Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 19 » Verse 2

Numbers 19:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 This is the ordinance H2708 of the law H8451 which the LORD H3068 hath commanded, H6680 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they bring H3947 thee a red H122 heifer H6510 without spot, H8549 wherein is no blemish, H3971 and upon which never H3808 came H5927 yoke: H5923

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 21:3 STRONG

And it shall be, that the city H5892 which is next H7138 unto the slain man, H2491 even the elders H2205 of that city H5892 shall take H3947 an heifer, H1241 H5697 which hath not been wrought with, H5647 and which hath not drawn H4900 in the yoke; H5923

1 Samuel 6:7 STRONG

Now therefore make H6213 a H259 new H2319 cart, H5699 and take H3947 two H8147 milch H5763 kine, H6510 on which there hath come H5927 no yoke, H5923 and tie H631 the kine H6510 to the cart, H5699 and bring H7725 their calves H1121 home H1004 from them: H310

Leviticus 22:20-25 STRONG

But whatsoever hath a blemish, H3971 that shall ye not offer: H7126 for it shall not be acceptable H7522 for you. And whosoever H376 offereth H7126 a sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD H3068 to accomplish H6381 his vow, H5088 or a freewill offering H5071 in beeves H1241 or sheep, H6629 it shall be perfect H8549 to be accepted; H7522 there shall be no blemish H3971 therein. Blind, H5788 or broken, H7665 or maimed, H2782 or having a wen, H2990 or scurvy, H1618 or scabbed, H3217 ye shall not offer H7126 these unto the LORD, H3068 nor make H5414 an offering by fire H801 of them upon the altar H4196 unto the LORD. H3068 Either a bullock H7794 or a lamb H7716 that hath any thing superfluous H8311 or lacking in his parts, H7038 that mayest thou offer H6213 for a freewill offering; H5071 but for a vow H5088 it shall not be accepted. H7521 Ye shall not offer H7126 unto the LORD H3068 that which is bruised, H4600 or crushed, H3807 or broken, H5423 or cut; H3772 neither shall ye make H6213 any offering thereof in your land. H776 Neither from a stranger's H5236 hand H3027 H1121 shall ye offer H7126 the bread H3899 of your God H430 of any of these; because their corruption H4893 is in them, and blemishes H3971 be in them: they shall not be accepted H7521 for you.

Philippians 2:6-8 STRONG

Who, G3739 being G5225 in G1722 the form G3444 of God, G2316 thought it G2233 not G3756 robbery G725 to be G1511 equal G2470 with God: G2316 But G235 made G2758 himself G1438 of no reputation, G2758 and took upon him G2983 the form G3444 of a servant, G1401 and was made G1096 in G1722 the likeness G3667 of men: G444 And G2532 being found G2147 in fashion G4976 as G5613 a man, G444 he humbled G5013 himself, G1438 and became G1096 obedient G5255 unto G3360 death, G2288 even G1161 the death G2288 of the cross. G4716

Revelation 1:5 STRONG

And G2532 from G575 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 who is the faithful G4103 witness, G3144 and the first begotten G4416 of G1537 the dead, G3498 and G2532 the prince G758 of the kings G935 of the earth. G1093 Unto him that loved G25 us, G2248 and G2532 washed G3068 us G2248 from G575 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 blood, G129

1 Peter 2:22 STRONG

Who G3739 did G4160 no G3756 sin, G266 neither G3761 was guile G1388 found G2147 in G1722 his G846 mouth: G4750

1 Peter 1:19 STRONG

But G235 with the precious G5093 blood G129 of Christ, G5547 as G5613 of a lamb G286 without blemish G299 and G2532 without spot: G784

Hebrews 9:10 STRONG

Which stood only G3440 in G1909 meats G1033 and G2532 drinks, G4188 and G2532 divers G1313 washings, G909 and G2532 carnal G4561 ordinances, G1345 imposed G1945 on them until G3360 the time G2540 of reformation. G1357

Hebrews 7:26 STRONG

For G1063 such G5108 an high priest G749 became G4241 us, G2254 who is holy, G3741 harmless, G172 undefiled, G283 separate G5563 from G575 sinners, G268 and G2532 made G1096 higher than G5308 the heavens; G3772

