Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Mark » Chapter 11 » Verse 11

Mark 11:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 And G2532 Jesus G2424 entered G1525 into G1519 Jerusalem, G2414 and G2532 into G1519 the temple: G2411 and G2532 when he had looked round about upon G4017 all things, G3956 and now G2235 the eventide G3798 G5610 was come, G5607 he went out G1831 unto G1519 Bethany G963 with G3326 the twelve. G1427

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 8:9 STRONG

And he said H559 unto me, Go in, H935 and behold H7200 the wicked H7451 abominations H8441 that they do H6213 here.

Zephaniah 1:12 STRONG

And it shall come to pass at that time, H6256 that I will search H2664 Jerusalem H3389 with candles, H5216 and punish H6485 the men H582 that are settled H7087 on their lees: H8105 that say H559 in their heart, H3824 The LORD H3068 will not do good, H3190 neither will he do evil. H7489

Malachi 3:1 STRONG

Behold, I will send H7971 my messenger, H4397 and he shall prepare H6437 the way H1870 before H6440 me: and the Lord, H113 whom ye seek, H1245 shall suddenly H6597 come H935 to his temple, H1964 even the messenger H4397 of the covenant, H1285 whom ye delight H2655 in: behold, he shall come, H935 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Matthew 21:10-17 STRONG

And G2532 when he G846 was come G1525 into G1519 Jerusalem, G2414 all G3956 the city G4172 was moved, G4579 saying, G3004 Who G5101 is G2076 this? G3778 And G1161 the multitude G3793 said, G3004 This G3778 is G2076 Jesus G2424 the prophet G4396 of G575 Nazareth G3478 of Galilee. G1056 And G2532 Jesus G2424 went G1525 into G1519 the temple G2411 of God, G2316 and G2532 cast out G1544 all them G3956 that sold G4453 and G2532 bought G59 in G1722 the temple, G2411 and G2532 overthrew G2690 the tables G5132 of the moneychangers, G2855 and G2532 the seats G2515 of them that sold G4453 doves, G4058 And G2532 said G3004 unto them, G846 It is written, G1125 My G3450 house G3624 shall be called G2564 the house G3624 of prayer; G4335 but G1161 ye G5210 have made G4160 it G846 a den G4693 of thieves. G3027 And G2532 the blind G5185 and G2532 the lame G5560 came G4334 to him G846 in G1722 the temple; G2411 and G2532 he healed G2323 them. G846 And G1161 when the chief priests G749 and G2532 scribes G1122 saw G1492 the wonderful things G2297 that G3739 he did, G4160 and G2532 the children G3816 crying G2896 in G1722 the temple, G2411 and G2532 saying, G3004 Hosanna G5614 to the Son G5207 of David; G1138 they were sore displeased, G23 And G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 Hearest thou G191 what G5101 these G3778 say? G3004 And G1161 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 Yea; G3483 have ye never G3763 read, G314 G3754 Out of G1537 the mouth G4750 of babes G3516 and G2532 sucklings G2337 thou hast perfected G2675 praise? G136 And G2532 he left G2641 them, G846 and went G1831 out of G1854 the city G4172 into G1519 Bethany; G963 and G2532 he lodged G835 there. G1563

Luke 19:41-45 STRONG

And G2532 when G5613 he was come near, G1448 he beheld G1492 the city, G4172 and wept G2799 over G1909 it, G846 Saying, G3004 If G3754 G1487 thou hadst known, G1097 even G2532 thou, G4771 at least G2534 in G1722 this G5026 thy G4675 day, G2250 the things G3588 which belong unto G4314 thy G4675 peace! G1515 but G1161 now G3568 they are hid G2928 from G575 thine G4675 eyes. G3788 For G3754 the days G2250 shall come G2240 upon G1909 thee, G4571 that G2532 thine G4675 enemies G2190 shall cast G4016 a trench G5482 about G4016 thee, G4671 and G2532 compass G4033 thee G4571 round, G4033 and G2532 keep G4912 thee G4571 in G4912 on every side, G3840 And G2532 shall lay G1474 thee G4571 even with the ground, G1474 and G2532 thy G4675 children G5043 within G1722 thee; G4671 and G2532 they shall G863 not G3756 leave G863 in G1722 thee G4671 one stone G3037 upon G1909 another; G3037 because G473 G3739 thou knewest G1097 not G3756 the time G2540 of thy G4675 visitation. G1984 And G2532 he went G1525 into G1519 the temple, G2411 and began G756 to cast out G1544 them that sold G4453 therein, G1722 G846 and G2532 them that bought; G59

Luke 21:37-38 STRONG

And G1161 in the day time G2250 he was G2258 teaching G1321 in G1722 the temple; G2411 and G1161 at night G3571 he went out, G1831 and abode G835 in G1519 the mount G3735 that is called G2564 the mount of Olives. G1636 And G2532 all G3956 the people G2992 came early in the morning G3719 to G4314 him G846 in G1722 the temple, G2411 for to hear G191 him. G846

John 8:1-2 STRONG

G1161 Jesus G2424 went G4198 unto G1519 the mount G3735 of Olives. G1636 And G1161 early in the morning G3722 he came G3854 again G3825 into G1519 the temple, G2411 and G2532 all G3956 the people G2992 came G2064 unto G4314 him; G846 and G2532 he sat down, G2523 and taught G1321 them. G846

Commentary on Mark 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 11:1-11. Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, on the First Day of the Week. ( = Mt 21:1-9; Lu 19:29-40; Joh 12:12, 19).

