Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 21 » Verse 8

Luke 21:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 And G1161 he said, G2036 Take heed G991 that ye be G4105 not G3361 deceived: G4105 for G1063 many G4183 shall come G2064 in G1909 my G3450 name, G3686 saying, G3004 G3754 I G1473 am G1510 Christ; and G2532 the time G2540 draweth near: G1448 go ye G4198 not G3361 therefore G3767 after G3694 them. G846

Cross Reference

1 John 4:1 STRONG

Beloved, G27 believe G4100 not G3361 every G3956 spirit, G4151 but G235 try G1381 the spirits G4151 whether G1487 they are G2076 of G1537 God: G2316 because G3754 many G4183 false prophets G5578 are gone out G1831 into G1519 the world. G2889

2 Thessalonians 2:3 STRONG

Let G1818 no G3361 man G5100 deceive G1818 you G5209 by G2596 any G3367 means: G5158 for G3754 that day shall not come, except G3362 there come G2064 a falling away G646 first, G4412 and G2532 that man G444 of sin G266 be revealed, G601 the son G5207 of perdition; G684

Ephesians 5:6 STRONG

Let G538 no man G3367 deceive G538 you G5209 with vain G2756 words: G3056 for G1063 because G1223 of these things G5023 cometh G2064 the wrath G3709 of God G2316 upon G1909 the children G5207 of disobedience. G543

Mark 13:5-6 STRONG

And G1161 Jesus G2424 answering G611 them G846 began G756 to say, G3004 Take heed G991 lest G3361 any G5100 man deceive G4105 you: G5209 For G1063 many G4183 shall come G2064 in G1909 my G3450 name, G3686 saying, G3004 G3754 I G1473 am G1510 Christ; and G2532 shall deceive G4105 many. G4183

Jeremiah 29:8 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Let not your prophets H5030 and your diviners, H7080 that be in the midst H7130 of you, deceive H5377 you, neither hearken H8085 to your dreams H2472 which ye cause to be dreamed. H2492

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 STRONG

For G1063 such G5108 are false apostles, G5570 deceitful G1386 workers, G2040 transforming themselves G3345 into G1519 the apostles G652 of Christ. G5547 And G2532 no G3756 marvel; G2298 for G1063 Satan G4567 himself G846 is transformed G3345 into G1519 an angel G32 of light. G5457 Therefore G3767 it is no G3756 great thing G3173 if G1499 his G846 ministers G1249 also G1499 be transformed G3345 as G5613 the ministers G1249 of righteousness; G1343 whose G3739 end G5056 shall be G2071 according G2596 to their G846 works. G2041

2 John 1:7 STRONG

For G3754 many G4183 deceivers G4108 are entered G1525 into G1519 the world, G2889 who G3588 confess G3670 not G3361 that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 is come G2064 in G1722 the flesh. G4561 This G3778 is G2076 a deceiver G4108 and G2532 an antichrist. G500

2 Timothy 3:13 STRONG

But G1161 evil G4190 men G444 and G2532 seducers G1114 shall wax G4298 worse and worse, G1909 G5501 deceiving, G4105 and G2532 being deceived. G4105

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 STRONG

Even him, whose G3739 coming G3952 is G2076 after G2596 the working G1753 of Satan G4567 with G1722 all G3956 power G1411 and G2532 signs G4592 and G2532 lying G5579 wonders, G5059 And G2532 with G1722 all G3956 deceivableness G539 of unrighteousness G93 in G1722 them that perish; G622 because G473 G3739 they received G1209 not G3756 the love G26 of the truth, G225 that G1519 they G846 might be saved. G4982 And G2532 for this G5124 cause G1223 God G2316 shall send G3992 them G846 strong G1753 delusion, G4106 that G1519 they G846 should believe G4100 a lie: G5579

Acts 8:9-10 STRONG

But G1161 there was a certain G5100 man, G435 called G3686 Simon, G4613 which beforetime G4391 in G1722 the same city G4172 used sorcery, G3096 and G2532 bewitched G1839 the people G1484 of Samaria, G4540 giving out G3004 that himself G1438 was G1511 some G5100 great one: G3173 To whom G3739 they all G3956 gave heed, G4337 from G575 the least G3398 to G2193 the greatest, G3173 saying, G3004 This man G3778 is G2076 the great G3173 power G1411 of God. G2316

Acts 5:36-37 STRONG

For G1063 before G4253 these G5130 days G2250 rose up G450 Theudas, G2333 boasting G3004 himself G1438 to be G1511 somebody; G5100 to whom G3739 a number G706 of men, G435 about G5616 four hundred, G5071 joined themselves: G4347 who G3739 was slain; G337 and G2532 all, G3956 as many as G3745 obeyed G3982 him, G846 were scattered, G1262 and G2532 brought G1096 to G1519 nought. G3762 After G3326 this man G5126 rose up G450 Judas G2455 of Galilee G1057 in G1722 the days G2250 of the taxing, G582 and G2532 drew away G868 much G2425 people G2992 after G3694 him: G846 he also G2548 perished; G622 and G2532 all, G3956 even as many as G3745 obeyed G3982 him, G846 were dispersed. G1287

Luke 17:23 STRONG

And G2532 they shall say G2046 to you, G5213 See G2400 here; G5602 or, G2228 see G2400 there: G1563 go G565 not G3361 after G565 them, nor G3366 follow G1377 them.

