Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 18 » Verse 3

Luke 18:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 And G1161 there was G2258 a widow G5503 in G1722 that G1565 city; G4172 and G2532 she came G2064 unto G4314 him, G846 saying, G3004 Avenge G1556 me G3165 of G575 mine G3450 adversary. G476

Cross Reference

Isaiah 1:17 STRONG

Learn H3925 to do well; H3190 seek H1875 judgment, H4941 relieve H833 the oppressed, H2541 judge H8199 the fatherless, H3490 plead H7378 for the widow. H490

Deuteronomy 27:19 STRONG

Cursed H779 be he that perverteth H5186 the judgment H4941 of the stranger, H1616 fatherless, H3490 and widow. H490 And all the people H5971 shall say, H559 Amen. H543

2 Samuel 14:5-24 STRONG

And the king H4428 said H559 unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, H559 I am indeed H61 a widow H490 woman, H802 and mine husband H376 is dead. H4191 And thy handmaid H8198 had two H8147 sons, H1121 and they two H8147 strove together H5327 in the field, H7704 and there was none to part H5337 them, but the one H259 smote H5221 the other, H259 and slew H4191 him. And, behold, the whole family H4940 is risen H6965 against thine handmaid, H8198 and they said, H559 Deliver H5414 him that smote H5221 his brother, H251 that we may kill H4191 him, for the life H5315 of his brother H251 whom he slew; H2026 and we will destroy H8045 the heir H3423 also: and so they shall quench H3518 my coal H1513 which is left, H7760 and shall not leave H7604 to my husband H376 neither name H8034 nor remainder H7611 upon H6440 the earth. H127 And the king H4428 said H559 unto the woman, H802 Go H3212 to thine house, H1004 and I will give charge H6680 concerning thee. And the woman H802 of Tekoah H8621 said H559 unto the king, H4428 My lord, H113 O king, H4428 the iniquity H5771 be on me, and on my father's H1 house: H1004 and the king H4428 and his throne H3678 be guiltless. H5355 And the king H4428 said, H559 Whosoever saith H1696 ought unto thee, bring H935 him to me, and he shall not touch H5060 thee any more. H3254 Then said H559 she, I pray thee, let the king H4428 remember H2142 the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 that thou wouldest not suffer the revengers H1350 of blood H1818 to destroy H7843 any more, H7235 lest they destroy H8045 my son. H1121 And he said, H559 As the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 there shall not one hair H8185 of thy son H1121 fall H5307 to the earth. H776 Then the woman H802 said, H559 Let thine handmaid, H8198 I pray thee, speak H1696 one word H1697 unto my lord H113 the king. H4428 And he said, H559 Say on. H1696 And the woman H802 said, H559 Wherefore then hast thou thought H2803 such a thing against the people H5971 of God? H430 for the king H4428 doth speak H1696 this thing H1697 as one which is faulty, H818 in that the king H4428 doth not fetch home again H7725 his banished. H5080 For we must needs H4191 die, H4191 and are as water H4325 spilt H5064 on the ground, H776 which cannot be gathered up again; H622 neither doth God H430 respect H5375 any person: H5315 yet doth he devise H2803 means, H4284 that his banished H5080 be not expelled H5080 from him. Now therefore that I am come H935 to speak H1696 of this thing H1697 unto my lord H113 the king, H4428 it is because the people H5971 have made me afraid: H3372 and thy handmaid H8198 said, H559 I will now speak H1696 unto the king; H4428 it may be that the king H4428 will perform H6213 the request H1697 of his handmaid. H519 For the king H4428 will hear, H8085 to deliver H5337 his handmaid H519 out of the hand H3709 of the man H376 that would destroy H8045 me and my son H1121 together H3162 out of the inheritance H5159 of God. H430 Then thine handmaid H8198 said, H559 The word H1697 of my lord H113 the king H4428 shall now be comfortable: H4496 for as an angel H4397 of God, H430 so is my lord H113 the king H4428 to discern H8085 good H2896 and bad: H7451 therefore the LORD H3068 thy God H430 will be with thee. Then the king H4428 answered H6030 and said H559 unto the woman, H802 Hide H3582 not from me, I pray thee, the thing H1697 that I shall ask H7592 thee. And the woman H802 said, H559 Let my lord H113 the king H4428 now speak. H1696 And the king H4428 said, H559 Is not the hand H3027 of Joab H3097 with thee in all this? And the woman H802 answered H6030 and said, H559 As thy soul H5315 liveth, H2416 my lord H113 the king, H4428 none H376 can H786 turn to the right hand H3231 or to the left H8041 from ought that my lord H113 the king H4428 hath spoken: H1696 for thy servant H5650 Joab, H3097 he bade H6680 me, and he put H7760 all these words H1697 in the mouth H6310 of thine handmaid: H8198 To H5668 fetch about H5437 this form H6440 of speech H1697 hath thy servant H5650 Joab H3097 done H6213 this thing: H1697 and my lord H113 is wise, H2450 according to the wisdom H2451 of an angel H4397 of God, H430 to know H3045 all things that are in the earth. H776 And the king H4428 said H559 unto Joab, H3097 Behold now, I have done H6213 this thing: H1697 go H3212 therefore, bring H7725 the young man H5288 Absalom H53 again. H7725 And Joab H3097 fell H5307 to the ground H776 on his face, H6440 and bowed H7812 himself, and thanked H1288 the king: H4428 and Joab H3097 said, H559 To day H3117 thy servant H5650 knoweth H3045 that I have found H4672 grace H2580 in thy sight, H5869 my lord, H113 O king, H4428 in that the king H4428 hath fulfilled H6213 the request H1697 of his servant. H5650 So Joab H3097 arose H6965 and went H3212 to Geshur, H1650 and brought H935 Absalom H53 to Jerusalem. H3389 And the king H4428 said, H559 Let him turn H5437 to his own house, H1004 and let him not see H7200 my face. H6440 So Absalom H53 returned H5437 to his own house, H1004 and saw H7200 not the king's H4428 face. H6440

