Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nehemiah » Chapter 6 » Verse 19

Nehemiah 6:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 Also they reported H559 his good deeds H2896 before H6440 me, and uttered H3318 my words H1697 to him. And Tobiah H2900 sent H7971 letters H107 to put me in fear. H3372

Cross Reference

Nehemiah 6:9 STRONG

For they all made us afraid, H3372 saying, H559 Their hands H3027 shall be weakened H7503 from the work, H4399 that it be not done. H6213 Now therefore, O God, strengthen H2388 my hands. H3027

Nehemiah 6:13 STRONG

Therefore was he hired, H7936 that I should be afraid, H3372 and do so, H6213 and sin, H2398 and that they might have matter for an evil H7451 report, H8034 that they might reproach H2778 me.

Proverbs 28:4 STRONG

They that forsake H5800 the law H8451 praise H1984 the wicked: H7563 but such as keep H8104 the law H8451 contend H1624 with them.

Isaiah 37:10-14 STRONG

Thus shall ye speak H559 to Hezekiah H2396 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 saying, H559 Let not thy God, H430 in whom thou trustest, H982 deceive H5377 thee, saying, H559 Jerusalem H3389 shall not be given H5414 into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 Behold, thou hast heard H8085 what the kings H4428 of Assyria H804 have done H6213 to all lands H776 by destroying them utterly; H2763 and shalt thou be delivered? H5337 Have the gods H430 of the nations H1471 delivered H5337 them which my fathers H1 have destroyed, H7843 as Gozan, H1470 and Haran, H2771 and Rezeph, H7530 and the children H1121 of Eden H5729 which were in Telassar? H8515 Where is the king H4428 of Hamath, H2574 and the king H4428 of Arphad, H774 and the king H4428 of the city H5892 of Sepharvaim, H5617 Hena, H2012 and Ivah? H5755 And Hezekiah H2396 received H3947 the letter H5612 from the hand H3027 of the messengers, H4397 and read H7121 it: and Hezekiah H2396 went up H5927 unto the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and spread H6566 it before H6440 the LORD. H3068

John 7:7 STRONG

The world G2889 cannot G3756 G1410 hate G3404 you; G5209 but G1161 me G1691 it hateth, G3404 because G3754 I G1473 testify G3140 of G4012 it, G846 that G3754 the works G2041 thereof G846 are G2076 evil. G4190

John 15:19 STRONG

If G1487 ye were G2258 of G1537 the world, G2889 the world G2889 would G302 love G5368 his own: G2398 but G1161 because G3754 ye are G2075 not G3756 of G1537 the world, G2889 but G235 I G1473 have chosen G1586 you G5209 out of G1537 the world, G2889 therefore G5124 G1223 the world G2889 hateth G3404 you. G5209

Acts 4:18-21 STRONG

And G2532 they called G2564 them, G846 and commanded G3853 them G846 not G3361 to speak G5350 at all G2527 nor G3366 teach G1321 in G1909 the name G3686 of Jesus. G2424 But G1161 Peter G4074 and G2532 John G2491 answered G611 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Whether G1487 it be G2076 right G1342 in the sight G1799 of God G2316 to hearken G191 unto you G5216 more than G3123 G2228 unto God, G2316 judge ye. G2919 For G1063 we G2249 cannot G3756 G1410 but G3361 speak G2980 the things which G3739 we have seen G1492 and G2532 heard. G191 So G1161 when they had further threatened them, G4324 they let G630 them G846 go, G630 finding G2147 nothing G3367 how G4459 they might punish G2849 them, G846 because G1223 of the people: G2992 for G3754 all G3956 men glorified G1392 God G2316 for G1909 that which was done. G1096

1 John 4:5 STRONG

They G846 are G1526 of G1537 the world: G2889 therefore G1223 G5124 speak they G2980 of G1537 the world, G2889 and G2532 the world G2889 heareth G191 them. G846

Commentary on Nehemiah 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ne 6:1-19. Sanballat Practises against Nehemiah by Insidious Attempts.

2-4. Then Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me—The Samaritan leaders, convinced that they could not overcome Nehemiah by open arms, resolved to gain advantage over him by deceit and stratagem. With this in view, under pretext of terminating their differences in an amicable manner, they invited him to a conference. The place of rendezvous was fixed "in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono." "In the villages" is, Hebrew, "in Cephirim," or "Chephirah," the name of a town in the territory of Benjamin (Jos 9:17; 18:26). Nehemiah, however, apprehensive of some intended mischief, prudently declined the invitation. Though it was repeated four times, [Nehemiah's] uniform answer was that his presence could not be dispensed with from the important work in which he was engaged. This was one, though not the only, reason. The principal ground of his refusal was that his seizure or death at their hands would certainly put a stop to the further progress of the fortifications.

5-9. Then sent Sanballat his servant … the fifth time with an open letter in his hand—In Western Asia, letters, after being rolled up like a map, are flattened to the breadth of an inch; and instead of being sealed, they are pasted at the ends. In Eastern Asia, the Persians make up their letters in the form of a roll about six inches long, and a bit of paper is fastened round it with gum, and sealed with an impression of ink, which resembles our printers' ink, but it is not so thick. Letters were, and are still, sent to persons of distinction in a bag or purse, and even to equals they are enclosed—the tie being made with a colored ribbon. But to inferiors, or persons who are to be treated contemptuously, the letters were sent open—that is, not enclosed in a bag. Nehemiah, accustomed to the punctillious ceremonial of the Persian court, would at once notice the want of the usual formality and know that it was from designed disrespect. The strain of the letter was equally insolent. It was to this effect: The fortifications with which he was so busy were intended to strengthen his position in the view of a meditated revolt: he had engaged prophets to incite the people to enter into his design and support his claim to be their native king; and, to stop the circulation of such reports, which would soon reach the court, he was earnestly besought to come to the wished-for conference. Nehemiah, strong in the consciousness of his own integrity, and penetrating the purpose of this shallow artifice, replied that there were no rumors of the kind described, that the idea of a revolt and the stimulating addresses of hired demagogues were stories of the writer's own invention, and that he declined now, as formerly, to leave his work.

10-14. Afterward I came unto the house of Shemaiah, &c.—This man was the son of a priest, who was an intimate and confidential friend of Nehemiah. The young man claimed to be endowed with the gift of prophecy. Having been secretly bribed by Sanballat, he, in his pretended capacity of prophet, told Nehemiah that his enemies were that night to make an attempt upon his life. He advised him, at the same time, to consult his safety by concealing himself in the sanctuary, a crypt which, from its sanctity, was strong and secure. But the noble-minded governor determined at all hazards to remain at his post, and not bring discredit on the cause of God and religion by his unworthy cowardice in leaving the temple and city unprotected. This plot, together with a secret collusion between the enemy and the nobles of Judah who were favorably disposed towards the bad Samaritan in consequence of his Jewish connections (Ne 6:18), the undaunted courage and vigilance of Nehemiah were enabled, with the blessing of God, to defeat, and the erection of the walls thus built in troublous times (Da 9:25) was happily completed (Ne 6:15) in the brief space of fifty-two days. So rapid execution, even supposing some parts of the old wall standing, cannot be sufficiently accounted for, except by the consideration that the builders labored with the ardor of religious zeal, as men employed in the work of God.