Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Malachi » Chapter 1 » Verse 14

Malachi 1:14 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

14 But cursed H779 be the deceiver, H5230 which H3426 hath in his flock H5739 a male, H2145 and voweth, H5087 and sacrificeth H2076 unto the Lord H136 a corrupt thing: H7843 for I am a great H1419 King, H4428 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and my name H8034 is dreadful H3372 among the heathen. H1471

Cross Reference

Zechariah 14:9 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 shall be king H4428 over all the earth: H776 in that day H3117 shall there be one H259 LORD, H3068 and his name H8034 one. H259

1 Timothy 6:15 STRONG

Which G3739 in his G2398 times G2540 he shall shew, G1166 who G3588 is the blessed G3107 and G2532 only G3441 Potentate, G1413 the King G935 of kings, G936 and G2532 Lord G2962 of lords; G2961

Psalms 76:12 STRONG

He shall cut off H1219 the spirit H7307 of princes: H5057 he is terrible H3372 to the kings H4428 of the earth. H776

Psalms 47:2 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 most high H5945 is terrible; H3372 he is a great H1419 King H4428 over all the earth. H776

Malachi 3:9 STRONG

Ye are cursed H779 with a curse: H3994 for ye have robbed H6906 me, even this whole nation. H1471

Revelation 21:8 STRONG

But G1161 the fearful, G1169 and G2532 unbelieving, G571 and G2532 the abominable, G948 and G2532 murderers, G5406 and G2532 whoremongers, G4205 and G2532 sorcerers, G5332 and G2532 idolaters, G1496 and G2532 all G3956 liars, G5571 shall have their G846 part G3313 in G1722 the lake G3041 which G3588 burneth G2545 with fire G4442 and G2532 brimstone: G2303 which is G3603 the second G1208 death. G2288

Revelation 15:4 STRONG

Who G5101 shall G5399 not G3364 fear G5399 thee, G4571 O Lord, G2962 and G2532 glorify G1392 thy G4675 name? G3686 for G3754 thou only G3441 art holy: G3741 for G3754 all G3956 nations G1484 shall come G2240 and G2532 worship G4352 before G1799 thee; G4675 for G3754 thy G4675 judgments G1345 are made manifest. G5319

Hebrews 12:29 STRONG

For G2532 G1063 our G2257 God G2316 is a consuming G2654 fire. G4442

2 Corinthians 8:12 STRONG

For G1063 if there G1487 be first G4295 a willing mind, G4288 it is accepted G2144 according to G2526 that G1437 a man G5100 hath, G2192 and not G3756 according to that G2526 he hath G2192 not. G3756

Acts 5:1-10 STRONG

But G1161 a certain G5100 man G435 named G3686 Ananias, G367 with G4862 Sapphira G4551 his G846 wife, G1135 sold G4453 a possession, G2933 And G2532 kept back G3557 part of G575 the price, G5092 his G846 wife G1135 also G2532 being privy G4894 to it, and G2532 brought G5342 a certain G5100 part, G3313 and laid G5087 it at G3844 the apostles' G652 feet. G4228 But G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Ananias, G367 why G1302 hath Satan G4567 filled G4137 thine G4675 heart G2588 G4571 to lie G5574 to the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and G2532 to keep back G3557 part of G575 the price G5092 of the land? G5564 Whiles it remained, G3306 was it not G3780 thine own? G4671 G3306 and G2532 after it was sold, G4097 was it not G5225 in G1722 thine own G4674 power? G1849 why G5101 G3754 hast thou conceived G5087 this G5124 thing G4229 in G1722 thine G4675 heart? G2588 thou hast G5574 not G3756 lied G5574 unto men, G444 but G235 unto God. G2316 And G1161 Ananias G367 hearing G191 these G5128 words G3056 fell down, G4098 and gave up the ghost: G1634 and G2532 great G3173 fear G5401 came G1096 on G1909 all G3956 them that heard G191 these things. G5023 And G1161 the young men G3501 arose, G450 wound G4958 him G846 up, G4958 and G2532 carried him out, G1627 and buried G2290 him. And G1161 it was G1096 about G5613 the space G1292 of three G5140 hours G5610 after, G1292 when G2532 his G846 wife, G1135 not G3361 knowing G1492 what was done, G1096 came in. G1525 And G1161 Peter G4074 answered G611 unto her, G846 Tell G2036 me G3427 whether G1487 ye sold G591 the land G5564 for so much? G5118 And G1161 she said, G2036 Yea, G3483 for so much. G5118 Then G1161 Peter G4074 said G2036 unto G4314 her, G846 How G5101 is it that G3754 ye G5213 have agreed together G4856 to tempt G3985 the Spirit G4151 of the Lord? G2962 behold, G2400 the feet G4228 of them which have buried G2290 thy G4675 husband G435 are at G1909 the door, G2374 and G2532 shall carry G1627 thee G4571 out. G1627 Then G1161 fell she down G4098 straightway G3916 at G3844 his G846 feet, G4228 and G2532 yielded up the ghost: G1634 and G1161 the young men G3495 came in, G1525 and found G2147 her G846 dead, G3498 and, G2532 carrying her forth, G1627 buried G2290 her by G4314 her G846 husband. G435

