Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nehemiah » Chapter 10 » Verse 31

Nehemiah 10:31 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

31 And if the people H5971 of the land H776 bring H935 ware H4728 or any victuals H7668 on the sabbath H7676 day H3117 to sell, H4376 that we would not buy H3947 it of them on the sabbath, H7676 or on the holy H6944 day: H3117 and that we would leave H5203 the seventh H7637 year, H8141 and the exaction H4853 of every debt. H3027

Cross Reference

Nehemiah 13:15-22 STRONG

In those days H3117 saw H7200 I in Judah H3063 some treading H1869 wine presses H1660 on the sabbath, H7676 and bringing in H935 sheaves, H6194 and lading H6006 asses; H2543 as also wine, H3196 grapes, H6025 and figs, H8384 and all manner of burdens, H4853 which they brought H935 into Jerusalem H3389 on the sabbath H7676 day: H3117 and I testified H5749 against them in the day H3117 wherein they sold H4376 victuals. H6718 There dwelt H3427 men of Tyre H6876 also therein, which brought H935 fish, H1709 H1709 and all manner of ware, H4377 and sold H4376 on the sabbath H7676 unto the children H1121 of Judah, H3063 and in Jerusalem. H3389 Then I contended H7378 with the nobles H2715 of Judah, H3063 and said H559 unto them, What evil H7451 thing H1697 is this that ye do, H6213 and profane H2490 the sabbath H7676 day? H3117 Did H6213 not your fathers H1 thus, and did H935 not our God H430 bring H935 all this evil H7451 upon us, and upon this city? H5892 yet ye bring H935 more H3254 wrath H2740 upon Israel H3478 by profaning H2490 the sabbath. H7676 And it came to pass, that when the gates H8179 of Jerusalem H3389 began to be dark H6751 before H6440 the sabbath, H7676 I commanded H559 that the gates H1817 should be shut, H5462 and charged H559 that they should not be opened H6605 till after H310 the sabbath: H7676 and some of my servants H5288 set H5975 I at the gates, H8179 that there should no burden H4853 be brought in H935 on the sabbath H7676 day. H3117 So the merchants H7402 and sellers H4376 of all kind of ware H4465 lodged H3885 without H2351 Jerusalem H3389 once H6471 or twice. H8147 Then I testified H5749 against them, and said H559 unto them, Why lodge H3885 ye about H5048 the wall? H2346 if ye do so again, H8138 I will lay H7971 hands H3027 on you. From that time H6256 forth came H935 they no more on the sabbath. H7676 And I commanded H559 the Levites H3881 that they should cleanse H2891 themselves, and that they should come H935 and keep H8104 the gates, H8179 to sanctify H6942 the sabbath H7676 day. H3117 Remember H2142 me, O my God, H430 concerning this also, and spare H2347 me according to the greatness H7230 of thy mercy. H2617

Exodus 23:10-11 STRONG

And six H8337 years H8141 thou shalt sow H2232 thy land, H776 and shalt gather H622 in the fruits H8393 thereof: But the seventh H7637 year thou shalt let it rest H8058 and lie H5203 still; that the poor H34 of thy people H5971 may eat: H398 and what they leave H3499 the beasts H2416 of the field H7704 shall eat. H398 In like manner thou shalt deal H6213 with thy vineyard, H3754 and with thy oliveyard. H2132

Leviticus 23:3 STRONG

Six H8337 days H3117 shall work H4399 be done: H6213 but the seventh H7637 day H3117 is the sabbath H7676 of rest, H7677 an holy H6944 convocation; H4744 ye shall do H6213 no work H4399 therein: it is the sabbath H7676 of the LORD H3068 in all your dwellings. H4186

Exodus 20:10 STRONG

But the seventh H7637 day H3117 is the sabbath H7676 of the LORD H3068 thy God: H430 in it thou shalt not do H6213 any work, H4399 thou, nor thy son, H1121 nor thy daughter, H1323 thy manservant, H5650 nor thy maidservant, H519 nor thy cattle, H929 nor thy stranger H1616 that is within thy gates: H8179

