Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Nehemiah » Chapter 9 » Verse 16

Nehemiah 9:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 But they and our fathers H1 dealt proudly, H2102 and hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 and hearkened H8085 not to thy commandments, H4687

Cross Reference

Psalms 81:11-14 STRONG

But my people H5971 would not hearken H8085 to my voice; H6963 and Israel H3478 would H14 none of me. So I gave them up H7971 unto their own hearts' H3820 lust: H8307 and they walked H3212 in their own counsels. H4156 Oh H3863 that my people H5971 had hearkened H8085 unto me, and Israel H3478 had walked H1980 in my ways! H1870 I should soon H4592 have subdued H3665 their enemies, H341 and turned H7725 my hand H3027 against their adversaries. H6862

Nehemiah 9:29 STRONG

And testifiedst H5749 against them, that thou mightest bring them again H7725 unto thy law: H8451 yet they dealt proudly, H2102 and hearkened H8085 not unto thy commandments, H4687 but sinned H2398 against thy judgments, H4941 (which if a man H120 do, H6213 he shall live H2421 in them;) and withdrew H5414 H5637 the shoulder, H3802 and hardened H7185 their neck, H6203 and would not hear. H8085

Nehemiah 9:10 STRONG

And shewedst H5414 signs H226 and wonders H4159 upon Pharaoh, H6547 and on all his servants, H5650 and on all the people H5971 of his land: H776 for thou knewest H3045 that they dealt proudly H2102 against them. So didst thou get H6213 thee a name, H8034 as it is this day. H3117

Deuteronomy 31:27 STRONG

For I know H3045 thy rebellion, H4805 and thy stiff H7186 neck: H6203 behold, while I am yet alive H2416 with you this day, H3117 ye have been rebellious H4784 against the LORD; H3068 and how much more after H310 my death? H4194

Psalms 106:6 STRONG

We have sinned H2398 with our fathers, H1 we have committed iniquity, H5753 we have done wickedly. H7561

Hebrews 3:15 STRONG

While G1722 it is said, G3004 To day G4594 if G1437 ye will hear G191 his G846 voice, G5456 harden G4645 not G3361 your G5216 hearts, G2588 as G5613 in G1722 the provocation. G3894

Hebrews 3:13 STRONG

But G235 exhort G3870 one another G1438 daily, G2596 G1538 G2250 while G891 G3739 it is called G2564 To day; G4594 lest G3363 any G5100 of G1537 you G5216 be hardened G4645 through the deceitfulness G539 of sin. G266

Romans 2:5 STRONG

But G1161 after G2596 thy G4675 hardness G4643 and G2532 impenitent G279 heart G2588 treasurest up G2343 unto thyself G4572 wrath G3709 against G1722 the day G2250 of wrath G3709 and G2532 revelation G602 of the righteous judgment G1341 of God; G2316

Acts 7:51 STRONG

Ye stiffnecked G4644 and G2532 uncircumcised G564 in heart G2588 and G2532 ears, G3775 ye G5210 do G496 always G104 resist G496 the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 as G5613 your G5216 fathers G3962 did, so G2532 do ye. G5210

Jeremiah 19:15 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 the God H430 of Israel; H3478 Behold, I will bring H935 upon this city H5892 and upon all her towns H5892 all the evil H7451 that I have pronounced H1696 against it, because they have hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 that they might not hear H8085 my words. H1697

Jeremiah 2:31 STRONG

O generation, H1755 see H7200 ye the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068 Have I been a wilderness H4057 unto Israel? H3478 a land H776 of darkness? H3991 wherefore say H559 my people, H5971 We are lords; H7300 we will come H935 no more unto thee?

Isaiah 63:10 STRONG

But they rebelled, H4784 and vexed H6087 his holy H6944 Spirit: H7307 therefore he was turned H2015 to be their enemy, H341 and he fought H3898 against them.

