Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Malachi » Chapter 3 » Verse 7

Malachi 3:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Even from the days H3117 of your fathers H1 ye are gone away H5493 from mine ordinances, H2706 and have not kept H8104 them. Return H7725 unto me, and I will return H7725 unto you, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635 But ye said, H559 Wherein shall we return? H7725

Cross Reference

Zechariah 1:3 STRONG

Therefore say H559 thou unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Turn H7725 ye unto me, saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and I will turn H7725 unto you, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Deuteronomy 31:20 STRONG

For when I shall have brought H935 them into the land H127 which I sware H7650 unto their fathers, H1 that floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey; H1706 and they shall have eaten H398 and filled H7646 themselves, and waxen fat; H1878 then will they turn H6437 unto other H312 gods, H430 and serve H5647 them, and provoke H5006 me, and break H6565 my covenant. H1285

Jeremiah 3:12-14 STRONG

Go H1980 and proclaim H7121 these words H1697 toward the north, H6828 and say, H559 Return, H7725 thou backsliding H4878 Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 and I will not cause mine anger H6440 to fall H5307 upon you: for I am merciful, H2623 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and I will not keep H5201 anger for ever. H5769 Only acknowledge H3045 thine iniquity, H5771 that thou hast transgressed H6586 against the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and hast scattered H6340 thy ways H1870 to the strangers H2114 under every green H7488 tree, H6086 and ye have not obeyed H8085 my voice, H6963 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Turn, H7725 O backsliding H7726 children, H1121 saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 for I am married H1166 unto you: and I will take H3947 you one H259 of a city, H5892 and two H8147 of a family, H4940 and I will bring H935 you to Zion: H6726

Deuteronomy 4:29-31 STRONG

But if from thence thou shalt seek H1245 the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 thou shalt find H4672 him, if thou seek H1875 him with all thy heart H3824 and with all thy soul. H5315 When thou art in tribulation, H6862 and all these things H1697 are come H4672 upon thee, even in the latter H319 days, H3117 if thou turn H7725 to the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and shalt be obedient H8085 unto his voice; H6963 (For the LORD H3068 thy God H430 is a merciful H7349 God;) H410 he will not forsake H7503 thee, neither destroy H7843 thee, nor forget H7911 the covenant H1285 of thy fathers H1 which he sware H7650 unto them.

Deuteronomy 30:1-4 STRONG

And it shall come to pass, when all these things H1697 are come H935 upon thee, the blessing H1293 and the curse, H7045 which I have set H5414 before H6440 thee, and thou shalt call H7725 them to mind H3824 among all the nations, H1471 whither the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath driven H5080 thee, And shalt return H7725 unto the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and shalt obey H8085 his voice H6963 according to all that I command H6680 thee this day, H3117 thou and thy children, H1121 with all thine heart, H3824 and with all thy soul; H5315 That then the LORD H3068 thy God H430 will turn H7725 thy captivity, H7622 and have compassion H7355 upon thee, and will return H7725 and gather H6908 thee from all the nations, H5971 whither the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath scattered H6327 thee. If any of thine be driven out H5080 unto the outmost H7097 parts of heaven, H8064 from thence will the LORD H3068 thy God H430 gather H6908 thee, and from thence will he fetch H3947 thee:

1 Kings 8:47-49 STRONG

Yet if they shall bethink H7725 themselves in the land H776 whither they were carried captives, H7617 and repent, H7725 H3820 and make supplication H2603 unto thee in the land H776 of them that carried them captives, H7617 saying, H559 We have sinned, H2398 and have done perversely, H5753 we have committed wickedness; H7561 And so return H7725 unto thee with all their heart, H3824 and with all their soul, H5315 in the land H776 of their enemies, H341 which led them away captive, H7617 and pray H6419 unto thee toward H1870 their land, H776 which thou gavest H5414 unto their fathers, H1 the city H5892 which thou hast chosen, H977 and the house H1004 which I have built H1129 for thy name: H8034 Then hear H8085 thou their prayer H8605 and their supplication H8467 in heaven H8064 thy dwelling H3427 place, H4349 and maintain H6213 their cause, H4941

Nehemiah 1:8-9 STRONG

Remember, H2142 I beseech thee, the word H1697 that thou commandedst H6680 thy servant H5650 Moses, H4872 saying, H559 If ye transgress, H4603 I will scatter you abroad H6327 among the nations: H5971 But if ye turn H7725 unto me, and keep H8104 my commandments, H4687 and do H6213 them; though there were of you cast out H5080 unto the uttermost part H7097 of the heaven, H8064 yet will I gather H6908 them from thence, and will bring H935 them unto the place H4725 that I have chosen H977 to set H7931 my name H8034 there.

