Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nehemiah » Chapter 3 » Verse 1-32

Nehemiah 3:1-32 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Then Eliashib H475 the high H1419 priest H3548 rose up H6965 with his brethren H251 the priests, H3548 and they builded H1129 the sheep H6629 gate; H8179 they sanctified H6942 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 of it; even unto the tower H4026 of Meah H3968 they sanctified H6942 it, unto the tower H4026 of Hananeel. H2606

2 And next unto him H3027 builded H1129 the men H582 of Jericho. H3405 And next to them builded H1129 Zaccur H2139 the son H1121 of Imri. H566

3 But the fish H1709 gate H8179 did the sons H1121 of Hassenaah H5570 build, H1129 who also laid the beams H7136 thereof, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof.

4 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Meremoth H4822 the son H1121 of Urijah, H223 the son H1121 of Koz. H6976 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Meshullam H4918 the son H1121 of Berechiah, H1296 the son H1121 of Meshezabeel. H4898 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Zadok H6659 the son H1121 of Baana. H1195

5 And next unto them H3027 the Tekoites H8621 repaired; H2388 but their nobles H117 put H935 not their necks H6677 to the work H5656 of their Lord. H113

6 Moreover the old H3465 gate H8179 repaired H2388 Jehoiada H3111 the son H1121 of Paseah, H6454 and Meshullam H4918 the son H1121 of Besodeiah; H1152 they laid the beams H7136 thereof, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, and the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof.

7 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Melatiah H4424 the Gibeonite, H1393 and Jadon H3036 the Meronothite, H4824 the men H582 of Gibeon, H1391 and of Mizpah, H4709 unto the throne H3678 of the governor H6346 on this side H5676 the river. H5104

8 Next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Uzziel H5816 the son H1121 of Harhaiah, H2736 of the goldsmiths. H6884 Next unto him H3027 also repaired H2388 Hananiah H2608 the son H1121 of one of the apothecaries, H7546 and they fortified H5800 Jerusalem H3389 unto the broad H7342 wall. H2346

9 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Rephaiah H7509 the son H1121 of Hur, H2354 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Jerusalem. H3389

10 And next unto them H3027 repaired H2388 Jedaiah H3042 the son H1121 of Harumaph, H2739 even over against his house. H1004 And next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Hattush H2407 the son H1121 of Hashabniah. H2813

11 Malchijah H4441 the son H1121 of Harim, H2766 and Hashub H2815 the son H1121 of Pahathmoab, H6355 repaired H2388 the other H8145 piece, H4060 and the tower H4026 of the furnaces. H8574

12 And next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Shallum H7967 the son H1121 of Halohesh, H3873 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Jerusalem, H3389 he and his daughters. H1323

13 The valley H1516 gate H8179 repaired H2388 Hanun, H2586 and the inhabitants H3427 of Zanoah; H2182 they built H1129 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof, and a thousand H505 cubits H520 on the wall H2346 unto the dung H830 gate. H8179

14 But the dung H830 gate H8179 repaired H2388 Malchiah H4441 the son H1121 of Rechab, H7394 the ruler H8269 of part H6418 of Bethhaccerem; H1021 he built H1129 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof.

15 But the gate H8179 of the fountain H5869 repaired H2388 Shallun H7968 the son H1121 of Colhozeh, H3626 the ruler H8269 of part H6418 of Mizpah; H4709 he built H1129 it, and covered H2926 it, and set up H5975 the doors H1817 thereof, the locks H4514 thereof, and the bars H1280 thereof, and the wall H2346 of the pool H1295 of Siloah H7975 by the king's H4428 garden, H1588 and unto the stairs H4609 that go down H3381 from the city H5892 of David. H1732

16 After H310 him repaired H2388 Nehemiah H5166 the son H1121 of Azbuk, H5802 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Bethzur, H1049 unto the place over against the sepulchres H6913 of David, H1732 and to the pool H1295 that was made, H6213 and unto the house H1004 of the mighty. H1368

17 After H310 him repaired H2388 the Levites, H3881 Rehum H7348 the son H1121 of Bani. H1137 Next unto him H3027 repaired H2388 Hashabiah, H2811 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Keilah, H7084 in his part. H6418

18 After H310 him repaired H2388 their brethren, H251 Bavai H942 the son H1121 of Henadad, H2582 the ruler H8269 of the half H2677 part H6418 of Keilah. H7084

19 And next to him H3027 repaired H2388 Ezer H5829 the son H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 the ruler H8269 of Mizpah, H4709 another H8145 piece H4060 over against the going up H5927 to the armoury H5402 at the turning H4740 of the wall.