Luke 12:46 STRONG

The lord G2962 of that G1565 servant G1401 will come G2240 in G1722 a day G2250 when G3739 he looketh G4328 not G3756 for G4328 him, and G2532 at G1722 an hour G5610 when G3739 he is G1097 not G3756 aware, G1097 and G2532 will cut G1371 him G846 in sunder, G1371 and G2532 will appoint G5087 him his G846 portion G3313 with G3326 the unbelievers. G571

Luke 12:1-2 STRONG

In G1722 the mean time, G3739 when there were gathered together G1996 an innumerable multitude G3461 of people, G3793 insomuch that G5620 they trode G2662 one upon another, G240 he began G756 to say G3004 unto G4314 his G846 disciples G3101 first of all, G4412 Beware G4337 ye G1438 of G575 the leaven G2219 of the Pharisees, G5330 which G3748 is G2076 hypocrisy. G5272 For G1161 there is G2076 nothing G3762 covered, G4780 that G3739 shall G601 not G3756 be revealed; G601 neither G2532 hid, G2927 that G3739 shall G1097 not G3756 be known. G1097

Mark 14:8 STRONG

She hath done G4160 what G3739 she G3778 G846 could: G2192 she is come aforehand G4301 to anoint G3462 my G3450 body G4983 to G1519 the burying. G1780

Mark 12:41-44 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 sat G2523 over against G2713 the treasury, G1049 and beheld G2334 how G4459 the people G3793 cast G906 money G5475 into G1519 the treasury: G1049 and G2532 many G4183 that were rich G4145 cast in G906 much. G4183 And G2532 there came G2064 a certain G3391 poor G4434 widow, G5503 and she threw in G906 two G1417 mites, G3016 which make G3603 a farthing. G2835 And G2532 he called G4341 unto him his G846 disciples, G3101 and saith G3004 unto them, G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 That G3754 this G3778 poor G4434 widow G5503 hath cast G906 more G4119 in, G906 than all G3956 they which have cast G906 into G1519 the treasury: G1049 For G1063 all G3956 they did cast in G906 of G1537 their G846 abundance; G4052 but G1161 she G3778 G846 of G1537 her G846 want G5304 did cast in G906 all G3956 that G3745 she had, G2192 even all G3650 her G846 living. G979

Matthew 24:51 STRONG

And G2532 shall cut G1371 him G846 asunder, G1371 and G2532 appoint G5087 him his G846 portion G3313 with G3326 the hypocrites: G5273 there G1563 shall be G2071 weeping G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599

Matthew 5:35 STRONG

Nor G3383 by G1722 the earth; G1093 for G3754 it is G2076 his G846 footstool: G4228 G5286 neither G3383 by G1519 Jerusalem; G2414 for G3754 it is G2076 the city G4172 of the great G3173 King. G935

Genesis 27:12 STRONG

My father H1 peradventure will feel H4959 me, and I shall seem H5869 to him as a deceiver; H8591 and I shall bring H935 a curse H7045 upon me, and not a blessing. H1293

Malachi 1:11 STRONG

For from the rising H4217 of the sun H8121 even unto the going down H3996 of the same my name H8034 shall be great H1419 among the Gentiles; H1471 and in every place H4725 incense H6999 shall be offered H5066 unto my name, H8034 and a pure H2889 offering: H4503 for my name H8034 shall be great H1419 among the heathen, H1471 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Malachi 1:8 STRONG

And if ye offer H5066 the blind H5787 for sacrifice, H2076 is it not evil? H7451 and if ye offer H5066 the lame H6455 and sick, H2470 is it not evil? H7451 offer H7126 it now unto thy governor; H6346 will he be pleased H7521 with thee, or accept H5375 thy person? H6440 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Daniel 9:4 STRONG