Job 22:9 STRONG

Thou hast sent H7971 widows H490 away empty, H7387 and the arms H2220 of the fatherless H3490 have been broken. H1792

Job 29:13 STRONG

The blessing H1293 of him that was ready to perish H6 came H935 upon me: and I caused the widow's H490 heart H3820 to sing for joy. H7442

Isaiah 1:21-23 STRONG

How is the faithful H539 city H7151 become an harlot! H2181 it was full H4392 of judgment; H4941 righteousness H6664 lodged H3885 in it; but now murderers. H7523 Thy silver H3701 is become dross, H5509 thy wine H5435 mixed H4107 with water: H4325 Thy princes H8269 are rebellious, H5637 and companions H2270 of thieves: H1590 every one loveth H157 gifts, H7810 and followeth H7291 after rewards: H8021 they judge H8199 not the fatherless, H3490 neither doth the cause H7379 of the widow H490 come H935 unto them.

Jeremiah 5:28 STRONG

They are waxen fat, H8080 they shine: H6245 yea, they overpass H5674 the deeds H1697 of the wicked: H7451 they judge H1777 not the cause, H1779 the cause of the fatherless, H3490 yet they prosper; H6743 and the right H4941 of the needy H34 do they not judge. H8199

Luke 18:7-8 STRONG

And G1161 shall G1557 not G3364 God G2316 avenge G1557 his own G846 elect, G1588 G4160 which G3588 cry G994 day G2250 and G2532 night G3571 unto G4314 him, G846 though G2532 he bear long G3114 with G1909 them? G846 I tell G3004 you G5213 that G3754 he will G4160 avenge G1557 them G846 speedily. G5034 G1722 Nevertheless G4133 when G687 the Son G5207 of man G444 cometh, G2064 shall he find G2147 faith G4102 on G1909 the earth? G1093