20 After H310 him Baruch H1263 the son H1121 of Zabbai H2079 earnestly H2734 repaired H2388 the other H8145 piece, H4060 from the turning H4740 of the wall unto the door H6607 of the house H1004 of Eliashib H475 the high H1419 priest. H3548

21 After H310 him repaired H2388 Meremoth H4822 the son H1121 of Urijah H223 the son H1121 of Koz H6976 another H8145 piece, H4060 from the door H6607 of the house H1004 of Eliashib H475 even to the end H8503 of the house H1004 of Eliashib. H475

22 And after H310 him repaired H2388 the priests, H3548 the men H582 of the plain. H3603

23 After H310 him repaired H2388 Benjamin H1144 and Hashub H2815 over against their house. H1004 After H310 him repaired H2388 Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Maaseiah H4641 the son H1121 of Ananiah H6055 by H681 his house. H1004

24 After H310 him repaired H2388 Binnui H1131 the son H1121 of Henadad H2582 another H8145 piece, H4060 from the house H1004 of Azariah H5838 unto the turning H4740 of the wall, even unto the corner. H6438

25 Palal H6420 the son H1121 of Uzai, H186 over against the turning H4740 of the wall, and the tower H4026 which lieth out H3318 from the king's H4428 high H5945 house, H1004 that was by the court H2691 of the prison. H4307 After H310 him Pedaiah H6305 the son H1121 of Parosh. H6551

26 Moreover the Nethinims H5411 dwelt H3427 in Ophel, H6077 unto the place over against the water H4325 gate H8179 toward the east, H4217 and the tower H4026 that lieth out. H3318

27 After H310 them the Tekoites H8621 repaired H2388 another H8145 piece, H4060 over against the great H1419 tower H4026 that lieth out, H3318 even unto the wall H2346 of Ophel. H6077

28 From above the horse H5483 gate H8179 repaired H2388 the priests, H3548 every one H376 over against H5048 his house. H1004

29 After H310 them repaired H2388 Zadok H6659 the son H1121 of Immer H564 over against his house. H1004 After H310 him repaired H2388 also Shemaiah H8098 the son H1121 of Shechaniah, H7935 the keeper H8104 of the east H4217 gate. H8179

30 After H310 him repaired H2388 Hananiah H2608 the son H1121 of Shelemiah, H8018 and Hanun H2586 the sixth H8345 son H1121 of Zalaph, H6764 another H8145 piece. H4060 After H310 him repaired H2388 Meshullam H4918 the son H1121 of Berechiah H1296 over against his chamber. H5393

31 After H310 him repaired H2388 Malchiah H4441 the goldsmith's H6885 son H1121 unto the place H1004 of the Nethinims, H5411 and of the merchants, H7402 over against the gate H8179 Miphkad, H4663 and to the going up H5944 of the corner. H6438

32 And between the going up H5944 of the corner H6438 unto the sheep H6629 gate H8179 repaired H2388 the goldsmiths H6884 and the merchants. H7402

Commentary on Nehemiah 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ne 3:1-32. The Names and Order of Them That Builded the Wall of Jerusalem.

1. Then Eliashib the high priest—the grandson of Jeshua, and the first high priest after the return from Babylon.

rose up with his brethren the priests—that is, set an example by commencing the work, their labors being confined to the sacred localities.

and they builded the sheep gate—close to the temple. Its name arose either from the sheep market, or from the pool of Bethesda, which was there (Joh 5:2). There the sheep were washed and then taken to the temple for sacrifice.

they sanctified it, and set up the doors—Being the common entrance into the temple, and the first part of the building repaired, it is probable that some religious ceremonies were observed in gratitude for its completion. "It was the first-fruits, and therefore, in the sanctification of it, the whole lump and building was sanctified" [Poole].

the tower of Meah—This word is improperly considered, in our version, as the name of a tower; it is the Hebrew word for "a hundred," so that the meaning is: they not only rebuilt the sheep gate, but also a hundred cubits of the wall, which extended as far as the tower of Hananeel.

2. next unto him builded the men of Jericho, &c.—The wall was divided into portions, one of which was assigned respectively to each of the great families which had returned from the captivity. This distribution, by which the building was carried on in all parts simultaneously with great energy, was eminently favorable to despatch. "The villages where the restorers resided being mostly mentioned, it will be seen that this circumstance affords a general indication of the part of the wall upon which they labored, such places being on that side of the city nearest their place of abode; the only apparent exception being, perhaps, where they repaired more than their piece. Having completed their first undertaking (if they worked any more), there being no more work to be done on the side next their residence, or having arrived after the repairs on that part of the city nearest them under operation were completed, they would go wherever their services would be required" [Barclay, City of the Great King].

8. they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall—or, "double wall," extending from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits in length, formerly broken down by Joash, king of Israel [2Ch 25:23], but afterwards rebuilt by Uzziah [2Ch 26:9], who made it so strong that the Chaldeans, finding it difficult to demolish, had left it standing.

12. Shallum … he and his daughters—who were either heiresses or rich widows. They undertook to defray the expenses of a part of the wall next them.

13. the inhabitants of Zanoah—There were two towns so called in the territory of Judah (Jos 15:34, 56).

14. Beth-haccerem—a city of Judah, supposed to be now occupied by Bethulia, on a hill of the same name, which is sometimes called also the mountain of the Franks, between Jerusalem and Tekoa.

16. the sepulchres of David, and to the pool that was made, and unto the house of the mighty—that is, along the precipitous cliffs of Zion [Barclay].

19. at the turning of the wall—that is, the wall across the Tyropœon, being a continuation of the first wall, connecting Mount Zion with the temple wall [Barclay].

25. the tower which lieth out from the king's high house—that is, watchtower by the royal palace [Barclay].

26. the Nethinims—Not only the priests and the Levites, but the common persons that belonged to the house of God, contributed to the work. The names of those who repaired the walls of Jerusalem are commemorated because it was a work of piety and patriotism to repair the holy city. It was an instance of religion and courage to defend the true worshippers of God, that they might serve Him in quietness and safety, and, in the midst of so many enemies, go on with this work, piously confiding in the power of God to support them [Bishop Patrick].