Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Mark » Chapter 3 » Verse 29

Mark 3:29 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

29 But G1161 he G3739 that G302 shall blaspheme G987 against G1519 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 hath G2192 never G3756 G1519 G165 forgiveness, G859 but G235 is G2076 in danger G1777 of eternal G166 damnation: G2920

Cross Reference

Luke 12:10 STRONG

And G2532 whosoever G3956 G3739 shall speak G2046 a word G3056 against G1519 the Son G5207 of man, G444 it shall be forgiven G863 him: G846 but G1161 unto him that blasphemeth G987 against G1519 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 it shall G863 not G3756 be forgiven. G863

Matthew 12:31-32 STRONG

Wherefore G1223 G5124 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 All manner of G3956 sin G266 and G2532 blasphemy G988 shall be forgiven G863 unto men: G444 but G1161 the blasphemy G988 against the Holy Ghost G4151 shall G863 not G3756 be forgiven G863 unto men. G444 And G2532 whosoever G3739 G302 speaketh G2036 a word G3056 against G2596 the Son G5207 of man, G444 it shall be forgiven G863 him: G846 but G3739 whosoever G1161 G302 speaketh G2036 against G2596 the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 it shall G863 not G3756 be forgiven G863 him, G846 neither G3777 in G1722 this G5129 world, G165 neither G3777 in G1722 the world to come. G3195

Matthew 25:46 STRONG

And G2532 these G3778 shall go away G565 into G1519 everlasting G166 punishment: G2851 but G1161 the righteous G1342 into G1519 life G2222 eternal. G166

Mark 12:40 STRONG

Which devour G2719 widows' G5503 houses, G3614 and G2532 for a pretence G4392 make G4336 long G3117 prayers: G4336 these G3778 shall receive G2983 greater G4055 damnation. G2917

2 Thessalonians 1:9 STRONG

Who G3748 shall be punished G1349 G5099 with everlasting G166 destruction G3639 from G575 the presence G4383 of the Lord, G2962 and G2532 from G575 the glory G1391 of his G846 power; G2479

Jude 1:7 STRONG

Even as G5613 Sodom G4670 and G2532 Gomorrha, G1116 and G2532 the cities G4172 about G4012 them G846 in like G3664 G5125 manner, G5158 giving themselves over to fornication, G1608 and G2532 going G565 after G3694 strange G2087 flesh, G4561 are set forth for G4295 an example, G1164 suffering G5254 the vengeance G1349 of eternal G166 fire. G4442

Jude 1:13 STRONG

Raging G66 waves G2949 of the sea, G2281 foaming out G1890 their own G1438 shame; G152 wandering G4107 stars, G792 to whom G3739 is reserved G5083 the blackness G2217 of darkness G4655 for G1519 ever. G165

Commentary on Mark 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 3:1-12. The Healing of a Withered Hand on the Sabbath Day, and Retirement of Jesus to Avoid Danger. ( = Mt 12:9-21; Lu 6:6-11).

See on Mt 12:9-21.

Mr 3:13-19. The Twelve Apostles Chosen.

See on Lu 6:12-19.

Mr 3:20-30. Jesus Is Charged with Madness and Demoniacal PossessionHis Reply. ( = Mt 12:22-37; Lu 11:14-26).

See on Mt 12:22-37; Lu 11:21-26.

Mr 3:31-35. His Mother and Brethren Seek to Speak with Him and the Reply. ( = Mt 12:46-50; Lu 8:19-21).

See on Mt 12:46-50.