Mark 13:21-23 STRONG

And G2532 then G5119 if G1437 any man G5100 shall say G2036 to you, G5213 Lo, G2400 here G5602 is Christ; G5547 or, G2228 lo, G2400 he is there; G1563 believe G4100 him not: G3361 For G1063 false Christs G5580 and G2532 false prophets G5578 shall rise, G1453 and G2532 shall shew G1325 signs G4592 and G2532 wonders, G5059 to G4314 seduce, G635 if G1487 it were possible, G1415 even G2532 the elect. G1588 But G1161 take G991 ye G5210 heed: G991 behold, G2400 I have foretold G4280 you G5213 all things. G3956

Matthew 24:23-25 STRONG

Then G5119 if G1437 any man G5100 shall say G2036 unto you, G5213 Lo, G2400 here G5602 is Christ, G5547 or G2228 there; G5602 believe G4100 it not. G3361 For G1063 there shall arise G1453 false Christs, G5580 and G2532 false prophets, G5578 and G2532 shall shew G1325 great G3173 signs G4592 and G2532 wonders; G5059 insomuch that, G5620 if G1487 it were possible, G1415 they shall deceive G4105 the very G2532 elect. G1588 Behold, G2400 I have told G4280 you G5213 before. G4280

Matthew 24:11 STRONG

And G2532 many G4183 false prophets G5578 shall rise, G1453 and G2532 shall deceive G4105 many. G4183

Matthew 24:4-5 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 Take heed G991 that no G3361 man G5100 deceive G4105 you. G5209 For G1063 many G4183 shall come G2064 in G1909 my G3450 name, G3686 saying, G3004 I G1473 am G1510 Christ; G5547 and G2532 shall deceive G4105 many. G4183

Revelation 12:9 STRONG

And G2532 the great G3173 dragon G1404 was cast out, G906 that old G744 serpent, G3789 called G2564 the Devil, G1228 and G2532 Satan, G4567 which G3588 deceiveth G4105 the whole G3650 world: G3625 he was cast out G906 into G1519 the earth, G1093 and G2532 his G846 angels G32 were cast out G906 with G3326 him. G846

Commentary on Luke 21 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 21:1-4. The Widow's Two Mites.

1. looked up—He had "sat down over against the treasury" (Mr 12:41), probably to rest, for He had continued long standing as he taught in the temple court (Mr 11:27), and "looking up He saw"—as in Zaccheus' case, not quite casually.

the rich, &c.—"the people," says Mr 12:41 "cast money into the treasury, and many rich east in much"; that is, into chests deposited in one of the courts of the temple to receive the offerings of the people towards its maintenance (2Ki 12:9; Joh 8:20).

2. two mites—"which make a farthing" (Mr 12:42), the smallest Jewish coin. "She might have kept one" [Bengel].

3. And he said—"to His disciples," whom He "called to Him" (Mr 12:43), to teach from it a great future lesson.

more than … all—in proportion to her means, which is God's standard (2Co 8:12).

4. of their abundance—their superfluity; what they had to spare," or beyond what they needed.

of her penury—or "want" (Mr 12:44)—her deficiency, of what was less than her own wants required, "all the living she had." Mark (Mr 12:44) still more emphatically, "all that she had—her whole subsistence." Note: (1) As temple offerings are needed still for the service of Christ at home and abroad, so "looking down" now, as then "up," Me "sees" who "cast in," and how much. (2) Christ's standard of commendable offering is not our superfluity, but our deficiency—not what will never be missed, but what costs us some real sacrifice, and just in proportion to the relative amount of that sacrifice. (See 2Co 8:1-3.)

Lu 21:5-38. Christ's Prophecy of the Destruction of Jerusalem and Warnings to Prepare for His Second Coming, Suggested by ItHis Days and Nights during His Last Week.

5-7. (See on Mt 24:1-3.)

8. the time—of the Kingdom, in its full glory.

go … not … after them—"I come not so very soon" (2Th 2:1, 2) [Stier].

9-11. not terrified—(See Lu 21:19; Isa 8:11-14).

end not by and by—or immediately, not yet (Mt 24:6; Mr 13:7): that is, "Worse must come before all is over."