And I prayed H6419 unto the LORD H3068 my God, H430 and made my confession, H3034 and said, H559 O H577 Lord, H136 the great H1419 and dreadful H3372 God, H410 keeping H8104 the covenant H1285 and mercy H2617 to them that love H157 him, and to them that keep H8104 his commandments; H4687

Daniel 4:37 STRONG

Now H3705 I H576 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 praise H7624 and extol H7313 and honour H1922 the King H4430 of heaven, H8065 all H3606 whose works H4567 are truth, H7187 and his ways H735 judgment: H1780 and those that walk H1981 in pride H1467 he is able H3202 to abase. H8214

Jeremiah 48:10 STRONG

Cursed H779 be he that doeth H6213 the work H4399 of the LORD H3068 deceitfully, H7423 and cursed H779 be he that keepeth back H4513 his sword H2719 from blood. H1818

Jeremiah 10:10 STRONG

But the LORD H3068 is the true H571 God, H430 he is the living H2416 God, H430 and an everlasting H5769 king: H4428 at his wrath H7110 the earth H776 shall tremble, H7493 and the nations H1471 shall not be able to abide H3557 his indignation. H2195

Isaiah 57:15 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the high H7311 and lofty One H5375 that inhabiteth H7931 eternity, H5703 whose name H8034 is Holy; H6918 I dwell H7931 in the high H4791 and holy H6918 place, with him also that is of a contrite H1793 and humble H8217 spirit, H7307 to revive H2421 the spirit H7307 of the humble, H8217 and to revive H2421 the heart H3820 of the contrite ones. H1792

Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 STRONG

When thou vowest H5087 a vow H5088 unto God, H430 defer H309 not to pay H7999 it; for he hath no pleasure H2656 in fools: H3684 pay H7999 that which thou hast vowed. H5087 Better H2896 is it that thou shouldest not vow, H5087 than that thou shouldest vow H5087 and not pay. H7999

Psalms 95:3 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 is a great H1419 God, H410 and a great H1419 King H4428 above all gods. H430

Psalms 68:35 STRONG

O God, H430 thou art terrible H3372 out of thy holy places: H4720 the God H410 of Israel H3478 is he that giveth H5414 strength H5797 and power H8592 unto his people. H5971 Blessed H1288 be God. H430

Psalms 48:2 STRONG

Beautiful H3303 for situation, H5131 the joy H4885 of the whole earth, H776 is mount H2022 Zion, H6726 on the sides H3411 of the north, H6828 the city H7151 of the great H7227 King. H4428

Joshua 7:11-12 STRONG

Israel H3478 hath sinned, H2398 and they have also transgressed H5674 my covenant H1285 which I commanded H6680 them: for they have even taken H3947 of the accursed thing, H2764 and have also stolen, H1589 and dissembled H3584 also, and they have put H7760 it even among their own stuff. H3627 Therefore the children H1121 of Israel H3478 could H3201 not stand H6965 before H6440 their enemies, H341 but turned H6437 their backs H6203 before H6440 their enemies, H341 because they were accursed: H2764 neither will I be with you any more, H3254 except H3808 ye destroy H8045 the accursed H2764 from among H7130 you.

Deuteronomy 28:58 STRONG

If thou wilt not observe H8104 to do H6213 all the words H1697 of this law H8451 that are written H3789 in this book, H5612 that thou mayest fear H3372 this glorious H3513 and fearful H3372 name, H8034 THE LORD H3068 THY GOD; H430

Leviticus 22:18-21 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto Aaron, H175 and to his sons, H1121 and unto all the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, Whatsoever H376 he be of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 or of the strangers H1616 in Israel, H3478 that will offer H7126 his oblation H7133 for all his vows, H5088 and for all his freewill offerings, H5071 which they will offer H7126 unto the LORD H3068 for a burnt offering; H5930 Ye shall offer at your own will H7522 a male H2145 without blemish, H8549 of the beeves, H1241 of the sheep, H3775 or of the goats. H5795 But whatsoever hath a blemish, H3971 that shall ye not offer: H7126 for it shall not be acceptable H7522 for you. And whosoever H376 offereth H7126 a sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD H3068 to accomplish H6381 his vow, H5088 or a freewill offering H5071 in beeves H1241 or sheep, H6629 it shall be perfect H8549 to be accepted; H7522 there shall be no blemish H3971 therein.

Commentary on Malachi 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mal 1:1-14. God's Love: Israel's Ingratitude: THE Priests' Mercenary Spirit: A Gentile Spiritual Priesthood Shall Supersede Them.

