Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 5 » Verse 11

Luke 5:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 And G2532 when they had brought G2609 their ships G4143 to G1909 land, G1093 they forsook G863 all, G537 and followed G190 him. G846

Cross Reference

Matthew 4:20 STRONG

And G1161 they straightway G2112 left G863 their nets, G1350 and followed G190 him. G846

Matthew 19:27 STRONG

Then G5119 answered G611 Peter G4074 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Behold, G2400 we G2249 have forsaken G863 all, G3956 and G2532 followed G190 thee; G4671 what G5101 shall we G2254 have G2071 therefore? G686

Luke 5:28 STRONG

And G2532 he left G2641 all, G537 rose up, G450 and followed G190 him. G846

Matthew 10:37 STRONG

He that loveth G5368 father G3962 or G2228 mother G3384 more than G5228 me G1691 is G2076 not G3756 worthy G514 of me: G3450 and G2532 he that loveth G5368 son G5207 or G2228 daughter G2364 more than G5228 me G1691 is G2076 not G3756 worthy G514 of me. G3450

Mark 1:18-25 STRONG

And G2532 straightway G2112 they forsook G863 their G846 nets, G1350 and followed G190 him. G846 And G2532 when he had gone G4260 a little G3641 further G4260 thence, G1564 he saw G1492 James G2385 the son G3588 of Zebedee, G2199 and G2532 John G2491 his G846 brother, G80 who G846 also G2532 were in G1722 the ship G4143 mending G2675 their nets. G1350 And G2532 straightway G2112 he called G2564 them: G846 and G2532 they left G863 their G846 father G3962 Zebedee G2199 in G1722 the ship G4143 with G3326 the hired servants, G3411 and went G565 after G3694 him. G846 And G2532 they went G1531 into G1519 Capernaum; G2584 and G2532 straightway G2112 on the sabbath day G4521 he entered G1525 into G1519 the synagogue, G4864 and taught. G1321 And G2532 they were astonished G1605 at G1909 his G846 doctrine: G1322 for G1063 he taught G1321 G2258 them G846 as G5613 one that had G2192 authority, G1849 and G2532 not G3756 as G5613 the scribes. G1122 And G2532 there was G2258 in G1722 their G846 synagogue G4864 a man G444 with G1722 an unclean G169 spirit; G4151 and G2532 he cried out, G349 Saying, G3004 Let us alone; G1436 what G5101 have we G2254 to do G2532 with thee, G4671 thou Jesus G2424 of Nazareth? G3479 art thou come G2064 to destroy G622 us? G2248 I know G1492 thee G4571 who G5101 thou art, G1488 the Holy One G40 of God. G2316 And G2532 Jesus G2424 rebuked G2008 him, G846 saying, G3004 Hold thy peace, G5392 and G2532 come G1831 out of G1537 him. G846

Mark 10:21 STRONG

Then G1161 Jesus G2424 beholding G1689 him G846 loved G25 him, G846 and G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 One thing G1520 thou G4671 lackest: G5302 go thy way, G5217 sell G4453 whatsoever G3745 thou hast, G2192 and G2532 give G1325 to the poor, G4434 and G2532 thou shalt have G2192 treasure G2344 in G1722 heaven: G3772 and G2532 come, G1204 take up G142 the cross, G4716 and follow G190 me. G3427

Mark 10:29-30 STRONG

And G1161 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said, G2036 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 There is G2076 no man G3762 that G3739 hath left G863 house, G3614 or G2228 brethren, G80 or G2228 sisters, G79 or G2228 father, G3962 or G2228 mother, G3384 or G2228 wife, G1135 or G2228 children, G5043 or G2228 lands, G68 for my G1700 sake, G1752 and G2532 the gospel's, G2098 But G3362 he shall receive G2983 an hundredfold G1542 now G3568 in G1722 this G5129 time, G2540 houses, G3614 and G2532 brethren, G80 and G2532 sisters, G79 and G2532 mothers, G3384 and G2532 children, G5043 and G2532 lands, G68 with G3326 persecutions; G1375 and G2532 in G1722 the world G165 to come G2064 eternal G166 life. G2222

Luke 18:28-30 STRONG

Then G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Lo, G2400 we G2249 have left G863 all, G3956 and G2532 followed G190 thee. G4671 And G1161 he said G2036 unto them, G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 G3754 There is G2076 no man G3762 that G3739 hath left G863 house, G3614 or G2228 parents, G1118 or G2228 brethren, G80 or G2228 wife, G1135 or G2228 children, G5043 for G1752 the kingdom G932 of God's G2316 sake, G1752 Who G3739 shall G618 not G3364 receive G618 manifold more G4179 in G1722 this G5129 present time, G2540 and G2532 in G1722 the world G165 to come G2064 life G2222 everlasting. G166