Exodus 12:5 STRONG

Your lamb H7716 shall be without blemish, H8549 a male H2145 of the first H1121 year: H8141 ye shall take H3947 it out from the sheep, H3532 or from the goats: H5795

John 10:17-18 STRONG

Therefore G5124 G1223 doth G25 my Father G3962 love G25 me, G3165 because G3754 I G1473 lay down G5087 my G3450 life, G5590 that G2443 I might take G2983 it G846 again. G3825 No man G3762 taketh G142 it G846 from G575 me, G1700 but G235 I G1473 lay G5087 it G846 down G5087 of G575 myself. G1683 I have G2192 power G1849 to lay G5087 it G846 down, G5087 and G2532 I have G2192 power G1849 to take G2983 it G846 again. G3825 This G5026 commandment G1785 have I received G2983 of G3844 my G3450 Father. G3962

Luke 1:35 STRONG

And G2532 the angel G32 answered G611 and said G2036 unto her, G846 The Holy G40 Ghost G4151 shall come G1904 upon G1909 thee, G4571 and G2532 the power G1411 of the Highest G5310 shall overshadow G1982 thee: G4671 therefore G1352 also G2532 that holy thing G40 which shall be born G1080 of G1537 thee G4675 shall be called G2564 the Son G5207 of God. G2316

Malachi 1:13-14 STRONG

Ye said H559 also, Behold, what a weariness H4972 is it! and ye have snuffed H5301 at it, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 and ye brought H935 that which was torn, H1497 and the lame, H6455 and the sick; H2470 thus ye brought H935 an offering: H4503 should I accept H7521 this of your hand? H3027 saith H559 the LORD. H3068 But cursed H779 be the deceiver, H5230 which H3426 hath in his flock H5739 a male, H2145 and voweth, H5087 and sacrificeth H2076 unto the Lord H136 a corrupt thing: H7843 for I am a great H1419 King, H4428 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and my name H8034 is dreadful H3372 among the heathen. H1471

Lamentations 1:14 STRONG

The yoke H5923 of my transgressions H6588 is bound H8244 by his hand: H3027 they are wreathed, H8276 and come up H5927 upon my neck: H6677 he hath made my strength H3581 to fall, H3782 the Lord H136 hath delivered H5414 me into their hands, H3027 from whom I am not able H3201 to rise up. H6965

Isaiah 1:18 STRONG

Come now, H3212 and let us reason together, H3198 saith H559 the LORD: H3068 though your sins H2399 be as scarlet, H8144 they shall be as white H3835 as snow; H7950 though they be red H119 like crimson, H8438 they shall be as wool. H6785

Numbers 31:21 STRONG

And Eleazar H499 the priest H3548 said H559 unto the men H582 of war H6635 which went H935 to the battle, H4421 This is the ordinance H2708 of the law H8451 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses; H4872

Numbers 19:6 STRONG

And the priest H3548 shall take H3947 cedar H730 wood, H6086 and hyssop, H231 and scarlet, H8438 H8144 and cast H7993 it into the midst H8432 of the burning H8316 of the heifer. H6510

Leviticus 14:6 STRONG

As for the living H2416 bird, H6833 he shall take H3947 it, and the cedar H730 wood, H6086 and the scarlet, H8144 H8438 and the hyssop, H231 and shall dip H2881 them and the living H2416 bird H6833 in the blood H1818 of the bird H6833 that was killed H7819 over the running H2416 water: H4325

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Numbers 19

Commentary on Numbers 19 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

In order that a consciousness of the continuance of the covenant relation might be kept alive during the dying out of the race that had fallen under the judgment of God, after the severe stroke with which the Lord had visited the whole nation in consequence of the rebellion of the company of Korah, He gave the law concerning purification from the uncleanness of death, in which first of all the preparation of a sprinkling water is commanded for the removal of this uncleanness ( Numbers 19:1-10 ); and then, secondly, the use of this purifying water enjoined as an eternal statute ( Numbers 19:10-22). The thought that death, and the putrefaction of death, as being the embodiment of sin, defiled and excluded from fellowship with the holy God, was a view of the fall and its consequences which had been handed down from the primeval age, and which was not only shared by the Israelites with many of the nations of antiquity,

