Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 3 » Verse 11

Luke 3:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 He answereth G611 and G1161 saith G3004 unto them, G846 He that hath G2192 two G1417 coats, G5509 let him impart G3330 to him that hath G2192 none; G3361 and G2532 he that hath G2192 meat, G1033 let him do G4160 likewise. G3668

Cross Reference

1 John 3:17 STRONG

But G1161 whoso G3739 G302 hath G2192 this world's G2889 good, G979 and G2532 seeth G2334 his G846 brother G80 have G2192 need, G5532 and G2532 shutteth up G2808 his G846 bowels G4698 of compassion from G575 him, G846 how G4459 dwelleth G3306 the love G26 of God G2316 in G1722 him? G846

1 Timothy 6:18 STRONG

That they do good, G14 that they be rich G4147 in G1722 good G2570 works, G2041 ready to distribute, G1511 G2130 willing to communicate; G2843

Luke 18:22 STRONG

Now G1161 when Jesus G2424 heard G191 these things, G5023 he said G2036 unto him, G846 Yet G2089 lackest G3007 thou G4671 one G1520 thing: sell G4453 all G3956 that G3745 thou hast, G2192 and G2532 distribute G1239 unto the poor, G4434 and G2532 thou shalt have G2192 treasure G2344 in G1722 heaven: G3772 and G2532 come, G1204 follow G190 me. G3427

Daniel 4:27 STRONG

Wherefore, H3861 O king, H4430 let my counsel H4431 be acceptable H8232 unto thee, H5922 and break off H6562 thy sins H2408 by righteousness, H6665 and thine iniquities H5758 by shewing mercy H2604 to the poor; H6033 if H2006 it may be H1934 a lengthening H754 of thy tranquillity. H7963

2 Corinthians 8:3-14 STRONG

For G3754 to G2596 their power, G1411 I bear record, G3140 yea, and G2532 beyond G5228 their power G1411 they were willing of themselves; G830 Praying G1189 us G2257 with G3326 much G4183 intreaty G3874 that we G2248 would receive G1209 the gift, G5485 and G2532 take upon us the fellowship G2842 of the ministering G1248 to G1519 the saints. G40 And G2532 this they did, not G3756 as G2531 we hoped, G1679 but G235 first G4412 gave G1325 their own selves G1438 to the Lord, G2962 and G2532 unto us G2254 by G1223 the will G2307 of God. G2316 Insomuch G1519 that we G2248 desired G3870 Titus, G5103 that G2443 as G2531 he had begun, G4278 so G3779 he would G2005 also G2532 finish G2005 in G1519 you G5209 the same G5026 grace G5485 also. G2532 Therefore, G235 as G5618 ye abound G4052 in G1722 every G3956 thing, in faith, G4102 and G2532 utterance, G3056 and G2532 knowledge, G1108 and G2532 in all G3956 diligence, G4710 and G2532 in your G5216 love G26 G1537 to G1722 us, G2254 see that G2443 ye abound G4052 in G1722 this G5026 grace G5485 also. G2532 I speak G3004 not G3756 by G2596 commandment, G2003 but G235 by occasion G1223 of the forwardness G4710 of others, G2087 and G2532 to prove G1381 the sincerity G1103 of your G5212 love. G26 For G1063 ye know G1097 the grace G5485 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 that, G3754 though he was G5607 rich, G4145 yet for G1223 your G5209 sakes G1223 he became poor, G4433 that G2443 ye G5210 through his G1565 poverty G4432 might be rich. G4147 And G2532 herein G1722 G5129 I give G1325 my advice: G1106 for G1063 this G5124 is expedient G4851 for you, G5213 who G3748 have begun before, G4278 not G3756 only G3440 to do, G4160 but G235 also G2532 to be forward G2309 a year G4070 ago. G575 Now G3570 G1161 therefore G2532 perform G2005 the doing G4160 of it; that G3704 as G2509 there was a readiness G4288 to will, G2309 so G3779 there may be a performance G2005 also G2532 out of G1537 that which ye have. G2192 For G1063 if there G1487 be first G4295 a willing mind, G4288 it is accepted G2144 according to G2526 that G1437 a man G5100 hath, G2192 and not G3756 according to that G2526 he hath G2192 not. G3756 For G1063 I mean not G3756 that G2443 other men G243 be eased, G425 and G1161 ye G5213 burdened: G2347 But G235 by G1537 an equality, G2471 that now G3568 at G1722 this time G2540 your G5216 abundance G4051 may be a supply for G1519 their G1565 want, G5303 that G2443 their G1565 abundance G4051 also G2532 may be G1096 a supply for G1519 your G5216 want: G5303 that G3704 there may be G1096 equality: G2471

