Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Micah » Chapter 3 » Verse 2

Micah 3:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 Who hate H8130 the good, H2896 and love H157 the evil; H7451 who pluck off H1497 their skin H5785 from off them, and their flesh H7607 from off their bones; H6106

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 22:27 STRONG

Her princes H8269 in the midst H7130 thereof are like wolves H2061 ravening H2963 the prey, H2964 to shed H8210 blood, H1818 and to destroy H6 souls, H5315 to get H1214 dishonest gain. H1215

Psalms 53:4 STRONG

Have the workers H6466 of iniquity H205 no knowledge? H3045 who eat up H398 my people H5971 as they eat H398 bread: H3899 they have not called H7121 upon God. H430

Ezekiel 34:3 STRONG

Ye eat H398 the fat, H2459 and ye clothe H3847 you with the wool, H6785 ye kill H2076 them that are fed: H1277 but ye feed H7462 not the flock. H6629

Luke 19:14 STRONG

But G1161 his G846 citizens G4177 hated G3404 him, G846 and G2532 sent G649 a message G4242 after G3694 him, G846 saying, G3004 We will G2309 not G3756 have G2309 this G5126 man to reign G936 over G1909 us. G2248

2 Timothy 3:3 STRONG

Without natural affection, G794 trucebreakers, G786 false accusers, G1228 incontinent, G193 fierce, G434 despisers of those that are good, G865

Romans 12:9 STRONG

Let love G26 be without dissimulation. G505 Abhor G655 that which is evil; G4190 cleave G2853 to that which is good. G18

Romans 1:32 STRONG

Who G3748 knowing G1921 the judgment G1345 of God, G2316 that G3754 they which commit G4238 such things G5108 are G1526 worthy G514 of death, G2288 not G3756 only G3440 do G4160 the same, G846 but G235 G2532 have pleasure G4909 in them that do G4238 them.

Acts 7:51-52 STRONG

Ye stiffnecked G4644 and G2532 uncircumcised G564 in heart G2588 and G2532 ears, G3775 ye G5210 do G496 always G104 resist G496 the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 as G5613 your G5216 fathers G3962 did, so G2532 do ye. G5210 Which G5101 of the prophets G4396 have G1377 not G3756 your G5216 fathers G3962 persecuted? G1377 and G2532 they have slain G615 them which G3588 shewed before G4293 of G4012 the coming G1660 of the Just One; G1342 of whom G3739 ye G5210 have been G1096 now G3568 the betrayers G4273 and G2532 murderers: G5406

John 18:40 STRONG

Then G3767 cried they G2905 all G3956 again, G3825 saying, G3004 Not G3361 this man, G5126 but G235 Barabbas. G912 Now G1161 Barabbas G912 was G2258 a robber. G3027

John 15:23-24 STRONG

He that hateth G3404 me G1691 hateth G3404 my G3450 Father G3962 also. G2532 If G1508 I had G4160 not G1508 done G4160 among G1722 them G846 the works G2041 which G3739 none G3762 other man G243 did, G4160 they had G2192 not G3756 had G2192 sin: G266 but G1161 now G3568 have they G3708 both G2532 seen G3708 and G2532 hated G3404 both G2532 me G1691 and G2532 my G3450 Father. G3962

John 15:18-19 STRONG

If G1487 the world G2889 hate G3404 you, G5209 ye know G1097 that G3754 it hated G3404 me G1691 before G4412 it hated you. G5216 If G1487 ye were G2258 of G1537 the world, G2889 the world G2889 would G302 love G5368 his own: G2398 but G1161 because G3754 ye are G2075 not G3756 of G1537 the world, G2889 but G235 I G1473 have chosen G1586 you G5209 out of G1537 the world, G2889 therefore G5124 G1223 the world G2889 hateth G3404 you. G5209

John 7:7 STRONG

The world G2889 cannot G3756 G1410 hate G3404 you; G5209 but G1161 me G1691 it hateth, G3404 because G3754 I G1473 testify G3140 of G4012 it, G846 that G3754 the works G2041 thereof G846 are G2076 evil. G4190

1 Kings 21:20 STRONG

And Ahab H256 said H559 to Elijah, H452 Hast thou found H4672 me, O mine enemy? H341 And he answered, H559 I have found H4672 thee: because thou hast sold H4376 thyself to work H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD. H3068

Zechariah 11:4-5 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 my God; H430 Feed H7462 the flock H6629 of the slaughter; H2028 Whose possessors H7069 slay H2026 them, and hold themselves not guilty: H816 and they that sell H4376 them say, H559 Blessed H1288 be the LORD; H3068 for I am rich: H6238 and their own shepherds H7462 pity H2550 them not.