(Note: Vid., Bähr, Symbolik, ii. pp. 466ff.; Sommer, bibl. Abhdll. pp. 271ff.; Knobel on this chapter, and Leyrer in Herzog's Cyclopaedia.)

but presupposed by the laws given on Sinai as a truth well known in Israel; and at the same time confirmed, both in the prohibition of the priests from defiling themselves with the dead, except in the case of their nearest blood-relations (Leviticus 21:1-6, Leviticus 21:10-12), and in the command, that every one who was defiled by a corpse should be removed out of the camp ( Numbers 5:2-4). Now, so long as the mortality within the congregation did not exceed the natural limits, the traditional modes of purification would be quite sufficient. But when it prevailed to a hitherto unheard-of extent, in consequence of the sentence pronounced by God, the defilements would necessarily be so crowded together, that the whole congregation would be in danger of being infected with the defilement of death, and of forfeiting its vocation to be the holy nation of Jehovah, unless God provided it with the means of cleansing itself from this uncleanness, without losing the fellowship of His covenant of grace. The law which follows furnished the means. In Numbers 19:2 this law is called התּורה חקּת , a “ statute of instruction, ” or law-statute. This combination of the two words commonly used for law and statute, which is only met with again in Numbers 31:21, and there, as here, in connection with a rule relating to purification from the uncleanness of death, is probably intended to give emphasis to the design of the law about to be given, to point it out as one of great importance, but not as decretum absque ulla ratione , a decree without any reason, as the Rabbins suppose.

Verses 2-10

Preparation of the Purifying Water. - As water is the ordinary means by which all kinds of uncleanness are removed, it was also to be employed in the removal of the uncleanness of death. But as this uncleanness was the strongest of all religious defilements, fresh water alone was not sufficient to remove it; and consequently a certain kind of sprinkling-water was appointed, which was strengthened by the ashes of a sin-offering, and thus formed into a holy alkali. The main point in the law which follows, therefore, was the preparation of the ashes, and these had to be obtained by the sacrifice of a red heifer .

(Note: On this sacrifice, which is so rich in symbolical allusions, but the details of which are so difficult to explain, compare the rabbinical statutes in the talmudical tractate Para ( Mishnah, v. Surenh. vi. pp. 269ff.); Maimonides de vacca rufa; and Lundius jüd. Heiligth . pp. 680ff. Among modern treatises on this subject, are Bähr's Symbolik, ii. pp. 493ff.; Hengstenberg, Egypt and the Books of Moses , pp. 173ff.; Leyrer in Herzog's Cycl.; Kurtz in the Theol. Studien und Kritiken, 1846, pp. 629ff. (also Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament, pp. 422ff., Eng. transl., Tr.); and my Archäologie , i. p. 58.)