Philippians 3:7-8 STRONG

But G235 what things G3748 were G2258 gain G2771 to me, G3427 those G5023 I counted G2233 loss G2209 for G1223 Christ. G5547 Yea G235 doubtless, G3304 and G2532 I count G2233 all things G3956 but loss G2209 for G1511 G1223 the excellency G5242 of the knowledge G1108 of Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 my G3450 Lord: G2962 for G1223 whom G3739 I have suffered the loss G2210 of all things, G3956 and G2532 do count G2233 them G1511 but dung, G4657 that G2443 I may win G2770 Christ, G5547

Commentary on Luke 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 5:1-11. Miraculous Draught of FishesCall of Peter, James, and John.

Not their first call, however, recorded in Joh 1:35-42; nor their second, recorded in Mt 4:18-22; but their third and last before their appointment to the apostleship. That these calls were all distinct and progressive, seems quite plain. (Similar stages are observable in other eminent servants of Christ.)

3. taught … out of the ship—(See on Mt 13:2).

4. for a draught—munificent recompense for the use of his boat.

5. Master—betokening not surely a first acquaintance, but a relationship already formed.

all night—the usual time of fishing then (Joh 21:3), and even now Peter, as a fisherman, knew how hopeless it was to "let down his net" again, save as a mere act of faith, "at His word" of command, which carried in it, as it ever does, assurance of success. (This shows he must have been already and for some time a follower of Christ.)

6. net brake—rather "was breaking," or "beginning to break," as in Lu 5:7, "beginning to sink."

8. Depart, &c.—Did Peter then wish Christ to leave him? Verily no. His all was wrapt up in Him (Joh 6:68). "It was rather, Woe is me, Lord! How shall I abide this blaze of glory? A sinner such as I am is not fit company for Thee." (Compare Isa 6:5.)

10. Simon, fear not—This shows how the Lord read Peter's speech. The more highly they deemed Him, ever the more grateful it was to the Redeemer's spirit. Never did they pain Him by manifesting too lofty conceptions of Him.

from henceforth—marking a new stage of their connection with Christ. The last was simply, "I will make you fishers."

fishers of men—"What wilt thou think, Simon, overwhelmed by this draught of fishes, when I shall bring to thy net what will beggar all this glory?" (See on Mt 4:18.)

11. forsook all—They did this before (Mt 4:20); now they do it again; and yet after the Crucifixion they are at their boats once more (Joh 21:3). In such a business this is easily conceivable. After pentecost, however, they appear to have finally abandoned their secular calling.

Lu 5:12-16. Leper Healed.

(See on Mt 8:2-4.)

15. But so, &c.—(See Mr 1:45).

Lu 5:17-26. Paralytic Healed.

(See on Mt 9:1-8).

17. Pharisees and doctors … sitting by—the highest testimony yet borne to our Lord's growing influence, and the necessity increasingly felt by the ecclesiastics throughout the country of coming to some definite judgment regarding Him.

power of the Lord … present—with Jesus.

to heal them—the sick people.

19. housetop—the flat roof.

through the tiling … before Jesus—(See on Mr 2:2).

24. take up thy couch—"sweet saying! The bed had borne the man; now the man shall bear the bed!" [Bengel].

Lu 5:27-32. Levi's Call and Feast.

(See on Mt 9:9-13; and Mr 2:14.)

30. their scribes—a mode of expression showing that Luke was writing for Gentiles.

Lu 5:33-39. Fasting.

(See on Mt 9:14-17.)

The incongruities mentioned in Lu 5:36-38 were intended to illustrate the difference between the genius of the old and new economies, and the danger of mixing up the one with the other. As in the one case supposed, "the rent is made worse," and in the other, "the new wine is spilled," so by a mongrel mixture of the ascetic ritualism of the old with the spiritual freedom of the new economy, both are disfigured and destroyed. The additional parable in Lu 5:39, which is peculiar to Luke, has been variously interpreted. But the "new wine" seems plainly to be the evangelical freedom which Christ was introducing; and the old, the opposite spirit of Judaism: men long accustomed to the latter could not be expected "straightway"—all at once—to take a liking for the former; that is, "These inquiries about the difference between My disciples and the Pharisees," and even John's, are not surprising; they are the effect of a natural revulsion against sudden change, which time will cure; the new wine will itself in time become old, and so acquire all the added charms of antiquity. What lessons does this teach, on the one hand, to those who unreasonably cling to what is getting antiquated; and, on the other, to hasty reformers who have no patience with the timidity of their weaker brethren!