Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Mark » Chapter 2 » Verse 20

Mark 2:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 But G1161 the days G2250 will come, G2064 when G3752 the bridegroom G3566 shall be taken away G522 from G575 them, G846 and G2532 then G5119 shall they fast G3522 in G1722 those G1565 days. G2250

Cross Reference

Luke 17:22 STRONG

And G1161 he said G2036 unto G4314 the disciples, G3101 The days G2250 will come, G2064 when G3753 ye shall desire G1937 to see G1492 one G3391 of the days G2250 of the Son G5207 of man, G444 and G2532 ye shall G3700 not G3756 see G3700 it.

Isaiah 54:5 STRONG

For thy Maker H6213 is thine husband; H1166 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is his name; H8034 and thy Redeemer H1350 the Holy One H6918 of Israel; H3478 The God H430 of the whole earth H776 shall he be called. H7121

John 17:13 STRONG

And G1161 now G3568 come I G2064 to G4314 thee; G4571 and G2532 these things G5023 I speak G2980 in G1722 the world, G2889 that G2443 they might have G2192 my G1699 joy G5479 fulfilled G4137 in G1722 themselves. G846

Revelation 21:9 STRONG

And G2532 there came G2064 unto G4314 me G3165 one of G1520 the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials G5357 full G1073 of the seven G2033 last G2078 plagues, G4127 and G2532 talked G2980 with G3326 me, G1700 saying, G3004 Come hither, G1204 I will shew G1166 thee G4671 the bride, G3565 the Lamb's G721 wife. G1135

Revelation 19:7 STRONG

Let us be glad G5463 and G2532 rejoice, G21 and G2532 give G1325 honour G1391 to him: G846 for G3754 the marriage G1062 of the Lamb G721 is come, G2064 and G2532 his G846 wife G1135 hath made G2090 herself G1438 ready. G2090

2 Corinthians 11:27 STRONG

In G1722 weariness G2873 and G2532 painfulness, G3449 in G1722 watchings G70 often, G4178 in G1722 hunger G3042 and G2532 thirst, G1373 in G1722 fastings G3521 often, G4178 in G1722 cold G5592 and G2532 nakedness. G1132

2 Corinthians 11:2 STRONG

For G1063 I am jealous G2206 over you G5209 with godly G2316 jealousy: G2205 for G1063 I have espoused G718 you G5209 to one G1520 husband, G435 that I may present G3936 you as a chaste G53 virgin G3933 to Christ. G5547

2 Corinthians 6:5 STRONG

In G1722 stripes, G4127 in G1722 imprisonments, G5438 in G1722 tumults, G181 in G1722 labours, G2873 in G1722 watchings, G70 in G1722 fastings; G3521

1 Corinthians 7:5 STRONG

Defraud ye G650 not G3361 one the other, G240 except G1509 G302 it be G5100 with G1537 consent G4859 for G4314 a time, G2540 that G2443 ye may give yourselves G4980 to fasting G3521 and G2532 prayer; G4335 and G2532 come G4905 together G1909 G846 again, G3825 that G3363 Satan G4567 tempt G3985 you G5209 not G3363 for G1223 your G5216 incontinency. G192

Acts 14:23 STRONG

And G1161 when they had ordained G5500 them G846 elders G4245 in every G2596 church, G1577 and had prayed G4336 with G3326 fasting, G3521 they commended G3908 them G846 to the Lord, G2962 on G1519 whom G3739 they believed. G4100

Acts 13:2-3 STRONG

As G1161 they G846 ministered G3008 to the Lord, G2962 and G2532 fasted, G3522 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 said, G2036 G1211 Separate G873 me G3427 G5037 Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul G4569 for G1519 the work G2041 whereunto G3739 I have called G4341 them. G846 And G5119 when they had fasted G3522 and G2532 prayed, G4336 and G2532 laid G2007 their hands G5495 on G2007 them, G846 they sent them away. G630

Acts 3:21 STRONG

Whom G3739 the heaven G3772 G3303 must G1163 receive G1209 until G891 the times G5550 of restitution G605 of all things, G3956 which G3739 God G2316 hath spoken G2980 by G1223 the mouth G4750 of all G3956 his G846 holy G40 prophets G4396 since G575 the world began. G165

Acts 1:9 STRONG

And G2532 when he had spoken G2036 these things, G5023 while they G846 beheld, G991 he was taken up; G1869 and G2532 a cloud G3507 received G5274 him G846 out of G575 their G846 sight. G3788

Psalms 45:11 STRONG

So shall the king H4428 greatly desire H183 thy beauty: H3308 for he is thy Lord; H113 and worship H7812 thou him.

John 17:11 STRONG

And G2532 now G3765 I am G1510 no more G3765 in G1722 the world, G2889 but G2532 these G3778 are G1526 in G1722 the world, G2889 and G2532 I G1473 come G2064 to G4314 thee. G4571 Holy G40 Father, G3962 keep G5083 through G1722 thine own G4675 name G3686 those G846 whom G3739 thou hast given G1325 me, G3427 that G2443 they may be G5600 one, G1520 as G2531 we G2249 are.