Numbers 19:2

The sons of Israel were to bring to Moses a red heifer, entirely without blemish, and to give it to Eleazar the priest, that he might have it slaughtered in his presence outside the camp. פּרה is not a cow generally, but a young cow, a heifer, הב́לבכיע (lxx), juvenca , between the calf and the full-grown cow. אדמּה , of a red colour, is not to be connected with תמימה in the sense of “quite red,” as the Rabbins interpret it; but תמימה , integra , is to be taken by itself, and the words which follow, “ wherein is no blemish, ” to be regarded as defining it still more precisely (see Leviticus 22:19-20). The slaying of this heifer is called חטּאת , a sin-offering, in Numbers 19:9 and Numbers 19:17. To remind the congregation that death was the wages of sin, the antidote to the defilement of death was to be taken from a sin-offering. But as the object was not to remove and wipe away sin as such, but simply to cleanse the congregation from the uncleanness which proceeded from death, the curse of sin, it was necessary that the sin-offering should be modified in a peculiar manner to accord with this special design. The sacrificial animal was not to be a bullock, as in the case of the ordinary sin-offerings of the congregation (Leviticus 4:14), but a female, because the female sex is the bearer of life (Genesis 3:20), a פּרה , i.e., lit., the fruit-bringing; and of a red colour, not because the blood-red colour points to sin (as Hengstenberg follows the Rabbins and earlier theologians in supposing), but as the colour of the most “intensive life,” which has its seat in the blood, and shows itself in the red colour of the face (the cheeks and lips); and one “upon which no yoke had ever come,” i.e., whose vital energy had not yet been crippled by labour under the yoke. Lastly, like all the sacrificial animals, it was to be uninjured, and free from faults, inasmuch as the idea of representation, which lay at the foundation of all the sacrifices, but more especially of the sin-offerings, demanded natural sinlessness and original purity, quite as much as imputed sin and transferred uncleanness. Whilst the last-mentioned prerequisite showed that the victim was well fitted for bearing sin, the other attributes indicated the fulness of life and power in their highest forms, and qualified it to form a powerful antidote to death. As thus appointed to furnish a reagent against death and mortal corruption, the sacrificial animal was to possess throughout, viz., in colour, in sex, and in the character of its body, the fulness of life in its greatest freshness and vigour.

Numbers 19:3-4

The sacrifice itself was to be superintended by Eleazar the priest, the eldest son of the high priest, and his presumptive successor in office; because Aaron, or the high priest, whose duty it was to present the sin-offerings for the congregation (Leviticus 4:16), could not, according to his official position, which required him to avoid all uncleanness of death ( Leviticus 21:11-12), perform such an act as this, which stood in the closest relation to death and the uncleanness of death, and for that very reason had to be performed outside the camp. The subject, to “ bring her forth ” and “ slay her, ” is indefinite; since it was not the duty of the priest to slay the sacrificial animal, but of the offerer himself, or in the case before us, of the congregation, which would appoint one of its own number for the purpose. All that the priest had to do was to sprinkle the blood; at the same time the slaying was to take place לפניו , before him, i.e., before his eyes. Eleazar was to sprinkle some of the blood seven times “ towards the opposite,” i.e., toward the front of the tabernacle ( seven times, as in Leviticus 4:17). Through this sprinkling of the blood the slaying became a sacrifice, being brought thereby into relation to Jehovah and the sanctuary; whilst the life, which was sacrificed for the sin of the congregation, was given up to the Lord, and offered up in the only way in which a sacrifice, prepared like this, outside the sanctuary, could possibly be offered.

Numbers 19:5-6

After this (Numbers 19:5, Numbers 19:6), they were to burn the cow, with the skin, flesh, blood, and dung, before his (Eleazar's) eyes, and he was to throw cedar-wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool into the fire. The burning of the sacrificial animal outside the camp took place in the case of every sin-offering for the whole congregation, for the reasons expounded on Leviticus 4:11-12. But in the case before us, the whole of the sacrificial act had to be performed outside the camp, i.e., outside the sphere of the theocracy; because the design of this sin-offering was not that the congregation might thereby be received through the expiation of its sin into the fellowship of the God and Lord who was present at the altar and in the sanctuary, but simply that an antidote to the infection of death might be provided for the congregation, which had become infected through fellowship with death; and consequently, the victim was to represent, not the living congregation as still associated with the God who was present in His earthly kingdom, but those members of the congregation who had fallen victims to temporal death as the wages of sin, and, as such, were separated from the earthly theocracy (see my Archaeology , i. p. 283). In this sacrifice, the blood, which was generally poured out at the foot of the altar, was burned along with the rest, and the ashes to be obtained were impregnated with the substance thereof. But in order still further to increase the strength of these ashes, which were already well fitted to serve as a powerful antidote to the corruption of death, as being the incorruptible residuum of the sin-offering which had not been destroyed by the fire, cedar-wood was thrown into the fire, as the symbol of the incorruptible continuance of life; and hyssop, as the symbol of purification from the corruption of death; and scarlet wool, the deep red of which shadowed forth the strongest vital energy (see at Leviticus 14:6), - so that the ashes might be regarded “as the quintessence of all that purified and strengthened life, refined and sublimated by the fire” ( Leyrer ).

