Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 17 » Verse 5

Numbers 17:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And it shall come to pass, that the man's H376 rod, H4294 whom I shall choose, H977 shall blossom: H6524 and I will make to cease H7918 from me the murmurings H8519 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 whereby they murmur H3885 against you.

Cross Reference

Numbers 16:5 STRONG

And he spake H1696 unto Korah H7141 and unto all his company, H5712 saying, H559 Even to morrow H1242 the LORD H3068 will shew H3045 who are his, and who is holy; H6918 and will cause him to come near H7126 unto him: even him whom he hath chosen H977 will he cause to come near H7126 unto him.

Numbers 16:11 STRONG

For which cause H3651 both thou and all thy company H5712 are gathered together H3259 against the LORD: H3068 and what is Aaron, H175 that ye murmur H3885 H3885 against him?

Numbers 17:8 STRONG

And it came to pass, that on the morrow H4283 Moses H4872 went H935 into the tabernacle H168 of witness; H5715 and, behold, the rod H4294 of Aaron H175 for the house H1004 of Levi H3878 was budded, H6524 and brought forth H3318 buds, H6525 and bloomed H6692 blossoms, H6731 and yielded H1580 almonds. H8247

Numbers 17:10 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Bring H7725 Aaron's H175 rod H4294 again H7725 before H6440 the testimony, H5715 to be kept H4931 for a token H226 against the rebels; H4805 H1121 and thou shalt quite take away H3615 their murmurings H8519 from me, that they die H4191 not.

Isaiah 5:24 STRONG

Therefore as the fire H784 devoureth H398 the stubble, H7179 and the flame H3956 H3852 consumeth H7503 the chaff, H2842 so their root H8328 shall be as rottenness, H4716 and their blossom H6525 shall go up H5927 as dust: H80 because they have cast away H3988 the law H8451 of the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and despised H5006 the word H565 of the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478

Isaiah 11:1 STRONG

And there shall come forth H3318 a rod H2415 out of the stem H1503 of Jesse, H3448 and a Branch H5342 shall grow H6509 out of his roots: H8328

Isaiah 13:11 STRONG

And I will punish H6485 the world H8398 for their evil, H7451 and the wicked H7563 for their iniquity; H5771 and I will cause the arrogancy H1347 of the proud H2086 to cease, H7673 and will lay low H8213 the haughtiness H1346 of the terrible. H6184

Isaiah 27:6 STRONG

He shall cause them that come H935 of Jacob H3290 to take root: H8327 Israel H3478 shall blossom H6692 and bud, H6524 and fill H4390 the face H6440 of the world H8398 with fruit. H8570

Isaiah 35:1-2 STRONG

The wilderness H4057 and the solitary place H6723 shall be glad H7797 for them; and the desert H6160 shall rejoice, H1523 and blossom H6524 as the rose. H2261 It shall blossom H6524 abundantly, H6524 and rejoice H1523 even with joy H1525 and singing: H7444 the glory H3519 of Lebanon H3844 shall be given H5414 unto it, the excellency H1926 of Carmel H3760 and Sharon, H8289 they shall see H7200 the glory H3519 of the LORD, H3068 and the excellency H1926 of our God. H430

Ezekiel 16:41 STRONG

And they shall burn H8313 thine houses H1004 with fire, H784 and execute H6213 judgments H8201 upon thee in the sight H5869 of many H7227 women: H802 and I will cause thee to cease H7673 from playing the harlot, H2181 and thou also shalt give H5414 no hire H868 any more.

Ezekiel 23:27 STRONG

Thus will I make thy lewdness H2154 to cease H7673 from thee, and thy whoredom H2184 brought from the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 so that thou shalt not lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 unto them, nor remember H2142 Egypt H4714 any more.

Hosea 14:5 STRONG

I will be as the dew H2919 unto Israel: H3478 he shall grow H6524 as the lily, H7799 and cast forth H5221 his roots H8328 as Lebanon. H3844

Commentary on Numbers 17 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 17:1-13. Aaron's Rod Flourishes.

2-5. Speak unto the children of Israel—The controversy with Moses and Aaron about the priesthood was of such a nature and magnitude as required a decisive and authoritative settlement. For the removal of all doubts and the silencing of all murmuring in the future regarding the holder of the office, a miracle was wrought of a remarkable character and permanent duration; and in the manner of performing it, all the people were made to have a direct and special interest.

take of every one … princes … twelve rods—As the princes, being the oldest sons of the chief family, and heads of their tribes, might have advanced the best claims to the priesthood, if that sacred dignity was to be shared among all the tribes, they were therefore selected, and being twelve in number—that of Joseph being counted only one—Moses was ordered to see that the name of each was inscribed—a practice borrowed from the Egyptians—upon his rod or wand of office. The name of Aaron rather than of Levi was used, as the latter name would have opened a door of controversy among the Levites; and as there was to be one rod only for the head of each tribe, the express appointment of a rod for Aaron determined him to be the head of that tribe, as well as that branch or family of the tribe to which the priestly dignity should belong. These rods were to be laid in the tabernacle close to the ark (compare Nu 17:10 and Heb 9:4), where a divine token was promised that would for all time terminate the dispute.

6. the rod of Aaron was among their rods—either one of the twelve, or, as many suppose, a thirteenth in the midst (Heb 9:4). The rods were of dry sticks or wands, probably old, as transmitted from one head of the family to a succeeding.

8. Moses went into the tabernacle—being privileged to do so on this occasion by the special command of God. And he there beheld the remarkable spectacle of Aaron's rod—which, according to Josephus, was a stick of an almond tree, bearing fruit in three different stages at once—buds, blossoms, and fruit.

10. Bring Aaron's rod again before the testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels—For if, after all admonitions and judgments, seconded by miracles, the people should still rebel, they would certainly pay the penalty by death.

12, 13. Behold, we die, we perish—an exclamation of fear, both from the remembrance of former judgments, and the apprehension of future relapses into murmuring.

13. cometh any thing near—that is, nearer than he ought to do; an error into which many may fall. Will the stern justice of God overtake every slight offense? We shall all be destroyed. Some, however, regard this exclamation as the symptom or a new discontent, rather than the indication of a reverential and submissive spirit. Let us fear and sin not.