John 16:28 STRONG

I came forth G1831 from G3844 the Father, G3962 and G2532 am come G2064 into G1519 the world: G2889 again, G3825 I leave G863 the world, G2889 and G2532 go G4198 to G4314 the Father. G3962

John 16:7 STRONG

Nevertheless G235 I G1473 tell G3004 you G5213 the truth; G225 It is expedient G4851 for you G5213 that G2443 I G1473 go away: G565 for G1063 if G3362 I go G565 not G3362 away, G565 the Comforter G3875 will G2064 not G3756 come G2064 unto G4314 you; G5209 but G1161 if G1437 I depart, G4198 I will send G3992 him G846 unto G4314 you. G5209

John 13:33 STRONG

Little children, G5040 yet G2089 a little while G3397 I am G1510 with G3326 you. G5216 Ye shall seek G2212 me: G3165 and G2532 as G2531 I said G2036 unto the Jews, G2453 G3754 Whither G3699 I G1473 go, G5217 ye G5210 cannot G3756 G1410 come; G2064 so G2532 now G737 I say G3004 to you. G5213

John 12:8 STRONG

For G1063 the poor G4434 always G3842 ye have G2192 with G3326 you; G1438 but G1161 me G1691 ye have G2192 not G3756 always. G3842

John 7:33-34 STRONG

Then G3767 said G2036 Jesus G2424 unto them, G846 Yet G2089 a little G3398 while G5550 am I G1510 with G3326 you, G5216 and G2532 then I go G5217 unto G4314 him that sent G3992 me. G3165 Ye shall seek G2212 me, G3165 and G2532 shall G2147 not G3756 find G2147 me: and G2532 where G3699 I G1473 am, G1510 thither ye G5210 cannot G3756 G1410 come. G2064

John 3:29 STRONG

He that hath G2192 the bride G3565 is G2076 the bridegroom: G3566 but G1161 the friend G5384 of the bridegroom, G3566 which G3588 standeth G2476 and G2532 heareth G191 him, G846 rejoiceth G5463 greatly G5479 because G1223 of the bridegroom's G3566 voice: G5456 this G3778 my G1699 joy G5479 therefore G3767 is fulfilled. G4137

Matthew 26:31 STRONG

Then G5119 saith G3004 Jesus G2424 unto them, G846 All G3956 ye G5210 shall be offended G4624 because G1722 of me G1722 G1698 this G5026 night: G3571 for G1063 it is written, G1125 I will smite G3960 the shepherd, G4166 and G2532 the sheep G4263 of the flock G4167 shall be scattered abroad. G1287

Zechariah 13:7 STRONG

Awake, H5782 O sword, H2719 against my shepherd, H7462 and against the man H1397 that is my fellow, H5997 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 smite H5221 the shepherd, H7462 and the sheep H6629 shall be scattered: H6327 and I will turn H7725 mine hand H3027 upon the little ones. H6819

Isaiah 62:5 STRONG

For as a young man H970 marrieth H1166 a virgin, H1330 so shall thy sons H1121 marry H1166 thee: and as the bridegroom H2860 rejoiceth H4885 over the bride, H3618 so shall thy God H430 rejoice H7797 over thee.

Song of Solomon 3:11 STRONG

Go forth, H3318 O ye daughters H1323 of Zion, H6726 and behold H7200 king H4428 Solomon H8010 with the crown H5850 wherewith his mother H517 crowned H5849 him in the day H3117 of his espousals, H2861 and in the day H3117 of the gladness H8057 of his heart. H3820

Commentary on Mark 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 2:1-12. Healing of a Paralytic. ( = Mt 9:1-8; Lu 5:17-26).

This incident, as remarked on Mt 9:1, appears to follow next in order of time after the cure of the leper (Mr 1:40-45).

1. And again he entered into Capernaum—"His own city" (Mt 9:1).

and it was noised that he was in the house—no doubt of Simon Peter (Mr 1:29).

2. And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door—This is one of Mark's graphic touches. No doubt in this case, as the scene occurred at his informant's own door, these details are the vivid recollections of that honored disciple.

and he preached the word unto them—that is, indoors; but in the hearing, doubtless, of the multitude that pressed around. Had He gone forth, as He naturally would, the paralytic's faith would have had no such opportunity to display itself. Luke (Lu 5:17) furnishes an additional and very important incident in the scene—as follows: "And it came to pass on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town," or village, "of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem." This was the highest testimony yet borne to our Lord's growing influence, and the necessity increasingly felt by the ecclesiastics throughout the country of coming to some definite judgment regarding Him. "And the power of the Lord was [present] to heal them"—or, "was [efficacious] to heal them," that is, the sick that were brought before Him. So that the miracle that is now to be described was among the most glorious and worthy to be recorded of many then performed; and what made it so was doubtless the faith which was manifested in connection with it, and the proclamation of the forgiveness of the patient's sins that immediately preceded it.