Isaiah 48:18 STRONG

O that H3863 thou hadst hearkened H7181 to my commandments! H4687 then had thy peace H7965 been as a river, H5104 and thy righteousness H6666 as the waves H1530 of the sea: H3220

Isaiah 48:4 STRONG

Because I knew H1847 that thou art obstinate, H7186 and thy neck H6203 is an iron H1270 sinew, H1517 and thy brow H4696 brass; H5154

Proverbs 29:1 STRONG

He, H376 that being often reproved H8433 hardeneth H7185 his neck, H6203 shall suddenly H6621 be destroyed, H7665 and that without remedy. H4832

Exodus 15:26 STRONG

And said, H559 If thou wilt diligently H8085 hearken H8085 to the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and wilt do H6213 that which is right H3477 in his sight, H5869 and wilt give ear H238 to his commandments, H4687 and keep H8104 all his statutes, H2706 I will put H7760 none of these diseases H4245 upon thee, which I have brought H7760 upon the Egyptians: H4714 for I am the LORD H3068 that healeth H7495 thee.

Psalms 95:8-10 STRONG

Harden H7185 not your heart, H3824 as in the provocation, H4808 and as in the day H3117 of temptation H4531 in the wilderness: H4057 When your fathers H1 tempted H5254 me, proved H974 me, and saw H7200 my work. H6467 Forty H705 years H8141 long was I grieved H6962 with this generation, H1755 and said, H559 It is a people H5971 that do err H8582 in their heart, H3824 and they have not known H3045 my ways: H1870

Psalms 81:8 STRONG

Hear, H8085 O my people, H5971 and I will testify H5749 unto thee: O Israel, H3478 if thou wilt hearken H8085 unto me;