10. Nation, &c.—Matthew and Mark (Mt 24:8; Mr 13:8) add, "All these are the beginning of sorrows," or travail pangs, to which heavy calamities are compared (Jer 4:31, &c.).

12. brought before, &c.—The book of Acts verifies all this.

13. for a testimony—an opportunity of bearing testimony.

18. not a hair … perish—He had just said (Lu 21:16) they should be put to death; showing that this precious promise is far above immunity from mere bodily harm, and furnishing a key to the right interpretation of the ninety-first Psalm, and such like. Matthew adds the following (Mt 24:12): "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many," the many or, the most—the generality of professed disciples—"shall wax cold." But he that endureth to the end shall be saved. Sad illustrations of the effect of abounding iniquity in cooling the love of faithful disciples we have in the Epistle of James, written about this period referred to, and too frequently ever since (Heb 10:38, 39; Re 2:10). "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness, and then shall the end come" (Mt 24:14). God never sends judgment without previous warning; and there can be no doubt that the Jews, already dispersed over most known countries, had nearly all heard the Gospel "as a witness," before the end of the Jewish state. The same principle was repeated and will repeat itself to the end.

20, 21. by armies—encamped armies, that is, besieged: "the abomination of desolation" (meaning the Roman ensigns, as the symbols of an idolatrous, pagan, unclean power) "spoken of by Daniel the prophet" (Da 9:27) "standing where it ought not" (Mr 13:14). "Whoso readeth [that prophecy] let him understand" (Mt 24:15).

Then … flee, &c.—Eusebius says the Christians fled to Pella, at the north extremity of Perea, being "prophetically directed"; perhaps by some prophetic intimation still more explicit than this, which still would be their chart.

23. woe unto—"alas for."

with child, &c.—from the greater suffering it would involve; as also "flight in winter, and on the sabbath," which they were to "pray" against (Mt 24:20), the one as more trying to the body, the other to the soul. "For then shall be tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world, nor ever shall be"—language not unusual in the Old Testament for tremendous calamities, though of this it may perhaps be literally said, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" (Mt 24:21, 22). But for this merciful "shortening," brought about by a remarkable concurrence of causes, the whole nation would have perished, in which there yet remained a remnant to be afterwards gathered out. Here in Matthew and Mark (Mt 24:24; Mr 13:22) are some particulars about "false Christs," who should, "if possible"—a precious clause—"deceive the very elect." (Compare 2Th 2:9-11; Re 13:13.)

24. Jerusalem … trodden down … until, &c.—Implying (1) that one day Jerusalem shall cease to be "trodden down by the Gentiles" (Re 11:2), as then by pagan so now by Mohammedan unbelievers; (2) that this shall be at the "completion" of "the times of the Gentiles," which from Ro 11:25 (taken from this) we conclude to mean till the Gentiles have had their full time of that place in the Church which the Jews in their time had before them—after which, the Jews being again "grafted into their own olive tree," one Church of Jew and Gentile together shall fill the earth (Ro 11:1-36). What a vista this opens up!

25-28. signs, &c.—Though the grandeur of this language carries the mind over the head of all periods but that of Christ's second coming, nearly every expression will be found used of the Lord's coming in terrible national judgments, as of Babylon, &c.; and from Lu 21:28, 32, it seems undeniable that its immediate reference was to the destruction of Jerusalem, though its ultimate reference beyond doubt is to Christ's final coming.

28. redemption—from the oppression of ecclesiastical despotism and legal bondage by the total subversion of the Jewish state and the firm establishment of the evangelical kingdom (Lu 21:31). But the words are of far wider and more precious import. Matthew (Mt 24:30) says, "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven," evidently something distinct from Himself, mentioned immediately after. What this was intended to mean, interpreters are not agreed. But as before Christ came to destroy Jerusalem, some appalling portents were seen in the air, so before His personal appearing it is likely that something analogous will be witnessed, though of what nature it is vain to conjecture.

32. This generation—not "this nation," as some interpret it, which, though admissible in itself, seems very unnatural here. It is rather as in Lu 9:27.

34-37. surfeiting, and drunkenness—All animal excesses, quenching spirituality.

cares of this life—(See on Mr 4:7; Mr 4:19).

36. Watch … pray, &c.—the two great duties which in prospect of trial are constantly enjoined. These warnings, suggested by the need of preparedness for the tremendous calamities approaching, and the total wreck of the existing state of things, are the general improvement of the whole discourse, carrying the mind forward to Judgment and Vengeance of another kind and on a grander and more awful scale—not ecclesiastical or political but personal, not temporal but eternal—when all safety and blessedness will be found to lie in being able to "STAND BEFORE THE Son of Man" in the glory of His personal appearing.

37, 38. in the daytime—of this His last week.

abode in the mount—that is, at Bethany (Mt 21:17).