Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nehemiah » Chapter 7 » Verse 6-73

Nehemiah 7:6-73 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 These are the children H1121 of the province, H4082 that went up H5927 out of the captivity, H7628 of those that had been carried away, H1473 whom Nebuchadnezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon H894 had carried away, H1540 and came again H7725 to Jerusalem H3389 and to Judah, H3063 every one H376 unto his city; H5892

7 Who came H935 with Zerubbabel, H2216 Jeshua, H3442 Nehemiah, H5166 Azariah, H5838 Raamiah, H7485 Nahamani, H5167 Mordecai, H4782 Bilshan, H1114 Mispereth, H4559 Bigvai, H902 Nehum, H5149 Baanah. H1196 The number, H4557 I say, of the men H582 of the people H5971 of Israel H3478 was this;

8 The children H1121 of Parosh, H6551 two H8147 thousand H505 an hundred H3967 seventy H7657 and two. H8147

9 The children H1121 of Shephatiah, H8203 three H7969 hundred H3967 seventy H7657 and two. H8147

10 The children H1121 of Arah, H733 six H8337 hundred H3967 fifty H2572 and two. H8147

11 The children H1121 of Pahathmoab, H6355 of the children H1121 of Jeshua H3442 and Joab, H3097 two thousand H505 and eight H8083 hundred H3967 and eighteen. H8083 H6240

12 The children H1121 of Elam, H5867 a thousand H505 two hundred H3967 fifty H2572 and four. H702

13 The children H1121 of Zattu, H2240 eight H8083 hundred H3967 forty H705 and five. H2568

14 The children H1121 of Zaccai, H2140 seven H7651 hundred H3967 and threescore. H8346

15 The children H1121 of Binnui, H1131 six H8337 hundred H3967 forty H705 and eight. H8083

16 The children H1121 of Bebai, H893 six H8337 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and eight. H8083

17 The children H1121 of Azgad, H5803 two H8147 thousand H505 three H7969 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and two. H8147

18 The children H1121 of Adonikam, H140 six H8337 hundred H3967 threescore H8346 and seven. H7651

19 The children H1121 of Bigvai, H902 two thousand H505 threescore H8346 and seven. H7651

20 The children H1121 of Adin, H5720 six H8337 hundred H3967 fifty H2572 and five. H2568

21 The children H1121 of Ater H333 of Hezekiah, H2396 ninety H8673 and eight. H8083

22 The children H1121 of Hashum, H2828 three H7969 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and eight. H8083

23 The children H1121 of Bezai, H1209 three H7969 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and four. H702

24 The children H1121 of Hariph, H2756 an hundred H3967 and twelve. H8147 H6240

25 The children H1121 of Gibeon, H1391 ninety H8673 and five. H2568

26 The men H582 of Bethlehem H1035 and Netophah, H5199 an hundred H3967 fourscore H8084 and eight. H8083

27 The men H582 of Anathoth, H6068 an hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and eight. H8083

28 The men H582 of Bethazmaveth, H1041 forty H705 and two. H8147

29 The men H582 of Kirjathjearim, H7157 Chephirah, H3716 and Beeroth, H881 seven H7651 hundred H3967 forty H705 and three. H7969

30 The men H582 of Ramah H7414 and Geba, H1387 six H8337 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and one. H259

31 The men H582 of Michmas, H4363 an hundred H3967 and twenty H6242 and two. H8147

32 The men H582 of Bethel H1008 and Ai, H5857 an hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and three. H7969

33 The men H582 of the other H312 Nebo, H5015 fifty H2572 and two. H8147

34 The children H1121 of the other H312 Elam, H5867 a thousand H505 two hundred H3967 fifty H2572 and four. H702

35 The children H1121 of Harim, H2766 three H7969 hundred H3967 and twenty. H6242

36 The children H1121 of Jericho, H3405 three H7969 hundred H3967 forty H705 and five. H2568

37 The children H1121 of Lod, H3850 Hadid, H2307 and Ono, H207 seven H7651 hundred H3967 twenty H6242 and one. H259

38 The children H1121 of Senaah, H5570 three H7969 thousand H505 nine H8672 hundred H3967 and thirty. H7970

39 The priests: H3548 the children H1121 of Jedaiah, H3048 of the house H1004 of Jeshua, H3442 nine H8672 hundred H3967 seventy H7657 and three. H7969

40 The children H1121 of Immer, H564 a thousand H505 fifty H2572 and two. H8147

41 The children H1121 of Pashur, H6583 a thousand H505 two hundred H3967 forty H705 and seven. H7651

42 The children H1121 of Harim, H2766 a thousand H505 and seventeen. H7651 H6240

43 The Levites: H3881 the children H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 of Kadmiel, H6934 and of the children H1121 of Hodevah, H1937 seventy H7657 and four. H702