Zephaniah 3:3 STRONG

Her princes H8269 within H7130 her are roaring H7580 lions; H738 her judges H8199 are evening H6153 wolves; H2061 they gnaw not the bones H1633 till the morrow. H1242

Amos 8:4-6 STRONG

Hear H8085 this, O ye that swallow up H7602 the needy, H34 even to make H7673 the poor H6041 H6035 of the land H776 to fail, H7673 Saying, H559 When will the new moon H2320 be gone, H5674 that we may sell H7666 corn? H7668 and the sabbath, H7676 that we may set forth H6605 wheat, H1250 making the ephah H374 small, H6994 and the shekel H8255 great, H1431 and falsifying H5791 the balances H3976 by deceit? H4820 That we may buy H7069 the poor H1800 for silver, H3701 and the needy H34 for a pair of shoes; H5275 yea, and sell H7666 the refuse H4651 of the wheat? H1250

Amos 5:10-14 STRONG

They hate H8130 him that rebuketh H3198 in the gate, H8179 and they abhor H8581 him that speaketh H1696 uprightly. H8549 Forasmuch H3282 therefore as your treading H1318 is upon the poor, H1800 and ye take H3947 from him burdens H4864 of wheat: H1250 ye have built H1129 houses H1004 of hewn stone, H1496 but ye shall not dwell H3427 in them; ye have planted H5193 pleasant H2531 vineyards, H3754 but ye shall not drink H8354 wine H3196 of them. For I know H3045 your manifold H7227 transgressions H6588 and your mighty H6099 sins: H2403 they afflict H6887 the just, H6662 they take H3947 a bribe, H3724 and they turn aside H5186 the poor H34 in the gate H8179 from their right. Therefore the prudent H7919 shall keep silence H1826 in that time; H6256 for it is an evil H7451 time. H6256 Seek H1875 good, H2896 and not evil, H7451 that ye may live: H2421 and so the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of hosts, H6635 shall be with you, as ye have spoken. H559

Isaiah 3:15 STRONG

What mean ye that ye beat H1792 my people H5971 to pieces, H1792 and grind H2912 the faces H6440 of the poor? H6041 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 of hosts. H6635

Proverbs 28:4 STRONG

They that forsake H5800 the law H8451 praise H1984 the wicked: H7563 but such as keep H8104 the law H8451 contend H1624 with them.

Psalms 139:21-22 STRONG

Do not I hate H8130 them, O LORD, H3068 that hate H8130 thee? and am not I grieved H6962 with those that rise up H8618 against thee? I hate H8130 them with perfect H8503 hatred: H8135 I count them mine enemies. H341

Psalms 15:4 STRONG

In whose eyes H5869 a vile person H3988 is contemned; H959 but he honoureth H3513 them that fear H3373 the LORD. H3068 He that sweareth H7650 to his own hurt, H7489 and changeth H4171 not.

2 Chronicles 19:2 STRONG

And Jehu H3058 the son H1121 of Hanani H2607 the seer H2374 went out H3318 to meet H6440 him, and said H559 to king H4428 Jehoshaphat, H3092 Shouldest thou help H5826 the ungodly, H7563 and love H157 them that hate H8130 the LORD? H3068 therefore H2063 is wrath H7110 upon thee from before H6440 the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 22:6-8 STRONG

Then the king H4428 of Israel H3478 gathered H6908 the prophets H5030 together, H6908 about four H702 hundred H3967 men, H376 and said H559 unto them, Shall I go H3212 against Ramothgilead H7433 H1568 to battle, H4421 or shall I forbear? H2308 And they said, H559 Go up; H5927 for the Lord H136 shall deliver H5414 it into the hand H3027 of the king. H4428 And Jehoshaphat H3092 said, H559 Is there not here a prophet H5030 of the LORD H3068 besides, H5750 that we might enquire H1875 of him? And the king H4428 of Israel H3478 said H559 unto Jehoshaphat, H3092 There is yet one H259 man, H376 Micaiah H4321 the son H1121 of Imlah, H3229 by whom we may enquire H1875 of the LORD: H3068 but I hate H8130 him; for he doth not prophesy H5012 good H2896 concerning me, but evil. H7451 And Jehoshaphat H3092 said, H559 Let not the king H4428 say H559 so.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Micah 3

