Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 21 » Verse 31

Numbers 21:31 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

31 Thus Israel H3478 dwelt H3427 in the land H776 of the Amorites. H567

Cross Reference

Numbers 32:33-42 STRONG

And Moses H4872 gave H5414 unto them, even to the children H1121 of Gad, H1410 and to the children H1121 of Reuben, H7205 and unto half H2677 the tribe H7626 of Manasseh H4519 the son H1121 of Joseph, H3130 the kingdom H4467 of Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 and the kingdom H4467 of Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 the land, H776 with the cities H5892 thereof in the coasts, H1367 even the cities H5892 of the country H776 round about. H5439 And the children H1121 of Gad H1410 built H1129 Dibon, H1769 and Ataroth, H5852 and Aroer, H6177 And Atroth, Shophan, H5855 and Jaazer, H3270 and Jogbehah, H3011 And Bethnimrah, H1039 and Bethharan, H1028 fenced H4013 cities: H5892 and folds H1448 for sheep. H6629 And the children H1121 of Reuben H7205 built H1129 Heshbon, H2809 and Elealeh, H500 and Kirjathaim, H7156 And Nebo, H5015 and Baalmeon, H1186 (their names H8034 being changed,) H4142 and Shibmah: H7643 and gave H7121 other names H8034 H8034 unto the cities H5892 which they builded. H1129 And the children H1121 of Machir H4353 the son H1121 of Manasseh H4519 went H3212 to Gilead, H1568 and took H3920 it, and dispossessed H3423 the Amorite H567 which was in it. And Moses H4872 gave H5414 Gilead H1568 unto Machir H4353 the son H1121 of Manasseh; H4519 and he dwelt H3427 therein. And Jair H2971 the son H1121 of Manasseh H4519 went H1980 and took H3920 the small towns H2333 thereof, and called H7121 them Havothjair. H2334 And Nobah H5025 went H1980 and took H3920 Kenath, H7079 and the villages H1323 thereof, and called H7121 it Nobah, H5025 after his own name. H8034

Deuteronomy 3:16-17 STRONG

And unto the Reubenites H7206 and unto the Gadites H1425 I gave H5414 from Gilead H1568 even unto the river H5158 Arnon H769 half H8432 the valley, H5158 and the border H1366 even unto the river H5158 Jabbok, H2999 which is the border H1366 of the children H1121 of Ammon; H5983 The plain H6160 also, and Jordan, H3383 and the coast H1366 thereof, from Chinnereth H3672 even unto the sea H3220 of the plain, H6160 even the salt H4417 sea, H3220 under Ashdothpisgah H798 H794 eastward. H4217

Joshua 12:1-6 STRONG

Now these are the kings H4428 of the land, H776 which the children H1121 of Israel H3478 smote, H5221 and possessed H3423 their land H776 on the other side H5676 Jordan H3383 toward the rising H4217 of the sun, H8121 from the river H5158 Arnon H769 unto mount H2022 Hermon, H2768 and all the plain H6160 on the east: H4217 Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 who dwelt H3427 in Heshbon, H2809 and ruled H4910 from Aroer, H6177 which is upon the bank H8193 of the river H5158 Arnon, H769 and from the middle H8432 of the river, H5158 and from half H2677 Gilead, H1568 even unto the river H5158 Jabbok, H2999 which is the border H1366 of the children H1121 of Ammon; H5983 And from the plain H6160 to the sea H3220 of Chinneroth H3672 on the east, H4217 and unto the sea H3220 of the plain, H6160 even the salt H4417 sea H3220 on the east, H4217 the way H1870 to Bethjeshimoth; H1020 and from the south, H8486 under Ashdothpisgah: H798 H794 And the coast H1366 of Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 which was of the remnant H3499 of the giants, H7497 that dwelt H3427 at Ashtaroth H6252 and at Edrei, H154 And reigned H4910 in mount H2022 Hermon, H2768 and in Salcah, H5548 and in all Bashan, H1316 unto the border H1366 of the Geshurites H1651 and the Maachathites, H4602 and half H2677 Gilead, H1568 the border H1366 of Sihon H5511 king H4428 of Heshbon. H2809 Them did Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD H3068 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 smite: H5221 and Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD H3068 gave H5414 it for a possession H3425 unto the Reubenites, H7206 and the Gadites, H1425 and the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh. H4519

