Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nahum » Chapter 3 » Verse 11

Nahum 3:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 Thou also shalt be drunken: H7937 thou shalt be hid, H5956 thou also shalt seek H1245 strength H4581 because of the enemy. H341

Cross Reference

Isaiah 49:26 STRONG

And I will feed H398 them that oppress H3238 thee with their own flesh; H1320 and they shall be drunken H7937 with their own blood, H1818 as with sweet wine: H6071 and all flesh H1320 shall know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 am thy Saviour H3467 and thy Redeemer, H1350 the mighty One H46 of Jacob. H3290

Isaiah 2:10 STRONG

Enter H935 into the rock, H6697 and hide H2934 thee in the dust, H6083 for H6440 fear H6343 of the LORD, H3068 and for the glory H1926 of his majesty. H1347

Revelation 6:15-17 STRONG

And G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 the great men, G3175 and G2532 the rich men, G4145 and G2532 the chief captains, G5506 and G2532 the mighty men, G1415 and G2532 every G3956 bondman, G1401 and G2532 every G3956 free man, G1658 hid G2928 themselves G1438 in G1519 the dens G4693 and G2532 in G1519 the rocks G4073 of the mountains; G3735 And G2532 said G3004 to the mountains G3735 and G2532 rocks, G4073 Fall G4098 on G1909 us, G2248 and G2532 hide G2928 us G2248 from G575 the face G4383 of him that sitteth G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 and G2532 from G575 the wrath G3709 of the Lamb: G721 For G3754 the great G3173 day G2250 of his G846 wrath G3709 is come; G2064 and G2532 who G5101 shall be able G1410 to stand? G2476

Luke 23:30 STRONG

Then G5119 shall they begin G756 to say G3004 to the mountains, G3735 Fall G4098 on G1909 us; G2248 and G2532 to the hills, G1015 Cover G2572 us. G2248

Nahum 1:10 STRONG

For while they be folden together H5440 as thorns, H5518 and while they are drunken H5433 as drunkards, H5435 they shall be devoured H398 as stubble H7179 fully H4392 dry. H3002

Hosea 10:8 STRONG

The high places H1116 also of Aven, H206 the sin H2403 of Israel, H3478 shall be destroyed: H8045 the thorn H6975 and the thistle H1863 shall come up H5927 on their altars; H4196 and they shall say H559 to the mountains, H2022 Cover H3680 us; and to the hills, H1389 Fall H5307 on us.

Jeremiah 4:5 STRONG

Declare H5046 ye in Judah, H3063 and publish H8085 in Jerusalem; H3389 and say, H559 Blow H8628 ye the trumpet H7782 in the land: H776 cry, H7121 gather together, H4390 and say, H559 Assemble H622 yourselves, and let us go H935 into the defenced H4013 cities. H5892

Isaiah 2:19 STRONG

And they shall go H935 into the holes H4631 of the rocks, H6697 and into the caves H4247 of the earth, H6083 for H6440 fear H6343 of the LORD, H3068 and for the glory H1926 of his majesty, H1347 when he ariseth H6965 to shake terribly H6206 the earth. H776

Psalms 75:8 STRONG

For in the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 there is a cup, H3563 and the wine H3196 is red; H2560 it is full H4392 of mixture; H4538 and he poureth out H5064 of the same: H2088 but the dregs H8105 thereof, all the wicked H7563 of the earth H776 shall wring them out, H4680 and drink H8354 them.

Nahum 2:1 STRONG

He that dasheth in pieces H6327 is come up H5927 before thy face: H6440 keep H5341 the munition, H4694 watch H6822 the way, H1870 make thy loins H4975 strong, H2388 fortify H553 thy power H3581 mightily. H3966

1 Samuel 13:6 STRONG

When the men H376 of Israel H3478 saw H7200 that they were in a strait, H6887 (for the people H5971 were distressed,) H5065 then the people H5971 did hide H2244 themselves in caves, H4631 and in thickets, H2337 and in rocks, H5553 and in high places, H6877 and in pits. H953

Micah 7:17 STRONG

They shall lick H3897 the dust H6083 like a serpent, H5175 they shall move H7264 out of their holes H4526 like worms H2119 of the earth: H776 they shall be afraid H6342 of the LORD H3068 our God, H430 and shall fear H3372 because of thee.