44 The singers: H7891 the children H1121 of Asaph, H623 an hundred H3967 forty H705 and eight. H8083

45 The porters: H7778 the children H1121 of Shallum, H7967 the children H1121 of Ater, H333 the children H1121 of Talmon, H2929 the children H1121 of Akkub, H6126 the children H1121 of Hatita, H2410 the children H1121 of Shobai, H7630 an hundred H3967 thirty H7970 and eight. H8083

46 The Nethinims: H5411 the children H1121 of Ziha, H6727 the children H1121 of Hashupha, H2817 the children H1121 of Tabbaoth, H2884

47 The children H1121 of Keros, H7026 the children H1121 of Sia, H5517 the children H1121 of Padon, H6303

48 The children H1121 of Lebana, H3838 the children H1121 of Hagaba, H2286 the children H1121 of Shalmai, H8014

49 The children H1121 of Hanan, H2605 the children H1121 of Giddel, H1435 the children H1121 of Gahar, H1515

50 The children H1121 of Reaiah, H7211 the children H1121 of Rezin, H7526 the children H1121 of Nekoda, H5353

51 The children H1121 of Gazzam, H1502 the children H1121 of Uzza, H5798 the children H1121 of Phaseah, H6454

52 The children H1121 of Besai, H1153 the children H1121 of Meunim, H4586 the children H1121 of Nephishesim, H5300 H5304

53 The children H1121 of Bakbuk, H1227 the children H1121 of Hakupha, H2709 the children H1121 of Harhur, H2744

54 The children H1121 of Bazlith, H1213 the children H1121 of Mehida, H4240 the children H1121 of Harsha, H2797

55 The children H1121 of Barkos, H1302 the children H1121 of Sisera, H5516 the children H1121 of Tamah, H8547

56 The children H1121 of Neziah, H5335 the children H1121 of Hatipha. H2412

57 The children H1121 of Solomon's H8010 servants: H5650 the children H1121 of Sotai, H5479 the children H1121 of Sophereth, H5618 the children H1121 of Perida, H6514

58 The children H1121 of Jaala, H3279 the children H1121 of Darkon, H1874 the children H1121 of Giddel, H1435

59 The children H1121 of Shephatiah, H8203 the children H1121 of Hattil, H2411 the children H1121 of Pochereth of Zebaim, H6380 the children H1121 of Amon. H526

60 All the Nethinims, H5411 and the children H1121 of Solomon's H8010 servants, H5650 were three H7969 hundred H3967 ninety H8673 and two. H8147

61 And these were they which went up H5927 also from Telmelah, H8528 Telharesha, H8521 Cherub, H3743 Addon, H114 and Immer: H564 but they could H3201 not shew H5046 their father's H1 house, H1004 nor their seed, H2233 whether they were of Israel. H3478

62 The children H1121 of Delaiah, H1806 the children H1121 of Tobiah, H2900 the children H1121 of Nekoda, H5353 six H8337 hundred H3967 forty H705 and two. H8147

63 And of the priests: H3548 the children H1121 of Habaiah, H2252 the children H1121 of Koz, H6976 the children H1121 of Barzillai, H1271 which took H3947 one of the daughters H1323 of Barzillai H1271 the Gileadite H1569 to wife, H802 and was called H7121 after their name. H8034

64 These sought H1245 their register H3791 among those that were reckoned by genealogy, H3187 but it was not found: H4672 therefore were they, as polluted, H1351 put from the priesthood. H3550

65 And the Tirshatha H8660 said H559 unto them, that they should not eat H398 of the most H6944 holy things, H6944 till there stood H5975 up a priest H3548 with Urim H224 and Thummim. H8550

66 The whole congregation H6951 together H259 was forty H702 H7239 and two thousand H505 three H7969 hundred H3967 and threescore, H8346

67 Beside their manservants H5650 and their maidservants, H519 of whom there were seven H7651 thousand H505 three H7969 hundred H3967 thirty H7970 and seven: H7651 and they had two hundred H3967 forty H705 and five H2568 singing men H7891 and singing women. H7891

68 Their horses, H5483 seven H7651 hundred H3967 thirty H7970 and six: H8337 their mules, H6505 two hundred H3967 forty H705 and five: H2568

69 Their camels, H1581 four H702 hundred H3967 thirty H7970 and five: H2568 six H8337 thousand H505 seven H7651 hundred H3967 and twenty H6242 asses. H2543