Romans 13:3-4 STRONG

For G1063 rulers G758 are G1526 not G3756 a terror G5401 to good G18 works, G2041 but G235 to the evil. G2556 Wilt thou G2309 then G1161 not G3361 be afraid G5399 of the power? G1849 do G4160 that which is good, G18 and G2532 thou shalt have G2192 praise G1868 of G1537 the same: G846 For G1063 he is G2076 the minister G1249 of God G2316 to thee G4671 for G1519 good. G18 But G1161 if G1437 thou do G4160 that which is evil, G2556 be afraid; G5399 for G1063 he beareth G5409 not G3756 the sword G3162 in vain: G1500 for G1063 he is G2076 the minister G1249 of God, G2316 a revenger G1558 to execute wrath G3709 upon G1519 him that doeth G4238 evil. G2556

Commentary on Luke 18 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 18:1-8. Parable of the Importunate Widow.

1-5. always—Compare Lu 18:7, "night and day."

faint—lose heart, or slacken.

2. feared not … neither regarded—defying the vengeance of God and despising the opinion of men.

widow—weak, desolate, defenseless (1Ti 5:5, which is taken from this).

3. came—kept coming. See Lu 18:5, "her continual coming."

Avenge me—that is, rid me of the oppression of.

5. continual coming—coming for ever.

6-8. the Lord—a name expressive of the authoritative style in which He interprets His own parable.

7. shall not God—not unjust, but the infinitely righteous Judge.

avenge—redeem from oppression.

his own elect—not like this widow, the object of indifference and contempt, but dear to Him as the apple of the eye (Zec 2:8).

cry day and night—whose every cry enters into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth (Jas 5:4), and how much more their incessant and persevering cries!

bear long with them—rather, "in their case," or "on their account" (as) Jas 5:7, "for it"), [Grotius, De Wette, &c.].

8. speedily—as if pained at the long delay, impatient for the destined moment to interpose. (Compare Pr 29:1.)

Nevertheless, &c.—that is, Yet ere the Son of man comes to redress the wrongs of His Church, so low will the hope of relief sink, through the length of the delay, that one will be fain to ask, Will He find any faith of a coming avenger left on the earth? From this we learn: (1) That the primary and historical reference of this parable is to the Church in its widowed, desolate, oppressed, defenseless condition during the present absence of her Lord in the heavens; (2) That in these circumstances importunate, persevering prayer for deliverance is the Church's fitting exercise; (3) That notwithstanding every encouragement to this, so long will the answer be delayed, while the need of relief continues the same, and all hope of deliverance will have nearly died out, and "faith" of Christ's coming scarcely to be found. But the application of the parable to prayer in general is so obvious as to have nearly hidden its more direct reference, and so precious that one cannot allow it to disappear in any public and historical interpretation.

Lu 18:9-14. Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.

11, 12. stood—as the Jews in prayer (Mr 11:25).

God, &c.—To have been kept from gross iniquities was undoubtedly a just cause of thankfulness to God; but instead of the devoutly humble, admiring frame which this should inspire, the Pharisee arrogantly severs himself from the rest of mankind, as quite above them, and, with a contemptuous look at the poor publican, thanks God that he has not to stand afar off like him, to hang down his head like a bulrush and beat his breast like him. But these are only his moral excellencies. His religious merits complete his grounds for congratulation. Not confining himself to the one divinely prescribed annual fast (Le 16:29), he was not behind the most rigid, who fasted on the second and fifth days of every week [Lightfoot], and gave the tenth not only of what the law laid under tithing, but of "all his gains." Thus, besides doing all his duty, he did works of supererogation; while sins to confess and spiritual wants to be supplied he seems to have felt none. What a picture of the Pharisaic character and religion!

13. standing afar off—as unworthy to draw near; but that was the way to get near (Ps 34:18; Isa 57:15).

would not lift up—blushing and ashamed to do so (Ezr 9:6).

smote, &c.—kept smiting; for anguish (Lu 23:48), and self-reproach (Jer 31:19).

be merciful—"be propitiated," a very unusual word in such a sense, only once else used in the New Testament, in the sense of "making reconciliation" by sacrifice (Heb 2:17). There may therefore, be some allusion to this here, though not likely.

a sinner—literally, "the sinner"; that is, "If ever there was one, I am he."

