Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Matthew » Chapter 20 » Verse 5

Matthew 20:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Again G3825 he went out G1831 about G4012 the sixth G1623 and G2532 ninth G1766 hour, G5610 and did G4160 likewise. G5615

Cross Reference

Genesis 12:1-4 STRONG

Now the LORD H3068 had said H559 unto Abram, H87 Get thee out H3212 of thy country, H776 and from thy kindred, H4138 and from thy father's H1 house, H1004 unto a land H776 that I will shew H7200 thee: And I will make of thee H6213 a great H1419 nation, H1471 and I will bless H1288 thee, and make H1431 thy name H8034 great; H1431 and thou shalt be a blessing: H1293 And I will bless H1288 them that bless H1288 thee, and curse H779 him that curseth H7043 thee: and in thee shall all families H4940 of the earth H127 be blessed. H1288 So Abram H87 departed, H3212 as the LORD H3068 had spoken H1696 unto him; and Lot H3876 went H3212 with him: and Abram H87 was seventy H7657 H8141 and five H2568 years H8141 old H1121 when he departed H3318 out of Haran. H2771

Joshua 24:2-3 STRONG

And Joshua H3091 said H559 unto all the people, H5971 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 Your fathers H1 dwelt H3427 on the other side H5676 of the flood H5104 in old time, H5769 even Terah, H8646 the father H1 of Abraham, H85 and the father H1 of Nachor: H5152 and they served H5647 other H312 gods. H430 And I took H3947 your father H1 Abraham H85 from the other side H5676 of the flood, H5104 and led H3212 him throughout all the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 and multiplied H7235 his seed, H2233 and gave H5414 him Isaac. H3327

2 Chronicles 33:12-19 STRONG

And when he was in affliction, H6887 he besought H2470 the LORD H3068 his God, H430 and humbled H3665 himself greatly H3966 before H6440 the God H430 of his fathers, H1 And prayed H6419 unto him: and he was intreated H6279 of him, and heard H8085 his supplication, H8467 and brought him again H7725 to Jerusalem H3389 into his kingdom. H4438 Then Manasseh H4519 knew H3045 that the LORD H3068 he was God. H430 Now after this H310 he built H1129 a wall H2346 without H2435 the city H5892 of David, H1732 on the west side H4628 of Gihon, H1521 in the valley, H5158 even to the entering in H935 at the fish H1709 gate, H8179 and compassed H5437 about Ophel, H6077 and raised it up H1361 a very great height, H3966 and put H7760 captains H8269 of war H2428 in all the fenced H1219 cities H5892 of Judah. H3063 And he took away H5493 the strange H5236 gods, H430 and the idol H5566 out of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and all the altars H4196 that he had built H1129 in the mount H2022 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and in Jerusalem, H3389 and cast H7993 them out H2351 of the city. H5892 And he repaired H1129 the altar H4196 of the LORD, H3068 and sacrificed H2076 thereon peace H8002 offerings H2077 and thank offerings, H8426 and commanded H559 Judah H3063 to serve H5647 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478 Nevertheless H61 the people H5971 did sacrifice H2076 still in the high places, H1116 yet unto the LORD H3068 their God H430 only. Now the rest H3499 of the acts H1697 of Manasseh, H4519 and his prayer H8605 unto his God, H430 and the words H1697 of the seers H2374 that spake H1696 to him in the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 behold, they are written in the book H1697 of the kings H4428 of Israel. H3478 His prayer H8605 also, and how God was intreated H6279 of him, and all his sin, H2403 and his trespass, H4604 and the places H4725 wherein he built H1129 high places, H1116 and set up H5975 groves H842 and graven images, H6456 before H6440 he was humbled: H3665 behold, they are written H3789 among the sayings H1697 of the seers. H2374 H2335

Matthew 27:45 STRONG

Now G1161 from G575 the sixth G1623 hour G5610 there was G1096 darkness G4655 over G1909 all G3956 the land G1093 unto G2193 the ninth G1766 hour. G5610

