Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 24 » Verse 34-49

Luke 24:34-49 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

34 Saying, G3004 G3754 The Lord G2962 is risen G1453 indeed, G3689 and G2532 hath appeared G3700 to Simon. G4613

35 And G2532 they G846 told G1834 what things were done in G1722 the way, G3598 and G2532 how G5613 he was known G1097 of them G846 in G1722 breaking G2800 of bread. G740

36 And G1161 as they G846 thus G5023 spake, G2980 Jesus G2424 himself G846 stood G2476 in G1722 the midst G3319 of them, G846 and G2532 saith G3004 unto them, G846 Peace G1515 be unto you. G5213

37 But G1161 they were terrified G4422 and G2532 affrighted, G1719 G1096 and supposed G1380 that they had seen G2334 a spirit. G4151

38 And G2532 he said G2036 unto them, G846 Why G5101 are ye G2075 troubled? G5015 and G2532 why G1302 do thoughts G1261 arise G305 in G1722 your G5216 hearts? G2588

39 Behold G1492 my G3450 hands G5495 and G2532 my G3450 feet, G4228 that G3754 it is G1510 I G1473 myself: G846 handle G5584 me, G3165 and G2532 see; G1492 for G3754 a spirit G4151 hath G2192 not G3756 flesh G4561 and G2532 bones, G3747 as G2531 ye see G2334 me G1691 have. G2192

40 And G2532 when he had thus G5124 spoken, G2036 he shewed G1925 them G846 his hands G5495 and G2532 his feet. G4228

41 And G1161 while they G846 yet G2089 believed not G569 for G575 joy, G5479 and G2532 wondered, G2296 he said G2036 unto them, G846 Have ye G2192 here G1759 any G5100 meat? G1034

42 And G1161 they gave G1929 him G846 a piece G3313 of a broiled G3702 fish, G2486 and G2532 of G575 an honeycomb. G3193 G2781

43 And G2532 he took G2983 it, and did eat G5315 before G1799 them. G846

44 And G1161 he said G2036 unto them, G846 These G3778 are the words G3056 which G3739 I spake G2980 unto G4314 you, G5209 while G5607 I was yet G2089 with G4862 you, G5213 that G3754 all things G3956 must G1163 be fulfilled, G4137 which G3588 were written G1125 in G1722 the law G3551 of Moses, G3475 and G2532 in the prophets, G4396 and G2532 in the psalms, G5568 concerning G4012 me. G1700

45 Then G5119 opened he G1272 their G846 understanding, G3563 that they might understand G4920 the scriptures, G1124

46 And G2532 said G2036 unto them, G846 Thus G3754 G3779 it is written, G1125 and G2532 thus G3779 it behoved G1163 Christ G5547 to suffer, G3958 and G2532 to rise G450 from G1537 the dead G3498 the third G5154 day: G2250

47 And G2532 that repentance G3341 and G2532 remission G859 of sins G266 should be preached G2784 in G1909 his G846 name G3686 among G1519 all G3956 nations, G1484 beginning G756 at G575 Jerusalem. G2419

48 And G1161 ye G5210 are G2075 witnesses G3144 of these things. G5130

49 And, G2532 behold, G2400 I G1473 send G649 the promise G1860 of my G3450 Father G3962 upon G1909 you: G5209 but G1161 tarry G2523 ye G5210 in G1722 the city G4172 of Jerusalem, G2419 until G2193 ye G3739 be endued G1746 with power G1411 from G1537 on high. G5311

Commentary on Luke 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 24:1-12. Angelic Announcement to the Women That Christ Is RisenPeter's Visit to the Empty Sepulchre.

(See on Mr 16:1-8; and Mt 28:1-5).

5. Why, &c.—Astonishing question! not "the risen," but "the Living One" (compare Re 1:18); and the surprise expressed in it implies an incongruity in His being there at all, as if, though He might submit to it, "it was impossible He should be holden of it" (Ac 2:24).

6. in Galilee—to which these women themselves belonged (Lu 23:55).

7. Saying, &c.—How remarkable it is to hear angels quoting a whole sentence of Christ's to the disciples, mentioning where it was uttered, and wondering it was not fresh in their memory, as doubtless it was in theirs! (1Ti 3:16, "seen of angels," and 1Pe 1:12).