Nehemiah 9:28-30 STRONG

But after they had rest, H5117 they did H6213 evil H7451 again H7725 before H6440 thee: therefore leftest H5800 thou them in the hand H3027 of their enemies, H341 so that they had the dominion H7287 over them: yet when they returned, H7725 and cried H2199 unto thee, thou heardest H8085 them from heaven; H8064 and many H7227 times H6256 didst thou deliver H5337 them according to thy mercies; H7356 And testifiedst H5749 against them, that thou mightest bring them again H7725 unto thy law: H8451 yet they dealt proudly, H2102 and hearkened H8085 not unto thy commandments, H4687 but sinned H2398 against thy judgments, H4941 (which if a man H120 do, H6213 he shall live H2421 in them;) and withdrew H5414 H5637 the shoulder, H3802 and hardened H7185 their neck, H6203 and would not hear. H8085 Yet many H7227 years H8141 didst thou forbear H4900 them, and testifiedst H5749 against them by thy spirit H7307 in H3027 thy prophets: H5030 yet would they not give ear: H238 therefore gavest H5414 thou them into the hand H3027 of the people H5971 of the lands. H776

Isaiah 55:6-7 STRONG

Seek H1875 ye the LORD H3068 while he may be found, H4672 call H7121 ye upon him while he is near: H7138 Let the wicked H7563 forsake H5800 his way, H1870 and the unrighteous H205 man H376 his thoughts: H4284 and let him return H7725 unto the LORD, H3068 and he will have mercy H7355 upon him; and to our God, H430 for he will abundantly H7235 pardon. H5545

Isaiah 65:2 STRONG

I have spread out H6566 my hands H3027 all the day H3117 unto a rebellious H5637 people, H5971 which walketh H1980 in a way H1870 that was not good, H2896 after H310 their own thoughts; H4284

Ezekiel 20:21 STRONG

Notwithstanding the children H1121 rebelled H4784 against me: they walked H1980 not in my statutes, H2708 neither kept H8104 my judgments H4941 to do H6213 them, which if a man H120 do, H6213 he shall even live H2425 in them; they polluted H2490 my sabbaths: H7676 then I said, H559 I would pour out H8210 my fury H2534 upon them, to accomplish H3615 my anger H639 against them in the wilderness. H4057

Hosea 14:1 STRONG

O Israel, H3478 return H7725 unto the LORD H3068 thy God; H430 for thou hast fallen H3782 by thine iniquity. H5771

Malachi 1:6 STRONG

A son H1121 honoureth H3513 his father, H1 and a servant H5650 his master: H113 if then I be a father, H1 where is mine honour? H3519 and if I be a master, H113 where is my fear? H4172 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 unto you, O priests, H3548 that despise H959 my name. H8034 And ye say, H559 Wherein have we despised H959 thy name? H8034

Luke 15:16 STRONG

And G2532 he would fain G1937 have filled G1072 his G846 belly G2836 with G575 the husks G2769 that G3739 the swine G5519 did eat: G2068 and G2532 no man G3762 gave G1325 unto him. G846

Romans 10:21 STRONG

But G1161 to G4314 Israel G2474 he saith, G3004 All G3650 day long G2250 I have stretched forth G1600 my G3450 hands G5495 unto G4314 a disobedient G544 and G2532 gainsaying G483 people. G2992

Romans 10:3 STRONG

For G1063 they being ignorant G50 of God's G2316 righteousness, G1343 and G2532 going about G2212 to establish G2476 their own G2398 righteousness, G1343 have G5293 not G3756 submitted themselves G5293 unto the righteousness G1343 of God. G2316

James 4:8 STRONG

Draw nigh G1448 to God, G2316 and G2532 he will draw nigh G1448 to you. G5213 Cleanse G2511 your hands, G5495 ye sinners; G268 and G2532 purify G48 your hearts, G2588 ye double minded. G1374

Ezekiel 20:8 STRONG

But they rebelled H4784 against me, and would H14 not hearken H8085 unto me: they did not every man H376 cast away H7993 the abominations H8251 of their eyes, H5869 neither did they forsake H5800 the idols H1544 of Egypt: H4714 then I said, H559 I will pour out H8210 my fury H2534 upon them, to accomplish H3615 my anger H639 against them in the midst H8432 of the land H776 of Egypt. H4714