1 John 4:20 STRONG

If G1437 a man G5100 say, G2036 G3754 I love G25 God, G2316 and G2532 hateth G3404 his G846 brother, G80 he is G2076 a liar: G5583 for G1063 he that loveth G25 not G3361 his G846 brother G80 whom G3739 he hath seen, G3708 how G4459 can G1410 he love G25 God G2316 whom G3739 he hath G3708 not G3756 seen? G3708

James 2:15-26 STRONG

If G1437 G1161 a brother G80 or G2228 sister G79 be G5225 naked, G1131 and G2532 destitute G3007 G5600 of daily G2184 food, G5160 And G1161 one G5100 of G1537 you G5216 say G2036 unto them, G846 Depart G5217 in G1722 peace, G1515 be ye warmed G2328 and G2532 filled; G5526 notwithstanding G1161 ye give G1325 them G846 not G3361 those things which are needful G2006 to the body; G4983 what G5101 doth it profit? G3786 Even G2532 so G3779 faith, G4102 if G3362 it hath G2192 not G3362 works, G2041 is G2076 dead, G3498 being alone. G2596 G1438 Yea, G235 a man G5100 may say, G2046 Thou G4771 hast G2192 faith, G4102 and I G2504 have G2192 works: G2041 shew G1166 me G3427 thy G4675 faith G4102 without G1537 thy G4675 works, G2041 and I G2504 will shew G1166 thee G4671 my G3450 faith G4102 by G1537 my G3450 works. G2041 Thou G4771 believest G4100 that G3754 there is G2076 one G1520 God; G2316 thou doest G4160 well: G2573 the devils G1140 also G2532 believe, G4100 and G2532 tremble. G5425 But G1161 wilt G2309 thou know, G1097 O G5599 vain G2756 man, G444 that G3754 faith G4102 without G5565 works G2041 is G2076 dead? G3498 Was G1344 not G3756 Abraham G11 our G2257 father G3962 justified G1344 by G1537 works, G2041 when he had offered G399 Isaac G2464 his G846 son G5207 upon G1909 the altar? G2379 Seest thou G991 how G3754 faith G4102 wrought G4903 with his G846 works, G2041 and G2532 by G1537 works G2041 was G5048 faith G4102 made perfect? G5048 And G2532 the scripture G1124 was fulfilled G4137 which saith, G3004 G1161 Abraham G11 believed G4100 God, G2316 and G2532 it was imputed G3049 unto him G846 for G1519 righteousness: G1343 and G2532 he was called G2564 the Friend G5384 of God. G2316 Ye see G3708 then G5106 how that G3754 by G1537 works G2041 a man G444 is justified, G1344 and G2532 not G3756 by G1537 faith G4102 only. G3440 Likewise G3668 G1161 also G2532 was G1344 not G3756 Rahab G4460 the harlot G4204 justified G1344 by G1537 works, G2041 when she had received G5264 the messengers, G32 and G2532 had sent them out G1544 another G2087 way? G3598 For G1063 as G5618 the body G4983 without G5565 the spirit G4151 is G2076 dead, G3498 so G3779 faith G4102 without G5565 works G2041 is G2076 dead G3498 also. G2532

James 1:27 STRONG

Pure G2513 religion G2356 and G2532 undefiled G283 before G3844 God G2316 and G2532 the Father G3962 is G2076 this, G3778 To visit G1980 the fatherless G3737 and G2532 widows G5503 in G1722 their G846 affliction, G2347 and to keep G5083 himself G1438 unspotted G784 from G575 the world. G2889

Hebrews 6:10 STRONG

For G1063 God G2316 is not G3756 unrighteous G94 to forget G1950 your G5216 work G2041 and G2532 labour G2873 of love, G26 which G3739 ye have shewed G1731 G1731 toward G1519 his G846 name, G3686 in that ye have ministered G1247 to the saints, G40 and G2532 do minister. G1247