10. Joanna—(See on Lu 8:1-3).

12. Peter, &c.—(See on Joh 20:1-10).

Lu 24:13-35. Christ Appears to the Two Going to Emmaus.

13. two of them—One was Cleopas (Lu 24:18); who the other was is mere conjecture.

Emmaus—about seven and a half miles from Jerusalem. They probably lived there and were going home after the Passover.

14-16. communed and reasoned—exchanged views and feelings, weighing afresh all the facts, as detailed in Lu 24:18-24.

drew near—coming up behind them as from Jerusalem.

eyes holden—Partly He was "in another form" (Mr 16:12), and partly there seems to have been an operation on their own vision; though certainly, as they did not believe that He was alive, His company as a fellow traveller was the last thing they would expect,

17-24. communications, &c.—The words imply the earnest discussion that had appeared in their manner.

18. knowest not, &c.—If he knew not the events of the last few days in Jerusalem, he must be a mere sojourner; if he did, how could he suppose they would be talking of anything else? How artless all this!

19. Concerning Jesus, &c.—As if feeling it a relief to have someone to unburden his thoughts and feelings to, this disciple goes over the main facts in his own desponding style, and this was just what our Lord wished.

21. we trusted, &c.—They expected the promised Deliverance at His hand, but in the current sense of it, not by His death.

besides all this—not only did His death seem to give the fatal blow to their hopes, but He had been two days dead already, and this was the third. It is true, they add, some of our women gave us a surprise, telling us of a vision of angels they had at the empty grave this morning that said He was alive, and some of ourselves who went thither confirmed their statement; but then Himself they saw not. A doleful tale truly, told out of the deepest despondency.

25-27. fools—senseless, without understanding.

26. Ought not Christ—"the Christ," "the Messiah."

to suffer … and enter—that is, through the gate of suffering (and suffering "these things," or such a death) to enter into His glory. "Ye believe in the glory; but these very sufferings are the predicted gate of entrance into it."

27. Moses and all the prophets, &c.—Here our Lord both teaches us the reverence due to Old Testament Scripture, and the great burden of it—"Himself."

28-31. made as though, &c.—(Compare Mr 6:48; Ge 18:3, 5; 32:24-26).

29. constrained, &c.—But for this, the whole design of the interview had been lost; but it was not to be lost, for He who only wished to be constrained had kindled a longing in the hearts of His travelling companions which was not to be so easily put off. And does not this still repeat itself in the interviews of the Saviour with His loving, longing disciples? Else why do they say,

Abide with me from morn to eve,

For without Thee I cannot live;

Abide with me when night is nigh,

For without Thee I cannot die.


30, 31. he took … and blessed … and their eyes were opened—The stranger first startles them by taking the place of master at their own table, but on proceeding to that act which reproduced the whole scene of the last Supper, a rush of associations and recollections disclosed their guest, and He stood confessed before their astonished gaze—THEIR RISEN Lord! They were going to gaze on Him, perhaps embrace Him, but that moment He is gone! It was enough.

32-34. They now tell each to the other how their hearts burned—were fired—within them at His talk and His expositions of Scripture. "Ah! this accounts for it: We could not understand the glow of self-evidencing light, love, glory that ravished our hearts; but now we do." They cannot rest—how could they?—they must go straight back and tell the news. They find the eleven, but ere they have time to tell their tale, their ears are saluted with the thrilling news, "The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon." Most touching and precious intelligence this. The only one of the Eleven to whom He appeared alone was he, it seems, who had so shamefully denied Him. What passed at that interview we shall never know here. Probably it was too sacred for disclosure. (See on Mr 16:7). The two from Emmaus now relate what had happened to them, and while thus comparing notes of their Lord's appearances, lo! Christ Himself stands in the midst of them. What encouragement to doubting, dark, true-hearted disciples!

Lu 24:36-53. Jesus Appears to the Assembled DisciplesHis Ascension.

36. Jesus … stood—(See on Joh 20:19).

37, 38. a spirit—the ghost of their dead Lord, but not Himself in the body (Ac 12:15; Mt 14:26).

thoughts—rather, "reasonings"; that is, whether He were risen or no, and whether this was His very self.

