Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Mark » Chapter 15 » Verse 29

Mark 15:29 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

29 And G2532 they that passed by G3899 railed G987 on him, G846 wagging G2795 their G846 heads, G2776 and G2532 saying, G3004 Ah, G3758 thou that destroyest G2647 the temple, G3485 and G2532 buildest G3618 it in G1722 three G5140 days, G2250

Cross Reference

Psalms 109:25 STRONG

I became also a reproach H2781 unto them: when they looked H7200 upon me they shaked H5128 their heads. H7218

Mark 14:58 STRONG

G3754 We G2249 heard G191 him G846 say, G3004 G3754 I G1473 will destroy G2647 this G5126 temple G3485 that is made with hands, G5499 and G2532 within G1223 three G5140 days G2250 I will build G3618 another G243 made without hands. G886

Lamentations 1:12 STRONG

Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass H5674 by? H1870 behold, H5027 and see H7200 if there be H3426 any sorrow H4341 like unto my sorrow, H4341 which is done H5953 unto me, wherewith the LORD H3068 hath afflicted H3013 me in the day H3117 of his fierce H2740 anger. H639

Lamentations 2:15 STRONG

All that pass H5674 by clap H5606 their hands H3709 at thee; H1870 they hiss H8319 and wag H5128 their head H7218 at the daughter H1323 of Jerusalem, H3389 saying, Is this the city H5892 that men call H559 The perfection H3632 of beauty, H3308 The joy H4885 of the whole earth? H776

Genesis 37:19-20 STRONG

And they said H559 one H376 to another, H251 Behold, this H1976 dreamer H1167 H2472 cometh. H935 Come H3212 now therefore, and let us slay H2026 him, and cast H7993 him into some H259 pit, H953 and we will say, H559 Some evil H7451 beast H2416 hath devoured H398 him: and we shall see H7200 what will become of his dreams. H2472

Psalms 22:7-8 STRONG

All they that see H7200 me laugh me to scorn: H3932 they shoot out H6358 the lip, H8193 they shake H5128 the head, H7218 saying, He trusted H1556 on the LORD H3068 that he would deliver H6403 him: let him deliver H5337 him, seeing he delighted H2654 in him.

Psalms 22:12-14 STRONG

Many H7227 bulls H6499 have compassed H5437 me: strong H47 bulls of Bashan H1316 have beset me round. H3803 They gaped H6475 upon me with their mouths, H6310 as a ravening H2963 and a roaring H7580 lion. H738 I am poured out H8210 like water, H4325 and all my bones H6106 are out of joint: H6504 my heart H3820 is like wax; H1749 it is melted H4549 in the midst H8432 of my bowels. H4578

Psalms 35:15-21 STRONG

But in mine adversity H6761 they rejoiced, H8055 and gathered themselves together: H622 yea, the abjects H5222 gathered themselves together H622 against me, and I knew H3045 it not; they did tear H7167 me, and ceased H1826 not: With hypocritical H2611 mockers H3934 in feasts, H4580 they gnashed H2786 upon me with their teeth. H8127 Lord, H136 how long wilt thou look on? H7200 rescue H7725 my soul H5315 from their destructions, H7722 my darling H3173 from the lions. H3715 I will give thee thanks H3034 in the great H7227 congregation: H6951 I will praise H1984 thee among much H6099 people. H5971 Let not them that are mine enemies H341 wrongfully H8267 rejoice H8055 over me: neither let them wink H7169 with the eye H5869 that hate H8130 me without a cause. H2600 For they speak H1696 not peace: H7965 but they devise H2803 deceitful H4820 matters H1697 against them that are quiet H7282 in the land. H776 Yea, they opened their mouth H6310 wide H7337 against me, and said, H559 Aha, H1889 aha, H1889 our eye H5869 hath seen H7200 it.

Psalms 69:7 STRONG

Because for thy sake I have borne H5375 reproach; H2781 shame H3639 hath covered H3680 my face. H6440

Psalms 69:19-20 STRONG

Thou hast known H3045 my reproach, H2781 and my shame, H1322 and my dishonour: H3639 mine adversaries H6887 are all before thee. Reproach H2781 hath broken H7665 my heart; H3820 and I am full of heaviness: H5136 and I looked H6960 for some to take pity, H5110 but there was none; and for comforters, H5162 but I found H4672 none.

Psalms 69:26 STRONG

For they persecute H7291 him whom thou hast smitten; H5221 and they talk H5608 to the grief H4341 of those whom thou hast wounded. H2491

Matthew 26:61 STRONG

And said, G2036 This G3778 fellow said, G5346 I am able G1410 to destroy G2647 the temple G3485 of God, G2316 and G2532 to build G3618 it G846 in G1223 three G5140 days. G2250

Matthew 27:39-40 STRONG

And G1161 they that passed by G3899 reviled G987 him, G846 wagging G2795 their G846 heads, G2776 And G2532 saying, G3004 Thou that destroyest G2647 the temple, G3485 and G2532 buildest G3618 it in G1722 three G5140 days, G2250 save G4982 thyself. G4572 If G1487 thou be G1488 the Son G5207 of God, G2316 come down G2597 from G575 the cross. G4716

John 2:18-22 STRONG

Then G3767 answered G611 the Jews G2453 and G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 What G5101 sign G4592 shewest thou G1166 unto us, G2254 seeing that G3754 thou doest G4160 these things? G5023 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and G2532 said G2036 unto them, G846 Destroy G3089 this G5126 temple, G3485 and G2532 in G1722 three G5140 days G2250 I will raise G1453 it G846 up. G1453 Then G3767 said G2036 the Jews, G2453 Forty G5062 and G2532 six G1803 years G2094 was G3618 this G3778 temple G3485 in building, G3618 and G2532 wilt G1453 thou G4771 rear G1453 it G846 up G1453 in G1722 three G5140 days? G2250 But G1161 he G1565 spake G3004 of G4012 the temple G3485 of his G846 body. G4983 When G3753 therefore G3767 he was risen G1453 from G1537 the dead, G3498 his G846 disciples G3101 remembered G3415 that G3754 he had said G3004 this G5124 unto them; G846 and G2532 they believed G4100 the scripture, G1124 and G2532 the word G3056 which G3739 Jesus G2424 had said. G2036

Commentary on Mark 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 15:1-20. Jesus Is Brought before PilateAt a Second Hearing, Pilate, after Seeking to Release Him, Delivers Him UpAfter Being Cruelly Entreated, He Is Led Away to Be Crucified. ( = Mt 26:1, 2, 11-31; Lu 23:1-6, 13-25; Joh 18:28-19:16).

See on Joh 18:28-19:16.

Mr 15:21-37. Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus. ( = Mt 27:32-50; Lu 23:26-46; Joh 19:17-30).

See on Joh 19:17-30.

Mr 15:38-47. Signs and Circumstances Following the Death of the Lord Jesus.He Is Taken Down from the Cross and BuriedThe Sepulchre Is Guarded. ( = Mt 27:51-66; Lu 23:45, 47-56; Joh 19:31-42).

See on Mt 27:51-56; and Joh 19:31-42.