1. burden—heavy sentence.

to Israel—represented now by the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with individuals of the ten tribes who had returned with the Jews from Babylon. So "Israel" is used, Ezr 7:10. Compare 2Ch 21:2, "Jehoshaphat king of Israel," where Judah, rather than the ten tribes, is regarded as the truest representative of Israel (compare 2Ch 12:6; 28:19).

Malachi—see Introduction. God sent no prophet after him till John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, in order to enflame His people with the more ardent desire for Him, the great antitype and fulfiller of prophecy.

2. I have loved you—above other men; nay, even above the other descendants of Abraham and Isaac. Such gratuitous love on My part called for love on yours. But the return ye make is sin and dishonor to Me. This which is to be supplied is left unexpressed, sorrow as it were breaking off the sentence [Menochius], (De 7:8; Ho 11:1).

Wherein hast thou loved us?—In painful contrast to the tearful tenderness of God's love stands their insolent challenge. The root of their sin was insensibility to God's love, and to their own wickedness. Having had prosperity taken from them, they imply they have no tokens of God's love; they look at what God had taken, not at what God had left. God's love is often least acknowledged where it is most manifested. We must not infer God does not love us because He afflicts us. Men, instead of referring their sufferings to their proper cause, their own sin, impiously accuse God of indifference to their welfare [Moore]. Thus Mal 1:1-4 form a fit introduction to the whole prophecy.

Was not Esau Jacob's brother?—and so, as far as dignity went, as much entitled to God's favor as Jacob. My adoption of Jacob, therefore, was altogether by gratuitous favor (Ro 9:13). So God has passed by our elder brethren, the angels who kept not their first estate, and yet He has provided salvation for man. The perpetual rejection of the fallen angels, like the perpetual desolations of Edom, attests God's severity to the lost, and goodness to those gratuitously saved. The sovereign eternal purpose of God is the only ground on which He bestows on one favors withheld from another. There are difficulties in referring salvation to the election of God, there are greater in referring it to the election of man [Moore]. Jehovah illustrates His condescension and patience in arguing the case with them.

3. hated—not positively, but relatively; that is, did not choose him out to be the object of gratuitous favor, as I did Jacob (compare Lu 14:26, with Mt 10:37; Ge 29:30, 31; De 21:15, 16).

laid his mountains … waste—that is, his territory which was generally mountainous. Israel was, it is true, punished by the Chaldeans, but Edom has been utterly destroyed; namely, either by Nebuchadnezzar [Rosenmuller], or by the neighboring peoples, Egypt, Ammon, and Moab [Josephus, Antiquities, 10.9,7; Maurer], (Jer 49:18).

dragons—jackals [Moore] (compare Isa 34:13). Maurer translates, "Abodes of the wilderness," from an Arabic root "to stop," or "to abide." English Version is better.

4. Whereas—"But if" Edom say [Maurer]. Edom may strive as she may to recover herself, but it shall be in vain, for I doom her to perpetual desolation, whereas I restore Israel. This Jehovah states, to illustrate His gratuitous love to Israel, rather than to Edom.

border of wickedness—a region given over to the curse of reprobation [Calvin]. For a time Judea seemed as desolate as Idumea; but though the latter was once the highway of Eastern commerce, now the lonely rock-houses of Petra attest the fulfilment of the prophecy. It is still "the border of wickedness," being the resort of the marauding tribes of the desert. Judea's restoration, though delayed, is yet certain.

the Lord hath indignation—"the people of My curse" (Isa 34:5).

5. from the border of Israel—Ye, restored to your own "borders" in Israel, "from" them shall raise your voices to "magnify the Lord," acknowledging that Jehovah has shown to you a gratuitous favor not shown to Edom, and so ought to be especially "magnified from the borders of Israel."

6. Turning from the people to the priests, Jehovah asks, whereas His love to the people was so great, where was their love towards Him? If the priests, as they profess, regard Him as their Father (Isa 63:16) and Master, let them show the reality of their profession by love and reverential fear (Ex 20:12; Lu 6:46). He addresses the priests because they ought to be leaders in piety to the rest of the people, whereas they are foremost in "despising His name."

Wherein have we despised, &c.—The same captious spirit of self-satisfied insensibility as prompted their question (Mal 1:2), "Wherein hast Thou loved us?" They are blind alike to God's love and their own guilt.