Commentary on Micah 3 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


II. Zion's Deepest Degradation and Highest Exaltation - Micah 3-5

The prophet's second address is of a predominantly Messianic character. The announcement of the utter desolation of Zion on account of the corruption of both the civil rulers and the spiritual leaders of the nation, with which this address opens in Micah 3:1-12, serves to a certain extent simply as a foil for the prophecy which follows in Micah 4:1-13 and Micah 5:1-15 of the salvation with which the remnant of Israel, that has been rescued throughout the judgment, will be blessed in the future. This salvation is depicted first of all in all its fulness (Micah 4:1-7); then in its gradual development, in the re-erection of the former dominion of the daughter of Zion, by her redemption out of Babylon, and her victory over the powers of the world (Micah 4:8-13); and lastly, in its realization by the Ruler proceeding out of Bethlehem, and by the power and blessing of His rule (Micah 5:1-15).

Sins of the Leaders of the Nation, and Destruction of Jerusalem - Micah 3:1-12

The threatening of punishment contained in this chapter is specially directed against the heads and leaders of Israel, and proclaims, in three strophes of four verses each, ( a ) to the princes, who turn right into wrong and flay the people (Micah 3:1-4), and ( b ) to the false prophets, who lead the people astray and confirm them in their sin by lying prophecies of peace (Micah 3:5-8), retribution for their wicked conduct; and ( c ) to all three classes of the divinely-appointed chiefs of the nation - the princes, the priests, and the prophets - the destruction of Jerusalem, and the turning of Zion and the temple mountain into a ploughed field and wooded heights on account of their degeneracy (Micah 3:9-12).

Verses 1-4

First strophe. - Micah 3:1. “And I said, Hear ye, O heads of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel: Is it not for you to know the right? Micah 3:2. Ye who hate good, and love evil; who draw off their skin from them, and their flesh from their bones. Micah 3:3. And who have eaten the flesh of my people, and stripped off their skin from them; and broken their bones, and cut them in pieces, as if in the pot, and like flesh in the midst of the caldron. Micah 3:4. Then will they cry to Jehovah, and He will not hearken; and let Him hide His face from them at the same time, as they have made their actions evil.” By the expression “And I said” ( vâ'ōmar ), the following address is indicated as a continuation of the preceding one. The reproofs of this chapter are also a still further expansion of the woe pronounced in Micah 2:1-2 upon the godless chiefs of the nation. The heads of Jacob are addressed, that is to say, the princes of the tribes and families of Israel, and the q e tsı̄nı̄m , lit., deciders (answering to the Arabic qâḍy , a judge) of the house of Israel, i.e., the heads of families and households, upon whom the administration of justice devolved (cf. Isaiah 1:10; Isaiah 22:3). הלוא לכן , is it not your duty and your office to know justice? Da‛ath is practical knowledge, which manifests itself in practice; mishpât , the public administration of justice. Instead of this, they do the opposite. The description of this conduct is appended by participles, in the form of apposition to the heads and princes addressed in Micah 3:1. Hating good and loving evil refer to the disposition, and indicate the radical corruption of these men. רעה , generally misfortune, here evil; hence the Masoretes have altered it into רע ; but the very fact that it deviates from the ordinary rule shows that it is the original word. Instead of administering justice to the people, they take off their skin, and tear the flesh from the bones. The suffixes attached to עורם and שׁארם point back to בּית־ישׂראל in Micah 3:1. The words answer to the German expression, “to pull the skin over the ears.” In Micah 3:3 the expression is still stronger; but the address is continued in the form of a simple description, and instead of the participles, אשׁר is used with the finite verb. They not only flay the people, i.e., rob them of all their means of subsistence, but even devour them - treat them like cattle, which men first of all flay, then break their bones, but the flesh into pieces, and boil it in the pot. In this figure, which is carried out into the most minute details, we must not give any special meaning to the particular features, such as that “the skin, and boiling portions, which are cut up and put into the pot, are figures signifying the pledged clothing and coveted fields (Micah 2:2, Micah 2:8).” The prophet paints in very glaring colours, to make an impression upon the ungodly. Therefore, in the time of judgment, God will not hear their crying to Him for help, but will hide His face from them, i.e., withdraw His mercy from them. אז and בּעה ההיא point back to the evil time announced in Micah 2:3. For Micah 3:4 , compare Proverbs 1:28. V e yastēr in Micah 3:4 is an optative. The prophet continues the announcement of the punishment in the form of a desire. כּאשׁר , as = according to the way in which, as in 1 Samuel 28:18; Numbers 27:14, etc., i.e., answering to their evil doings.