Deuteronomy 9:7-21 STRONG

Remember, H2142 and forget H7911 not, how thou provokedst the LORD H3068 thy God H430 to wrath H7107 in the wilderness: H4057 from H4480 the day H3117 that thou didst depart out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 until ye came H935 unto this place, H4725 ye have been rebellious H4784 against H5973 the LORD. H3068 Also in Horeb H2722 ye provoked H7107 the LORD H3068 to wrath, H7107 so that the LORD H3068 was angry H599 with you to have destroyed H8045 you. When I was gone up H5927 into the mount H2022 to receive H3947 the tables H3871 of stone, H68 even the tables H3871 of the covenant H1285 which the LORD H3068 made H3772 with you, then I abode H3427 in the mount H2022 forty H705 days H3117 and forty H705 nights, H3915 I neither did eat H398 bread H3899 nor drink H8354 water: H4325 And the LORD H3068 delivered H5414 unto me two H8147 tables H3871 of stone H68 written H3789 with the finger H676 of God; H430 and on them was written according to all the words, H1697 which the LORD H3068 spake H1696 with you in the mount H2022 out of the midst H8432 of the fire H784 in the day H3117 of the assembly. H6951 And it came to pass at the end H7093 of forty H705 days H3117 and forty H705 nights, H3915 that the LORD H3068 gave H5414 me the two H8147 tables H3871 of stone, H68 even the tables H3871 of the covenant. H1285 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto me, Arise, H6965 get thee down H3381 quickly H4118 from hence; for thy people H5971 which thou hast brought forth H3318 out of Egypt H4714 have corrupted H7843 themselves; they are quickly H4118 turned aside H5493 out of the way H1870 which I commanded H6680 them; they have made H6213 them a molten image. H4541 Furthermore the LORD H3068 spake H559 unto me, saying, H559 I have seen H7200 this people, H5971 and, behold, it is a stiffnecked H6203 H7186 people: H5971 Let me alone, H7503 that I may destroy H8045 them, and blot out H4229 their name H8034 from under heaven: H8064 and I will make H6213 of H854 thee a nation H1471 mightier H6099 and greater H7227 than they. So I turned H6437 and came down H3381 from the mount, H2022 and the mount H2022 burned H1197 with fire: H784 and the two H8147 tables H3871 of the covenant H1285 were in my two H8147 hands. H3027 And I looked, H7200 and, behold, ye had sinned H2398 against the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and had made H6213 you a molten H4541 calf: H5695 ye had turned aside H5493 quickly H4118 out of the way H1870 which the LORD H3068 had commanded H6680 you. And I took H8610 the two H8147 tables, H3871 and cast H7993 them out of H5921 my two H8147 hands, H3027 and brake H7665 them before your eyes. H5869 And I fell down H5307 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 as at the first, H7223 forty H705 days H3117 and forty H705 nights: H3915 I did neither eat H398 bread, H3899 nor drink H8354 water, H4325 because of all your sins H2403 which ye sinned, H2398 in doing H6213 wickedly H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 to provoke him to anger. H3707 For I was afraid H3025 of H6440 the anger H639 and hot displeasure, H2534 wherewith the LORD H3068 was wroth H7107 against you to destroy H8045 you. But the LORD H3068 hearkened H8085 unto me at that time H6471 also. And the LORD H3068 was very H3966 angry H599 with Aaron H175 to have destroyed H8045 him: and I prayed H6419 for Aaron H175 also the same time. H6256 And I took H3947 your sin, H2403 the calf H5695 which ye had made, H6213 and burnt H8313 it with fire, H784 and stamped H3807 it, and ground H2912 it very small, H3190 even until it was as small H1854 as dust: H6083 and I cast H7993 the dust H6083 thereof into the brook H5158 that descended out H3381 of the mount. H2022

Deuteronomy 31:27-29 STRONG

For I know H3045 thy rebellion, H4805 and thy stiff H7186 neck: H6203 behold, while I am yet alive H2416 with you this day, H3117 ye have been rebellious H4784 against the LORD; H3068 and how much more after H310 my death? H4194 Gather H6950 unto me all the elders H2205 of your tribes, H7626 and your officers, H7860 that I may speak H1696 these words H1697 in their ears, H241 and call H5749 heaven H8064 and earth H776 to record H5749 against them. For I know H3045 that after H310 my death H4194 ye will utterly H7843 corrupt H7843 yourselves, and turn aside H5493 from the way H1870 which I have commanded H6680 you; and evil H7451 will befall H7122 you in the latter H319 days; H3117 because ye will do H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 to provoke him to anger H3707 through the work H4639 of your hands. H3027

Nehemiah 9:16-17 STRONG

But they and our fathers H1 dealt proudly, H2102 and hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 and hearkened H8085 not to thy commandments, H4687 And refused H3985 to obey, H8085 neither were mindful H2142 of thy wonders H6381 that thou didst H6213 among them; but hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 and in their rebellion H4805 appointed H5414 a captain H7218 to return H7725 to their bondage: H5659 but thou art a God H433 ready to pardon, H5547 gracious H2587 and merciful, H7349 slow H750 to anger, H639 and of great H7227 kindness, H2617 and forsookest H5800 them not.

