be God, because of the "conditions of peace," Lu 14:32), two things are taught: (1) Better not begin (Re 3:15), than begin and not finish. (2) Though the contest for salvation be on our part an awfully unequal one, the human will, in the exercise of that "faith which overcometh the world" (1Jo 5:4), and nerved by power from above, which "out of weakness makes it strong" (Heb 11:34; 1Pe 1:5), becomes heroical and will come off "more than conqueror." But without absolute surrender of self the contest is hopeless (Lu 14:33).

34, 35. Salt, &c.—(See on Mt 5:13-16; and Mr 9:50).