Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nehemiah » Chapter 10 » Verse 9

Nehemiah 10:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And the Levites: H3881 both Jeshua H3442 the son H1121 of Azaniah, H245 Binnui H1131 of the sons H1121 of Henadad, H2582 Kadmiel; H6934

Cross Reference

Nehemiah 3:18-19 STRONG

After H310 him repaired H2388 their brethren, H251 Bavai H942 the son H1121 of Henadad, H2582 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Keilah. H7084 And next to him H3027 repaired H2388 Ezer H5829 the son H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 the ruler H8269 of Mizpah, H4709 another H8145 piece H4060 over against the going up H5927 to the armoury H5402 at the turning H4740 of the wall.

Nehemiah 3:24 STRONG

After H310 him repaired H2388 Binnui H1131 the son H1121 of Henadad H2582 another H8145 piece, H4060 from the house H1004 of Azariah H5838 unto the turning H4740 of the wall, even unto the corner. H6438

Nehemiah 7:43 STRONG

The Levites: H3881 the children H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 of Kadmiel, H6934 and of the children H1121 of Hodevah, H1937 seventy H7657 and four. H702

Nehemiah 8:7 STRONG

Also Jeshua, H3442 and Bani, H1137 and Sherebiah, H8274 Jamin, H3226 Akkub, H6126 Shabbethai, H7678 Hodijah, H1941 Maaseiah, H4641 Kelita, H7042 Azariah, H5838 Jozabad, H3107 Hanan, H2605 Pelaiah, H6411 and the Levites, H3881 caused the people H5971 to understand H995 the law: H8451 and the people H5971 stood in their place. H5977

Nehemiah 9:4 STRONG

Then stood up H6965 upon the stairs, H4608 of the Levites, H3881 Jeshua, H3442 and Bani, H1137 Kadmiel, H6934 Shebaniah, H7645 Bunni, H1138 Sherebiah, H8274 Bani, H1137 and Chenani, H3662 and cried H2199 with a loud H1419 voice H6963 unto the LORD H3068 their God. H430

Nehemiah 12:8 STRONG

Moreover the Levites: H3881 Jeshua, H3442 Binnui, H1131 Kadmiel, H6934 Sherebiah, H8274 Judah, H3063 and Mattaniah, H4983 which was over the thanksgiving, H1960 he and his brethren. H251

Nehemiah 12:24 STRONG

And the chief H7218 of the Levites: H3881 Hashabiah, H2811 Sherebiah, H8274 and Jeshua H3442 the son H1121 of Kadmiel, H6934 with their brethren H251 over against them, to praise H1984 and to give thanks, H3034 according to the commandment H4687 of David H1732 the man H376 of God, H430 ward H4929 over against H5980 ward. H4929

Commentary on Nehemiah 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ne 10:1-27. The Names of Those Who Sealed the Covenant.

1. Nehemiah, the Tirshatha—His name was placed first in the roll on account of his high official rank, as deputy of the Persian monarch. All classes were included in the subscription; but the people were represented by their elders (Ne 10:14), as it would have been impossible for every one in the country to have been admitted to the sealing.

Ne 10:28. The Rest of the People Bound Themselves to Observe It.

Those who were not present at the sealing ratified the covenant by giving their assent, either in words or by lifting up their hands, and bound themselves, by a solemn oath, to walk in God's law, imprecating a curse upon themselves in the event of their violating it.

Ne 10:29-39. Points of the Covenant.

29-37. to observe and do all the commandments, &c.—This national covenant, besides containing a solemn pledge of obedience to the divine law generally, specified their engagement to some particular duties, which the character and exigency of the times stamped with great urgency and importance, and which may be summed up under the following heads: that they abstain from contracting matrimonial alliances with the heathen; that they would rigidly observe the sabbath; that they would let the land enjoy rest and remit debts every seventh year; that they would contribute to the maintenance of the temple service, the necessary expenses of which had formerly been defrayed out of the treasury of the temple (1Ch 26:20), and when it was drained, given out from the king's privy purse (2Ch 31:3); and that they would make an orderly payment of the priests' dues. A minute and particular enumeration of the first-fruits was made, that all might be made fully aware of their obligations, and that none might excuse themselves on pretext of ignorance from withholding taxes which the poverty of many, and the irreligion of others, had made them exceedingly prone to evade.

32. the third part of a shekel for the service of the house of our God—The law required every individual above twenty years of age to pay half a shekel to the sanctuary. But in consequence of the general poverty of the people, occasioned by war and captivity, this tribute was reduced to a third part of a shekel.

34. we cast the lots … for the wood offering—The carrying of the wood had formerly been the work of the Nethinims. But few of them having returned, the duty was assigned as stated in the text. The practice afterwards rose into great importance, and Josephus speaks [The Wars of the Jews, 2.17, sect. 6] of the Xylophoria, or certain stated and solemn times at which the people brought up wood to the temple.

38. the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes—This was a prudential arrangement. The presence of a dignified priest would ensure the peaceful delivery of the tithes; at least his superintendence and influence would tend to prevent the commission of any wrong in the transaction, by the people deceiving the Levites, or the Levites defrauding the priests.

the tithe of the tithes—The Levites, having received a tenth of all land produce, were required to give a tenth of this to the priests. The Levites were charged with the additional obligation to carry the tithes when received, and deposit them in the temple stores, for the use of the priests.

39. and we will not forsake the house of our God—This solemn pledge was repeated at the close of the covenant as an expression of the intense zeal by which the people at this time were animated for the glory and the worship of God. Under the pungent feelings of sorrow and repentance for their national sins, of which apostasy from the service of the true God was the chief, and under the yet fresh and painful remembrance of their protracted captivity, they vowed, and (feeling the impulse of ardent devotion as well as of gratitude for their restoration) flattered themselves they would never forget their vow, to be the Lord's.