Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 19 » Verse 9

Luke 19:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 G3754 This day G4594 is G1096 salvation G4991 come G1096 to this G5129 house, G3624 forsomuch as G2530 he G846 also G2532 is G2076 a son G5207 of Abraham. G11

Cross Reference

Galatians 3:7 STRONG

Know ye G1097 therefore G686 that G3754 they which are of G1537 faith, G4102 the same G3778 are G1526 the children G5207 of Abraham. G11

Romans 4:16 STRONG

Therefore G1223 G5124 it is of G1537 faith, G4102 that G2443 it might be by G2596 grace; G5485 to the end G1519 the promise G1860 might be G1511 sure G949 to all G3956 the seed; G4690 not G3756 to that only G3440 which is of G1537 the law, G3551 but G235 to that also G2532 which is of G1537 the faith G4102 of Abraham; G11 who G3739 is G2076 the father G3962 of us G2257 all, G3956

Luke 13:16 STRONG

And G1161 ought G1163 not G3756 this woman, G5026 being G5607 a daughter G2364 of Abraham, G11 whom G3739 Satan G4567 hath bound, G1210 lo, G2400 these eighteen G1176 G2532 G3638 years, G2094 be loosed G3089 from G575 this G5127 bond G1199 on the sabbath G4521 day? G2250

Romans 4:11-12 STRONG

And G2532 he received G2983 the sign G4592 of circumcision, G4061 a seal G4973 of the righteousness G1343 of the faith G4102 which G3588 he had yet being G1722 uncircumcised: G203 that G1519 he G846 might be G1511 the father G3962 of all G3956 them that believe, G4100 though G1223 they be not circumcised; G203 that G1519 righteousness G1343 might be imputed G3049 unto them G846 also: G2532 And G2532 the father G3962 of circumcision G4061 to them who are not G3756 of G1537 the circumcision G4061 only, G3440 but G235 who also G2532 walk G4748 in the steps G2487 of that faith G4102 of our G2257 father G3962 Abraham, G11 which he had being G1722 yet uncircumcised. G203

Luke 2:30 STRONG

For G3754 mine G3450 eyes G3788 have seen G1492 thy G4675 salvation, G4992

Luke 3:8 STRONG

Bring forth G4160 therefore G3767 fruits G2590 worthy G514 of repentance, G3341 and G2532 begin G756 not G3361 to say G3004 within G1722 yourselves, G1438 We have G2192 Abraham G11 to our father: G3962 for G1063 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 God G2316 is able G1410 of G1537 these G5130 stones G3037 to raise up G1453 children G5043 unto Abraham. G11

Luke 13:30 STRONG

And, G2532 behold, G2400 there are G1526 last G2078 which G3739 shall be G2071 first, G4413 and G2532 there are G1526 first G4413 which G3739 shall be G2071 last. G2078

John 4:38-42 STRONG

I G1473 sent G649 you G5209 to reap G2325 that whereon G3739 ye G5210 bestowed G2872 no G3756 labour: G2872 other men G243 laboured, G2872 and G2532 ye G5210 are entered G1525 into G1519 their G846 labours. G2873 And G1161 many G4183 of the Samaritans G4541 of G1537 that G1565 city G4172 believed G4100 on G1519 him G846 for G1223 the saying G3056 of the woman, G1135 which testified, G3140 G3754 He told G2036 me G3427 all G3956 that ever G3745 I did. G4160 So G3767 when G5613 the Samaritans G4541 were come G2064 unto G4314 him, G846 they besought G2065 him G846 that he would tarry G3306 with G3844 them: G846 and G2532 he abode G3306 there G1563 two G1417 days. G2250 And G2532 many G4183 more G4119 believed G4100 because G1223 of his own G846 word; G3056 And G5037 said G3004 unto the woman, G1135 G3754 Now G3765 we believe, G4100 not G3754 because G1223 of thy G4674 saying: G2981 for G1063 we have heard G191 him ourselves, G846 and G2532 know G1492 that G3754 this G3778 is G2076 indeed G230 the Christ, G5547 the Saviour G4990 of the world. G2889

Acts 16:30-32 STRONG

And G2532 brought G4254 them G846 out, G1854 and said, G5346 Sirs, G2962 what G5101 must G1163 I G3165 do G4160 to G2443 be saved? G4982 And G1161 they said, G2036 Believe G4100 on G1909 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and G2532 thou G4771 shalt be saved, G4982 and G2532 thy G4675 house. G3624 And G2532 they spake G2980 unto him G846 the word G3056 of the Lord, G2962 and G2532 to all G3956 that were in G1722 his G846 house. G3614

