Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 24 » Verse 4

Numbers 24:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 He hath said, H5002 which heard H8085 the words H561 of God, H410 which saw H2372 the vision H4236 of the Almighty, H7706 falling H5307 into a trance, but having his eyes H5869 open: H1540

Cross Reference

Revelation 1:17 STRONG

And G2532 when G3753 I saw G1492 him, G846 I fell G4098 at G4314 his G846 feet G4228 as G5613 dead. G3498 And G2532 he laid G2007 his G846 right G1188 hand G5495 upon G1909 me, G1691 saying G3004 unto me, G3427 Fear G5399 not; G3361 I G1473 am G1510 the first G4413 and G2532 the last: G2078

Revelation 1:10 STRONG

I was G1096 in G1722 the Spirit G4151 on G1722 the Lord's G2960 day, G2250 and G2532 heard G191 behind G3694 me G3450 a great G3173 voice, G5456 as G5613 of a trumpet, G4536

Ezekiel 1:28 STRONG

As the appearance H4758 of the bow H7198 that is in the cloud H6051 in the day H3117 of rain, H1653 so was the appearance H4758 of the brightness H5051 round about. H5439 This was the appearance H4758 of the likeness H1823 of the glory H3519 of the LORD. H3068 And when I saw H7200 it, I fell H5307 upon my face, H6440 and I heard H8085 a voice H6963 of one that spake. H1696

Numbers 12:6 STRONG

And he said, H559 Hear H8085 now my words: H1697 If there be a prophet H5030 among you, I the LORD H3068 will make myself known H3045 unto him in a vision, H4759 and will speak H1696 unto him in a dream. H2472

Daniel 10:15-16 STRONG

And when he had spoken H1696 such words H1697 unto me, I set H5414 my face H6440 toward the ground, H776 and I became dumb. H481 And, behold, one like the similitude H1823 of the sons H1121 of men H120 touched H5060 my lips: H8193 then I opened H6605 my mouth, H6310 and spake, H1696 and said H559 unto him that stood H5975 before me, O my lord, H113 by the vision H4759 my sorrows H6735 are turned H2015 upon me, and I have retained H6113 no strength. H3581

2 Corinthians 12:1-4 STRONG

It is G4851 not G3756 expedient G4851 for me G3427 doubtless G1211 to glory. G2744 G1063 I will come G2064 to G1519 visions G3701 and G2532 revelations G602 of the Lord. G2962 I knew G1492 a man G444 in G1722 Christ G5547 above G4253 fourteen G1180 years G2094 ago, G4253 (whether G1535 in G1722 the body, G4983 I cannot G3756 tell; G1492 or whether G1535 out G1622 of the body, G4983 I cannot G3756 tell: G1492 God G2316 knoweth;) G1492 such an one G5108 caught up G726 to G2193 the third G5154 heaven. G3772 And G2532 I knew G1492 such G5108 a man, G444 (whether G1535 in G1722 the body, G4983 or G1535 out G1622 of the body, G4983 I cannot G3756 tell: G1492 God G2316 knoweth;) G1492 How that G3754 he was caught up G726 into G1519 paradise, G3857 and G2532 heard G191 unspeakable G731 words, G4487 which G3739 it is G1832 not G3756 lawful G1832 for a man G444 to utter. G2980

Acts 22:17 STRONG

And G1161 it came to pass, G1096 that, when I G3427 was come again G5290 to G1519 Jerusalem, G2419 even G2532 while I G3450 prayed G4336 in G1722 the temple, G2411 I G3165 was G1096 in G1722 a trance; G1611

Acts 10:19 STRONG

While G1161 Peter G4074 thought G1760 on G4012 the vision, G3705 the Spirit G4151 said G2036 unto him, G846 Behold, G2400 three G5140 men G435 seek G2212 thee. G4571

Acts 10:10 STRONG

And G1161 he became G1096 very hungry, G4361 and G2532 would G2309 have eaten: G1089 but G1161 while they G1565 made ready, G3903 he G846 fell G1968 into G1909 a trance, G1611

Genesis 15:1 STRONG

After H310 these things H1697 the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came H1961 unto Abram H87 in a vision, H4236 saying, H559 Fear H3372 not, Abram: H87 I am thy shield, H4043 and thy exceeding H3966 great H7235 reward. H7939

Daniel 8:26-27 STRONG

And the vision H4758 of the evening H6153 and the morning H1242 which was told H559 is true: H571 wherefore shut thou up H5640 the vision; H2377 for it shall be for many H7227 days. H3117 And I Daniel H1840 fainted, H1961 and was sick H2470 certain days; H3117 afterward I rose up, H6965 and did H6213 the king's H4428 business; H4399 and I was astonished H8074 at the vision, H4758 but none understood H995 it.