Isaiah 58:6 STRONG

Is not this the fast H6685 that I have chosen? H977 to loose H6605 the bands H2784 of wickedness, H7562 to undo H5425 the heavy H4133 burdens, H92 and to let the oppressed H7533 go H7971 free, H2670 and that ye break H5423 every yoke? H4133

James 2:13 STRONG

For G1063 he shall have judgment G2920 without mercy, G448 that hath shewed G4160 no G3361 mercy; G1656 and G2532 mercy G1656 rejoiceth against G2620 judgment. G2920

Colossians 2:16 STRONG

Let G2919 no G3361 man G5100 therefore G3767 judge G2919 you G5209 in G1722 meat, G1035 or G2228 in G1722 drink, G4213 or G2228 in G1722 respect G3313 of an holyday, G1859 or G2228 of the new moon, G3561 or G2228 of the sabbath G4521 days:

Matthew 18:27-35 STRONG

Then G1161 the lord G2962 of that G1565 servant G1401 was moved with compassion, G4697 and loosed G630 him, G846 and G2532 forgave G863 him G846 the debt. G1156 But G1161 the same G1565 servant G1401 went out, G1831 and found G2147 one G1520 of his G846 fellowservants, G4889 which G3739 owed G3784 him G846 an hundred G1540 pence: G1220 and G2532 he laid hands G2902 on him, G846 and took him by the throat, G4155 saying, G3004 Pay G591 me G3427 that G3748 thou owest. G3784 And G3767 his G846 fellowservant G4889 fell down G4098 at G1519 his G846 feet, G4228 and besought G3870 him, G846 saying, G3004 Have patience G3114 with G1909 me, G1698 and G2532 I will pay G591 thee G4671 all. G3956 And G1161 he would G2309 not: G3756 but G235 went G565 and cast G906 him G846 into G1519 prison, G5438 till G2193 G3757 he should pay G591 the debt. G3784 So G1161 when his G846 fellowservants G4889 saw G1492 what was done, G1096 they were very G4970 sorry, G3076 and G2532 came G2064 and told G1285 unto their G846 lord G2962 all G3956 that was done. G1096 Then G5119 his G846 lord, G2962 after that he had called G4341 him, G846 said G3004 unto him, G846 O thou wicked G4190 servant, G1401 I forgave G863 thee G4671 all G3956 that G1565 debt, G3782 because G1893 thou desiredst G3870 me: G3165 Shouldest G1163 not G3756 thou G4571 also G2532 have had compassion G1653 on thy G4675 fellowservant, G4889 even G2532 as G5613 I G1473 had pity G1653 on thee? G4571 And G2532 his G846 lord G2962 was wroth, G3710 and delivered G3860 him G846 to the tormentors, G930 till G2193 G3757 he should pay G591 all G3956 that was due G3784 unto him. G846 So G3779 likewise shall my G3450 heavenly G2032 Father G3962 do G4160 also G2532 unto you, G5213 if G3362 ye from G575 your G5216 hearts G2588 forgive G863 not G3362 every one G1538 his G846 brother G80 their G846 trespasses. G3900

Matthew 6:12 STRONG

And G2532 forgive G863 us G2254 our G2257 debts, G3783 as G2532 G5613 we G2249 forgive G863 our G2257 debtors. G3781

Jeremiah 17:21-22 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Take heed H8104 to yourselves, H5315 and bear H5375 no burden H4853 on the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 nor bring H935 it in by the gates H8179 of Jerusalem; H3389 Neither carry forth H3318 a burden H4853 out of your houses H1004 on the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 neither do H6213 ye any work, H4399 but hallow H6942 ye the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 as I commanded H6680 your fathers. H1

Isaiah 58:13-14 STRONG

If thou turn away H7725 thy foot H7272 from the sabbath, H7676 from doing H6213 thy pleasure H2656 on my holy H6944 day; H3117 and call H7121 the sabbath H7676 a delight, H6027 the holy H6918 of the LORD, H3068 honourable; H3513 and shalt honour H3513 him, not doing H6213 thine own ways, H1870 nor finding H4672 thine own pleasure, H2656 nor speaking H1696 thine own words: H1697 Then shalt thou delight H6026 thyself in the LORD; H3068 and I will cause thee to ride H7392 upon the high places H1116 of the earth, H776 and feed H398 thee with the heritage H5159 of Jacob H3290 thy father: H1 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 it.

