Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Luke » Chapter 8 » Verse 55

Luke 8:55 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

55 And G2532 her G846 spirit G4151 came again, G1994 and G2532 she arose G450 straightway: G3916 and G2532 he commanded G1299 to give G1325 her G846 meat. G5315

Cross Reference

John 11:44 STRONG

And G2532 he that was dead G2348 came forth, G1831 bound G1210 hand G5495 and G2532 foot G4228 with graveclothes: G2750 and G2532 his G846 face G3799 was bound about G4019 with a napkin. G4676 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 Loose G3089 him, G846 and G2532 let him G863 go. G5217

1 Kings 17:21-23 STRONG

And he stretched H4058 himself upon the child H3206 three H7969 times, H6471 and cried H7121 unto the LORD, H3068 and said, H559 O LORD H3068 my God, H430 I pray thee, let this child's H3206 soul H5315 come H7725 into him H7130 again. H7725 And the LORD H3068 heard H8085 the voice H6963 of Elijah; H452 and the soul H5315 of the child H3206 came H7725 into him H7130 again, H7725 and he revived. H2421 And Elijah H452 took H3947 the child, H3206 and brought him down H3381 out of the chamber H5944 into the house, H1004 and delivered H5414 him unto his mother: H517 and Elijah H452 said, H559 See, H7200 thy son H1121 liveth. H2416

Mark 5:43 STRONG

And G2532 he charged G1291 them G846 straitly G4183 that G2443 no man G3367 should know G1097 it; G5124 and G2532 commanded G2036 that something should be given G1325 her G846 to eat. G5315

Luke 24:41-43 STRONG

And G1161 while they G846 yet G2089 believed not G569 for G575 joy, G5479 and G2532 wondered, G2296 he said G2036 unto them, G846 Have ye G2192 here G1759 any G5100 meat? G1034 And G1161 they gave G1929 him G846 a piece G3313 of a broiled G3702 fish, G2486 and G2532 of G575 an honeycomb. G3193 G2781 And G2532 he took G2983 it, and did eat G5315 before G1799 them. G846

Commentary on Luke 8 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Lu 8:1-3. A Galilean Circuit, with the Twelve and Certain Ministering Women. (In Luke only).

1. went—travelled, made a progress.

throughout every city and village—through town and village.

preaching, &c.—the Prince of itinerant preachers scattering far and wide the seed of the Kingdom.

2. certain women … healed, &c.—on whom He had the double claim of having brought healing to their bodies and new life to their souls. Drawn to Him by an attraction more than magnetic, they accompany Him on this tour as His almoners—ministering unto Him of their substance. Blessed Saviour! It melts us to see Thee living upon the love of Thy ransomed people. That they bring Thee their poor offerings we wonder not. Thou hast sown unto them spiritual things, and they think it, as well they might, a small thing that Thou shouldst reap their material things (1Co 9:11). But dost Thou take it at their hand, and subsist upon it? "Oh, the depth of the riches" (Ro 11:33)—of this poverty of His!

Mary Magdalene—that is, probably, of Magdala (on which see Mt 15:39; see on Mr 8:10).

went—rather, "had gone."

seven devils—(Mr 16:9). It is a great wrong to this honored woman to identify her with the once profligate woman of Lu 7:37, and to call all such penitents Magdalenes. The mistake has arisen from confounding unhappy demoniacal possession with the conscious entertainment of diabolic impurity, or supposing the one to have been afflicted as a punishment for the other—for which there is not the least scriptural ground.

3. Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward—If the steward of such a godless, cruel, and licentious wretch as Herod Antipas (see on Mr 6:14, &c.) differed greatly from himself, his post would be no easy or enviable one. That he was a disciple of Christ is very improbable, though he might be favorably disposed towards Him. But what we know not of him, and may fear he lacked, we are sure his wife possessed. Healed either of "evil spirits" or of some one of the "infirmities" here referred to—the ordinary diseases of humanity—she joins in the Saviour's train of grateful, clinging followers. Of "Susanna," next mentioned, we know nothing but the name, and that here only. But her services on this memorable occasion have immortalized her name. "Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done," in ministering to the Lord of her substance on His Galilean tour, "shall be spoken of as a memorial of her" (Mr 14:9).

many others—that is, many other healed women. What a train! and all ministering unto Him of their substance, and He allowing them to do it and subsisting upon it! "He who was the support of the spiritual life of His people disdained not to be supported by them in the body. He was not ashamed to penetrate so far into the depths of poverty as to live upon the alms of love. He only fed others miraculously; for Himself, He lived upon the love of His people. He gave all things to men, His brethren, and received all things from them, enjoying thereby the pure blessing of love: which is then only perfect when it is at the same time both giving and receiving. Who could invent such things as these? It was necessary to live in this manner that it might be so recorded" [Olshausen].

Lu 8:4-18. Parable of the Sower.

(See on Mr 4:3-9, Mr 4:14-20.)

16. No man, &c.—(see on Mt 5:15, of which this is nearly a repetition).

17. For nothing, &c.—(See on Lu 12:2).

18. how ye—in Mr 4:24, "what ye hear." The one implies the other. The precept is very weighty.

seemeth to have—or, "thinketh that he hath" (Margin). The "having" of Mt 13:12 (on which see), and this "thinking he hath," are not different. Hanging loosely on him, and not appropriated, it is and is not his.

Lu 8:19-21. His Mother and Brethren Desire to Speak with Him.

(See on Mt 12:46-50).

Lu 8:22-25. Jesus Crossing the Lake, Stills the Storm.

(See on Mt 8:23-27, and Mr 4:35-41).

23. filled—literally, "were getting filled," that is, those who sailed; meaning that their ship was so.

Lu 8:26-39. Demoniac of Gadara Healed.

(See on Mt 8:28-34; and Mr 5:1-20).

Lu 8:40-56. Jairus' Daughter Raised and Issue of Blood Healed.

(See on Mt 9:18-26; and Mr 5:21-43).

40. gladly received him, for … all waiting for him—The abundant teaching of that day (in Mt 13:1-58; and see Mr 4:36), had only whetted the people's appetite; and disappointed, as would seem, that He had left them in the evening to cross the lake, they remain hanging about the beach, having got a hint, probably through some of His disciples, that He would be back the same evening. Perhaps they witnessed at a distance the sudden calming of the tempest. Here at least they are, watching for His return, and welcoming Him to the shore. The tide of His popularity was now fast rising.

45. Who touched me?—"Askest Thou, Lord, who touched Thee? Rather ask who touched Thee not in such a throng."

46. Somebody hath touched—yes, the multitude "thronged" and pressed Him—"they jostled against Him," but all involuntarily; they were merely carried along; but one, one only—"Somebody Touched" Him, with the conscious, voluntary, dependent touch of faith, reaching forth its hands expressly to have contact with Him. This and this only Jesus acknowledges and seeks out. Even so, as the Church Father Augustine long ago said, multitudes still come similarly close to Christ in the means of grace, but all to no purpose, being only sucked into the crowd. The voluntary, living contact of faith is that electric conductor which alone draws virtue out of Him.

47. declared … before all—This, though a great trial to the shrinking modesty of the believing woman, was just what Christ wanted in dragging her forth, her public testimony to the facts of her case—both her disease, with her abortive efforts at a cure, and the instantaneous and perfect relief which her touch of the Great Healer had brought her.

55. give her meat—(See on Mr 5:43).