Mark 15:33-34 STRONG

And G1161 when G1096 the sixth G1623 hour G5610 was come, G1096 there was G1096 darkness G4655 over G1909 the whole G3650 land G1093 until G2193 the ninth G1766 hour. G5610 And G2532 at the ninth G1766 hour G5610 Jesus G2424 cried G994 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Eloi, G1682 Eloi, G1682 lama G2982 sabachthani? G4518 which G3739 is, G2076 being interpreted, G3177 My G3450 God, G2316 my G3450 God, G2316 why G5101 hast G1519 thou forsaken G1459 me? G3165

Luke 23:44-46 STRONG

And G1161 it was G2258 about G5616 the sixth G1623 hour, G5610 and G2532 there was G1096 a darkness G4655 over G1909 all G3650 the earth G1093 until G2193 the ninth G1766 hour. G5610 And G2532 the sun G2246 was darkened, G4654 and G2532 the veil G2665 of the temple G3485 was rent G4977 in the midst. G3319 And G2532 when Jesus G2424 had cried G5455 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 he said, G2036 Father, G3962 into G1519 thy G4675 hands G5495 I commend G3908 my G3450 spirit: G4151 and G2532 having said G2036 thus, G5023 he gave up the ghost. G1606

John 1:39 STRONG

He saith G3004 unto them, G846 Come G2064 and G2532 see. G1492 They came G2064 and G2532 saw G1492 where G4226 he dwelt, G3306 and G2532 abode G3306 with G3844 him G846 that G1565 day: G2250 for G1161 it was G2258 about G5613 the tenth G1182 hour. G5610

John 4:6 STRONG

Now G1161 Jacob's G2384 well G4077 was G2258 there. G1563 Jesus G2424 therefore, G3767 being wearied G2872 with G1537 his journey, G3597 sat G2516 thus G3779 on G1909 the well: G4077 and it was G2258 about G5616 the sixth G1623 hour. G5610

John 11:9 STRONG

Jesus G2424 answered, G611 Are there G1526 not G3780 twelve G1427 hours G5610 in the day? G2250 If G1437 any man G5100 walk G4043 in G1722 the day, G2250 he stumbleth G4350 not, G3756 because G3754 he seeth G991 the light G5457 of this G5127 world. G2889

Acts 3:1 STRONG

Now G1161 Peter G4074 and G2532 John G2491 went up G305 together G1909 G846 into G1519 the temple G2411 at the hour G5610 of prayer, G4335 being the ninth G1766 hour.

Acts 10:3 STRONG

He saw G1492 in G1722 a vision G3705 evidently G5320 about G5616 the ninth G1766 hour G5610 of the day G2250 an angel G32 of God G2316 coming in G1525 to G4314 him, G846 and G2532 saying G2036 unto him, G846 Cornelius. G2883

Acts 10:9 STRONG

G1161 On the morrow, G1887 as they G1565 went on their journey, G3596 and G2532 drew nigh G1448 unto the city, G4172 Peter G4074 went up G305 upon G1909 the housetop G1430 to pray G4336 about G4012 the sixth G1623 hour: G5610

Hebrews 11:24-26 STRONG

By faith G4102 Moses, G3475 when he was come G1096 to years, G3173 refused G720 to be called G3004 the son G5207 of Pharaoh's G5328 daughter; G2364 Choosing G138 rather G3123 to suffer affliction G4778 with the people G2992 of God, G2316 than G2228 to enjoy the pleasures G2192 G619 of sin G266 for a season; G4340 Esteeming G2233 the reproach G3680 of Christ G5547 greater G3187 riches G4149 than G2233 the treasures G2344 in G1722 Egypt: G125 for G1063 he had respect G578 unto G1519 the recompence of the reward. G3405

Commentary on Matthew 20 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mt 20:1-16. Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard.

This parable, recorded only by Matthew, is closely connected with the end of the nineteenth chapter, being spoken with reference to Peter's question as to how it should fare with those who, like himself, had left all for Christ. It is designed to show that while they would be richly rewarded, a certain equity would still be observed towards later converts and workmen in His service.