70 And some of H7117 the chief H7218 of the fathers H1 gave H5414 unto the work. H4399 The Tirshatha H8660 gave H5414 to the treasure H214 a thousand H505 drams H1871 of gold, H2091 fifty H2572 basons, H4219 five H2568 hundred H3967 and thirty H7970 priests' H3548 garments. H3801

71 And some of the chief H7218 of the fathers H1 gave H5414 to the treasure H214 of the work H4399 twenty H8147 thousand H7239 drams H1871 of gold, H2091 and two thousand H505 and two hundred H3967 pound H4488 of silver. H3701

72 And that which the rest H7611 of the people H5971 gave H5414 was twenty H8147 thousand H7239 drams H1871 of gold, H2091 and two thousand H505 pound H4488 of silver, H3701 and threescore H8346 and seven H7651 priests' H3548 garments. H3801

73 So the priests, H3548 and the Levites, H3881 and the porters, H7778 and the singers, H7891 and some of the people, H5971 and the Nethinims, H5411 and all Israel, H3478 dwelt H3427 in their cities; H5892 and when the seventh H7637 month H2320 came, H5060 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 were in their cities. H5892

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on Nehemiah 7

Commentary on Nehemiah 7 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 7

The success of one good design for God and our generation should encourage us to proceed and form some other; Nehemiah did so, having fortified Jerusalem with gates and walls, his next care is,

  • I. To see the city well kept (v. 1-4).
  • II. To see it well peopled, in order to which he here reviews and calls over the register of the children of the captivity, the families that returned at first, and records it (v. 5-73). It is the same, in effect, with that which we had, Ezra 2. What use he made of it we shall find afterwards, when he brought one of ten to live in Jerusalem, ch. 11:1.

Neh 7:1-4

God saith concerning his church (Isa. 62:6), I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem! This is Nehemiah's care here; for dead walls, without living watchmen, are but a poor defence to a city.

  • I. He appointed the porters, singers, and Levites, in their places to their work. This is meant of their work in general, which was to attend the temple service; it had been neglected in some degree, but now was revived. God's worship is the defence of a place, and his ministers, when they mind their duty, are watchmen on the walls. Or, in particular, he ordered them to be ready against the wall was to be dedicated, that they might perform that service in an orderly and solemn manner; and the dedication of it was its strength. That is likely to be beneficial to us which is devoted to God.
  • II. He appointed two governors or consuls, to whom he committed the care of the city, and gave them in charge to provide for the public peace and safety. Hanani, his brother, who came to him with the tidings of the desolations of Jerusalem, was one, a man of approved integrity and affection to his country; the other was Hananiah, who had been ruler of the palace: for he that has approved himself faithful in less shall be entrusted with more. Of this Hananiah it is said that he was a faithful man and one that feared God above many, v. 2. Note,
    • 1. Among those who fear God truly there are some who fear him greatly, and excel others in the expressions and instances of that fear; and they are worthy a double portion of that honour which is due to those that fear the Lord, Ps. 15:4. There were many in Jerusalem that feared God, but this good man was more eminent for religion and serious godliness than any.
    • 2. Those that fear God must evidence it by their being faithful to all men and universally conscientious.
    • 3. God's Jerusalem is then likely to flourish when those rule in it, and have charge of it, who excel in virtue, and are eminent both for godliness and honesty. It is supposed, by some, that Nehemiah was now about to return to the Persian court to have his commission renewed, and that he left these two worthy men in charge with the affairs of the city in his absence. Good governors, when and where they cannot act themselves, must be very careful whom they depute.
  • III. He gave orders about the shutting of the gates and the guarding of the walls, v. 3, 4. See here,
    • 1. What the present state of Jerusalem was. The city, in compass, was large and great. The walls enclosed the same ground as formerly; but much of it lay waste, for the houses were not built, few at least in comparison with what had been; so that Nehemiah walled the city in faith, and with an eye to that promise of the replenishing of it which God had lately made by the prophet, Zec. 8:3, etc. Though the people were now few, he believed they would be multiplied, and therefore built the walls so as to make room for them; had he not depended upon this he might have thought walls without a city as great a reproach as a city without walls.
    • 2. What was the care of Nehemiah for it. He ordered the rulers of the city themselves,
      • (1.) To stand by, and see the city-gates shut up and barred every night; for in vain had they a wall if they were careless of their gates.
      • (2.) To take care that they should not be opened in the morning till they could see that all was clear and quiet.
      • (3.) To set sentinels upon the walls, or elsewhere, at convenient distances, who should, in case of the approach of the enemy, give timely notice to the city of the danger; and, as it came to their turn to watch, they must post themselves over against their own houses, because of them, it might be presumed, they would be in a particular manner careful. The public safety depends upon every one's particular care to guard himself and his own family against sin, that common enemy. It is every one's interest to watch, but many understand not their own interest; it is therefore incumbent upon magistrates to appoint watches. And as this people had lately found God with them in their building (else they would have built in vain), so now that the wall was built, no doubt, they were made sensible that except the Lord kept the city the watchman waked but in vain, Ps. 127:1.