Nehemiah 9:26 STRONG

Nevertheless they were disobedient, H4784 and rebelled H4775 against thee, and cast H7993 thy law H8451 behind H310 their backs, H1458 and slew H2026 thy prophets H5030 which testified H5749 against them to turn H7725 them to thee, and they wrought H6213 great H1419 provocations. H5007

Psalms 78:8-10 STRONG

And might not be as their fathers, H1 a stubborn H5637 and rebellious H4784 generation; H1755 a generation H1755 that set H3559 not their heart H3820 aright, H3559 and whose spirit H7307 was not stedfast H539 with God. H410 The children H1121 of Ephraim, H669 being armed, H5401 and carrying H7411 bows, H7198 turned back H2015 in the day H3117 of battle. H7128 They kept H8104 not the covenant H1285 of God, H430 and refused H3985 to walk H3212 in his law; H8451

Jeremiah 3:22 STRONG

Return, H7725 ye backsliding H7726 children, H1121 and I will heal H7495 your backslidings. H4878 Behold, we come H857 unto thee; for thou art the LORD H3068 our God. H430

Jeremiah 7:26 STRONG

Yet they hearkened H8085 not unto me, nor inclined H5186 their ear, H241 but hardened H7185 their neck: H6203 they did worse H7489 than their fathers. H1

Ezekiel 18:30-32 STRONG

Therefore I will judge H8199 you, O house H1004 of Israel, H3478 every one H376 according to his ways, H1870 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 Repent, H7725 and turn H7725 yourselves from all your transgressions; H6588 so iniquity H5771 shall not be your ruin. H4383 Cast away H7993 from you all your transgressions, H6588 whereby ye have transgressed; H6586 and make H6213 you a new H2319 heart H3820 and a new H2319 spirit: H7307 for why will ye die, H4191 O house H1004 of Israel? H3478 For I have no pleasure H2654 in the death H4194 of him that dieth, H4191 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD: H3069 wherefore turn H7725 yourselves, and live H2421 ye.

Leviticus 26:40-42 STRONG

If they shall confess H3034 their iniquity, H5771 and the iniquity H5771 of their fathers, H1 with their trespass H4604 which they trespassed H4603 against me, and that also they have walked H1980 contrary H7147 unto me; And that I also have walked H3212 contrary H7147 unto them, and have brought H935 them into the land H776 of their enemies; H341 if then H176 their uncircumcised H6189 hearts H3824 be humbled, H3665 and they then accept H7521 of the punishment of their iniquity: H5771 Then will I remember H2142 my covenant H1285 with Jacob, H3290 and also my covenant H1285 with Isaac, H3327 and also my covenant H1285 with Abraham H85 will I remember; H2142 and I will remember H2142 the land. H776

Ezekiel 20:13 STRONG

But the house H1004 of Israel H3478 rebelled H4784 against me in the wilderness: H4057 they walked H1980 not in my statutes, H2708 and they despised H3988 my judgments, H4941 which if a man H120 do, H6213 he shall even live H2425 in them; and my sabbaths H7676 they greatly H3966 polluted: H2490 then I said, H559 I would pour out H8210 my fury H2534 upon them in the wilderness, H4057 to consume H3615 them.

Ezekiel 20:28 STRONG

For when I had brought H935 them into the land, H776 for the which I lifted up H5375 mine hand H3027 to give H5414 it to them, then they saw H7200 every high H7311 hill, H1389 and all the thick H5687 trees, H6086 and they offered H2076 there their sacrifices, H2077 and there they presented H5414 the provocation H3708 of their offering: H7133 there also they made H7760 their sweet H5207 savour, H7381 and poured out H5258 there their drink offerings. H5262

Malachi 3:13 STRONG

Your words H1697 have been stout H2388 against me, saith H559 the LORD. H3068 Yet ye say, H559 What have we spoken H1696 so much against thee?