Exodus 12:16 STRONG

And in the first H7223 day H3117 there shall be an holy H6944 convocation, H4744 and in the seventh H7637 day H3117 there shall be an holy H6944 convocation H4744 to you; no manner of work H4399 shall be done H6213 in them, save H389 that which every man H5315 must eat, H398 that only may be done H6213 of you.

Nehemiah 5:1-13 STRONG

And there was a great H1419 cry H6818 of the people H5971 and of their wives H802 against their brethren H251 the Jews. H3064 For there were H3426 that said, H559 We, our sons, H1121 and our daughters, H1323 are many: H7227 therefore we take up H3947 corn H1715 for them, that we may eat, H398 and live. H2421 Some also there were H3426 that said, H559 We have mortgaged H6148 our lands, H7704 vineyards, H3754 and houses, H1004 that we might buy H3947 corn, H1715 because of the dearth. H7458 There were H3426 also that said, H559 We have borrowed H3867 money H3701 for the king's H4428 tribute, H4060 and that upon our lands H7704 and vineyards. H3754 Yet now our flesh H1320 is as the flesh H1320 of our brethren, H251 our children H1121 as their children: H1121 and, lo, we bring into bondage H3533 our sons H1121 and our daughters H1323 to be servants, H5650 and some of our daughters H1323 are H3426 brought unto bondage H3533 already: neither is it in our power H410 H3027 to redeem them; for other men H312 have our lands H7704 and vineyards. H3754 And I was very H3966 angry H2734 when I heard H8085 their cry H2201 and these words. H1697 Then I consulted H4427 with myself, H3820 and I rebuked H7378 the nobles, H2715 and the rulers, H5461 and said H559 unto them, Ye exact H5378 H5383 H5375 usury, H4855 every one H376 of his brother. H251 And I set H5414 a great H1419 assembly H6952 against them. And I said H559 unto them, We after our ability H1767 have redeemed H7069 our brethren H251 the Jews, H3064 which were sold H4376 unto the heathen; H1471 and will ye even sell H4376 your brethren? H251 or shall they be sold H4376 unto us? Then held they their peace, H2790 and found H4672 nothing H1697 to answer. Also I said, H559 It is not good H2896 that H1697 ye do: H6213 ought ye not to walk H3212 in the fear H3374 of our God H430 because of the reproach H2781 of the heathen H1471 our enemies? H341 I likewise, and my brethren, H251 and my servants, H5288 might exact H5383 of them money H3701 and corn: H1715 I pray you, let us leave off H5800 this usury. H4855 Restore, H7725 I pray you, to them, even this day, H3117 their lands, H7704 their vineyards, H3754 their oliveyards, H2132 and their houses, H1004 also the hundredth H3967 part of the money, H3701 and of the corn, H1715 the wine, H8492 and the oil, H3323 that ye exact H5383 of them. Then said H559 they, We will restore H7725 them, and will require H1245 nothing of them; so will we do H6213 as thou sayest. H559 Then I called H7121 the priests, H3548 and took an oath H7650 of them, that they should do H6213 according to this promise. H1697 Also I shook H5287 my lap, H2684 and said, H559 So God H430 shake out H5287 every man H376 from his house, H1004 and from his labour, H3018 that performeth H6965 not this promise, H1697 even thus be he shaken out, H5287 and emptied. H7386 And all the congregation H6951 said, H559 Amen, H543 and praised H1984 the LORD. H3068 And the people H5971 did H6213 according to this promise. H1697

