Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 6 » Verse 41

Luke 6:41 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

41 And G1161 why G5101 beholdest thou G991 the mote G2595 that is in G1722 thy G4675 brother's G80 eye, G3788 but G1161 perceivest G2657 not G3756 the beam G1385 that is in G1722 thine own G2398 eye? G3788

Cross Reference

John 8:7 STRONG

So G1161 when G5613 they continued G1961 asking G2065 him, G846 he lifted up himself, G352 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 He that is without sin G361 among you, G5216 let him G906 first G4413 cast G906 a stone G3037 at G1909 her. G846

James 1:24 STRONG

For G1063 he beholdeth G2657 himself, G1438 and G2532 goeth his way, G565 and G2532 straightway G2112 forgetteth G1950 what manner of man G3697 he was. G2258

2 Samuel 12:5-7 STRONG

And David's H1732 anger H639 was greatly H3966 kindled H2734 against the man; H376 and he said H559 to Nathan, H5416 As the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 the man H376 that hath done H6213 this thing shall surely H1121 die: H4194 And he shall restore H7999 the lamb H3535 fourfold, H706 because H6118 he did H6213 this thing, H1697 and because H834 he had no pity. H2550 And Nathan H5416 said H559 to David, H1732 Thou art the man. H376 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 I anointed H4886 thee king H4428 over Israel, H3478 and I delivered H5337 thee out of the hand H3027 of Saul; H7586

2 Samuel 20:9-10 STRONG

And Joab H3097 said H559 to Amasa, H6021 Art thou in health, H7965 my brother? H251 And Joab H3097 took H270 Amasa H6021 by the beard H2206 with the right H3225 hand H3027 to kiss H5401 him. But Amasa H6021 took no heed H8104 to the sword H2719 that was in Joab's H3097 hand: H3027 so he smote H5221 him therewith in the fifth H2570 rib, and shed out H8210 his bowels H4578 to the ground, H776 and struck him not again; H8138 and he died. H4191 So Joab H3097 and Abishai H52 his brother H251 pursued H7291 after H310 Sheba H7652 the son H1121 of Bichri. H1075

2 Samuel 20:20-21 STRONG

And Joab H3097 answered H6030 and said, H559 Far be it, H2486 far be it H2486 from me, that I should swallow up H1104 or destroy. H7843 The matter H1697 is not so: but a man H376 of mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 Sheba H7652 the son H1121 of Bichri H1075 by name, H8034 hath lifted up H5375 his hand H3027 against the king, H4428 even against David: H1732 deliver H5414 him only, and I will depart H3212 from the city. H5892 And the woman H802 said H559 unto Joab, H3097 Behold, his head H7218 shall be thrown H7993 to thee over H1157 the wall. H2346

1 Kings 2:32 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 shall return H7725 his blood H1818 upon his own head, H7218 who fell H6293 upon two H8147 men H582 more righteous H6662 and better H2896 than he, and slew H2026 them with the sword, H2719 my father H1 David H1732 not knowing H3045 thereof, to wit, Abner H74 the son H1121 of Ner, H5369 captain H8269 of the host H6635 of Israel, H3478 and Amasa H6021 the son H1121 of Jether, H3500 captain H8269 of the host H6635 of Judah. H3063

1 Chronicles 21:6 STRONG

But Levi H3878 and Benjamin H1144 counted H6485 he not among H8432 them: for the king's H4428 word H1697 was abominable H8581 to Joab. H3097

Psalms 36:2 STRONG

For he flattereth H2505 himself in his own eyes, H5869 until his iniquity H5771 be found H4672 to be hateful. H8130

Jeremiah 17:9 STRONG

The heart H3820 is deceitful H6121 above all things, and desperately wicked: H605 who can know H3045 it?