Psalms 78:8-72 STRONG

And might not be as their fathers, H1 a stubborn H5637 and rebellious H4784 generation; H1755 a generation H1755 that set H3559 not their heart H3820 aright, H3559 and whose spirit H7307 was not stedfast H539 with God. H410 The children H1121 of Ephraim, H669 being armed, H5401 and carrying H7411 bows, H7198 turned back H2015 in the day H3117 of battle. H7128 They kept H8104 not the covenant H1285 of God, H430 and refused H3985 to walk H3212 in his law; H8451 And forgat H7911 his works, H5949 and his wonders H6381 that he had shewed H7200 them. Marvellous things H6382 did H6213 he in the sight H5048 of their fathers, H1 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 in the field H7704 of Zoan. H6814 He divided H1234 the sea, H3220 and caused them to pass through; H5674 and he made the waters H4325 to stand H5324 as an heap. H5067 In the daytime H3119 also he led H5148 them with a cloud, H6051 and all the night H3915 with a light H216 of fire. H784 He clave H1234 the rocks H6697 in the wilderness, H4057 and gave them drink H8248 as out of the great H7227 depths. H8415 He brought H3318 streams H5140 also out of the rock, H5553 and caused waters H4325 to run down H3381 like rivers. H5104 And they sinned H2398 yet more H3254 against him by provoking H4784 the most High H5945 in the wilderness. H6723 And they tempted H5254 God H410 in their heart H3824 by asking H7592 meat H400 for their lust. H5315 Yea, they spake H1696 against God; H430 they said, H559 Can H3201 God H410 furnish H6186 a table H7979 in the wilderness? H4057 Behold, he smote H5221 the rock, H6697 that the waters H4325 gushed out, H2100 and the streams H5158 overflowed; H7857 can H3201 he give H5414 bread H3899 also? can H3201 he provide H3559 flesh H7607 for his people? H5971 Therefore the LORD H3068 heard H8085 this, and was wroth: H5674 so a fire H784 was kindled H5400 against Jacob, H3290 and anger H639 also came up H5927 against Israel; H3478 Because they believed H539 not in God, H430 and trusted H982 not in his salvation: H3444 Though he had commanded H6680 the clouds H7834 from above, H4605 and opened H6605 the doors H1817 of heaven, H8064 And had rained down H4305 manna H4478 upon them to eat, H398 and had given H5414 them of the corn H1715 of heaven. H8064 Man H376 did eat H398 angels' H47 food: H3899 he sent H7971 them meat H6720 to the full. H7648 He caused an east wind H6921 to blow H5265 in the heaven: H8064 and by his power H5797 he brought in H5090 the south wind. H8486 He rained H4305 flesh H7607 also upon them as dust, H6083 and feathered H3671 fowls H5775 like as the sand H2344 of the sea: H3220 And he let it fall H5307 in the midst H7130 of their camp, H4264 round about H5439 their habitations. H4908 So they did eat, H398 and were well H3966 filled: H7646 for he gave H935 them their own desire; H8378 They were not estranged H2114 from their lust. H8378 But while their meat H400 was yet in their mouths, H6310 The wrath H639 of God H430 came H5927 upon them, and slew H2026 the fattest H4924 of them, and smote down H3766 the chosen H970 men of Israel. H3478 For all this they sinned H2398 still, and believed H539 not for his wondrous works. H6381 Therefore their days H3117 did he consume H3615 in vanity, H1892 and their years H8141 in trouble. H928 When he slew H2026 them, then they sought H1875 him: and they returned H7725 and enquired early H7836 after God. H410 And they remembered H2142 that God H430 was their rock, H6697 and the high H5945 God H410 their redeemer. H1350 Nevertheless they did flatter H6601 him with their mouth, H6310 and they lied H3576 unto him with their tongues. H3956 For their heart H3820 was not right H3559 with him, neither were they stedfast H539 in his covenant. H1285 But he, being full of compassion, H7349 forgave H3722 their iniquity, H5771 and destroyed H7843 them not: yea, many a time H7235 turned H7725 he his anger H639 away, H7725 and did not stir up H5782 all his wrath. H2534 For he remembered H2142 that they were but flesh; H1320 a wind H7307 that passeth away, H1980 and cometh not again. H7725 How H4100 oft did they provoke H4784 him in the wilderness, H4057 and grieve H6087 him in the desert! H3452 Yea, they turned back H7725 and tempted H5254 God, H410 and limited H8428 the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 They remembered H2142 not his hand, H3027 nor the day H3117 when he delivered H6299 them from the enemy. H6862 How he had wrought H7760 his signs H226 in Egypt, H4714 and his wonders H4159 in the field H7704 of Zoan: H6814 And had turned H2015 their rivers H2975 into blood; H1818 and their floods, H5140 that they could not drink. H8354 He sent H7971 divers sorts of flies H6157 among them, which devoured H398 them; and frogs, H6854 which destroyed H7843 them. He gave H5414 also their increase H2981 unto the caterpiller, H2625 and their labour H3018 unto the locust. H697 He destroyed H2026 their vines H1612 with hail, H1259 and their sycomore trees H8256 with frost. H2602 He gave up H5462 their cattle H1165 also to the hail, H1259 and their flocks H4735 to hot thunderbolts. H7565 He cast H7971 upon them the fierceness H2740 of his anger, H639 wrath, H5678 and indignation, H2195 and trouble, H6869 by sending H4917 evil H7451 angels H4397 among them. He made H6424 a way H5410 to his anger; H639 he spared H2820 not their soul H5315 from death, H4194 but gave H5462 their life H2416 over H5462 to the pestilence; H1698 And smote H5221 all the firstborn H1060 in Egypt; H4714 the chief H7225 of their strength H202 in the tabernacles H168 of Ham: H2526 But made his own people H5971 to go forth H5265 like sheep, H6629 and guided H5090 them in the wilderness H4057 like a flock. H5739 And he led H5148 them on safely, H983 so that they feared H6342 not: but the sea H3220 overwhelmed H3680 their enemies. H341 And he brought H935 them to the border H1366 of his sanctuary, H6944 even to this mountain, H2022 which his right hand H3225 had purchased. H7069 He cast out H1644 the heathen H1471 also before H6440 them, and divided H5307 them an inheritance H5159 by line, H2256 and made the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 to dwell H7931 in their tents. H168 Yet they tempted H5254 and provoked H4784 the most high H5945 God, H430 and kept H8104 not his testimonies: H5713 But turned back, H5472 and dealt unfaithfully H898 like their fathers: H1 they were turned aside H2015 like a deceitful H7423 bow. H7198 For they provoked him to anger H3707 with their high places, H1116 and moved him to jealousy H7065 with their graven images. H6456 When God H430 heard H8085 this, he was wroth, H5674 and greatly H3966 abhorred H3988 Israel: H3478 So that he forsook H5203 the tabernacle H4908 of Shiloh, H7887 the tent H168 which he placed H7931 among men; H120 And delivered H5414 his strength H5797 into captivity, H7628 and his glory H8597 into the enemy's H6862 hand. H3027 He gave H5462 his people H5971 over H5462 also unto the sword; H2719 and was wroth H5674 with his inheritance. H5159 The fire H784 consumed H398 their young men; H970 and their maidens H1330 were not given to marriage. H1984 Their priests H3548 fell H5307 by the sword; H2719 and their widows H490 made no lamentation. H1058 Then the Lord H136 awaked H3364 as one out of sleep, H3463 and like a mighty man H1368 that shouteth H7442 by reason of wine. H3196 And he smote H5221 his enemies H6862 in the hinder parts: H268 he put H5414 them to a perpetual H5769 reproach. H2781 Moreover he refused H3988 the tabernacle H168 of Joseph, H3130 and chose H977 not the tribe H7626 of Ephraim: H669 But chose H977 the tribe H7626 of Judah, H3063 the mount H2022 Zion H6726 which he loved. H157 And he built H1129 his sanctuary H4720 like high H7311 palaces, like the earth H776 which he hath established H3245 for ever. H5769 He chose H977 David H1732 also his servant, H5650 and took H3947 him from the sheepfolds: H4356 H6629 From following H310 the ewes great with young H5763 he brought H935 him to feed H7462 Jacob H3290 his people, H5971 and Israel H3478 his inheritance. H5159 So he fed H7462 them according to the integrity H8537 of his heart; H3824 and guided H5148 them by the skilfulness H8394 of his hands. H3709