Amos 9:3 STRONG

And though they hide H2244 themselves in the top H7218 of Carmel, H3760 I will search H2664 and take them out H3947 thence; and though they be hid H5641 from my sight H5869 in the bottom H7172 of the sea, H3220 thence will I command H6680 the serpent, H5175 and he shall bite H5391 them:

Jeremiah 51:57 STRONG

And I will make drunk H7937 her princes, H8269 and her wise H2450 men, her captains, H6346 and her rulers, H5461 and her mighty men: H1368 and they shall sleep H3462 a perpetual H5769 sleep, H8142 and not wake, H6974 saith H5002 the King, H4428 whose name H8034 is the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Jeremiah 25:15-27 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 unto me; Take H3947 the wine H3196 cup H3563 of this fury H2534 at my hand, H3027 and cause all the nations, H1471 to whom I send H7971 thee, to drink H8248 it. And they shall drink, H8354 and be moved, H1607 and be mad, H1984 because H6440 of the sword H2719 that I will send H7971 among them. Then took H3947 I the cup H3563 at the LORD'S H3068 hand, H3027 and made all the nations H1471 to drink, H8248 unto whom the LORD H3068 had sent H7971 me: To wit, Jerusalem, H3389 and the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and the kings H4428 thereof, and the princes H8269 thereof, to make H5414 them a desolation, H2723 an astonishment, H8047 an hissing, H8322 and a curse; H7045 as it is this day; H3117 Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and his servants, H5650 and his princes, H8269 and all his people; H5971 And all the mingled H6153 people, and all the kings H4428 of the land H776 of Uz, H5780 and all the kings H4428 of the land H776 of the Philistines, H6430 and Ashkelon, H831 and Azzah, H5804 and Ekron, H6138 and the remnant H7611 of Ashdod, H795 Edom, H123 and Moab, H4124 and the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 And all the kings H4428 of Tyrus, H6865 and all the kings H4428 of Zidon, H6721 and the kings H4428 of the isles H339 which are beyond H5676 the sea, H3220 Dedan, H1719 and Tema, H8485 and Buz, H938 and all that are in the utmost H7112 corners, H6285 And all the kings H4428 of Arabia, H6152 and all the kings H4428 of the mingled people H6153 that dwell H7931 in the desert, H4057 And all the kings H4428 of Zimri, H2174 and all the kings H4428 of Elam, H5867 and all the kings H4428 of the Medes, H4074 And all the kings H4428 of the north, H6828 far H7350 and near, H7138 one H376 with another, H251 and all the kingdoms H4467 of the world, H776 which are upon the face H6440 of the earth: H127 and the king H4428 of Sheshach H8347 shall drink H8354 after H310 them. Therefore thou shalt say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Drink H8354 ye, and be drunken, H7937 and spue, H7006 and fall, H5307 and rise H6965 no more, because H6440 of the sword H2719 which I will send H7971 among you.

Jeremiah 8:14 STRONG

Why do we sit still? H3427 assemble H622 yourselves, and let us enter H935 into the defenced H4013 cities, H5892 and let us be silent H1826 there: for the LORD H3068 our God H430 hath put us to silence, H1826 and given us water H4325 of gall H7219 to drink, H8248 because we have sinned H2398 against the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 63:6 STRONG

And I will tread down H947 the people H5971 in mine anger, H639 and make them drunk H7937 in my fury, H2534 and I will bring down H3381 their strength H5332 to the earth. H776

Isaiah 29:9 STRONG

Stay H4102 yourselves, and wonder; H8539 cry ye out, H8173 and cry: H8173 they are drunken, H7937 but not with wine; H3196 they stagger, H5128 but not with strong drink. H7941

1 Samuel 14:11 STRONG

And both H8147 of them discovered H1540 themselves unto the garrison H4673 of the Philistines: H6430 and the Philistines H6430 said, H559 Behold, the Hebrews H5680 come forth H3318 out of the holes H2356 where they had hid H2244 themselves.

Commentary on Nahum 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Na 3:1-19. Repetition of Nineveh's Doom, with New Features; the Cause Is Her Tyranny, Rapine, and Cruelty: No-ammon's Fortifications Did Not Save Her; It Is Vain, Therefore, for Nineveh to Think Her Defenses Will Secure Her against God's Sentence.

1. the bloody city!—literally, "city of blood," namely, shed by Nineveh; just so now her own blood is to be shed.

robbery—violence [Maurer]. Extortion [Grotius].

the prey departeth not—Nineveh never ceases to live by rapine. Or, the Hebrew verb is transitive, "she (Nineveh) does not make the prey depart"; she ceases not to plunder.

2. The reader is transported into the midst of the fight (compare Jer 47:3). The "noise of the whips" urging on the horses (in the chariots) is heard, and of "the rattling of the wheels" of war chariots, and the "horses" are seen "prancing," and the "chariots jumping," &c.

3. horseman—distinct from "the horses" (in the chariots, Na 3:2).

lifteth up—denoting readiness for fight [Ewald]. Gesenius translates, "lifteth up (literally, 'makes to ascend') his horse." Similarly Maurer, "makes his horse to rise up on his hind feet." Vulgate translates, "ascending," that is, making his horse to advance up to the assault. This last is perhaps better than English Version.

the bright sword and the glittering spear—literally, "the glitter of the sword and the flash of the spear!" This, as well as the translation, "the horseman advancing up," more graphically presents the battle scene to the eye.

they stumble upon their corpses—The Medo-Babylonian enemy stumble upon the Assyrian corpses.