Matthew 23:27 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto you, G5213 scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees, G5330 hypocrites! G5273 for G3754 ye are like G3945 unto whited G2867 sepulchres, G5028 which G3748 indeed G3303 appear G5316 beautiful G5611 outward, G1855 but G1161 are within G2081 full G1073 of dead G3498 men's bones, G3747 and G2532 of all G3956 uncleanness. G167

Luke 11:48-51 STRONG

Truly G686 ye bear witness G3140 that G2532 ye allow G4909 the deeds G2041 of your G5216 fathers: G3962 for G3754 they G846 indeed G3303 killed G615 them, G846 and G1161 ye G5210 build G3618 their G846 sepulchres. G3419 Therefore G1223 G5124 also G2532 said G2036 the wisdom G4678 of God, G2316 I will send G649 G1519 them G846 prophets G4396 and G2532 apostles, G652 and G2532 some of G1537 them G846 they shall slay G615 and G2532 persecute: G1559 That G2443 the blood G129 of all G3956 the prophets, G4396 which G3588 was shed G1632 from G575 the foundation G2602 of the world, G2889 may be required G1567 of G575 this G5026 generation; G1074 From G575 the blood G129 of Abel G6 unto G2193 the blood G129 of Zacharias, G2197 which G3588 perished G622 between G3342 the altar G2379 and G2532 the temple: G3624 verily G3483 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 It shall be required G1567 of G575 this G5026 generation. G1074

Acts 7:51-52 STRONG

Ye stiffnecked G4644 and G2532 uncircumcised G564 in heart G2588 and G2532 ears, G3775 ye G5210 do G496 always G104 resist G496 the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 as G5613 your G5216 fathers G3962 did, so G2532 do ye. G5210 Which G5101 of the prophets G4396 have G1377 not G3756 your G5216 fathers G3962 persecuted? G1377 and G2532 they have slain G615 them which G3588 shewed before G4293 of G4012 the coming G1660 of the Just One; G1342 of whom G3739 ye G5210 have been G1096 now G3568 the betrayers G4273 and G2532 murderers: G5406

Romans 7:9 STRONG

For G1161 I G1473 was alive G2198 without G5565 the law G3551 once: G4218 but G1161 when the commandment G1785 came, G2064 sin G266 revived, G326 and G1161 I G1473 died. G599

Commentary on Malachi 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mal 3:1-18. Messiah's Coming, Preceded by His Forerunner, to Punish the Guilty for Various Sins, and to Reward Those Who Fear God.

1. Behold—Calling especial attention to the momentous truths which follow. Ye unbelievingly ask, Where is the God of judgment (Mal 2:7)? "Behold," therefore, "I send," &c. Your unbelief will not prevent My keeping My covenant, and bringing to pass in due time that which ye say will never be fulfilled.

I will send … he shall come—The Father sends the Son: the Son comes. Proving the distinctness of personality between the Father and the Son.

my messenger—John the Baptist; as Mt 3:3; 11:10; Mr 1:2, 3; Lu 1:76; 3:4; 7:26, 27; Joh 1:23, prove. This passage of Malachi evidently rests on that of Isaiah his predecessor (Isa 40:3-5). Perhaps also, as Hengstenberg thinks, "messenger" includes the long line of prophets headed by Elijah (whence his name is put in Mal 4:5 as a representative name), and terminating in John, the last and greatest of the prophets (Mt 11:9-11). John as the representative prophet (the forerunner of Messiah the representative God-man) gathered in himself all the scattered lineaments of previous prophecy (hence Christ terms him "much more than a prophet," Lu 7:26), reproducing all its awful and yet inspiriting utterances: his coarse garb, like that of the old prophets, being a visible exhortation to repentance; the wilderness in which he preached symbolizing the lifeless, barren state of the Jews at that time, politically and spiritually; his topics sin, repentance, and salvation, presenting for the last time the condensed epitome of all previous teachings of God by His prophets; so that he is called pre-eminently God's "messenger." Hence the oldest and true reading of Mr 1:2 is, "as it is written in Isaiah the prophet"; the difficulty of which is, How can the prophecy of Malachi be referred to Isaiah? The explanation is: the passage in Malachi rests on that in Isa 40:3, and therefore the original source of the prophecy is referred to in order to mark this dependency and connection.

the Lord—Ha-Adon in Hebrew. The article marks that it is Jehovah (Ex 23:17; 34:23; compare Jos 3:11, 13). Compare Da 9:17, where the Divine Son is meant by "for THE Lord's sake." God the speaker makes "the Lord," the "messenger of the covenant," one with Himself. "I will send … before Me," adding, "THE Lord … shall … come"; so that "the Lord" must be one with the "Me," that is, He must be God, "before" whom John was sent. As the divinity of the Son and His oneness with the Father are thus proved, so the distinctness of personality is proved by "I send" and He "shall come," as distinguished from one another. He also comes to the temple as "His temple": marking His divine lordship over it, as contrasted with all creatures, who are but "servants in" it (Hag 2:7; Heb 3:2, 5, 6).