2 Chronicles 36:13 STRONG

And he also rebelled H4775 against king H4428 Nebuchadnezzar, H5019 who had made him swear H7650 by God: H430 but he stiffened H7185 his neck, H6203 and hardened H553 his heart H3824 from turning H7725 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

2 Chronicles 30:8 STRONG

Now be ye not stiffnecked, H7185 H6203 as your fathers H1 were, but yield H5414 yourselves H3027 unto the LORD, H3068 and enter H935 into his sanctuary, H4720 which he hath sanctified H6942 for ever: H5769 and serve H5647 the LORD H3068 your God, H430 that the fierceness H2740 of his wrath H639 may turn away H7725 from you.

2 Kings 17:14 STRONG

Notwithstanding they would not hear, H8085 but hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 like to the neck H6203 of their fathers, H1 that did not believe H539 in the LORD H3068 their God. H430

Deuteronomy 32:15 STRONG

But Jeshurun H3484 waxed fat, H8080 and kicked: H1163 thou art waxen fat, H8080 thou art grown thick, H5666 thou art covered H3780 with fatness; then he forsook H5203 God H433 which made H6213 him, and lightly esteemed H5034 the Rock H6697 of his salvation. H3444

Deuteronomy 9:27 STRONG

Remember H2142 thy servants, H5650 Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3327 and Jacob; H3290 look H6437 not unto the stubbornness H7190 of this people, H5971 nor to their wickedness, H7562 nor to their sin: H2403

Deuteronomy 9:23-24 STRONG

Likewise when the LORD H3068 sent H7971 you from Kadeshbarnea, H6947 saying, H559 Go up H5927 and possess H3423 the land H776 which I have given H5414 you; then ye rebelled H4784 against the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and ye believed H539 him not, nor hearkened H8085 to his voice. H6963 Ye have been rebellious H4784 against the LORD H3068 from the day H3117 that I knew H3045 you.