4. Because of the multitude of the whoredoms—This assigns the reason for Nineveh's destruction.

of the well-favoured harlot—As Assyria was not a worshipper of the true God, "whoredoms" cannot mean, as in the case of Israel, apostasy to the worship of false gods; but, her harlot-like artifices whereby she allured neighboring states so as to subject them to herself. As the unwary are allured by the "well-favored harlot's" looks, so Israel, Judah (for example, under Ahaz, who, calling to his aid Tiglath-pileser, was made tributary by him, 2Ki 16:7-10), and other nations, were tempted by the plausible professions of Assyria, and by the lure of commerce (Re 18:2, 3), to trust her.

witchcrafts—(Isa 47:9, 12). Alluding to the love incantations whereby harlots tried to dement and ensnare youths; answering to the subtle machinations whereby Assyria attracted nations to her.

selleth—deprives of their liberty; as slaves used to be sold: and in other property also sale was a usual mode of transfer. Maurer understands it of depriving nations of their freedom, and literally selling them as slaves to distant peoples (Joe 3:2, 3, 6-8). But elsewhere there is no evidence that the Assyrians did this.


5. I will discover thy skirts upon thy face—that is, discover thy nakedness by throwing up thy skirts upon thy face (the greatest possible insult), pulling them up as as high as thy head (Jer 13:22; Eze 16:37-41). I will treat thee not as a matron, but as a harlot whose shame is exposed; her gaudy finery being lifted up off her (Isa 47:2, 3). So Nineveh shall be stripped of all her glory and defenses on which she prides herself.

6. cast abominable filth upon thee—as infamous harlots used to be treated.

gazing stock—exposed to public ignominy as a warning to others (Eze 28:17).

7. all … that look upon thee—when thou hast been made "a gazing stock" (Na 3:6).

shall flee from thee—as a thing horrible to look upon. Compare "standing afar off," Re 18:10.

whence shall I seek comforters for thee?—Compare Isa 51:19, which Nahum had before his mind.

8. populous No—rather, as Hebrew, "No-ammon," the Egyptian name for Thebes in Upper Egypt; meaning the portion or possession of Ammon, the Egyptian Jupiter (whence the Greeks called the city Diospolis), who was especially worshipped there. The Egyptian inscriptions call the god Amon-re, that is, Amon the Sun; he is represented as a human figure with a ram's head, seated on a chair (Jer 46:25; Eze 30:14-16). The blow inflicted on No-ammon, described in Na 3:10, was probably by the Assyrian Sargon (see on Isa 18:1; Isa 20:1). As Thebes, with all her resources, was overcome by Assyria, so Assyrian Nineveh, notwithstanding all her might, in her turn, shall be overcome by Babylon. English Version, "populous," if correct, implies that No's large population did not save her from destruction.

situate among the rivers—probably the channels into which the Nile here divides (compare Isa 19:6-8). Thebes lay on both sides of the river. It was famed in Homer's time for its hundred gates [Iliad, 9.381]. Its ruins still describe a circumference of twenty-seven miles. Of them the temples of Luxor and Karnak, east of the river, are most famous. The colonnade of the former, and the grand hall of the latter, are of stupendous dimensions. One wall still represents the expedition of Shishak against Jerusalem under Rehoboam (1Ki 14:25; 2Ch 12:2-9).

whose … wall was from the sea—that is, rose up "from the sea." Maurer translates, "whose wall consisted of the sea." But this would be a mere repetition of the former clause. The Nile is called a sea, from its appearance in the annual flood (Isa 19:5).

9. Ethiopia—Hebrew, Cush. Ethiopia is thought at this time to have been mistress of Upper Egypt.

Egypt—Lower Egypt.

her strength—her safeguard as an ally.

it was infinite—The resources of these, her allies, were endless.

Put—or Phut (Ge 10:6); descended from Ham (Eze 27:10). From a root meaning a bow; as they were famed as archers [Gesenius]. Probably west of Lower Egypt. Josephus [Antiquities, 1:6.2] identifies it with Mauritania (compare Jer 46:9, Margin; Eze 38:5).

Lubim—the Libyans, whose capital was Cyrene; extending along the Mediterranean west of Egypt (2Ch 12:3; 16:8; Ac 2:10). As, however, the Lubim are always connected with the Egyptians and Ethiopians, they are perhaps distinct from the Libyans. The Lubim were probably at first wandering tribes, who afterwards were settled under Carthage in the region of Cyrene, under the name Libyans.


helpers—literally, "in thy help," that is, among thy auxiliaries.

10. Notwithstanding all her might, she was overcome.

cast lots for her honourable men—They divided them among themselves by lot, as slaves (Joe 3:3).