Isaiah 58:7-11 STRONG

Is it not to deal H6536 thy bread H3899 to the hungry, H7457 and that thou bring H935 the poor H6041 that are cast out H4788 to thy house? H1004 when thou seest H7200 the naked, H6174 that thou cover H3680 him; and that thou hide H5956 not thyself from thine own flesh? H1320 Then shall thy light H216 break forth H1234 as the morning, H7837 and thine health H724 shall spring forth H6779 speedily: H4120 and thy righteousness H6664 shall go H1980 before H6440 thee; the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 shall be thy rereward. H622 Then shalt thou call, H7121 and the LORD H3068 shall answer; H6030 thou shalt cry, H7768 and he shall say, H559 Here I am. If thou take away H5493 from the midst H8432 of thee the yoke, H4133 the putting forth H7971 of the finger, H676 and speaking H1696 vanity; H205 And if thou draw out H6329 thy soul H5315 to the hungry, H7457 and satisfy H7646 the afflicted H6031 soul; H5315 then shall thy light H216 rise H2224 in obscurity, H2822 and thy darkness H653 be as the noonday: H6672 And the LORD H3068 shall guide H5148 thee continually, H8548 and satisfy H7646 thy soul H5315 in drought, H6710 and make fat H2502 thy bones: H6106 and thou shalt be like a watered H7302 garden, H1588 and like a spring H4161 of water, H4325 whose waters H4325 fail H3576 not.

Acts 10:31 STRONG

And G2532 said, G5346 Cornelius, G2883 thy G4675 prayer G4335 is heard, G1522 and G2532 thine G4675 alms G1654 are had in remembrance G3415 in the sight G1799 of God. G2316

Acts 10:4 STRONG

And G1161 when he looked G816 on him, G846 he was G1096 afraid, G1719 and G2532 said, G2036 What G5101 is it, G2076 Lord? G2962 And G1161 he said G2036 unto him, G846 Thy G4675 prayers G4335 and G2532 thine G4675 alms G1654 are come up G305 for G1519 a memorial G3422 before G1799 God. G2316

Acts 10:2 STRONG

A devout G2152 man, and G2532 one that feared G5399 God G2316 with G4862 all G3956 his G846 house, G3624 which G5037 gave G4160 much G4183 alms G1654 to the people, G2992 and G2532 prayed G1189 to God G2316 alway. G1275

John 13:29 STRONG

For G1063 some G5100 of them thought, G1380 because G1893 Judas G2455 had G2192 the bag, G1101 that G3754 Jesus G2424 had said G3004 unto him, G846 Buy G59 those things that G3739 we have G2192 need of G5532 against G1519 the feast; G1859 or, G2228 that G2443 he should give G1325 something G5100 to the poor. G4434

Luke 19:8 STRONG

And G1161 Zacchaeus G2195 stood, G2476 and said G2036 unto G4314 the Lord; G2962 Behold, G2400 Lord, G2962 the half G2255 of my G3450 goods G5224 I give G1325 to the poor; G4434 and G2532 if G1536 I have taken G4811 any thing G1536 from any man G5100 by false accusation, G4811 I restore G591 him fourfold. G5073

Luke 11:41 STRONG

But rather G4133 give G1325 alms G1654 of such things as ye have; G1751 and, G2532 behold, G2400 all things G3956 are G2076 clean G2513 unto you. G5213

Mark 14:5-8 STRONG

For G1063 it G5124 might G1410 have been sold G4097 for more than G1883 three hundred G5145 pence, G1220 and G2532 have been given G1325 to the poor. G4434 And G2532 they murmured against G1690 her. G846 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said, G2036 Let G863 her G846 alone; G863 why G5101 trouble ye G2873 G3930 her? G846 she hath wrought G2038 a good G2570 work G2041 on G1519 me. G1691 For G1063 ye have G2192 the poor G4434 with G3326 you G1438 always, G3842 and G2532 whensoever G3752 ye will G2309 ye may G1410 do G4160 them G846 good: G2095 but G1161 me G1691 ye have G2192 not G3756 always. G3842 She hath done G4160 what G3739 she G3778 G846 could: G2192 she is come aforehand G4301 to anoint G3462 my G3450 body G4983 to G1519 the burying. G1780

Matthew 25:40 STRONG

And G2532 the King G935 shall answer G611 and say G2046 unto them, G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Inasmuch G1909 as G3745 ye have done G4160 it unto one G1520 of the least G1646 of these G5130 my G3450 brethren, G80 ye have done G4160 it unto me. G1698

Commentary on Luke 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 3:1-20. Preaching, Baptism, and Imprisonment of John.