whom ye seek … whom ye delight in—(see on Mal 2:17). At His first coming they "sought" and "delighted in" the hope of a temporal Saviour: not in what He then was. In the case of those whom Malachi in his time addresses, "whom ye seek … delight in," is ironical. They unbelievingly asked, When will He come at last? Mal 2:17, "Where is the God of judgment" (Isa 5:19; Am 5:18; 2Pe 3:3, 4)? In the case of the godly, the desire for Messiah was sincere (Lu 2:25, 28). He is called "Angel of God's presence" (Isa 63:9), also Angel of Jehovah. Compare His appearances to Abraham (Ge 18:1, 2, 17, 33), to Jacob (Ge 31:11; 48:15, 16), to Moses in the bush (Ex 3:2-6); He went before Israel as the Shekinah (Ex 14:19), and delivered the law at Sinai (Ac 7:38).

suddenly—This epithet marks the second coming, rather than the first; the earnest of that unexpected coming (Lu 12:38-46; Re 16:15) to judgment was given in the judicial expulsion of the money-changing profaners from the temple by Messiah (Mt 21:12, 13), where also as here He calls the temple His temple. Also in the destruction of Jerusalem, most unexpected by the Jews, who to the last deceived themselves with the expectation that Messiah would suddenly appear as a temporal Saviour. Compare the use of "suddenly" in Nu 12:4-10, where He appeared in wrath.

messenger of the covenant—namely, of the ancient covenant with Israel (Isa 63:9) and Abraham, in which the promise to the Gentiles is ultimately included (Ga 4:16, 17). The gospel at the first advent began with Israel, then embraced the Gentile world: so also it shall be at the second advent. All the manifestations of God in the Old Testament, the Shekinah and human appearances, were made in the person of the Divine Son (Ex 23:20, 21; Heb 11:26; 12:26). He was the messenger of the old covenant, as well as of the new.

2. (Mal 4:1; Re 6:16, 17). The Messiah would come, not, as they expected, to flatter the theocratic nation's prejudices, but to subject their principles to the fiery test of His heart-searching truth (Mt 3:10-12), and to destroy Jerusalem and the theocracy after they had rejected Him. His mission is here regarded as a whole from the first to the second advent: the process of refining and separating the godly from the ungodly beginning during Christ's stay on earth, going on ever since, and about to continue till the final separation (Mt 25:31-46). The refining process, whereby a third of the Jews is refined as silver of its dross, while two-thirds perish, is described, Zec 13:8, 9 (compare Isa 1:25).

3. sit—The purifier sits before the crucible, fixing his eye on the metal, and taking care that the fire be not too hot, and keeping the metal in, only until he knows the dross to be completely removed by his seeing his own image reflected (Ro 8:29) in the glowing mass. So the Lord in the case of His elect (Job 23:10; Ps 66:10; Pr 17:3; Isa 48:10; Heb 12:10; 1Pe 1:7). He will sit down to the work, not perfunctorily, but with patient love and unflinching justice. The Angel of the Covenant, as in leading His people out of Egypt by the pillar of cloud and fire, has an aspect of terror to His foes, of love to His friends. The same separating process goes on in the world as in each Christian. When the godly are completely separated from the ungodly, the world will end. When the dross is taken from the gold of the Christian, he will be for ever delivered from the furnace of trial. The purer the gold, the hotter the fire now; the whiter the garment, the harder the washing [Moore].

purify … sons of Levi—of the sins specified above. The very Levites, the ministers of God, then needed cleansing, so universal was the depravity.

that they may offer … in righteousness—as originally (Mal 2:6), not as latterly (Mal 1:7-14). So believers, the spiritual priesthood (1Pe 2:5).

4. as in the days of old—(Mal 1:11; 2:5, 6). The "offering" (Mincha, Hebrew) is not expiatory, but prayer, thanksgiving, and self-dedication (Ro 12:1; Heb 13:15; 1Pe 2:5).

5. I … come near … to judgment—I whom ye challenged, saying, "Where is the God of judgment?" (Mal 2:17). I whom ye think far off, and to be slow in judgment, am "near," and will come as a "swift witness"; not only a judge, but also an eye-witness against sorcerers; for Mine eyes see every sin, though ye think I take no heed. Earthly judges need witnesses to enable them to decide aright: I alone need none (Ps 10:11; 73:11; 94:7, &c.).

sorcerers—a sin into which the Jews were led in connection with their foreign idolatrous wives. The Jews of Christ's time also practised sorcery (Ac 8:9; 13:6; Ga 5:20; Josephus [Antiquities, 20.6; Wars of the Jews, 2.12.23]). It shall be a characteristic of the last Antichristian confederacy, about to be consumed by the brightness of Christ's Coming (Mt 24:24; 2Th 2:9; Re 13:13, 14; 16:13, 14; also Re 9:21; 18:23; 21:8; 22:15). Romanism has practised it; an order of exorcists exists in that Church.

adulterers—(Mal 2:15, 16).

fear not me—the source of all sins.