2 Chronicles 36:21 STRONG

To fulfil H4390 the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 by the mouth H6310 of Jeremiah, H3414 until the land H776 had enjoyed H7521 her sabbaths: H7676 for as long as H3117 she lay desolate H8074 she kept sabbath, H7673 to fulfil H4390 threescore and ten H7657 years. H8141

Deuteronomy 15:7-9 STRONG

If there be among you a poor man H34 of one H259 of thy brethren H251 within any H259 of thy gates H8179 in thy land H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee, thou shalt not harden H553 thine heart, H3824 nor shut H7092 thine hand H3027 from thy poor H34 brother: H251 But thou shalt open H6605 thine hand H3027 wide H6605 unto him, and shalt surely H5670 lend H5670 him sufficient H1767 for his need, H4270 in that which he wanteth. H2637 Beware H8104 that there be not a thought H1697 in thy wicked H1100 heart, H3824 saying, H559 The seventh H7651 year, H8141 the year H8141 of release, H8059 is at hand; H7126 and thine eye H5869 be evil H7489 against thy poor H34 brother, H251 and thou givest H5414 him nought; and he cry H7121 unto the LORD H3068 against thee, and it be sin H2399 unto thee.

Deuteronomy 15:1-3 STRONG

At the end H7093 of every seven H7651 years H8141 thou shalt make H6213 a release. H8059 And this is the manner H1697 of the release: H8059 Every creditor H1167 H4874 H3027 that lendeth H5383 ought unto his neighbour H7453 shall release H8058 it; he shall not exact H5065 it of his neighbour, H7453 or of his brother; H251 because it is called H7121 the LORD'S H3068 release. H8059 Of a foreigner H5237 thou mayest exact H5065 it again: but that which is thine with thy brother H251 thine hand H3027 shall release; H8058

Deuteronomy 5:12-14 STRONG

Keep H8104 the sabbath H7676 day H3117 to sanctify H6942 it, as the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath commanded H6680 thee. Six H8337 days H3117 thou shalt labour, H5647 and do H6213 all thy work: H4399 But the seventh H7637 day H3117 is the sabbath H7676 of the LORD H3068 thy God: H430 in it thou shalt not do H6213 any work, H4399 thou, nor thy son, H1121 nor thy daughter, H1323 nor thy manservant, H5650 nor thy maidservant, H519 nor thine ox, H7794 nor thine ass, H2543 nor any of thy cattle, H929 nor thy stranger H1616 that is within thy gates; H8179 that thy manservant H5650 and thy maidservant H519 may rest H5117 as well as thou.

Leviticus 25:1-7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses H4872 in mount H2022 Sinai, H5514 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When ye come H935 into the land H776 which I give H5414 you, then shall the land H776 keep H7673 a sabbath H7676 unto the LORD. H3068 Six H8337 years H8141 thou shalt sow H2232 thy field, H7704 and six H8337 years H8141 thou shalt prune H2168 thy vineyard, H3754 and gather H622 in the fruit H8393 thereof; But in the seventh H7637 year H8141 shall be a sabbath H7676 of rest H7677 unto the land, H776 a sabbath H7676 for the LORD: H3068 thou shalt neither sow H2232 thy field, H7704 nor prune H2168 thy vineyard. H3754 That which groweth of its own accord H5599 of thy harvest H7105 thou shalt not reap, H7114 neither gather H1219 the grapes H6025 of thy vine undressed: H5139 for it is a year H8141 of rest H7677 unto the land. H776 And the sabbath H7676 of the land H776 shall be meat H402 for you; for thee, and for thy servant, H5650 and for thy maid, H519 and for thy hired servant, H7916 and for thy stranger H8453 that sojourneth H1481 with thee, And for thy cattle, H929 and for the beast H2416 that are in thy land, H776 shall all the increase H8393 thereof be meat. H398

Leviticus 23:35-36 STRONG

On the first H7223 day H3117 shall be an holy H6944 convocation: H4744 ye shall do H6213 no servile H5656 work H4399 therein. Seven H7651 days H3117 ye shall offer H7126 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD: H3068 on the eighth H8066 day H3117 shall be an holy H6944 convocation H4744 unto you; and ye shall offer H7126 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD: H3068 it is a solemn assembly; H6116 and ye shall do H6213 no servile H5656 work H4399 therein.

