Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 5 » Verse 22

Luke 5:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 But G1161 when Jesus G2424 perceived G1921 their G846 thoughts, G1261 he answering G611 said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 What G5101 reason ye G1260 in G1722 your G5216 hearts? G2588

Cross Reference

Psalms 139:2 STRONG

Thou knowest H3045 my downsitting H3427 and mine uprising, H6965 thou understandest H995 my thought H7454 afar off. H7350

Isaiah 66:18 STRONG

For I know their works H4639 and their thoughts: H4284 it shall come, H935 that I will gather H6908 all nations H1471 and tongues; H3956 and they shall come, H935 and see H7200 my glory. H3519

Matthew 9:4 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 knowing G1492 their G846 thoughts G1761 said, G2036 Wherefore G2444 think G1760 ye G5210 evil G4190 in G1722 your G5216 hearts? G2588

Matthew 12:25 STRONG

And G1161 Jesus G2424 knew G1492 their G846 thoughts, G1761 and said G2036 unto them, G846 Every G3956 kingdom G932 divided G3307 against G2596 itself G1438 is brought to desolation; G2049 and G2532 every G3956 city G4172 or G2228 house G3614 divided G3307 against G2596 itself G1438 shall G2476 not G3756 stand: G2476

Mark 8:17 STRONG

And G2532 when Jesus G2424 knew G1097 it, he saith G3004 unto them, G846 Why G5101 reason ye, G1260 because G3754 ye have G2192 no G3756 bread? G740 perceive ye G3539 not yet, G3768 neither G3761 understand? G4920 have ye G2192 your G5216 heart G2588 yet G2089 hardened? G4456

Luke 24:38 STRONG

And G2532 he said G2036 unto them, G846 Why G5101 are ye G2075 troubled? G5015 and G2532 why G1302 do thoughts G1261 arise G305 in G1722 your G5216 hearts? G2588

Acts 5:3 STRONG

But G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Ananias, G367 why G1302 hath Satan G4567 filled G4137 thine G4675 heart G2588 G4571 to lie G5574 to the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and G2532 to keep back G3557 part of G575 the price G5092 of the land? G5564

Hebrews 4:12 STRONG

For G1063 the word G3056 of God G2316 is quick, G2198 and G2532 powerful, G1756 and G2532 sharper G5114 than G5228 any G3956 twoedged G1366 sword, G3162 piercing G1338 even to G891 the dividing asunder G3311 of soul G5590 and G5037 G2532 spirit, G4151 and G5037 G2532 of the joints G719 and G2532 marrow, G3452 and G2532 is a discerner G2924 of the thoughts G1761 and G2532 intents G1771 of the heart. G2588

Revelation 2:23 STRONG

And G2532 I will kill G615 her G846 children G5043 with G1722 death; G2288 and G2532 all G3956 the churches G1577 shall know G1097 that G3754 I G1473 am G1510 he which G3588 searcheth G2045 the reins G3510 and G2532 hearts: G2588 and G2532 I will give G1325 unto every one G1538 of you G5213 according to G2596 your G5216 works. G2041

1 Chronicles 28:9 STRONG

And thou, Solomon H8010 my son, H1121 know H3045 thou the God H430 of thy father, H1 and serve H5647 him with a perfect H8003 heart H3820 and with a willing H2655 mind: H5315 for the LORD H3068 searcheth H1875 all hearts, H3824 and understandeth H995 all the imaginations H3336 of the thoughts: H4284 if thou seek H1875 him, he will be found H4672 of thee; but if thou forsake H5800 him, he will cast thee off H2186 for ever. H5703

Proverbs 15:26 STRONG

The thoughts H4284 of the wicked H7451 are an abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but the words of the pure H2889 are pleasant H5278 words. H561

Ezekiel 38:10 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 It shall also come to pass, that at the same time H3117 shall things H1697 come H5927 into thy mind, H3824 and thou shalt think H2803 an evil H7451 thought: H4284

Commentary on Luke 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 5:1-11. Miraculous Draught of FishesCall of Peter, James, and John.