Deuteronomy 9:13 STRONG

Furthermore the LORD H3068 spake H559 unto me, saying, H559 I have seen H7200 this people, H5971 and, behold, it is a stiffnecked H6203 H7186 people: H5971

Deuteronomy 9:6 STRONG

Understand H3045 therefore, that the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee not this good H2896 land H776 to possess H3423 it for thy righteousness; H6666 for thou art a stiffnecked H6203 H7186 people. H5971

Deuteronomy 5:29 STRONG

O that there were such H2088 an H4310 heart H3824 in them, H5414 that they would fear H3372 me, and keep H8104 all my commandments H4687 always, H3117 that it might be well H3190 with them, and with their children H1121 for ever! H5769

Deuteronomy 1:26-33 STRONG

Notwithstanding ye would H14 not go up, H5927 but rebelled H4784 against the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 your God: H430 And ye murmured H7279 in your tents, H168 and said, H559 Because the LORD H3068 hated H8135 us, he hath brought us forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 to deliver H5414 us into the hand H3027 of the Amorites, H567 to destroy H8045 us. Whither shall we go up? H5927 our brethren H251 have discouraged H4549 our heart, H3824 saying, H559 The people H5971 is greater H1419 and taller H7311 than we; the cities H5892 are great H1419 and walled up H1219 to heaven; H8064 and moreover we have seen H7200 the sons H1121 of the Anakims H6062 there. Then I said H559 unto you, Dread H6206 not, neither be afraid H3372 of them. The LORD H3068 your God H430 which goeth H1980 before H6440 you, he shall fight H3898 for you, according to all that he did H6213 for you in Egypt H4714 before your eyes; H5869 And in the wilderness, H4057 where thou hast seen H7200 how that the LORD H3068 thy God H430 bare H5375 thee, as a man H376 doth bear H5375 his son, H1121 in all the way H1870 that ye went, H1980 until ye came H935 into this place. H4725 Yet in this thing H1697 ye did not believe H539 the LORD H3068 your God, H430 Who went H1980 in the way H1870 before H6440 you, to search you out H8446 a place H4725 to pitch your tents H2583 in, in fire H784 by night, H3915 to shew H7200 you by what way H1870 ye should go, H3212 and in a cloud H6051 by day. H3119

Exodus 32:9 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 I have seen H7200 this people, H5971 and, behold, it is a stiffnecked H7186 H6203 people: H5971

Commentary on Nehemiah 9 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ne 9:1-3. A Solemn Fast and Repentance of the People.

1. Now in the twenty and fourth day of this month—that is, on the second day after the close of the feast of tabernacles, which commenced on the fourteenth and terminated on the twenty-second (Le 23:34-37). The day immediately after that feast, the twenty-third, had been occupied in separating the delinquents from their unlawful wives, as well, perhaps, as in taking steps for keeping aloof in future from unnecessary intercourse with the heathen around them. For although this necessary measure of reformation had been begun formerly by Ezra (Ezr 10:1-17), and satisfactorily accomplished at that time (in so far as he had information of the existing abuses, or possessed the power of correcting them) yet it appears that this reformatory work of Ezra had been only partial and imperfect. Many cases of delinquency had escaped, or new defaulters had appeared who had contracted those forbidden alliances; and there was an urgent necessity for Nehemiah again to take vigorous measures for the removal of a social evil which threatened the most disastrous consequences to the character and prosperity of the chosen people. A solemn fast was now observed for the expression of those penitential and sorrowful feelings which the reading of the law had produced, but which had been suppressed during the celebration of the feast; and the sincerity of their repentance was evinced by the decisive steps taken for the correction of existing abuses in the matter of marriage.

2. confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers—Not only did they read in their recent sufferings a punishment of the national apostasy and guilt, but they had made themselves partakers of their fathers' sins by following the same evil ways.

3. they … read in the book of the law—Their extraordinary zeal led them to continue this as before.

one fourth part of the day—that is, for three hours, twelve hours being the acknowledged length of the Jewish day (Joh 11:9). This solemn diet of worship, which probably commenced at the morning sacrifice, was continued for six hours, that is, till the time of the evening sacrifice. The worship which they gave to the Lord their God, at this season of solemn national humiliation, consisted in acknowledging and adoring His great mercy in the forgiveness of their great and multiplied offenses, in delivering them from the merited judgments which they had already experienced or which they had reason to apprehend, in continuing amongst them the light and blessings of His word and worship, and in supplicating the extension of His grace and protection.