7. ye offer, &c.—God's answer to their challenge (Mal 1:6), "Wherein have we despised?"

polluted bread—namely, blemished sacrifices (Mal 1:8, 13, 14; De 15:21). So "the bread of thy God" is used for "sacrifices to God" (Le 21:8).

polluted thee—that is, offered to thee "polluted bread."

table of the Lord—that is, the altar (Eze 41:22) (not the table of showbread). Just as the sacrificial flesh is called "bread."

contemptible—(Mal 1:12, 13). Ye sanction the niggardly and blemished offerings of the people on the altar, to gain favor with them. Darius, and probably his successors, had liberally supplied them with victims for sacrifice, yet they presented none but the worst. A cheap religion, costing little, is rejected by God, and so is worth nothing. It costs more than it is worth, for it is worth nothing, and so proves really dear. God despises not the widow's mite, but he does despise the miser's mite [Moore].

8. Your earthly ruler would feel insulted, if offered by you the offering with which ye put off God (see Le 22:22, 24).

is it not evil?—Maurer translates, "There is no evil," in your opinion, in such an offering; it is quite good enough for such a purpose.

9. now … beseech God that he will be gracious—Ironical. Think you that God will be persuaded by such polluted gifts to be gracious to you? Far from it.

this hath been by your means—literally, "hand." These contemptible offerings are your doing, as being the priests mediating between God and the people; and think you, will God pay any regard to you (compare Mal 1:8, 10)? "Accept thy person" ("face"), Mal 1:8, answers to "regard your persons," in this verse.

10. Who … for naught—Not one even of the least priestly functions (as shutting the doors, or kindling a fire on the altar) would ye exercise without pay, therefore ye ought to fulfil them faithfully (1Co 9:13). Drusius and Maurer translate, "Would that there were absolutely some one of you who would shut the doors of the temple (that is, of the inner court, in which was the altar of burnt offerings), and that ye would not kindle fire on My altar in vain!" Better no sacrifices than vain ones (Isa 1:11-15). It was the duty of some of the priests to stand at the doors of the court of the altar of burnt offerings, and to have excluded blemished victims [Calvin].

11. For—Since ye Jewish priests and people "despise My name" (Mal 1:6), I shall find others who will magnify it (Mt 3:9). Do not think I shall have no worshippers because I have not you; for from the east to the west My name shall be great among the Gentiles (Isa 66:19, 20), those very peoples whom ye look down upon as abominable.

pure offering—not "the blind, the lame, and the sick," such as ye offer (Mal 1:8). "In every place," implies the catholicity of the Christian Church (Joh 4:21, 23; 1Ti 2:8). The "incense" is figurative of prayers (Ps 141:2; Re 8:3). "Sacrifice" is used metaphorically (Ps 51:17; Heb 13:10, 15, 16; 1Pe 2:5, 12). In this sense the reference to the Lord's Supper, maintained by many of the fathers, may be admitted; it, like prayer, is a spiritual offering, accepted through the literal offering of the "Lamb without blemish," once for all slain.

12. Renewal of the charge in Mal 1:7.

fruit … meat—the offerings of the people. The "fruit" is the produce of the altar, on which the priests subsisted. They did not literally say, The Lord's table is contemptible; but their acts virtually said so. They did not act so as to lead the people to reverence, and to offer their best to the Lord on it. The people were poor, and put off God with the worst offerings. The priests let them do so, for fear of offending the people, and so losing all gains from them.

13. what a weariness is it!—Ye regard God's service as irksome, and therefore try to get it over by presenting the most worthless offerings. Compare Mic 6:3, where God challenges His people to show wherein is the "weariness" or hardship of His service. Also Isa 43:22-24, wherein He shows that it is they who have "wearied" Him, not He who has wearied them.

snuffed at—despised.

it—the table of the Lord, and the meat on it (Mal 1:12).

torn—namely, by beasts, which it was not lawful to eat, much less to offer (Ex 22:31).

thus … offering—Hebrew, mincha; the unbloody offering of flour, &c. Though this may have been of ordinary ingredients, yet the sacrifices of blemished animals accompanying it rendered it unacceptable.

14. deceiver—hypocrite. Not poverty, but avarice was the cause of their mean offerings.

male—required by law (Le 1:3, 10).

great King—(Ps 48:2; Mt 5:35).

my name … dreadful among … heathen—Even the heathen dread Me because of My judgments; what a reproach this is to you, My people, who fear Me not (Mal 1:6)! Also it may be translated, "shall be feared among," &c. agreeing with the prophecy of the call of the Gentiles (Mal 1:11).