Ezekiel 18:28 STRONG

Because he considereth, H7200 and turneth away H7725 from all his transgressions H6588 that he hath committed, H6213 he shall surely H2421 live, H2421 he shall not die. H4191

Matthew 7:3-5 STRONG

And G1161 why G5101 beholdest G991 thou the mote G2595 that is in G1722 thy G4675 brother's G80 eye, G3788 but G1161 considerest G2657 not G3756 the beam G1385 that is in G1722 thine own G4674 eye? G3788 Or G2228 how G4459 wilt thou say G2046 to thy G4675 brother, G80 Let G863 me pull out G1544 the mote G2595 out of G575 thine G4675 eye; G3788 and, G2532 behold, G2400 a beam G1385 is in G1722 thine own G4675 eye? G3788 Thou hypocrite, G5273 first G4412 cast out G1544 the beam G1385 out of G1537 thine own G4675 eye; G3788 and G2532 then G5119 shalt thou see clearly G1227 to cast out G1544 the mote G2595 out of G1537 thy G4675 brother's G80 eye. G3788

John 8:40-44 STRONG

But G1161 now G3568 ye seek G2212 to kill G615 me, G3165 a man G444 that G3739 hath told G2980 you G5213 the truth, G225 which G3739 I have heard G191 of G3844 God: G2316 this G5124 did G4160 not G3756 Abraham. G11 Ye G5210 do G4160 the deeds G2041 of your G5216 father. G3962 Then G3767 said they G2036 to him, G846 We G2249 be G1080 not G3756 born G1080 of G1537 fornication; G4202 we have G2192 one G1520 Father, G3962 even God. G2316 Jesus G2424 G3767 said G2036 unto them, G846 If G1487 God G2316 were G2258 your G5216 Father, G3962 ye would G302 love G25 me: G1691 for G1063 I G1473 proceeded forth G1831 and G2532 came G2240 from G1537 God; G2316 neither G3761 G1063 came I G2064 of G575 myself, G1683 but G235 he G1565 sent G649 me. G3165 Why G1302 do ye G1097 not G3756 understand G1097 my G1699 speech? G2981 even because G3754 ye cannot G3756 G1410 hear G191 my G1699 word. G3056 Ye G5210 are G2075 of G1537 your father G3962 the devil, G1228 and G2532 the lusts G1939 of your G5216 father G3962 ye will G2309 do. G4160 He G1565 was G2258 a murderer G443 from G575 the beginning, G746 and G2532 abode G2476 not G3756 in G1722 the truth, G225 because G3754 there is G2076 no G3756 truth G225 in G1722 him. G846 When G3752 he speaketh G2980 a lie, G5579 he speaketh G2980 of G1537 his own: G2398 for G3754 he is G2076 a liar, G5583 and G2532 the father G3962 of it. G846

Romans 2:1 STRONG

Therefore G1352 thou art G1488 inexcusable, G379 O G5599 man, G444 whosoever G3956 thou art that judgest: G2919 for G1063 wherein G1722 G3739 thou judgest G2919 another, G2087 thou condemnest G2632 thyself; G4572 for G1063 thou that judgest G2919 doest G4238 the same things. G846

Romans 2:21-24 STRONG

Thou therefore G3767 which G3588 teachest G1321 another, G2087 teachest thou G1321 not G3756 thyself? G4572 thou that preachest G2784 a man should G2813 not G3361 steal, G2813 dost thou steal? G2813 Thou that sayest G3004 a man should G3431 not G3361 commit adultery, G3431 dost thou commit adultery? G3431 thou that abhorrest G948 idols, G1497 dost thou commit sacrilege? G2416 Thou G3739 that makest thy boast G2744 of G1722 the law, G3551 through G1223 breaking G3847 the law G3551 dishonourest thou G818 God? G2316 For G1063 the name G3686 of God G2316 is blasphemed G987 among G1722 the Gentiles G1484 through G1223 you, G5209 as G2531 it is written. G1125

Commentary on Luke 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 6:1-5. Plucking Corn-ears on the Sabbath.

(See on Mt 12:1-8 and Mr 2:23-28.)

1. second sabbath after the first—an obscure expression, occurring here only, generally understood to mean, the first sabbath after the second day of unleavened bread. The reasons cannot be stated here, nor is the opinion itself quite free from difficulty.

5. Lord also—rather "even" (as in Mt 12:8).

of the sabbath—as naked a claim to all the authority of Him who gave the law at Mount Sinai as could possibly be made; that is, "I have said enough to vindicate the men ye carp at on My account: but in this place is the Lord of the law, and they have His sanction." (See Mr 2:28.)