6. the Lord—Jehovah: a name implying His immutable faithfulness in fulfilling His promises: the covenant name of God to the Jews (Ex 6:3), called here "the sons of Jacob," in reference to God's covenant with that patriarch.

I change not—Ye are mistaken in inferring that, because I have not yet executed judgment on the wicked, I am changed from what I once was, namely, a God of judgment.

therefore ye … are not consumed—Ye yourselves being "not consumed," as ye have long ago deserved, are a signal proof of My unchangeableness. Ro 11:29: compare the whole chapter, in which God's mercy in store for Israel is made wholly to flow from God's unchanging faithfulness to His own covenant of love. So here, as is implied by the phrase "sons of Jacob" (Ge 28:13; 35:12). They are spared because I am Jehovah, and they sons of Jacob; while I spare them, I will also punish them; and while I punish them, I will not wholly consume them. The unchangeableness of God is the sheet-anchor of the Church. The perseverance of the saints is guaranteed, not by their unchangeable love to God, but by His unchangeable love to them, and His eternal purpose and promise in Christ Jesus [Moore]. He upbraids their ingratitude that they turn His very long-suffering (La 3:22) into a ground for skeptical denial of His coming as a Judge at all (Ps 50:1, 3, 4, 21; Ec 8:11, 12; Isa 57:11; Ro 2:4-10).

7-12. Reproof for the non-payment of tithes and offerings, which is the cause of their national calamities, and promise of prosperity on their paying them.

from … days of your fathers—Ye live as your fathers did when they brought on themselves the Babylonian captivity, and ye wish to follow in their steps. This shows that nothing but God's unchanging long-suffering had prevented their being long ago "consumed" (Mal 3:6).

Return unto me—in penitence.

I will return unto you—in blessings.

Wherein, &c.—(Mal 3:16). The same insensibility to their guilt continues: they speak in the tone of injured innocence, as if God calumniated them.

8. rob—literally, "cover": hence, defraud. Do ye call defrauding God no sin to be "returned" from (Mal 3:7)? Yet ye have done so to Me in respect to the tithes due to Me, namely, the tenth of all the remainder after the first-fruits were paid, which tenth was paid to the Levites for their support (Le 27:30-33): a tenth paid by the Levites to the priests (Nu 18:26-28): a second tenth paid by the people for the entertainment of the Levites, and their own families, at the tabernacle (De 12:18): another tithe every third year for the poor, &c. (De 14:28, 29).

offerings—the first-fruits, not less than one-sixtieth part of the corn, wine, and oil (De 18:4; Ne 13:10, 12). The priests had this perquisite also, the tenth of the tithes which were the Levites perquisite. But they appropriated all the tithes, robbing the Levites of their due nine-tenths; as they did also, according to Josephus, before the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. Thus doubly God was defrauded, the priests not discharging aright their sacrificial duties, and robbing God of the services of the Levites, who were driven away by destitution [Grotius].

9. cursed—(Mal 2:2). As ye despoil Me, so I despoil you, as I threatened I would, if ye continued to disregard Me. In trying to defraud God we only defraud ourselves. The eagle who robbed the altar set fire to her nest from the burning coal that adhered to the stolen flesh. So men who retain God's money in their treasuries will find it a losing possession. No man ever yet lost by serving God with a whole heart, nor gained by serving Him with a half one. We may compromise with conscience for half the price, but God will not endorse the compromise; and, like Ananias and Sapphira, we shall lose not only what we thought we had purchased so cheaply, but also the price we paid for it. If we would have God "open" His treasury, we must open ours. One cause of the barrenness of the Church is the parsimony of its members [Moore].

10. (Pr 3:9, 10).

storehouse—(2Ch 31:11, Margin; compare 1Ch 26:20; Ne 10:38; 13:5, 12).

prove me … herewith—with this; by doing so. Test Me whether I will keep My promise of blessing you, on condition of your doing your part (2Ch 31:10).

pour … out—literally, "empty out": image from a vessel completely emptied of its contents: no blessing being kept back.

windows of heaven—(2Ki 2:7).

that … not … room enough, &c.—literally, "even to not … sufficiency," that is, either, as English Version. Or, even so as that there should be "not merely" "sufficiency" but superabundance [Jerome, Maurer]. Gesenius not so well translates, "Even to a failure of sufficiency," which in the case of God could never arise, and therefore means for ever, perpetually: so Ps 72:5, "as long as the sun and moon endure"; literally, "until a failure of the sun and moon," which is never to be; and therefore means, for ever.