Ne 9:4-38. The Levites Confess God's Manifold Goodness, and Their Own Wickedness.

4. Then stood up upon the stairs—the scaffolds or pulpits, whence the Levites usually addressed the people. There were probably several placed at convenient distances, to prevent confusion and the voice of one drowning those of the others.

cried with a loud voice unto the Lord—Such an exertion, of course, was indispensably necessary, in order that the speakers might be heard by the vast multitude congregated in the open air. But these speakers were then engaged in expressing their deep sense of sin, as well as fervently imploring the forgiving mercy of God; and "crying with a loud voice" was a natural accompaniment of this extraordinary prayer meeting, as violent gestures and vehement tones are always the way in which the Jews, and other people in the East, have been accustomed to give utterance to deep and earnest feelings.

5. Then the Levites … said, Stand up and bless the Lord your God—If this prayer was uttered by all these Levites in common, it must have been prepared and adopted beforehand, perhaps, by Ezra; but it may only embody the substance of the confession and thanksgiving.

6-38. Thou, even thou, art Lord alone, &c.—In this solemn and impressive prayer, in which they make public confession of their sins, and deprecate the judgments due to the transgressions of their fathers, they begin with a profound adoration of God, whose supreme majesty and omnipotence is acknowledged in the creation, preservation, and government of all. Then they proceed to enumerate His mercies and distinguished favors to them as a nation, from the period of the call of their great ancestor and the gracious promise intimated to him in the divinely bestowed name of Abraham, a promise which implied that he was to be the Father of the faithful, the ancestor of the Messiah, and the honored individual in whose seed all the families of the earth should be blessed. Tracing in full and minute detail the signal instances of divine interposition for their deliverance and their interest—in their deliverance from Egyptian bondage—their miraculous passage through the Red Sea—the promulgation of His law—the forbearance and long-suffering shown them amid their frequent rebellions—the signal triumphs given them over their enemies—their happy settlement in the promised land—and all the extraordinary blessings, both in the form of temporal prosperity and of religious privilege, with which His paternal goodness had favored them above all other people, they charge themselves with making a miserable requital. They confess their numerous and determined acts of disobedience. They read, in the loss of their national independence and their long captivity, the severe punishment of their sins. They acknowledge that, in all heavy and continued judgments upon their nation, God had done right, but they had done wickedly. And in throwing themselves on His mercy, they express their purpose of entering into a national covenant, by which they pledge themselves to dutiful obedience in future.

22. Moreover thou gavest them kingdoms and nations—that is, put them in possession of a rich country, of an extensive territory, which had been once occupied by a variety of princes and people.

and didst divide them into corners—that is, into tribes. The propriety of the expression arose from the various districts touching at points or angles on each other.

the land of Sihon, and the land of the king of Heshbon—Heshbon being the capital city, the passage should run thus: "the land of Sihon or the land of the king of Heshbon."

32. Now therefore, our God … who keepest covenant and mercy—God's fidelity to His covenant is prominently acknowledged, and well it might; for their whole national history bore testimony to it. But as this could afford them little ground of comfort or of hope while they were so painfully conscious of having violated it, they were driven to seek refuge in the riches of divine grace; and hence the peculiar style of invocation here adopted: "Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God, who keepest covenant and mercy."

36. Behold, we are servants this day—Notwithstanding their happy restoration to their native land, they were still tributaries of a foreign prince whose officers ruled them. They were not, like their fathers, free tenants of the land which God gave them.

37. it yieldeth much increase unto the kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins—Our agricultural labors have been resumed in the land—we plough, and sow, and till, and Thou blessest the work of our hands with a plentiful return; but this increase is not for ourselves, as once it was, but for our foreign masters, to whom we have to pay large and oppressive tribute.

they have dominion over our bodies—Their persons were liable to be pressed, at the mandate of their Assyrian conqueror, into the service of his empire, either in war or in public works. And our beasts are taken to do their pleasure.

38. we make a sure covenant, and write—that is, subscribe or sign it. This written document would exercise a wholesome influence in restraining their backslidings or in animating them to duty, by being a witness against them if in the future they were unfaithful to their engagements.