Joshua 13:8-12 STRONG

With whom the Reubenites H7206 and the Gadites H1425 have received H3947 their inheritance, H5159 which Moses H4872 gave H5414 them, beyond H5676 Jordan H3383 eastward, H4217 even as Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD H3068 gave H5414 them; From Aroer, H6177 that is upon the bank H8193 of the river H5158 Arnon, H769 and the city H5892 that is in the midst H8432 of the river, H5158 and all the plain H4334 of Medeba H4311 unto Dibon; H1769 And all the cities H5892 of Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 which reigned H4427 in Heshbon, H2809 unto the border H1366 of the children H1121 of Ammon; H5983 And Gilead, H1568 and the border H1366 of the Geshurites H1651 and Maachathites, H4602 and all mount H2022 Hermon, H2768 and all Bashan H1316 unto Salcah; H5548 All the kingdom H4468 of Og H5747 in Bashan, H1316 which reigned H4427 in Ashtaroth H6252 and in Edrei, H154 who remained H7604 of the remnant H3499 of the giants: H7497 for these did Moses H4872 smite, H5221 and cast them out. H3423

Commentary on Numbers 21 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 21:1-35. Israel Attacked by the Canaanites.

1. King Arad the Canaanite—rather, "the Canaanite king of Arad"—an ancient town on the southernmost borders of Palestine, not far from Kadesh. A hill called Tell Arad marks the spot.

heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies—in the way or manner of spies, stealthily, or from spies sent by himself to ascertain the designs and motions of the Israelites. The Septuagint and others consider the Hebrew word "spies" a proper name, and render it: "Came by the way of Atharim towards Arad" [Kennicott].

he fought against Israel, and took some of them prisoners—This discomfiture was permitted to teach them to expect the conquest of Canaan not from their own wisdom and valor, but solely from the favor and help of God (De 9:4; Ps 44:3, 4).

2, 3. Israel vowed a vow unto the Lord—Made to feel their own weakness, they implored the aid of Heaven, and, in anticipation of it, devoted the cities of this king to future destruction. The nature and consequence of such anathemas are described (Le 27:1-34; De 13:1-18). This vow of extermination against Arad [Nu 21:2] gave name to the place Hormah (slaughter and destruction) though it was not accomplished till after the passage of the Jordan. Others think Hormah the name of a town mentioned (Jos 12:14).

4. they journeyed from mount Hor—On being refused the passage requested, they returned through the Arabah, "the way of the Red Sea," to Elath, at the head of the eastern gulf of the Red Sea, and thence passed up through the mountains to the eastern desert, so as to make the circuit of the land of Edom (Nu 33:41, 42).

the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way—Disappointment on finding themselves so near the confines of the promised land without entering it; vexation at the refusal of a passage through Edom and the absence of any divine interposition in their favor; and above all, the necessity of a retrograde journey by a long and circuitous route through the worst parts of a sandy desert and the dread of being plunged into new and unknown difficulties—all this produced a deep depression of spirits. But it was followed, as usually, by a gross outburst of murmuring at the scarcity of water, and of expressions of disgust at the manna.

5. our soul loatheth this light bread—that is, bread without substance or nutritious quality. The refutation of this calumny appears in the fact, that on the strength of this food they performed for forty years so many and toilsome journeys. But they had been indulging a hope of the better and more varied fare enjoyed by a settled people; and disappointment, always the more bitter as the hope of enjoyment seems near, drove them to speak against God and against Moses (1Co 10:9).