Leviticus 23:21 STRONG

And ye shall proclaim H7121 on the selfsame H6106 day, H3117 that it may be an holy H6944 convocation H4744 unto you: ye shall do H6213 no servile H5656 work H4399 therein: it shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 in all your dwellings H4186 throughout your generations. H1755

Leviticus 16:29 STRONG

And this shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 unto you: that in the seventh H7637 month, H2320 on the tenth H6218 day of the month, H2320 ye shall afflict H6031 your souls, H5315 and do H6213 no work H4399 at all, whether it be one of your own country, H249 or a stranger H1616 that sojourneth H1481 among H8432 you:

Commentary on Nehemiah 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ne 10:1-27. The Names of Those Who Sealed the Covenant.

1. Nehemiah, the Tirshatha—His name was placed first in the roll on account of his high official rank, as deputy of the Persian monarch. All classes were included in the subscription; but the people were represented by their elders (Ne 10:14), as it would have been impossible for every one in the country to have been admitted to the sealing.

Ne 10:28. The Rest of the People Bound Themselves to Observe It.

Those who were not present at the sealing ratified the covenant by giving their assent, either in words or by lifting up their hands, and bound themselves, by a solemn oath, to walk in God's law, imprecating a curse upon themselves in the event of their violating it.

Ne 10:29-39. Points of the Covenant.

29-37. to observe and do all the commandments, &c.—This national covenant, besides containing a solemn pledge of obedience to the divine law generally, specified their engagement to some particular duties, which the character and exigency of the times stamped with great urgency and importance, and which may be summed up under the following heads: that they abstain from contracting matrimonial alliances with the heathen; that they would rigidly observe the sabbath; that they would let the land enjoy rest and remit debts every seventh year; that they would contribute to the maintenance of the temple service, the necessary expenses of which had formerly been defrayed out of the treasury of the temple (1Ch 26:20), and when it was drained, given out from the king's privy purse (2Ch 31:3); and that they would make an orderly payment of the priests' dues. A minute and particular enumeration of the first-fruits was made, that all might be made fully aware of their obligations, and that none might excuse themselves on pretext of ignorance from withholding taxes which the poverty of many, and the irreligion of others, had made them exceedingly prone to evade.

32. the third part of a shekel for the service of the house of our God—The law required every individual above twenty years of age to pay half a shekel to the sanctuary. But in consequence of the general poverty of the people, occasioned by war and captivity, this tribute was reduced to a third part of a shekel.

34. we cast the lots … for the wood offering—The carrying of the wood had formerly been the work of the Nethinims. But few of them having returned, the duty was assigned as stated in the text. The practice afterwards rose into great importance, and Josephus speaks [The Wars of the Jews, 2.17, sect. 6] of the Xylophoria, or certain stated and solemn times at which the people brought up wood to the temple.

38. the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes—This was a prudential arrangement. The presence of a dignified priest would ensure the peaceful delivery of the tithes; at least his superintendence and influence would tend to prevent the commission of any wrong in the transaction, by the people deceiving the Levites, or the Levites defrauding the priests.

the tithe of the tithes—The Levites, having received a tenth of all land produce, were required to give a tenth of this to the priests. The Levites were charged with the additional obligation to carry the tithes when received, and deposit them in the temple stores, for the use of the priests.

39. and we will not forsake the house of our God—This solemn pledge was repeated at the close of the covenant as an expression of the intense zeal by which the people at this time were animated for the glory and the worship of God. Under the pungent feelings of sorrow and repentance for their national sins, of which apostasy from the service of the true God was the chief, and under the yet fresh and painful remembrance of their protracted captivity, they vowed, and (feeling the impulse of ardent devotion as well as of gratitude for their restoration) flattered themselves they would never forget their vow, to be the Lord's.