Neh 7:5-73

We have here another good project of Nehemiah's; for wise and zealous men will be always contriving something or other for the glory of God and the edification of his church. He knew very well that the safety of a city, under God, depends more upon the number and valour of the inhabitants than upon the height or strength of its walls; and therefore, observing that the people were few that dwelt in it, he thought fit to take an account of the people, that he might find what families had formerly had their settlement in Jerusalem, but were now removed into the country, that he might bring them back, and what families could in any other way be influenced by their religion, or by their business, to come and rebuild the houses in Jerusalem and dwell in them. So little reason have we to wish that we may be placed alone in the earth, or in Jerusalem itself, that much of our safety and comfort depends upon our neighbours and friends; the more the stronger, the more the merrier. It is the wisdom of the governors of a nation to keep the balance even between the city and country, that the metropolis be not so extravagantly large as to drain and impoverish the country, nor yet so weak as not to be able to protect it. Now observe,

  • I. Whence this good design of Nehemiah's came. He owns, My God put it into my heart, v. 5. Note, Whatever good motion is in our minds, either prudent or pious, we must acknowledge it to come from God. It was he that put it into our hearts; for every good gift and every good work are from above. He gives knowledge; he gives grace; all is of him, and therefore all must be to him. What is done by human prudence must be ascribed to the direction of divine Providence; he that teaches the husbandman his discretion (Isa. 28:26) teaches the statesman his.
  • II. What method he took in prosecution of it.
    • 1. He called the rulers together, and the people, that he might have an account of the present state of their families-their number and strength, and where they were settled. It is probable that when he summoned them to come together he ordered them to bring such an account along with them out of their several districts. And I doubt they were not so many but that it might be soon done.
    • 2. He reviewed the old register of the genealogy of those who came up at the first, and compared the present accounts with that; and here we have the repetition of that out of Ezra 2. The title is the same here (v. 6, 7) as there (v. 1, 2): These are the children of the province, etc. Two things are here repeated and recorded a second time from thence-the names and numbers of their several families, and their oblations to the service of the temple. The repetition of these accounts may intimate to us the delight which the great God is pleased to take in the persons, families, and services of his spiritual Israel, and the particular notice he takes of them. He knows those that are his, knows them all, knows them by name, has his eye on the register of those children of the captivity, and does all according to the ancient counsel of his will concerning them.
      • (1.) Here is an account of the heads of the several families that first came up, v. 6-69. As to this,
        • [1.] Though it seem of little use to us now, yet then it was of great use, to compare what they had been with what they now were. We may suppose they were much increased by this time; but it would do well for them to remember their small beginnings, that they might acknowledge God in multiplying their families and building them up. By this means likewise their genealogies would be preserved, and the distinction of their families kept up, till the Messiah should come, and then an end be put to all their genealogies, which were preserved for his sake, but afterwards were endless. But,
        • [2.] There are many differences in the numbers between this catalogue and that in Ezra. Most of them indeed are exactly the same, and some others within a very few under or over (one or two perhaps); and therefore I cannot think, as some do, that that was the number of these families at their first coming and this as they were now, which was at least forty years after (some make it much more); for we cannot suppose so many families to be not at all, or but little, altered in their numbers in all that time; therefore what differences there are we may suppose to arise either from the mistakes of transcribers, which easily happen in numbers, or from the diversity of the copies from which they were taken. Or perhaps one was the account of them when they set out from Babylon with Zerubbabel, the other when they came to Jerusalem. The sum totals are all just the same there and here, except of the singing-men and singing-women, which there are 200, here 245. These were not of such importance as that they should keep any strict account of them.
      • (2.) Here is an account of the offerings which were given towards the work of God, v. 70, etc. This differs much from that in Ezra 2:68, 69, and it may be questioned whether it refers to the same contribution; here the tirshatha, or chief governor, who there was not mentioned, begins the offering; and the single sum mentioned there exceeds all those here put together; yet it is probable that it was the same, but that followed one copy of the lists, this another; for the last verse is the same here that it was Ezra 2:70, adding ch. 3:1. Blessed be God that our faith and hope are not built upon the niceties of names and numbers, genealogy and chronology, but on the great things of the law and gospel. Whatever is given to the work of God, he is not unrighteous to forget it; nor shall even a cup of cold water, wherewith he is honoured, go without its reward.