Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Mark » Chapter 15 » Verse 15

Mark 15:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 And G1161 so Pilate, G4091 willing G1014 to content G2425 G4160 the people, G3793 released G630 Barabbas G912 unto them, G846 and G2532 delivered G3860 Jesus, G2424 when he had scourged G5417 him, to G2443 be crucified. G4717

Cross Reference

Matthew 27:26 STRONG

Then G5119 released he G630 Barabbas G912 unto them: G846 and G1161 when he had scourged G5417 Jesus, G2424 he delivered G3860 him to G2443 be crucified. G4717

John 19:1 STRONG

Then G5119 Pilate G4091 therefore G3767 took G2983 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 scourged G3146 him.

Isaiah 50:6 STRONG

I gave H5414 my back H1460 to the smiters, H5221 and my cheeks H3895 to them that plucked off H4803 the hair: I hid H5641 not my face H6440 from shame H3639 and spitting. H7536

Mark 10:34 STRONG

And G2532 they shall mock G1702 him, G846 and G2532 shall scourge G3146 him, G846 and G2532 shall spit upon G1716 him, G846 and G2532 shall kill G615 him: G846 and G2532 the third G5154 day G2250 he shall rise again. G450

Psalms 57:11 STRONG

Be thou exalted, H7311 O God, H430 above the heavens: H8064 let thy glory H3519 be above all the earth. H776

Psalms 129:3 STRONG

The plowers H2790 plowed H2790 upon my back: H1354 they made long H748 their furrows. H4618 H4618

Proverbs 29:25 STRONG

The fear H2731 of man H120 bringeth H5414 a snare: H4170 but whoso putteth his trust H982 in the LORD H3068 shall be safe. H7682

Matthew 20:19 STRONG

And G2532 shall deliver G3860 him G846 to the Gentiles G1484 to G1519 mock, G1702 and G2532 to scourge, G3146 and G2532 to crucify G4717 him: and G2532 the third G5154 day G2250 he shall rise again. G450

Luke 18:33 STRONG

And G2532 they shall scourge G3146 him, and put G615 him G846 to death: G615 and G2532 the third G5154 day G2250 he shall rise again. G450

Luke 23:24-25 STRONG

And G1161 Pilate G4091 gave sentence G1948 that it should be as G1096 they G846 required. G155 And G1161 he released G630 unto them G846 him that for G1223 sedition G4714 and G2532 murder G5408 was cast G906 into G1519 prison, G5438 whom G3739 they had desired; G154 but G1161 he delivered G3860 Jesus G2424 to their G846 will. G2307

John 19:16 STRONG

Then G5119 delivered he G3860 him G846 therefore G3767 unto them G846 to G2443 be crucified. G4717 And G1161 they took G3880 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 led him away. G520

Acts 24:27 STRONG

But G1161 after G4137 two years G1333 Porcius G4201 Festus G5347 came G2983 into Felix' G5344 room: G1240 and G5037 Felix, G5344 willing G2309 to shew G2698 the Jews G2453 a pleasure, G5485 left G2641 Paul G3972 bound. G1210

Acts 25:9 STRONG

But G1161 Festus, G5347 willing G2309 to do G2698 the Jews G2453 a pleasure, G5485 answered G611 Paul, G3972 and said, G2036 Wilt thou G2309 go up G305 to G1519 Jerusalem, G2414 and there G1563 be judged G2919 of G4012 these things G5130 before G1909 me? G1700

Galatians 1:19 STRONG

But G1161 other G2087 of the apostles G652 saw I G1492 none, G3756 save G1508 James G2385 the Lord's G2962 brother. G80

1 Peter 2:24 STRONG

Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that G2443 we, G2198 being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 unto righteousness: G1343 by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed. G2390

Commentary on Mark 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 15:1-20. Jesus Is Brought before PilateAt a Second Hearing, Pilate, after Seeking to Release Him, Delivers Him UpAfter Being Cruelly Entreated, He Is Led Away to Be Crucified. ( = Mt 26:1, 2, 11-31; Lu 23:1-6, 13-25; Joh 18:28-19:16).

See on Joh 18:28-19:16.

Mr 15:21-37. Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus. ( = Mt 27:32-50; Lu 23:26-46; Joh 19:17-30).

See on Joh 19:17-30.

Mr 15:38-47. Signs and Circumstances Following the Death of the Lord Jesus.He Is Taken Down from the Cross and BuriedThe Sepulchre Is Guarded. ( = Mt 27:51-66; Lu 23:45, 47-56; Joh 19:31-42).

See on Mt 27:51-56; and Joh 19:31-42.