14. rather than the other—The meaning is, "and not the other"; for the Pharisee was not seeking justification, and felt no need of it. This great law of the Kingdom of God is, in the teaching of Christ, inscribed, as in letters of gold, over its entrance gate. And in how many different forms is it repeated (Ps 138:6; 147:6; Lu 1:53). To be self-emptied, or, "poor in spirit," is the fundamental and indispensable preparation for the reception of the "grace which bringeth salvation": wherever this exists, the "mourning" for it which precedes "comfort" and the earnest "hungerings and thirstings after righteousness" which are rewarded by the "fulness" of it, will, as we see here, be surely found. Such, therefore, and such only, are the justified ones (Job 33:27, 28; Ps 34:18; Isa 57:15).

Lu 18:15-17. Little Children Brought to Christ.

15. infants—showing that some, at least, of those called in Matthew (Mt 19:13) and Mark (Mr 10:13) simply "little" or "young children," were literally "babes."

touch them—or, as more fully in Matthew (Mt 19:13), "put His hands on them and pray," or invoke a "blessing" on them (Mr 10:16), according to venerable custom (Ge 48:14, 15).

rebuked them—Repeatedly the disciples thus interposed to save annoyance and interruption to their Master; but, as the result showed, always against the mind of Christ (Mt 15:23; Lu 18:39, 40). Here, it is plain from our Lord's reply, that they thought the intrusion a useless one, as infants were not capable of receiving anything from Him. His ministrations were for grown people.

16. But Jesus—"much displeased," says Mark (Mr 10:14); and invaluable addition.

said—"Suffer the little children to come unto Me"—"AND FORBID THEM NOT," is the important addition of Matthew (Mt 19:14) and Mark (Mr 10:14). What words are these from the lips of Christ! The price of them is above rubies. But the reason assigned, "For of such is the Kingdom of God," or "of heaven," as in Mt 19:14, completes the previous information here conveyed; especially as interpreted by what immediately follows: "And He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them" (Mr 10:16). It is surely not to be conceived that all our Lord meant was to inform us, that seeing grown people must become childlike in order to be capable of the Kingdom of God, therefore they should not hinder infants from coming to Him, and therefore He took up and blessed the infants themselves. Was it not just the grave mistake of the disciples that infants should not be brought to Christ, because only grown people could profit by Him, which "much displeased" our Lord? And though He took the irresistible opportunity of lowering their pride of reason, by informing them that, in order to enter the Kingdom, "instead of the children first becoming like them, they must themselves become like the children" [Richter in Stier], this was but by the way; and, returning to the children themselves, He took them up in His gracious arms, put His hands upon them and blessed them, for no conceivable reason but to show that they were thereby made capable, AS INFANTS, of the Kingdom of God. And if so, then "Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?" (Ac 10:47). But such application of the baptismal water can have no warrant here, save where the infants have been previously brought to Christ Himself for His benediction, and only as the sign and seal of that benediction.

Lu 18:18-30. The Rich Young Ruler and Discourse Thereon.

This case presents some remarkable points. (1) The man was of irreproachable moral character; and this amidst all the temptations of youth, for he was a "young man" (Mt 19:22), and wealth, for "he was very rich" (Lu 18:23; Mr 10:22). (2) But restless notwithstanding, his heart craves eternal life. (3) Unlike the "rulers," to whose class he belonged (Lu 18:18), he so far believed in Jesus as to be persuaded He could authoritatively direct him on this vital point. (4) So earnest is he that he comes "running" and even "kneeling before Him," and that when He was gone forth into the war (Mr 10:17)—the high-road, by this time crowded with travellers to the passover; undeterred by the virulent opposition of the class he belonged to as a "ruler" and by the shame he might be expected to feel at broaching such a question in the hearing of a crowd and on the open road.