Numbers 19:7-10

The persons who took part in this - viz., the priest, the man who attended to the burning, and the clean man who gathered the ashes together, and deposited them in a clean place for subsequent use - became unclean till the evening in consequence; not from the fact that they had officiated for unclean persons, and, in a certain sense, had participated in their uncleanness ( Knobel ), but through the uncleanness of sin and death, which had passed over to the sin-offering; just as the man who led into the wilderness the goat which had been rendered unclean through the imposition of sin, became himself unclean in consequence (Leviticus 16:26). Even the sprinkling water prepared from the ashes defiled every one who touched it (Numbers 19:21). But when the ashes were regarded in relation to their appointment as the means of purification, they were to be treated as clean. Not only were they to be collected together by a clean man; but they were to be kept for use in a clean place, just as the ashes of the sacrifices that were taken away from the altar were to be carried to a clean place outside the camp (Leviticus 6:4). These defilements, like every other which only lasted till the evening, were to be removed by washing. The ashes thus collected were to serve the congregation נדּה למי , i.e., literally as water of uncleanness; in other words, as water by which uncleanness was to be removed. “ Water of uncleanness ” is analogous to “ water of sin ” in Numbers 8:7.

Verses 10-22

Use of the Water of Purification . - The words in Numbers 19:10 , “ And it shall be to the children of Israel, and to the stranger in the midst of them, for an everlasting statute, ” relate to the preparation and application of the sprinkling water, and connect the foregoing instructions with those which follow. - Numbers 19:1-13 contain the general rules for the use of the water; Numbers 19:14-22 a more detailed description of the execution of those rules.

Numbers 19:11-13

Whoever touched a corpse, “ with regard to all the souls of men, ” i.e., the corpse of a person, of whatever age or sex, was unclean for seven days, and on the third and seventh day he was to cleanse himself ( התחטּא , as in Numbers 8:21) with the water ( בּו refers, so far as the sense is concerned, to the water of purification). If he neglected this cleansing, he did not become clean, and he defiled the dwelling of Jehovah (see at Leviticus 15:31). Such a man was to be cut off from Israel (vid., at Genesis 17:14).

Numbers 19:14-16

Special instructions concerning the defilement. If a man died in a tent, every one who entered it, or who was there at the time, became unclean for seven days. So also did every “ open vessel upon which there was not a covering, a string, ” i.e., that had not a covering fastened by a string, to prevent the smell of the corpse from penetrating it. פּתיל , a string, is in apposition to צמיד , a band, or binding (see Ges. §113; Ewald , §287, e.). This also applied to any one in the open field, who touched a man who had either been slain by the sword or had died a natural death, or even a bone (skeleton), or a grave.

Numbers 19:17-20

Ceremony of purification . They were to take for the unclean person some of the dust of the burning of the cow, i.e., some of the ashes obtained by burning the cow, and put living, i.e., fresh water (see Leviticus 14:5), upon it in a vessel. A clean man was then to take a bunch of hyssop (see Exodus 12:22), on account of its inherent purifying power, and dip it in the water, on the third and seventh day after the defilement had taken place, and to sprinkle the tent, with the vessels and persons in it, as well as every one who had touched a corpse, whether a person slain, or one who had died a natural death, or a grave; after which the persons were to wash their clothes and bathe, that they might be clean in the evening. As the uncleanness in question is held up as the highest grade of uncleanness, by its duration being fixed at seven days, i.e., an entire week, so the appointment of a double purification with the sprinkling water shows the force of the uncleanness to be removed; whilst the selection of the third and seventh days was simply determined by the significance of the numbers themselves. In Numbers 19:20, the threat of punishment for the neglect of purification is repeated from Numbers 19:13, for the purpose of making it most emphatic.

Numbers 19:21-22

This also was to be an everlasting statute, that he who sprinkled the water of purification, or even touched it (see at Numbers 19:7.), and he who was touched by a person defiled (by a corpse), and also the person who touched him, should be unclean till the evening, - a rule which also applied to other forms of uncleanness.