See on Lu 19:29-40.

Mr 11:11-26. The Barren Fig Tree Cursed with Lessons from ItSecond Cleansing of the Temple, on the Second and Third Days of the Week. ( = Mt 21:12-22; Lu 19:45-48).

11. And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon—surveyed.

all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out into Bethany with the twelve—Thus briefly does our Evangelist dispose of this His first day in Jerusalem, after the triumphal entry. Nor do the Third and Fourth Gospels give us more light. But from Matthew (Mt 21:10, 11, 14-16) we learn some additional and precious particulars, for which see on Lu 19:45-48. It was not now safe for the Lord to sleep in the city, nor, from the day of His Triumphal Entry, did He pass one night in it, save the last fatal one.

The Barren Fig Tree Cursed (Mr 11:12-14).

12. And on the morrow—The Triumphal Entry being on the first day of the week, this following day was Monday.

when they were come from Bethany—"in the morning" (Mt 21:18).

he was hungry—How was that? Had he stolen forth from that dear roof at Bethany to the "mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God?" (Lu 6:12); or, "in the morning," as on a former occasion, "risen up a great while before day, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed" (Mr 1:35); not breaking His fast thereafter, but bending His steps straight for the city, that He might "work the works of Him that sent Him while it was day?" (Joh 9:4). We know not, though one lingers upon and loves to trace out the every movement of that life of wonders. One thing, however we are sure of—it was real bodily hunger which He now sought to allay by the fruit of this fig tree, "if haply He might find any thing thereon"; not a mere scene for the purpose of teaching a lesson, as some early heretics maintained, and some still seem virtually to hold.

13. And seeing a fig tree—(In Mt 21:19, it is "one fig tree," but the sense is the same as here, "a certain fig tree," as in Mt 8:19, &c.). Bethphage, which adjoined Bethany, derives its name from its being a fig region—"House of figs."

afar off having leaves—and therefore promising fruit, which in the case of figs come before the leaves.

he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet—What the precise import of this explanation is, interpreters are not agreed. Perhaps all that is meant is, that as the proper fig season had not arrived, no fruit would have been expected even of this tree but for the leaves which it had, which were in this case prematurely and unnaturally developed.

14. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever—That word did not make the tree barren, but sealed it up in its own barrenness. See on Mt 13:13-15.

And his disciples heard it—and marked the saying. This is introduced as a connecting link, to explain what was afterwards to be said on the subject, as the narrative has to proceed to the other transactions of this day.

Second Cleansing of the Temple (Mr 11:15-18).

For the exposition of this portion, see on Lu 19:45-48.

Lessons from the Cursing of the Fig Tree (Mr 11:20-26).

20. And in the morning—of Tuesday, the third day of the week: He had slept, as during all this week, at Bethany.

as they passed by—going into Jerusalem again.

they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots—no partial blight, leaving life in the root; but it was now dead, root and branch. In Mt 21:19 it is said it withered away as soon as it was cursed. But the full blight had not appeared probably at once; and in the dusk perhaps, as they returned to Bethany, they had not observed it. The precision with which Mark distinguishes the days is not observed by Matthew, intent only on holding up the truths which the incident was designed to teach. In Matthew the whole is represented as taking place at once, just as the two stages of Jairus' daughter—dying and dead—are represented by him as one. The only difference is between a more summary and a more detailed narrative, each of which only confirms the other.

21. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him—satisfied that a miracle so very peculiar—a miracle, not of blessing, as all His other miracles, but of cursing—could not have been wrought but with some higher reference, and fully expecting to hear something weighty on the subject.

Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away—so connecting the two things as to show that he traced the death of the tree entirely to the curse of his Lord. Matthew (Mt 21:20) gives this simply as a general exclamation of surprise by the disciples "how soon" the blight had taken effect.

22. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

23. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed … he shall have whatsoever he saith—Here is the lesson now. From the nature of the case supposed—that they might wish a mountain removed and cast into the sea, a thing far removed from anything which they could be thought actually to desire—it is plain that not physical but moral obstacles to the progress of His kingdom were in the Redeemer's view, and that what He designed to teach was the great lesson, that no obstacle should be able to stand before a confiding faith in God.

24. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them—This verse only generalizes the assurance of Mr 11:23; which seems to show that it was designed for the special encouragement of evangelistic and missionary efforts, while this is a directory for prevailing prayer in general.

25. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses, &c.—This is repeated from the Sermon on the Mount (see on Mt 6:12); to remind them that if this was necessary to the acceptableness of all prayer, much more when great things were to be asked and confidently expected.

Mr 11:27-33. The Authority of Jesus QuestionedHis Reply. ( = Mt 21:23-27; Lu 20:1-8).

See on Mt 21:23-27.