Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 2 » Verse 17

Numbers 2:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 Then the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 shall set forward H5265 with the camp H4264 of the Levites H3881 in the midst H8432 of the camp: H4264 as they encamp, H2583 so shall they set forward, H5265 every man H376 in his place H3027 by their standards. H1714

Cross Reference

Numbers 10:21 STRONG

And the Kohathites H6956 set forward, H5265 bearing H5375 the sanctuary: H4720 and the other did set up H6965 the tabernacle H4908 against they came. H935

Numbers 10:17 STRONG

And the tabernacle H4908 was taken down; H3381 and the sons H1121 of Gershon H1648 and the sons H1121 of Merari H4847 set forward, H5265 bearing H5375 the tabernacle. H4908

Numbers 1:50-53 STRONG

But thou shalt appoint H6485 the Levites H3881 over the tabernacle H4908 of testimony, H5715 and over all the vessels H3627 thereof, and over all things that belong to it: they shall bear H5375 the tabernacle, H4908 and all the vessels H3627 thereof; and they shall minister H8334 unto it, and shall encamp H2583 round about H5439 the tabernacle. H4908 And when the tabernacle H4908 setteth forward, H5265 the Levites H3881 shall take it down: H3381 and when the tabernacle H4908 is to be pitched, H2583 the Levites H3881 shall set it up: H6965 and the stranger H2114 that cometh nigh H7131 shall be put to death. H4191 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall pitch their tents, H2583 every man H376 by his own camp, H4264 and every man H376 by his own standard, H1714 throughout their hosts. H6635 But the Levites H3881 shall pitch H2583 round about H5439 the tabernacle H4908 of testimony, H5715 that there be no wrath H7110 upon the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and the Levites H3881 shall keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the tabernacle H4908 of testimony. H5715

Numbers 2:1 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses H4872 and unto Aaron, H175 saying, H559

Numbers 3:38 STRONG

But those that encamp H2583 before H6440 the tabernacle H4908 toward the east, H6924 even before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 eastward, H4217 shall be Moses, H4872 and Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 keeping H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary H4720 for the charge H4931 of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 and the stranger H2114 that cometh nigh H7131 shall be put to death. H4191

1 Corinthians 14:40 STRONG

Let G1096 all things G3956 be done G1096 decently G2156 and G2532 in G2596 order. G5010

Colossians 2:5 STRONG

For G1063 though G1499 I be absent G548 in the flesh, G4561 yet G235 am I G1510 with G4862 you G5213 in the spirit, G4151 joying G5463 and G2532 beholding G991 your G5216 order, G5010 and G2532 the stedfastness G4733 of your G5216 faith G4102 in G1519 Christ. G5547

Commentary on Numbers 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 2:1-34. The Order of the Tribes in Their Tents.

2. Every man … shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's house—Standards were visible signs of a certain recognized form for directing the movements of large bodies of people. As the Israelites were commanded to encamp "each by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's house," the direction has been considered as implying that they possessed three varieties: (1) the great tribal standards, which served as rallying points for the twelve large clans of the people; (2) the standards of the subdivided portions; and, (3) those of families or houses. The latter must have been absolutely necessary, as one ensign only for a tribe would not have been visible at the extremities of so large a body. We possess no authentic information as to their forms, material, colors, and devices. But it is probable that they might bear some resemblance to those of Egypt, only stripped of any idolatrous symbols. These were of an umbrella or a fanlike form, made of ostrich feathers, shawls, &c., lifted on the points of long poles, which were borne, either like the sacred central one, on a car, or on men's shoulders, while others might be like the beacon lights which are set on poles by Eastern pilgrims at night. Jewish writers say that the standards of the Hebrew tribes were symbols borrowed from the prophetic blessing of Jacob—Judah's being a lion, Benjamin's a wolf, &c. [Ge 49:3-24]; and that the ensigns or banners were distinguished by their colors—the colors of each tribe being the same as that of the precious stone representing that tribe in the breastplate of the high priest [Ex 28:17-21].

far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch—that is, "over against," at a reverential distance. The place of every tribe is successively and specifically described because each had a certain part assigned both in the order of march and the disposition of the encampment.

3. on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the standard of the camp of Judah pitch throughout their armies—Judah, placed at the head of a camp composed of three tribes rallying under its standard, was said to have combined the united colors in the high priest's breastplate, but called by the name of Judah. They were appointed to occupy the east side and to take the lead in the march, which, for the most part, was in an easterly direction.

Nahshon—or Naasson (Mt 1:4; Lu 3:32, 33).

shall be captain—It appears that the twelve men who were called to superintend the census were also appointed to be the captains of their respective tribes—a dignity which they owed probably to the circumstances, formerly noticed, of their holding the hereditary office of head or "prince."

5. those that pitch next unto him—that is, on the one side.

7. Then the tribe of Zebulun—on the other side. While Judah's tribe was the most numerous, those of Issachar and Zebulun were also very numerous; so that the association of those three tribes formed a strong and imposing van.

10-31. On the south side the standard of the camp of Reuben—The description given of the position of Reuben and his attendant tribes on the south, of Ephraim and his associates on the west, of Dan and his confederates on the north, with that of Judah on the east, suggests the idea of a square or quadrangle, which, allowing one square cubit to each soldier while remaining close in the ranks, has been computed to extend over an area of somewhat more than twelve square miles. But into our calculations of the occupied space must be taken not only the fighting men, whose numbers are here given, but also the families, tents, and baggage. The tabernacle or sacred tent of their Divine King, with the camp of the Levites around it (see on Nu 3:38), formed the center, as does the chief's in the encampment of all nomad people. In marching, this order was adhered to, with some necessary variations. Judah led the way, followed, it is most probable, by Issachar and Zebulun [Nu 10:14-16]. Reuben, Simeon, and Gad formed the second great division [Nu 10:18-20]. They were followed by the central company, composed of the Levites, bearing the tabernacle [Nu 10:21]. Then the third and posterior squadron consisted of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin [Nu 10:22-24], while the hindmost place was assigned to Dan, Asher, and Naphtali [Nu 10:25-27]. Thus Judah's, which was the most numerous, formed the van: and Dan's, which was the next in force, brought up the rear; while Reuben's and Ephraim's, with the tribes associated with them respectively, being the smallest and weakest, were placed in the center. (See on Nu 10:13).