6. The Lord sent fiery serpents among the people—That part of the desert where the Israelites now were—near the head of the gulf of Akaba—is greatly infested with venomous reptiles, of various kinds, particularly lizards, which raise themselves in the air and swing themselves from branches; and scorpions, which, being in the habit of lying in long grass, are particularly dangerous to the barelegged, sandaled people of the East. The only known remedy consists in sucking the wound, or, in the case of cattle, in the application of ammonia. The exact species of serpents that caused so great mortality among the Israelites cannot be ascertained. They are said to have been "fiery," an epithet applied to them either from their bright, vivid color, or the violent inflammation their bite occasioned.

7-9. the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned—The severity of the scourge and the appalling extent of mortality brought them to a sense of sin, and through the intercessions of Moses, which they implored, they were miraculously healed. He was directed to make the figure of a serpent in brass, to be elevated on a pole or standard, that it might be seen at the extremities of the camp and that every bitten Israelite who looked to it might be healed. This peculiar method of cure was designed, in the first instance, to show that it was the efficacy of God's power and grace, not the effect of nature or art, and also that it might be a type of the power of faith in Christ to heal all who look to Him because of their sins (Joh 3:14, 15; see also on 2Ki 18:4).

10. the children of Israel set forward—along the eastern frontier of the Edomites, encamping in various stations.

12. pitched in the valley—literally, the "woody brook-valley" of Zared (De 2:13; Isa 15:7; Am 6:14). This torrent rises among the mountains to the east of Moab, and flowing west, empties itself into the Dead Sea. Ije-Abarim is supposed to have been its ford [Calmet].

13. pitched on the other side of Arnon—now El-Mojib, a deep, broad, and rapid stream, dividing the dominions of the Moabites and Amorites.

14. book of the wars of the Lord—A fragment or passage is here quoted from a poem or history of the wars of the Israelites, principally with a view to decide the position of Arnon.

15. Ar—the capital of Moab.

16. from thence they went to Beer—that is, a "well." The name was probably given to it afterwards [see Jud 9:21], as it is not mentioned (Nu 33:1-56).

17, 18. Then Israel sang—This beautiful little song was in accordance with the wants and feelings of travelling caravans in the East, where water is an occasion both of prayer and thanksgiving. From the princes using their official rods only, and not spades, it seems probable that this well was concealed by the brushwood or the sand, as is the case with many wells in Idumea still. The discovery of it was seasonable, and owing to the special interposition of God.

21-23. Israel sent messengers unto Sihon—The rejection of their respectful and pacific message was resented—Sihon was discomfited in battle—and Israel obtained by right of conquest the whole of the Amorite dominions.

24. from Arnon unto Jabbok—now the Zurka. These rivers formed the southern and northern boundaries of his usurped territory.

for the border of … Ammon was strong—a reason stated for Sihon not being able to push his invasion further.

25. Israel dwelt in all the cities—after exterminating the inhabitants who had been previously doomed (De 2:34).

26. Heshbon—(So 7:4)—situated sixteen English miles north of the Arnon, and from its ruins it appears to have been a large city.

27-30. Wherefore they that speak in proverbs—Here is given an extract from an Amorite song exultingly anticipating an extension of their conquests to Arnon. The quotation from the poem of the Amorite bard ends at Nu 21:28. The two following verses appear to be the strains in which the Israelites expose the impotence of the usurpers.

29. people of Chemosh—the name of the Moabite idol (1Ki 11:7-33; 2Ki 23:13; Jer 48:46).

he—that is, their god, hath surrendered his worshippers to the victorious arms of Sihon.

33. they turned and went up by the way of Bashan—a name given to that district from the richness of the soil—now Batanea or El-Bottein—a hilly region east of the Jordan lying between the mountains of Hermon on the north and those of Gilead on the south.

Og—a giant, an Amoritish prince, who, having opposed the progress of the Israelites, was defeated.

34, 35. The Lord said unto Moses, Fear him not—a necessary encouragement, for Og's gigantic stature (De 3:11) was calculated to inspire terror. He and all his were put to the sword.