(See on Mt 3:1-12; Mr 6:17, &c.).

1, 2. Here the curtain of the New Testament is, as it were, drawn up, and the greatest of all epochs of the Church commences. Even our Lord's own age (Lu 3:23) is determined by it [Bengel]. No such elaborate chronological precision is to be found elsewhere in the New Testament, and it comes fitly from him who claims it as the peculiar recommendation of his Gospel, that he had "accurately traced down all things from the first" (Lu 1:3). Here, evidently, commences his proper narrative. Also see on Mt 3:1.

the fifteenth year of Tiberius—reckoning from the period when he was admitted, three years before Augustus' death, to a share of the empire [Webster and Wilkinson], about the end of the year of Rome 779, or about four years before the usual reckoning.

Pilate … governor of Judea—His proper title was Procurator, but with more than the usual powers of that office. After holding it about ten years he was ordered to Rome, to answer to charges brought against him, but ere he arrived Tiberius died (A.D. 35), and soon after Pilate committed suicide.

Herod—(See on Mr 6:14).

Philip—a different and very superior Philip to the one whose wife Herodias went to live with Herod Antipas. (See Mr 6:17).

Iturea—to the northeast of Palestine; so called from Ishmael's son Itur or Jetur (1Ch 1:31), and anciently belonging to the half tribe of Manasseh.

Trachonitis—farther to the northeast, between Iturea and Damascus; a rocky district, infested by robbers, and committed by Augustus to Herod the Great to keep in order.

Abilene—still more to the northeast, so called from Abila, eighteen miles from Damascus [Robinson].

2. Annas and Caiaphas … high priests—the former, though deposed, retained much of his influence, and, probably, as sagan or deputy, exercised much of the power of the high priesthood along with Caiaphas (Joh 18:13; Ac 4:6). Both Zadok and Abiathar acted as high priests in David's time (2Sa 15:35), and it seems to have become the fixed practice to have two (2Ki 25:18). (Also see on Mt 3:1.)

word of God came unto John—Such formulas, of course, are never used when speaking of Jesus, because the divine nature manifested itself in Him not at certain isolated moments of His life. He was the one everlasting manifestation of the GodheadThe Word [Olshausen].

5. Every valley, &c.—levelling and smoothing, obvious figures, the sense of which is in the first words of the proclamation, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord."

6. all flesh, &c.—(quoted literally from the Septuagint of Isa 40:5). The idea is that every obstruction shall be so removed as to reveal to the whole world the Salvation of God in Him whose name is the "Saviour" (compare Ps 98:3; Isa 11:10; 49:6; 52:10; Lu 2:31, 32; Ac 13:47).

10-14. What shall we do then?—to show the sincerity of our repentance. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

11. two coats—directed against the reigning avarice. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

12. publicans, &c. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

13. Exact no more, &c.—directed against that extortion which made the publicans a byword. (See on Lu 19:2; Lu 19:8). (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

14. soldiers … Do violence to none—The word signifies to "shake thoroughly," and so to "intimidate," probably in order to extort money or other property. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

accuse … falsely—acting as informers vexatiously, on frivolous or false grounds.

content with your wages—"rations." We may take this as a warning against mutiny, which the officers attempted to suppress by largesses and donations [Webster and Wilkinson]. And thus the "fruits" which would evidence their repentance were just resistance to the reigning sins, particularly of the class to which the penitent belonged, and the manifestation of an opposite spirit.

15-17. whether he were the Christ—showing both how successful he had been in awakening the expectation of Messiah's immediate appearing, and the high estimation, and even reverence, which his own character commanded. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

16. John answered—either to the deputation from Jerusalem (see Joh 1:19, &c.), or on some other occasion, simply to remove impressions derogatory to his blessed Master which he knew to be taking hold of the popular mind. (Also see on Mt 3:10.)

saying unto them all—in solemn protestation. So far from entertaining such a thought as laying claim to the honors of Messiahship, the meanest services I can render to that "Mightier than I that is coming after me," are too high an honor for me. Beautiful spirit, distinguishing this servant of Christ throughout!

one mightier than I—"the Mighter than I."