1. For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, &c.—The figure of a vineyard, to represent the rearing of souls for heaven, the culture required and provided for that purpose, and the care and pains which God takes in that whole matter, is familiar to every reader of the Bible. (Ps 80:8-16; Isa 5:1-7; Jer 2:21; Lu 20:9-16; Joh 15:1-8). At vintage time, as Webster and Wilkinson remark, labor was scarce, and masters were obliged to be early in the market to secure it. Perhaps the pressing nature of the work of the Gospel, and the comparative paucity of laborers, may be incidentally suggested, Mt 9:37, 38. The "laborers," as in Mt 9:38, are first, the official servants of the Church, but after them and along with them all the servants of Christ, whom He has laid under the weightiest obligation to work in His service.

2. And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny—a usual day's hire.

he sent them into his vineyard.

3. And he went out about the third hour—about nine o'clock, or after a fourth of the working day had expired: the day of twelve hours was reckoned from six to six.

and saw others standing idle in the market place—unemployed.

4. And said unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right—just, equitable, in proportion to their time.

I will give you. And they went their way.

5. Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour—about noon, and about three o'clock in the afternoon.

and did likewise—hiring and sending into his vineyard fresh laborers each time.

6. And about the eleventh hour—but one hour before the close of the working day; a most unusual hour both for offering and engaging

and found others standing idle, and saith, Why stand ye here all the day idle?—Of course they had not been there, or not been disposed to offer themselves at the proper time; but as they were now willing, and the day was not over, and "yet there was room," they also are engaged, and on similar terms with all the rest.

8. So when even was come—that is, the reckoning time between masters and laborers (see De 24:15); pointing to the day of final account.

the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward—answering to Christ Himself, represented "as a Son over His own house" (Heb 3:6; see Mt 11:27; Joh 3:35; 5:27).

Call the labourers and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first—Remarkable direction this—last hired, first paid.

9. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny—a full day's wages.

10. But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more—This is that calculating, mercenary spirit which had peeped out—though perhaps very slightly—in Peter's question (Mt 19:27), and which this parable was designed once for all to put down among the servants of Christ.

11. And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house—rather, "the householder," the word being the same as in Mt 20:1.

12. Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat—the burning heat.

of the day—who have wrought not only longer but during a more trying period of the day.

13. But he answered one of them—doubtless the spokesman of the complaining party.

and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? &c.

15. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?—that is, "You appeal to justice, and by that your mouth is shut; for the sum you agreed for is paid you. Your case being disposed of, with the terms I make with other laborers you have nothing to do; and to grudge the benevolence shown to others, when by your own admission you have been honorably dealt with, is both unworthy envy of your neighbor, and discontent with the goodness that engaged and rewarded you in his service at all."

16. So the last shall be first, and the first last—that is, "Take heed lest by indulging the spirit of these murmurers at the penny given to the last hired, ye miss your own penny, though first in the vineyard; while the consciousness of having come in so late may inspire these last with such a humble frame, and such admiration of the grace that has hired and rewarded them at all, as will put them into the foremost place in the end."

for many be called, but few chosen—This is another of our Lord's terse and pregnant sayings, more than once uttered in different connections. (See Mt 19:30; 22:14). The "calling" of which the New Testament almost invariably speaks is what divines call effectual calling, carrying with it a supernatural operation on the will to secure its consent. But that cannot be the meaning of it here; the "called" being emphatically distinguished from the "chosen." It can only mean here the "invited." And so the sense is, Many receive the invitations of the Gospel whom God has never "chosen to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth" (2Th 2:13). But what, it may be asked, has this to do with the subject of our parable? Probably this—to teach us that men who have wrought in Christ's service all their days may, by the spirit which they manifest at the last, make it too evident that, as between God and their own souls, they never were chosen workmen at all.

Mt 20:17-28. Third Explicit Announcement of His Approaching Sufferings, Death, and ResurrectionThe Ambitious Request of James and John, and the Reply. ( = Mr 10:32-45; Lu 18:31-34).

For the exposition, see on Mr 10:32-45.

Mt 20:29-34. Two Blind Men Healed. ( = Mr 10:46-52; Lu 18:35-43).

For the exposition, see on Lu 18:35-43.