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 STRONG

G2228 Know ye G1492 not G3756 that G3754 the unrighteous G94 shall G2816 not G3756 inherit G2816 the kingdom G932 of God? G2316 Be G4105 not G3361 deceived: G4105 neither G3777 fornicators, G4205 nor G3777 idolaters, G1496 nor G3777 adulterers, G3432 nor G3777 effeminate, G3120 nor G3777 abusers of themselves with mankind, G733 Nor G3777 thieves, G2812 nor G3777 covetous, G4123 nor G3777 drunkards, G3183 nor G3756 revilers, G3060 nor G3756 extortioners, G727 shall inherit G3756 G2816 the kingdom G932 of God. G2316 And G2532 such G5023 were G2258 some of you: G5100 but G235 ye are washed, G628 but G235 ye are sanctified, G37 but G235 ye are justified G1344 in G1722 the name G3686 of the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 by G1722 the Spirit G4151 of our G2257 God. G2316

Galatians 3:14 STRONG

That G2443 the blessing G2129 of Abraham G11 might come G1096 on G1519 the Gentiles G1484 through G1722 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 that G2443 we might receive G2983 the promise G1860 of the Spirit G4151 through G1223 faith. G4102

Galatians 3:29 STRONG

And G1161 if G1487 ye G5210 be Christ's, G5547 then G686 are ye G2075 Abraham's G11 seed, G4690 and G2532 heirs G2818 according G2596 to the promise. G1860

1 Peter 2:10 STRONG

Which G3588 in time past G4218 were not G3756 a people, G2992 but G1161 are now G3568 the people G2992 of God: G2316 which G3588 had G1653 not G3756 obtained mercy, G1653 but G1161 now G3568 have obtained mercy. G1653

Commentary on Luke 19 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 19:1-10. Zaccheus the Publican.

The name is Jewish.

2-4. chief among the publicans—farming a considerable district, with others under him.

rich—Ill-gotten riches some of it certainly was. (See on Lu 19:8.)

3. who he was—what sort of person. Curiosity then was his only motive, though his determination not to be baulked was overruled for more than he sought.

4. sycamore—the Egyptian fig, with leaves like the mulberry.

5, 6. looked up,—in the full knowledge of who was in the tree, and preparatory to addressing him.

Zaccheus—whom he had never seen in the flesh, nor probably heard of. "He calleth His own sheep by name and leadeth them out" (Joh 10:3).

make haste, and come down—to which he literally responded—"he made haste and came down."

for to-day, &c.—Our Lord invites Himself, and in "royal" style, which waits not for invitations, but as the honor is done to the subject, not the sovereign, announces the purpose of royalty to partake of the subject's hospitalities. Manifestly our Lord speaks as knowing how the privilege would be appreciated.

to-day … abide—(Compare Joh 1:39), probably over night.

6. joyfully—Whence this so sudden "joy" in the cold bosom of an avaricious publican? The internal revolution was as perfect as instantaneous. "He spake and it was done." "Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing" (Isa 35:6).

7. to be guest—or lodge: something more than "eating with" such (Lu 15:2).

a sinner—that was one but a minute ago, but now is not. This mighty change, however, was all unknown to them. But they shall know it presently. "Sinner" would refer both to his office, vile in the eyes of a Jew, and to his character, which it is evident was not good.

8-10. stood—before all.

said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord—Mark how frequently Luke uses this title, and always where lordly authority, dignity, or power is intended.

if I have—that is, "so far as I have," for evidently the "if" is so used (as in Php 4:8).

taken by false accusation—defrauded, overcharged (Lu 3:12, 13).

fourfold—The Roman law required this; the Jewish law, but the principal and a fifth more (Nu 5:7). There was no demand made for either; but, as if to revenge himself on his hitherto reigning sin (see on Joh 20:28), and to testify the change he had experienced, besides surrendering the half of his fair gains to the poor, he voluntarily determines to give up all that was ill-gotten, quadrupled. He gratefully addressed this to the "Lord," to whom he owed the wonderful change.

9. Jesus said unto him—but also before all.

This day, &c.—memorable saying! Salvation already come, but not a day old.

to this house—so expressed probably to meet the taunt, "He is gone to be guest," &c. The house is no longer polluted; it is now fit to receive Me. But salvation to a house is an exceedingly precious idea, expressing the new air that would henceforth breathe in it, and the new impulses from its head which would reach its members (Ps 118:15; Ac 16:15, 16, 31).

son of Abraham—He was that by birth, but here it means a partaker of his faith, being mentioned as the sufficient explanation of salvation having come to him.

10. lost—and such "lost" ones as this Zaccheus. (See on Lu 15:32.) What encouragement is there in this narrative to hope for unexpected conversions?

Lu 19:11-27. Parable of the Pounds.