19. Why, &c.—Did our Lord mean then to teach that God only ought to be called "good?" Impossible, for that had been to contradict all Scripture teaching, and His own, too (Ps 112:5; Mt 25:21; Tit 1:8). Unless therefore we are to ascribe captiousness to our Lord, He could have had but one object—to raise the youth's ideas of Himself, as not to be classed merely with other "good masters," and declining to receive this title apart from the "One" who is essentially and only "good." This indeed is but distantly hinted; but unless this is seen in the background of our Lord's words, nothing worthy of Him can be made out of them. (Hence, Socinianism, instead of having any support here, is only baffled by it).

20. Thou knowest, &c.—Matthew (Mt 19:17) is more complete here: "but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which—as if he had said, Point me out one of them which I have not kept?—"Jesus said, Thou shalt," &c. (Mt 19:17, 18). Our Lord purposely confines Himself to the second table, which He would consider easy to keep, enumerating them all—for in Mark (Mr 10:19), "Defraud not" stands for the tenth (else the eighth is twice repeated). In Matthew (Mt 19:19) the sum of this second table of the law is added, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," as if to see if he would venture to say he had kept that.

21. All these, &c.—"what lack I yet?" adds Matthew (Mt 19:20). Ah! this gives us a glimpse of his heart. Doubtless he was perfectly sincere; but something within whispered to him that his keeping of the commandments was too easy a way of getting to heaven. He felt something beyond this to be necessary; after keeping all the commandments he was at a loss to know what that could be; and he came to Jesus just upon that point. "Then," says Mark (Mr 10:21), "Jesus beholding him loved him," or "looked lovingly upon him." His sincerity, frankness, and nearness to the kingdom of God, in themselves most winning qualities, won our Lord's regard even though he turned his back upon Him—a lesson to those who can see nothing lovable save in the regenerate.

22. lackest … one thing—Ah! but that a fundamental, fatal lack.

sell, &c.—As riches were his idol, our Lord, who knew if from the first, lays His great authoritative grasp at once upon it, saying, "Now give Me up that, and all is right." No general direction about the disposal of riches, then, is here given, save that we are to sit loose to them and lay them at the feet of Him who gave them. He who does this with all he has, whether rich or poor, is a true heir of the kingdom of heaven.

23-25. was very sorrowful—Matthew (Mt 19:22) more fully, "went away sorrowful"; Mark still more, "was sad" or "sullen" at that saying, and "went away grieved." Sorry he was, very sorry, to part with Christ; but to part with his riches would have cost him a pang more. When Riches or Heaven, on Christ's terms, were the alternative, the result showed to which side the balance inclined. Thus was he shown to lack the one all-comprehensive requirement of the law—the absolute subjection of the heart to God, and this want vitiated all his other obediences.

24. when Jesus saw—Mark says (Mr 3:34), He "looked round about"—as if first following the departing youth with His eye—"and saith unto His disciples."

How hardly, &c.—with what difficulty. In Mark (Mr 10:24) an explanation is added, "How hard is it for them that trust in riches," &c.—that is, with what difficulty is this idolatrous trust conquered, without which they cannot enter; and this is introduced by the word "children"—sweet diminutive of affection and pity (Joh 21:5).

25. easier for a camel, &c.—a proverbial expression denoting literally a thing impossible, but figuratively, very difficult.

26, 27. For, &c.—"At that rate none can be saved": "Well, it does pass human power, but not divine."

28-30. Lo, &c.—in the simplicity of his heart (as is evident from the reply), conscious that the required surrender had been made, and generously taking in his brethren with him—"we"; not in the spirit of the young ruler. "All these have I kept,"

left all—"The workmen's little is as much his "all" as the prince's much" [Bengel]. In Matthew (Mt 19:27) he adds, "What shall we have therefore?" How shall it fare with us?