11. I will rebuke—(See on Mal 2:3). I will no longer "rebuke (English Version, 'corrupt') the seed," but will rebuke every agency that could hurt it (Am 4:9).

12. Fulfilling the blessing (De 33:29; Zec 8:13).

delightsome land—(Da 8:9).

13-18. He notices the complaint of the Jews that it is of no profit to serve Jehovah, for that the ungodly proud are happy; and declares He will soon bring the day when it shall be known that He puts an everlasting distinction between the godly and the ungodly.

words … stout—Hebrew, "hard"; so "the hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him" (Jude 15) [Henderson].

have we spoken—The Hebrew expresses at once their assiduity and habit of speaking against God [Vatablus]. The niphal form of the verb implies that these things were said, not directly to God, but of God, to one another (Eze 33:20) [Moore].

14. what profit … that we … kept, &c.—(See on Mal 2:17). They here resume the same murmur against God. Job 21:14, 15; 22:17 describe a further stage of the same skeptical spirit, when the skeptic has actually ceased to keep God's service. Ps 73:1-14 describes the temptation to a like feeling in the saint when seeing the really godly suffer and the ungodly prosper in worldly goods now. The Jews here mistake utterly the nature of God's service, converting it into a mercenary bargain; they attended to outward observances, not from love to God, but in the hope of being well paid for in outward prosperity; when this was withheld, they charged God with being unjust, forgetting alike that God requires very different motives from theirs to accompany outward observances, and that God rewards even the true worshipper not so much in this life, as in the life to come.

his ordinance—literally, what He requires to be kept, "His observances."

walked mournfully—in mournful garb, sackcloth and ashes, the emblems of penitence; they forget Isa 58:3-8, where God, by showing what is true fasting, similarly rebukes those who then also said, Wherefore have we fasted and Thou seest not? &c. They mistook the outward show for real humiliation.

15. And now—Since we who serve Jehovah are not prosperous and "the proud" heathen flourish in prosperity, we must pronounce them the favorites of God (Mal 2:17; Ps 73:12).

set up—literally, "built up": metaphor from architecture (Pr 24:3; compare Ge 16:2, Margin; Ge 30:3, Margin.)

tempt God—dare God to punish them, by breaking His laws (Ps 95:9).

16. "Then," when the ungodly utter such blasphemies against God, the godly hold mutual converse, defending God's righteous dealings against those blasphemers (Heb 3:13). The "often" of English Version is not in the Hebrew. There has been always in the darkest times a remnant that feared God (1Ki 19:18; Ro 11:4).

feared the Lord—reverential and loving fear, not slavish terror. When the fire of religion burns low, true believers should draw the nearer together, to keep the holy flame alive. Coals separated soon go out.

book of remembrance … for them—for their advantage, against the day when those found faithful among the faithless shall receive their final reward. The kings of Persia kept a record of those who had rendered services to the king, that they might be suitably rewarded (Es 6:1, 2; compare Es 2:23; Ezr 4:15; Ps 56:8; Isa 65:6; Da 7:10; Re 20:12). Calvin makes the fearers of God to be those awakened from among the ungodly mass (before described) to true repentance; the writing of the book thus will imply that some were reclaimable among the blasphemers, and that the godly should be assured that, though no hope appeared, there would be a door of penitence opened for them before God. But there is nothing in the context to support this view.

17. jewels—(Isa 62:3). Literally, "My peculiar treasure" (Ex 19:5; De 7:6; 14:2; 26:18; Ps 135:4; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9; compare Ec 2:8). Calvin translates more in accordance with Hebrew idiom, "They shall be My peculiar treasure in the day in which I will do it" (that is, fulfil My promise of gathering My completed Church; or, "make" those things come to pass foretold in Mal 3:5 above [Grotius]); so in Mal 4:3 "do" is used absolutely, "in the day that I shall do this." Maurer, not so well, translates, "in the day which I shall make," that is, appoint as in Ps 118:24.

as … man spareth … son—(Ps 103:18).

18. Then shall ye … discern—Then shall ye see the falseness of your calumny against God's government (Mal 3:15), that the "proud" and wicked prosper. Do not judge before the time till My work is complete. It is in part to test your disposition to trust in God in spite of perplexing appearances, and in order to make your service less mercenary, that the present blended state is allowed; but at last all ("ye," both godly and ungodly) shall see the eternal difference there really is "between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not" (Ps 58:11).

return—Ye shall turn to a better state of mind on this point.