Lu 6:6-11. Withered Hand Healed.

(See on Mt 12:9-15 and Mr 3:1-7.)

7. watched whether, &c.—In Matthew (Mt 12:9) this is put as an ensnaring question of theirs to our Lord, who accordingly speaks to the state of their hearts (Lu 6:9), just as if they had spoken it out.

9. good, or … evil, save … or destroy—By this novel way of putting His case, our Lord teaches the great ethical principle, that to neglect any opportunity of doing good is to incur the guilt of doing evil; and by this law He bound His own spirit. (See Mr 3:4.)

11. filled with madness—The word denotes senseless rage at the confusion to which our Lord had put them, both by word and deed.

what … do to Jesus—not so much whether to get rid of Him, but how to compass it. (See on Mt 3:6.)

Lu 6:12-49. The Twelve Apostles ChosenGathering MultitudesGlorious Healing.

12, 13. went out—probably from Capernaum.

all night in prayer … and when … day, he called, &c.—The work with which the next day began shows what had been the burden of this night's devotions. As He directed His disciples to pray for "laborers" just before sending themselves forth (see on Mt 9:37; Mt 10:1), so here we find the Lord Himself in prolonged communion with His Father in preparation for the solemn appointment of those men who were to give birth to His Church, and from whom the world in all time was to take a new mould. How instructive is this!

13-16. (See on Mt 10:2-4.)

17. in the plain—by some rendered "on a level place," that is, a piece of high tableland, by which they understand the same thing, as "on the mountain," where our Lord delivered the sermon recorded by Matthew (Mt 5:1), of which they take this following discourse of Luke to be but an abridged form. But as the sense given in our version is the more accurate, so there are weighty reasons for considering the discourses different. This one contains little more than a fourth of the other; it has woes of its own, as well as the beatitudes common to both; but above all, that of Matthew was plainly delivered a good while before, while this was spoken after the choice of the twelve; and as we know that our Lord delivered some of His weightiest sayings more than once, there is no difficulty in supposing this to be one of His more extended repetitions; nor could anything be more worthy of it.

19. healed—kept healing, denoting successive acts of mercy till it went over "all" that needed. There is something unusually grand and pictorial in this touch of description.

20, 21. In the Sermon on the Mount the benediction is pronounced upon the "poor in spirit" and those who "hunger and thirst after righteousness" (Mt 5:3, 6). Here it is simply on the "poor" and the "hungry now." In this form of the discourse, then, our Lord seems to have had in view "the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which God hath promised to them that love Him," as these very beatitudes are paraphrased by James (Jas 2:5).

21. laugh—How charming is the liveliness of this word, to express what in Matthew is called being "comforted!"

22. separate you—whether from their Church, by excommunication, or from their society; both hard to flesh and blood.

for the Son of man's sake—Compare Mt 5:11, "for My sake"; and immediately before, "for righteousness' sake" (Lu 6:10). Christ thus binds up the cause of righteousness in the world with the reception of Himself.

23. leap for joy—a livelier word than "be exceeding glad" of "exult" (Mt 5:12).

24, 25. rich … full … laugh—who have all their good things and joyous feelings here and now, in perishable objects.

received your consolation—(see on Lu 16:25).

shall hunger—their inward craving strong as ever, but the materials of satisfaction forever gone.

26. all … speak well of you—alluding to the court paid to the false prophets of old (Mic 2:11). For the principle of this woe, and its proper limits, see Joh 15:19.

27-36. (See on Mt 5:44-48; Mt 7:12; and Mt 14:12-14.)

37, 38. See on Mt 7:1, 2; but this is much fuller and more graphic.

39. Can the blind, &c.—not in the Sermon on the Mount, but recorded by Matthew in another and very striking connection (Mt 15:14).

40. The disciple, &c.—that is, "The disciple aims to come up to his master, and he thinks himself complete when he does so: if you then be blind leaders of the blind, the perfection of one's training under you will only land him the more certainly in one common ruin with yourselves."

41-49. (See on Mt 7:3-5, Mt 7:16-27.)