Verses 5-8

In the second strophe, Micah turns from the godless princes and judges to the prophets who lead the people astray, with whom he contrasts the true prophets and their ways. Micah 3:5. Thus saith Jehovah concerning the prophets who lead my people astray, who bite with their teeth, and preach peace; and whoever should put nothing into their mouths, against him they sanctify war. Micah 3:6. Therefore night to you because of the visions, and darkness to you because of the soothsaying! and the sun will set over the prophets, and the day blacken itself over them. Micah 3:7. And the seers will be ashamed, and the soothsayers blush, and all cover their beard, because (there is) no answer of God. Micah 3:8. But I, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of Jehovah, and with judgment and strength, to show to Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin.” As the first strophe attaches itself to Micah 2:1-2, so does the second to Micah 2:6 and Micah 2:11, carrying out still further what is there affirmed concerning the false prophets. Micah describes them as people who predict peace and prosperity for a morsel of bread, and thereby lead the people astray, setting before them prosperity and salvation, instead of preaching repentance to them, by charging them with their sins. Thus they became accomplices of the wicked rulers, with whom they are therefore classed in Micah 3:11, together with the wicked priests. המּתעים , leading astray (cf. Isaiah 3:12; Isaiah 9:15) my people, namely, by failing to charge them with their sins, and preach repentance, as the true prophets do, and predicting prosperity for bread and payment. The words, “who bite with their teeth,” are to be connected closely with the next clause, “and they preach peace,” in the sense of “who preach peace if they can bite with their teeth,” i.e., if they receive something to bite (or eat). This explanation, which has already been expressed by the Chaldee, is necessarily required by the antithesis, “but whoever puts nothing into their mouth,” i.e., gives them nothing to eat, notwithstanding the fact that in other passages nâshakh only signifies to bite, in the sense of to wound, and is the word generally applied to the bite of a snake (Amos 5:19; Genesis 49:17; Numbers 21:6, Numbers 21:8). If, however, we understand the biting with the teeth as a figurative representation of the words of the prophets who always preach prosperity, and of the injury they do to the real welfare of the people (Ros., Casp., and others), the obvious antithesis of the two double clauses of Micah 3:5 is totally destroyed. The harsh expression, to “bite with the teeth,” in the sense of “to eat,” is perfectly in harmony with the harsh words of Micah 3:2 and Micah 3:3. Qiddēsh milchâmâh , to sanctify war, i.e., to preach a holy war (cf. Joel 3:9), or, in reality, to proclaim the vengeance of God. For this shall night and darkness burst upon them. Night and darkness denote primarily the calamity which would come upon the false prophets ( unto you ) in connection with the judgment (Micah 2:4). The sun which sets to them is the sun of salvation or prosperity (Amos 8:9; Jeremiah 15:9); and the day which becomes black over them is the day of judgment, which is darkness, and not light (Amos 5:18). This calamity is heightened by the fact that they will then stand ashamed, because their own former prophecies are thereby proved to be lies, and fresh, true prophecies fail them, because God gives no answer. “Convicted by the result, they are thus utterly put to shame, because God does not help them out of their trouble by any word of revelation” (Hitzig). Bōsh , to be ashamed, when connected with châphēr (cf. Jeremiah 15:9; Psalms 35:26., etc.), signifies to become pale with shame; châphēr , to blush, with min causae , to denote the thing of which a man is ashamed. Qōs e mı̄m (diviners) alternates with chōzı̄m (seers), because these false prophets had no visions of God, but only divinations out of their own hearts. ‛Atâh sâphâm : to cover the beard, i.e., to cover the face up to the nose, is a sign of mourning (Leviticus 13:45), here of trouble and shame (cf. Ezekiel 24:17), and is really equivalent to covering the head (Jeremiah 14:4; Esther 6:12). Ma‛ănēh , the construct state of the substantive, but in the sense of the participle; some codd. have indeed מענה . In Micah 3:8 Micah contrasts himself and his own doings with these false prophets, as being filled with power by the Spirit of Jehovah (i.e., through His assistance) and with judgment. Mishpât , governed by מלא , is the divine justice which the prophet has to proclaim, and g e bhūrâh strength, manliness, to hold up before the people their sins and the justice of God. In this divine strength he can and must declare their unrighteousness to all ranks of the people, and predict the punishment of God (Micah 3:9-12).