Daniel 8:17-18 STRONG

So he came H935 near H681 where I stood: H5977 and when he came, H935 I was afraid, H1204 and fell H5307 upon my face: H6440 but he said H559 unto me, Understand, H995 O son H1121 of man: H120 for at the time H6256 of the end H7093 shall be the vision. H2377 Now as he was speaking H1696 with me, I was in a deep sleep H7290 on my face H6440 toward the ground: H776 but he touched H5060 me, and set H5975 me upright. H5977

Psalms 89:19 STRONG

Then thou spakest H1696 in vision H2377 to thy holy one, H2623 and saidst, H559 I have laid H7737 help H5828 upon one that is mighty; H1368 I have exalted H7311 one chosen H977 out of the people. H5971

1 Samuel 19:24 STRONG

And he stripped off H6584 his clothes H899 also, H1571 and prophesied H5012 before H6440 Samuel H8050 in like manner, and lay down H5307 naked H6174 all that day H3117 and all that night. H3915 Wherefore they say, H559 Is Saul H7586 also among the prophets? H5030

Numbers 22:31 STRONG

Then the LORD H3068 opened H1540 the eyes H5869 of Balaam, H1109 and he saw H7200 the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 standing H5324 in the way, H1870 and his sword H2719 drawn H8025 in his hand: H3027 and he bowed down H6915 his head, and fell flat H7812 on his face. H639

Numbers 22:20 STRONG

And God H430 came H935 unto Balaam H1109 at night, H3915 and said H559 unto him, If the men H582 come H935 to call H7121 thee, rise up, H6965 and go H3212 with them; but yet H389 the word H1697 which I shall say H1696 unto thee, that shalt thou do. H6213

Genesis 15:12 STRONG

And when the sun H8121 was going down, H935 a deep sleep H8639 fell H5307 upon Abram; H87 and, lo, an horror H367 of great H1419 darkness H2825 fell H5307 upon him.

Commentary on Numbers 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 24:1-25. Balaam Foretells Israel's Happiness.

1. to seek for—that is, to use enchantments. His experience on the two former occasions [Nu 23:3, 15] had taught him that these superstitious accompaniments of his worship were useless, and therefore he now simply looked towards the camp of Israel, either with a secret design to curse them, or to await the divine afflatus.

2. he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes—that is, in the orderly distribution of the camp (Nu 2:1-34).

the spirit of God came upon him—Before the regular ministry of the prophets was instituted, God made use of various persons as the instruments through whom He revealed His will, and Balaam was one of these (De 23:5).

3. the man whose eyes are open—that is, a seer (1Sa 9:9), a prophet, to whom the visioned future was disclosed—sometimes when falling into a sleep (Ge 15:12-15), frequently into "a trance."

5-7. How goodly are thy tents, … O Israel!—a fine burst of admiration, expressed in highly poetical strains. All travellers describe the beauty which the circular area of Bedouin tents impart to the desert. How impressive, then, must have been the view, as seen from the heights of Abarim, of the immense camp of Israel extended over the subjacent plains.

6. As the valleys—Hebrew, "brooks," the watercourses of the mountains.

lign aloes—an aromatic shrub on the banks of his native Euphrates, the conical form of which suggested an apt resemblance to a tent. The redundant imagery of these verses depicts the humble origin, rapid progress, and prosperity of Israel.

7. his king shall be higher than Agag—The Amalekites were then the most powerful of all the desert tribes, and "Agag" a title common to their kings.

10-14. Balak's anger was kindled against Balaam, and he smote his hands together—The "smiting of the hands together" is, among Oriental people, an indication of the most violent rage (see Eze 21:17; 22:13) and ignominious dismissal.

15. he took his parable—or prophecy, uttered in a poetical style.

17. I shall see him—rather, "I do see" or "I have seen him"—a prophetic sight, like that of Abraham (Joh 8:56).

him—that is, Israel.

there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel—This imagery, in the hieroglyphic language of the East, denotes some eminent ruler—primarily David; but secondarily and pre-eminently, the Messiah (see on Ge 49:10).

corners—border, often used for a whole country (Ex 8:2; Ps 74:17).

children of Sheth—some prince of Moab; or, according to some, "the children of the East."

18. Edom shall be a possession—This prophecy was accomplished by David (2Sa 8:14).

Seir—seen in the south, and poetically used for Edom. The double conquest of Moab and Edom is alluded to (Ps 60:8; 108:9).

19. Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion—David, and particularly Christ.

that remaineth of the city—those who flee from the field to fortified places (Ps 60:9).

20. Amalek … his latter end shall be that he perish for ever—Their territory was seen at the remote extremity of the desert. (See on Ex 17:13; also 1Sa 15:1-35).

21. Kenites … nest in a rock—Though securely established among the clefts in the high rocks of En-gedi towards the west, they should be gradually reduced by a succession of enemies till the Assyrian invader carried them into captivity (Jud 1:16; 4:11, 16, 17; also 2Ki 15:29; 17:6).

23. who shall live when God doeth this!—Few shall escape the desolation that shall send a Nebuchadnezzar to scourge all those regions.

24. Chittim—the countries lying on the Mediterranean, particularly Greece and Italy (Da 11:29, 30). The Assyrians were themselves to be overthrown—first, by the Greeks under Alexander the Great and his successors; secondly, by the Romans.

Eber—the posterity of the Hebrews (Ge 10:24).

he also shall perish—that is, the conqueror of Asher and Eber, namely, the Greek and Roman empires.

25. Balaam rose up, and went … to his place—Mesopotamia, to which, however, he did not return. (See on Nu 31:8).