A different parable from that of the Talents (Mt 25:14-30). For, (1) This parable was spoken "when He was nigh to Jerusalem" (Lu 19:11); that one, some days after entering it, and from the Mount of Olives. (2) This parable was spoken to the promiscuous crowd; that, to the Twelve alone. Accordingly, (3) Besides the "servants" in this parable, who profess subjection to Him, there is a class of "citizens" who refuse to own Him, and who are treated differently, whereas in the parable of the talents, spoken to the former class alone, this latter class is omitted. (4) In the Talents, each servant receives a different number of them (five, two, one); in the Pounds all receive the same one pound, which is but about the sixtieth part of a talent; also, in the talents, each shows the same fidelity by doubling what he received (the five are made ten; the two, four); in the Pounds, each receiving the same, render a different return (one making his pound ten, another five). Plainly, therefore, the intended lesson is different; the one illustrating equal fidelity with different degrees of advantage; the other, different degrees of improvement of the same opportunities; yet with all this difference, the parables are remarkably similar.

12. a far country—said to put down the notion that He was just on His way to set up His kingdom, and to inaugurate it by His personal presence.

to receive … a kingdom—be invested with royalty; as when Herod went to Rome and was there made king; a striking expression of what our Lord went away for and received, "sitting down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."

to return—at His second coming.

13. Occupy—"negotiate," "do business," with the resources entrusted.

14. his citizens—His proper subjects; meaning the Jews, who expressly repudiating our Lord's claims said, "We have no king but Cæsar" (Joh 19:15). In Christendom, these correspond to infidel rejecters of Christianity, as distinguished from professed Christians.

15-26. (See on Mt 25:19-29.)

ten … five cities—different degrees of future gracious reward, proportioned to the measure of present fidelity.

27. bring hither, &c.—(Compare 1Sa 15:32, 33). Referring to the awful destruction of Jerusalem, but pointing to the final destruction of all that are found in open rebellion against Christ.

Lu 19:28-44. Christ's Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem and Tears over It.

(See on Mt 21:1-11.)

29-38. Bethphage—"house of figs," a village which with Bethany lay along the further side of Mount Olivet, east of Jerusalem.

30. whereon, &c.—(See on Joh 19:41).

31. the Lord hath need, &c.—He both knew all and had the key of the human heart. (See on Lu 19:5.) Perhaps the owner was a disciple.

35. set Jesus on—He allowing this, as befitting the state He was for the first and only time assuming.

37. whole multitude, &c.—The language here is very grand, intended to express a burst of admiration far wider and deeper than ever had been witnessed before.

38. Blessed be the King, &c.—Mark (Mr 11:9, 10) more fully, "Hosanna," that is, "Save now," the words of Ps 118:25, which were understood to refer to Messiah; and so they add, "to the Son of David, blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord (Ps 118:26), Hosanna in the highest." This was the very loftiest style in which He could be saluted as the promised Deliverer.

peace, &c.—(See on Lu 2:13, 14).

40. the stones, &c.—Hitherto the Lord had discouraged all demonstrations in His favor; latterly He had begun an opposite course; on this one occasion He seems to yield His whole soul to the wide and deep acclaim with a mysterious satisfaction, regarding it as so necessary a part of the regal dignity in which as Messiah He for this last time entered the city, that if not offered by the vast multitude, it would have been wrung out of the stones rather than be withheld (Hab 2:11).

41-44. when beheld … wept—Compare La 3:51, "Mine eye affecteth mine heart"; the heart again affecting the eye. Under this sympathetic law of the relation of mind and body, Jesus, in His beautiful, tender humanity, was constituted even as we. What a contrast to the immediately preceding profound joy! He yielded Himself alike freely to both. (See on Mt 23:37.)

42. at least in this, &c.—even at this moving moment. (See on Lu 13:9.)

thy peace—thinking perhaps of the name of the city. (Heb 7:2) [Webster and Wilkinson]. How much is included in this word!

now … hid—It was His among His last open efforts to "gather them," but their eyes were judicially closed.

43. a trench—a rampart; first of wood, and when this was burnt, a built wall, four miles in circuit, built in three days—so determined were they. This "cut off all hope of escape," and consigned the city to unparalleled horrors. (See Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 6.2; 12.3,4.) All here predicted was with dreadful literally fulfilled.

Lu 19:45-48. Second Cleansing of the Temple and Subsequent Teaching.

45, 46. As the first cleansing was on His first visit to Jerusalem (Joh 2:13-22), so this second cleansing was on His last.

den of thieves—banded together for plunder, reckless of principle. The mild term "house of merchandise," used on the former occasion, was now unsuitable.

47. sought—continued seeking, that is, daily, as He taught.

48. were very attentive to hear him—hung upon His words.