29. There is no man, &c.—graciously acknowledging at once the completeness and the acceptableness of the surrender as a thing already made.

house, &c.—The specification is still more minute in Matthew and Mark, (Mt 19:27; Mr 10:29) to take in every form of self-sacrifice.

for the kingdom of God's sake—in Mark (Mr 10:29), "for MY sake and the Gospel's." See on Lu 6:22.

30. manifold more in this present time—in Matthew (Mt 19:29) "an hundredfold," to which Mark (Mr 10:30) gives this most interesting addition, "Now in this present time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions." We have here the blessed promise of a reconstruction of all human relationships and affections on a Christian basis and in a Christian state, after being sacrificed, in their natural form, on the altar of love to Christ. This He calls "manifold more"—"an hundredfold more"—than what they sacrificed. Our Lord was Himself the first to exemplify this new adjustment of His own relationships. (See on Mt 12:49, 50; and 2Co 6:14-18.) But this "with persecutions"; for how could such a transfer take place without the most cruel wrenches to flesh and blood? but the persecution would haply follow them into their new and higher circle, breaking that up too! But best of all, "in the world to come life everlasting." And

When the shore is won at last

Who will count the billows past?


These promises are for every one who forsakes his all for Christ. But in Matthew (Mt 19:28) this is prefaced by a special promise to the Twelve: "Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed Me in the Regeneration, when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Ye who have now adhered to Me shall, in the new kingdom, rule, or give law to, the great Christian world, here set forth in Jewish dress as the twelve tribes, presided over by the twelve apostles on so many judicial thrones. In this sense certainly the promise has been illustriously fulfilled [Calvin, Grotius, Lightfoot, &c.]. But if the promise refers to the yet future glory (as may be thought from Lu 22:28-30, and as most take it), it points to the highest personal distinction of the first founders of the Christian Church.

Lu 18:31-34. Fuller Announcement of His Approaching Death and Resurrection.

(See on Mr 10:32-34.)

31. all written by the prophets concerning the Son of man … be accomplished—showing how Christ Himself read, and would have us to read, the Old Testament, in which some otherwise evangelical interpreters find no prophecies, or virtually none, of the sufferings of the Son of man.

34. understood none, &c.—The Evangelist seems unable to say strongly enough how entirely hidden from them at that time was the sense of these exceeding plain statements: no doubt to add weight to their subsequent testimony, which from this very circumstance was prodigious, and with all the simple-hearted irresistible.

Lu 18:35-43. Blind Man Healed.

In Mt 20:29-34, they are two, as in the case of the Demoniac of Gadara. In Matthew and Mark (Mr 10:46-52) the occurrence is connected with Christ's departure from Jericho; in Luke with His approach to it. Many ways of accounting for these slight divergences of detail have been proposed. Perhaps, if we knew all the facts, we should see no difficulty; but that we have been left so far in the dark shows that the thing is of no moment any way. One thing is plain, there could have been no collusion among the authors of these Gospels, else they would have taken care to remove these "spots on the sun."

38. son of David, &c.—(See on Mt 12:23).

39. rebuked, &c.—(See on Lu 18:15).

so much the more—that importunity so commended in the Syrophenician woman, and so often enjoined (Lu 11:5-13; 18:1-8).

40. commanded, &c.—Mark (Mr 10:49) has this interesting addition: "And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise, He calleth thee"—just as one earnestly desiring an interview with some exalted person, but told by one official after another that it is vain to wait, as he will not succeed (they know it), yet persists in waiting for some answer to his suit, and at length the door opens, and a servant appears, saying, "You will be admitted—he has called you." And are there no other suitors to Jesus who sometimes fare thus? "And he, casting away his garment"—how lively is this touch, evidently of an eye-witness, expressive of his earnestness and joy—"came to Jesus" (Mr 10:49, 50).

41-43. What wilt thou, &c.—to try them; to deepen their present consciousness of need; and to draw out their faith in Him. Lord "Rabboni" (Mr 10:51); an emphatic and confiding exclamation. (See on Joh 20:16.)