18. many other things, &c.—such as we read in Joh 1:29, 33, 34; 3:27-36. (Also see on Mt 3:12.)

19, 20. But Herod, &c.—See on Mr 6:14, &c. (Also see on Mt 3:12.)

and for all the evils which Herod had done—important fact here only mentioned, showing how thoroughgoing was the fidelity of the Baptist to his royal hearer, and how strong must have been the workings of conscience in that slave of passion when, notwithstanding such plainness, he "did many things and heard John gladly" (Mr 6:20, 26).

20. Added yet, &c.—(Also see on Mt 3:12).

Lu 3:21, 22. Baptism of and Descent of the Spirit upon Jesus.

(See on Mt 3:13-17.)

21. when all the people were baptized—that He might not seem to be merely one of the crowd. Thus, as He rode into Jerusalem upon an ass, "whereon yet never man sat" (Lu 19:30), and lay in a sepulchre "wherein was never man yet laid" (Joh 19:41), so in His baptism He would be "separate from sinners."

Lu 3:23-38. Genealogy of Jesus.

23. he began to be about thirty—that is, "was about entering on His thirtieth year." So our translators have taken the word (and so Calvin, Beza, Bloomfield, Webster and Wilkinson, &c.): but "was about thirty years of age when He began [His ministry]," makes better Greek, and is probably the true sense [Bengel, Olshausen, De Wette, Meyer, Alford, &c.]. At this age the priests entered on their office (Nu 4:3).

being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph, &c.—Have we in this genealogy, as well as in Matthew's, the line of Joseph? or is this the line of Mary?—a point on which there has been great difference of opinion and much acute discussion. Those who take the former opinion contend that it is the natural sense of this verse, and that no other would have been thought of but for its supposed improbability and the uncertainty which it seems to throw over our Lord's real descent. But it is liable to another difficulty; namely, that in this case Matthew makes Jacob, while Luke makes "Heli," to be Joseph's father; and though the same man had often more than one name, we ought not to resort to that supposition, in such a case as this, without necessity. And then, though the descent of Mary from David would be liable to no real doubt, even though we had no table of her line preserved to us (see, for example, Lu 1:2-32, and see on Lu 2:5), still it does seem unlikely—we say not incredible—that two genealogies of our Lord should be preserved to us, neither of which gives his real descent. Those who take the latter opinion, that we have here the line of Mary, as in Matthew that of Joseph—here His real, there His reputed line—explain the statement about Joseph, that he was "the son of Hell," to mean that he was his son-in-law, as the husband of his daughter Mary (as in Ru 1:11, 12), and believe that Joseph's name is only introduced instead of Mary's, in conformity with the Jewish custom in such tables. Perhaps this view is attended with fewest difficulties, as it certainly is the best supported. However we decide, it is a satisfaction to know that not a doubt was thrown out by the bitterest of the early enemies of Christianity as to our Lord's real descent from David. On comparing the two genealogies, it will be found that Matthew, writing more immediately for Jews, deemed it enough to show that the Saviour was sprung from Abraham and David; whereas Luke, writing more immediately for Gentiles, traces the descent back to Adam, the parent stock of the whole human family, thus showing Him to be the promised "Seed of the woman." "The possibility of constructing such a table, comprising a period of thousands of years, in an uninterrupted line from father to son, of a family that dwelt for a long time in the utmost retirement, would be inexplicable, had not the members of this line been endowed with a thread by which they could extricate themselves from the many families into which every tribe and branch was again subdivided, and thus hold fast and know the member that was destined to continue the lineage. This thread was the hope that Messiah would be born of the race of Abraham and David. The ardent desire to behold Him and be partakers of His mercy and glory suffered not the attention to be exhausted through a period embracing thousands of years. Thus the member destined to continue the lineage, whenever doubtful, became easily distinguishable, awakening the hope of a final fulfilment, and keeping it alive until it was consummated" [Olshausen].

24-30. son of Matthat, &c.—(See on Mt 1:13-15). In Lu 3:27, Salathiel is called the son, while in Mt 1:12, he is called the father of Zerubbabel. But they are probably different persons.

38. son of God—Compare Ac 17:28.