3. And they come unto him—that is, towards the house where He was.

bringing one sick of the palsy—"lying on a bed" (Mt 9:2).

which was borne of four—a graphic particular of Mark only.

4. And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press—or, as in Luke (Lu 5:19), "when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude," they "went upon the housetop"—the flat or terrace-roof, universal in Eastern houses.

they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed—or portable couch

wherein the sick of the palsy lay—Luke (Lu 5:19) says, they "let him down through the tilling with his couch into the midst before Jesus." Their whole object was to bring the patient into the presence of Jesus; and this not being possible in the ordinary way, because of the multitude that surrounded Him, they took the very unusual method here described of accomplishing their object, and succeeded. Several explanations have been given of the way in which this was done; but unless we knew the precise plan of the house, and the part of it from which Jesus taught—which may have been a quadrangle or open court, within the buildings of which Peter's house was one, or a gallery covered by a veranda—it is impossible to determine precisely how the thing was done. One thing, however, is clear, that we have both the accounts from an eye-witness.

5. When Jesus saw their faith—It is remarkable that all the three narratives call it "their faith" which Jesus saw. That the patient himself had faith, we know from the proclamation of his forgiveness, which Jesus made before all; and we should have been apt to conclude that his four friends bore him to Jesus merely out of benevolent compliance with the urgent entreaties of the poor sufferer. But here we learn, not only that his bearers had the same faith with himself, but that Jesus marked it as a faith which was not to be defeated—a faith victorious over all difficulties. This was the faith for which He was ever on the watch, and which He never saw without marking, and, in those who needed anything from Him, richly rewarding.

he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son—"be of good cheer" (Mt 9:2).

thy sins be forgiven thee—By the word "be," our translators perhaps meant "are," as in Luke (Lu 5:20). For it is not a command to his sins to depart, but an authoritative proclamation of the man's pardoned state as a believer. And yet, as the Pharisees understood our Lord to be dispensing pardon by this saying, and Jesus not only acknowledges that they were right, but founds His whole argument upon the correctness of it, we must regard the saying as a royal proclamation of the man's forgiveness by Him to whom it belonged to dispense it; nor could such a style of address be justified on any lower supposition. (See on Lu 7:41, &c.).

6. But there were certain of the scribes—"and the Pharisees" (Lu 5:21)

sitting there—those Jewish ecclesiastics who, as Luke told us (Lu 5:17), "were come out of every village of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem," to make their observations upon this wonderful Person, in anything but a teachable spirit, though as yet their venomous and murderous feeling had not showed itself.

and reasoning in their hearts.

7. Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?—In this second question they expressed a great truth. (See Isa 43:25; Mic 7:18; Ex 34:6, 7, &c.). Nor was their first question altogether unnatural, though in our Lord's sole case it was unfounded. That a man, to all appearances like one of themselves, should claim authority and power to forgive sins, they could not, on the first blush of it, but regard as in the last degree startling; nor were they entitled even to weigh such a claim, as worthy of a hearing, save on supposition of resistless evidence afforded by Him in support of the claim. Accordingly, our Lord deals with them as men entitled to such evidence, and supplies it; at the same time chiding them for rashness, in drawing harsh conclusions regarding Himself.

8. Why reason ye these things in your hearts—or, as in Matthew, (Mt 9:4) "Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?"

9. Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee—or "are forgiven thee";

or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed and walk?—"Is it easier to command away disease than to bid away sin? If, then, I do the one which you can see, know thus that I have done the other, which you cannot see."

10. But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins—that forgiving power dwells in the Person of this Man, and is exercised by Him while on this earth and going out and in with you.

(he saith to the sick of the palsy),

11. I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house—This taking up the portable couch, and walking home with it, was designed to prove the completeness of the cure.

12. And immediately he arose, took up the bed—"Sweet saying!" says Bengel: "The bed had borne the man: now the man bore the bed."

and went forth before them all—proclaiming by that act to the multitude, whose wondering eyes would follow him as he pressed through them, that He who could work such a glorious miracle of healing, must indeed "have power on earth to forgive sins."

We never saw it on this fashion—"never saw it thus," or, as we say, "never saw the like." In Luke (Lu 5:26) it is, "We have seen strange [unexpected] things to-day"—referring both to the miracles wrought and the forgiveness of sins pronounced by Human Lips. In Matthew (Mt 9:8) it is, "They marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men." At forgiving power they wondered not, but that a man, to all appearance like one of themselves, should possess it!

Mr 2:13-17. Levi's (OR Matthew's) Call and Feast. ( = Mt 9:9-13; Lu 5:27-32).

See on Mt 9:9-13.

Mr 2:18-22. Discourse on Fasting. ( = Mt 9:14-17; Lu 5:33-39).

See on Lu 5:33-39.

Mr 2:23-28. Plucking Corn-ears on the Sabbath Day. ( = Mt 12:1-8; Lu 6:1-5).

See on Mt 12:1-8.