Not their first call, however, recorded in Joh 1:35-42; nor their second, recorded in Mt 4:18-22; but their third and last before their appointment to the apostleship. That these calls were all distinct and progressive, seems quite plain. (Similar stages are observable in other eminent servants of Christ.)

3. taught … out of the ship—(See on Mt 13:2).

4. for a draught—munificent recompense for the use of his boat.

5. Master—betokening not surely a first acquaintance, but a relationship already formed.

all night—the usual time of fishing then (Joh 21:3), and even now Peter, as a fisherman, knew how hopeless it was to "let down his net" again, save as a mere act of faith, "at His word" of command, which carried in it, as it ever does, assurance of success. (This shows he must have been already and for some time a follower of Christ.)

6. net brake—rather "was breaking," or "beginning to break," as in Lu 5:7, "beginning to sink."

8. Depart, &c.—Did Peter then wish Christ to leave him? Verily no. His all was wrapt up in Him (Joh 6:68). "It was rather, Woe is me, Lord! How shall I abide this blaze of glory? A sinner such as I am is not fit company for Thee." (Compare Isa 6:5.)

10. Simon, fear not—This shows how the Lord read Peter's speech. The more highly they deemed Him, ever the more grateful it was to the Redeemer's spirit. Never did they pain Him by manifesting too lofty conceptions of Him.

from henceforth—marking a new stage of their connection with Christ. The last was simply, "I will make you fishers."

fishers of men—"What wilt thou think, Simon, overwhelmed by this draught of fishes, when I shall bring to thy net what will beggar all this glory?" (See on Mt 4:18.)

11. forsook all—They did this before (Mt 4:20); now they do it again; and yet after the Crucifixion they are at their boats once more (Joh 21:3). In such a business this is easily conceivable. After pentecost, however, they appear to have finally abandoned their secular calling.

Lu 5:12-16. Leper Healed.

(See on Mt 8:2-4.)

15. But so, &c.—(See Mr 1:45).

Lu 5:17-26. Paralytic Healed.

(See on Mt 9:1-8).

17. Pharisees and doctors … sitting by—the highest testimony yet borne to our Lord's growing influence, and the necessity increasingly felt by the ecclesiastics throughout the country of coming to some definite judgment regarding Him.

power of the Lord … present—with Jesus.

to heal them—the sick people.

19. housetop—the flat roof.

through the tiling … before Jesus—(See on Mr 2:2).

24. take up thy couch—"sweet saying! The bed had borne the man; now the man shall bear the bed!" [Bengel].

Lu 5:27-32. Levi's Call and Feast.

(See on Mt 9:9-13; and Mr 2:14.)

30. their scribes—a mode of expression showing that Luke was writing for Gentiles.

Lu 5:33-39. Fasting.

(See on Mt 9:14-17.)

The incongruities mentioned in Lu 5:36-38 were intended to illustrate the difference between the genius of the old and new economies, and the danger of mixing up the one with the other. As in the one case supposed, "the rent is made worse," and in the other, "the new wine is spilled," so by a mongrel mixture of the ascetic ritualism of the old with the spiritual freedom of the new economy, both are disfigured and destroyed. The additional parable in Lu 5:39, which is peculiar to Luke, has been variously interpreted. But the "new wine" seems plainly to be the evangelical freedom which Christ was introducing; and the old, the opposite spirit of Judaism: men long accustomed to the latter could not be expected "straightway"—all at once—to take a liking for the former; that is, "These inquiries about the difference between My disciples and the Pharisees," and even John's, are not surprising; they are the effect of a natural revulsion against sudden change, which time will cure; the new wine will itself in time become old, and so acquire all the added charms of antiquity. What lessons does this teach, on the one hand, to those who unreasonably cling to what is getting antiquated; and, on the other, to hasty reformers who have no patience with the timidity of their weaker brethren!