Verses 9-11

Third strophe. - Micah 3:9. “Hear this, I pray, O he heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel, who abhor right, and bend all that is straight. Micah 3:10. Building Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with wickedness . Micah 3:11. Their heads, they judge for reward; and their priests, they teach for hire; and their prophets, they divine for money, and lean upon Jehovah, saying, Is not Jehovah among us? evil will not come upon us.” With the words “Hear this, I pray,” the address returns to its starting-point in Micah 3:1, but only to announce to the leaders of the people the threat of punishment for which the way has been prepared by Micah 3:2-7. To this end their God-forgetting conduct is briefly summed up once more in Micah 3:10, Micah 3:11. The summons to hear is really attached to the end of Micah 3:8. They are to hear the sin of Jacob (Micah 3:9-11); but they are also to hear the punishment for their sin, to which the word “this” points. The civil rulers only are addressed in Micah 3:9, - namely, those who were charged with the administration of justice and of the affairs of the state, but who did the very opposite, who abhorred justice, and made the straight crooked, because they passed sentence for bribes (Micah 3:11). They thereby build Zion with blood, etc., i.e., obtain the means of erecting splendid buildings by cruel extortions, and partly also by actual judicial murders, as Ahab (1 Kings 21 compared with Micah 6:16), and after him Jehoiakim, had done (Jeremiah 22:13-17). The Chaldeans built with blood in a different sense (Habakkuk 2:12). The participle bōneh (building) is also in apposition to râ'shē bēth (heads of the house, etc.), and the singular without the article is to be taken collectively. They do not, however, truly build the city by this, they simply labour for its destruction (Micah 3:12). But before saying this, Micah once more sums up briefly all the sins of the leading ranks. The teaching of the priests for reward refers to the fact that they had to give instruction as to the ritual requirements of the law, and were to do this gratuitously (cf. Leviticus 10:11; Deuteronomy 17:11; Deuteronomy 33:10), and that in disputed cases the judges were to pronounce sentence accordingly. At the same time, these men (not the prophets merely, but also the priests and the heads of the nation as the administrators of justice) placed their reliance upon Jehovah, upon the assurance that He was in the midst of them enthroned in His temple at Jerusalem, and that He would protect the city and its inhabitants from misfortune, without ever reflecting that Jehovah as the Holy One demands sanctification of life, and exterminates the sinners out of His people.

Verse 12

“Therefore will Zion for your sake be ploughed as a field, and Jerusalem become stone heaps, and the mountain of the house become forest heights.” Lâkhēn (therefore) applies primarily to Micah 3:11, directing the threat of punishment by בּגללכם to all the sinners mentioned there; but it also points back to Micah 3:9, Micah 3:10, expressing what is there indicated by “this.” Zion is not “the site on which the city stood,” or Jerusalem , “the mass of houses in the city,” as Maurer and Caspari suppose; but Zion is that portion of the city which contained the royal palace, and Jerusalem the rest of the city (cf. Micah 4:8). The mountain of the house, i.e., the temple hill, is also specially mentioned, for the purpose of destroying all false trust in the temple (cf. Jeremiah 7:4). The predicates are divided rhetorically, and the thought is this: the royal palace, the city, and the temple shall be so utterly destroyed, that of all the houses and palaces only heaps of rubbish will remain, and the ground upon which the city stood will be partly used as a ploughed field, and partly overgrown with bushes (cf. Isaiah 32:13-14). On sâdeh as an accusative of effect (as a field = becoming a field), see Ewald, §281, e ; and for the plural form עיּין , see Ewald, §177, a . Habbayith (the house) is probably chosen intentionally instead of bēth Y e hōvâh (the house of Jehovah), because the temple ceased to be the dwelling-place of Jehovah as soon as it was destroyed. Hence in Ezekiel (Ezekiel 10:18., Ezekiel 11:22.) the Schechinah departs before the Babylonians destroy it. With regard to the fulfilment of this threat, see the points discussed at Micah 4:10.