11. drunken—made to drink of the cup of Jehovah's wrath (Isa 51:17, 21; Jer 25:15).

hid—covered out of sight: a prediction remarkably verified in the state in which the ruins of Nineveh have been found [G. V. Smith]. But as "hid" precedes "seek strength," &c., it rather refers to Nineveh's state when attacked by her foe: "Thou who now so vauntest thyself, shalt be compelled to seek a hiding-place from the foe" [Calvin]; or, shalt be neglected and slighted by all [Maurer].

seek strength because of the enemy—Thou too, like Thebes (Na 3:9), shalt have recourse to other nations for help against thy Medo-Babylonian enemy.

12. thy strongholds—on the borders of Assyria, protecting the approaches to Nineveh: "the gates of thy land" (Na 3:13).

fig trees with the first ripe figs—expressing the rapidity and ease of the capture of Nineveh (compare Isa 28:4; Re 6:13).

13. thy people—thy soldiers.

women—unable to fight for thee (Isa 19:16; Jer 50:37; 51:30).

gates on thy land—the fortified passes or entrances to the region of Nineveh (compare Jer 15:7). Northeast of Nineveh there were hills affording a natural barrier against an invader; the guarded passes through these are probably "the gates of the land" meant.

fire shall devour thy bars—the "bars" of the fortresses at the passes into Assyria. So in Assyrian remains the Assyrians themselves are represented as setting fire to the gates of a city [Bonomi, Nineveh, pp. 194, 197].

14. Ironical exhortation to Nineveh to defend herself.

Draw … waters—so as not to be without water for drinking, in the event of being cut off by the besiegers from the fountains.

make strong the brick-kiln—or "repair" [Maurer]; so as to have a supply of bricks formed of kiln-burnt clay, to repair breaches in the ramparts, or to build new fortifications inside when the outer ones are taken by the foe.

15. There—in the very scene of thy great preparations for defense; and where thou now art so secure.

fire—even as at the former destruction; Sardanapalus (Pul?) perished with all his household in the conflagration of his palace, having in despair set it on fire, the traces of which are still remaining.

cankerworm—"the licking locust" [Henderson].

make thyself many as the locusts—"the swarming locusts" [Henderson]; that is, however "many" be thy forces, like those of "the swarming locusts," or the "licking locusts," yet the foe shall consume thee as the "licking locust" licks up all before it.

16. multiplied thy merchants—(Eze 27:23, 24). Nineveh, by large canals, had easy access to Babylon; and it was one of the great routes for the people of the west and northwest to that city; lying on the Tigris it had access to the sea. The Phœnicians carried its wares everywhere. Hence its merchandise is so much spoken of.

the cankerworm spoileth, and fleeth away—that is, spoiled thy merchants. The "cankerworm," or licking locust, answers to the Medo-Babylonian invaders of Nineveh [G. V. Smith]. Calvin explains less probably, "Thy merchants spoiled many regions; but the same shall befall them as befalls locusts, they in a moment shall be scattered and flee away." Maurer, somewhat similarly, "The licking locust puts off (the envelope in which his wings had been folded), and teeth away" (Na 2:9; compare Joe 1:4). The Hebrew has ten different names for the locust, so destructive was it.

17. Thy crowned—Thy princes (Re 9:7). The king's nobles and officers wore the tiara, as well as the king; hence they are called here "thy crowned ones."

as the locusts—as many as the swarming locusts.

thy captains—Tiphsar, an Assyrian word; found also in Jer 51:27, meaning satraps [Michaelis]; or rather, "military leaders" [Maurer]. The last syllable, sar means a "prince," and is found in Belshaz-zar, Nabopolas-sar, Nebuchadnez-zar.

as the great grasshoppers—literally, "as the locust of locusts," that is, the largest locust. Maurer translates, "as many as locusts upon locusts," that is, swarms of locusts. Hebrew idiom favors English Version.

in the hedges in the cold—Cold deprives the locust of the power of flight; so they alight in cold weather and at night, but when warmed by the sun soon "flee away." So shall the Assyrian multitudes suddenly disappear, not leaving a trace behind (compare Pliny, Natural History, 11.29).

18. Thy shepherds—that is, Thy leaders.

slumber—are carelessly secure [Maurer]. Rather, "lie in death's sleep, having been slain" [Jerome] (Ex 15:16; Ps 76:6).

shall dwell in the dust—(Ps 7:5; 94:17).

thy people is scattered—the necessary consequence of their leaders being laid low (1Ki 22:17).

19. bruit—the report.

clap the hands—with joy at thy fall. The sole descendants of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians in the whole country are the Nestorian Christians, who speak a Chaldean language [Layard].

upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?—implying God's long forbearance, and the consequent enormity of Assyria's guilt, rendering her case one that admitted no hope of restoration.