39-43. Behold, &c.—lovingly offering them both ocular and tangible demonstration of the reality of His resurrection.

a spirit hath not—an important statement regarding "spirits."

flesh and bones—He says not "flesh and blood"; for the blood is the life of the animal and corruptible body (Ge 9:4), which "cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (1Co 15:50); but "flesh and bones," implying the identity, but with diversity of laws, of the resurrection body. (See on Joh 20:24-28).

41. believed not for joy, &c.—They did believe, else they had not rejoiced [Bengel]. But it seemed too good to be true (Ps 126:1, 2).

42. honeycomb—common frugal fare, anciently.

43. eat before them—that is, let them see Him doing it: not for His own necessity, but their conviction.

44-49. These are the words, &c.—that is, "Now you will understand what seemed so dark to you when I told you about the Son of man being put to death and rising again" (Lu 18:31-34).

while … yet with you—a striking expression, implying that He was now, as the dead and risen Saviour, virtually dissevered from this scene of mortality, and from all ordinary intercourse with His mortal disciples.

law … prophets … psalms—the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament Scriptures.

45. Then opened he, &c.—a statement of unspeakable value; expressing, on the one hand, Christ's immediate access to the human spirit and absolute power over it, to the adjustment of its vision, and permanent rectification for spiritual discernment (than which it is impossible to conceive a stronger evidence of His proper divinity); and, on the other hand, making it certain that the manner of interpreting the \ Old Testament which the apostles afterwards employed (see the Acts and Epistles), has the direct sanction of Christ Himself.

46. behoved Christ—(See on Lu 24:26).

47. beginning at Jerusalem—(1) As the metropolis and heart of the then existing kingdom of God:—"to the Jew first" (Ro 1:16; Ac 13:46; Isa 2:3, see on Mt 10:6). (2) As the great reservoir and laboratory of all the sin and crime of the nation, thus proclaiming for all time that there is mercy in Christ for the chief of sinners. (See on Mt 23:37).

48. witnesses—(Compare Ac 1:8, 22).

49. I send—the present tense, to intimate its nearness.

promise of my Father—that is, what My Father hath promised; the Holy Ghost, of which Christ is the authoritative Dispenser (Joh 14:7; Re 3:1; 5:6).

endued—invested, or clothed with; implying, as the parallels show (Ro 13:14; 1Co 15:53; Ga 3:27; Col 3:9, 10), their being so penetrated and acted upon by conscious supernatural power (in the full sense of that word) as to stamp with divine authority the whole exercise of their apostolic office, including, of course, their pen as well as their mouth.

50-53. to Bethany—not to the village itself, but on the "descent" to it from Mount Olivet.

51. while he blessed … parted, &c.—Sweet intimation! Incarnate Love, Crucified Love, Risen Love, now on the wing for heaven, waiting only those odorous gales which were to waft Him to the skies, goes away in benedictions, that in the character of Glorified, Enthroned Love, He might continue His benedictions, but in yet higher form, until He come again! And oh, if angels were so transported at His birth into this scene of tears and death, what must have been their ecstasy as they welcomed and attended Him "far above all heavens" into the presence-chamber, and conducted Him to the right hand of the Majesty on High! Thou hast an everlasting right, O my Saviour, to that august place. The brightness of the Father's glory, enshrined in our nature, hath won it well; for He poured out His soul unto death, and led captivity captive, receiving gifts for men, yea for the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them. Thou art the King of glory, O Christ. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, be lifted up, ye everlasting doors, that the King of glory may come in! Even so wilt Thou change these vile bodies of ours, that they may be like unto Thine own glorious body; and then with gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought, they shall enter into the King's palace!

52. worshipped him—certainly in the strictest sense of adoration.

returned to Jerusalem—as instructed to do: but not till after gazing, as if entranced, up into the blue vault in which He had disappeared, they were gently checked by two shining ones, who assured them He would come again to them in the like manner as He had gone into heaven. (See on Ac 1:10, 11). This made them return, not with disappointment at His removal, but "with great joy."

53. were continually in the temple—that is, every day at the regular hours of prayer till the day of Pentecost.