Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 26 » Verse 5-65

Numbers 26:5-65 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 Reuben, H7205 the eldest H1060 son of Israel: H3478 the children H1121 of Reuben; H7205 Hanoch, H2585 of whom cometh the family H4940 of the Hanochites: H2599 of Pallu, H6396 the family H4940 of the Palluites: H6384

6 Of Hezron, H2696 the family H4940 of the Hezronites: H2697 of Carmi, H3756 the family H4940 of the Carmites. H3757

7 These are the families H4940 of the Reubenites: H7206 and they that were numbered H6485 of them were forty H705 and three H7969 thousand H505 and seven H7651 hundred H3967 and thirty. H7970

8 And the sons H1121 of Pallu; H6396 Eliab. H446

9 And the sons H1121 of Eliab; H446 Nemuel, H5241 and Dathan, H1885 and Abiram. H48 This is that Dathan H1885 and Abiram, H48 which were famous H7148 H7121 in the congregation, H5712 who strove H5327 against Moses H4872 and against Aaron H175 in the company H5712 of Korah, H7141 when they strove H5327 against the LORD: H3068

10 And the earth H776 opened H6605 her mouth, H6310 and swallowed them up H1104 together with Korah, H7141 when that company H5712 died, H4194 what time the fire H784 devoured H398 two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 men: H376 and they became a sign. H5251

11 Notwithstanding the children H1121 of Korah H7141 died H4191 not.

12 The sons H1121 of Simeon H8095 after their families: H4940 of Nemuel, H5241 the family H4940 of the Nemuelites: H5242 of Jamin, H3226 the family H4940 of the Jaminites: H3228 of Jachin, H3199 the family H4940 of the Jachinites: H3200

13 Of Zerah, H2226 the family H4940 of the Zarhites: H2227 of Shaul, H7586 the family H4940 of the Shaulites. H7587

14 These are the families H4940 of the Simeonites, H8099 twenty H6242 and two H8147 thousand H505 and two hundred. H3967

15 The children H1121 of Gad H1410 after their families: H4940 of Zephon, H6827 the family H4940 of the Zephonites: H6831 of Haggi, H2291 the family H4940 of the Haggites: H2291 of Shuni, H7764 the family H4940 of the Shunites: H7765

16 Of Ozni, H244 the family H4940 of the Oznites: H244 of Eri, H6179 the family H4940 of the Erites: H6180

17 Of Arod, H720 the family H4940 of the Arodites: H722 of Areli, H692 the family H4940 of the Arelites. H692

18 These are the families H4940 of the children H1121 of Gad H1410 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them, forty H705 thousand H505 and five H2568 hundred. H3967

19 The sons H1121 of Judah H3063 were Er H6147 and Onan: H209 and Er H6147 and Onan H209 died H4191 in the land H776 of Canaan. H3667

20 And the sons H1121 of Judah H3063 after their families H4940 were; of Shelah, H7956 the family H4940 of the Shelanites: H8024 of Pharez, H6557 the family H4940 of the Pharzites: H6558 of Zerah, H2226 the family H4940 of the Zarhites. H2227

21 And the sons H1121 of Pharez H6557 were; of Hezron, H2696 the family H4940 of the Hezronites: H2697 of Hamul, H2538 the family H4940 of the Hamulites. H2539

22 These are the families H4940 of Judah H3063 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them, threescore and sixteen H7657 H8337 thousand H505 and five H2568 hundred. H3967

23 Of the sons H1121 of Issachar H3485 after their families: H4940 of Tola, H8439 the family H4940 of the Tolaites: H8440 of Pua, H6312 the family H4940 of the Punites: H6324

24 Of Jashub, H3437 the family H4940 of the Jashubites: H3432 of Shimron, H8110 the family H4940 of the Shimronites. H8117

25 These are the families H4940 of Issachar H3485 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them, threescore H8346 and four H702 thousand H505 and three H7969 hundred. H3967

26 Of the sons H1121 of Zebulun H2074 after their families: H4940 of Sered, H5624 the family H4940 of the Sardites: H5625 of Elon, H356 the family H4940 of the Elonites: H440 of Jahleel, H3177 the family H4940 of the Jahleelites. H3178

27 These are the families H4940 of the Zebulunites H2075 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them, threescore H8346 thousand H505 and five H2568 hundred. H3967

28 The sons H1121 of Joseph H3130 after their families H4940 were Manasseh H4519 and Ephraim. H669

29 Of the sons H1121 of Manasseh: H4519 of Machir, H4353 the family H4940 of the Machirites: H4354 and Machir H4353 begat H3205 Gilead: H1568 of Gilead H1568 come the family H4940 of the Gileadites. H1569

30 These are the sons H1121 of Gilead: H1568 of Jeezer, H372 the family H4940 of the Jeezerites: H373 of Helek, H2507 the family H4940 of the Helekites: H2516

31 And of Asriel, H844 the family H4940 of the Asrielites: H845 and of Shechem, H7928 the family H4940 of the Shechemites: H7930

32 And of Shemida, H8061 the family H4940 of the Shemidaites: H8062 and of Hepher, H2660 the family H4940 of the Hepherites. H2662

33 And Zelophehad H6765 the son H1121 of Hepher H2660 had no sons, H1121 but daughters: H1323 and the names H8034 of the daughters H1323 of Zelophehad H6765 were Mahlah, H4244 and Noah, H5270 Hoglah, H2295 Milcah, H4435 and Tirzah. H8656

34 These are the families H4940 of Manasseh, H4519 and those that were numbered H6485 of them, fifty H2572 and two H8147 thousand H505 and seven H7651 hundred. H3967

35 These are the sons H1121 of Ephraim H669 after their families: H4940 of Shuthelah, H7803 the family H4940 of the Shuthalhites: H8364 of Becher, H1071 the family H4940 of the Bachrites: H1076 of Tahan, H8465 the family H4940 of the Tahanites. H8470

36 And these are the sons H1121 of Shuthelah: H7803 of Eran, H6197 the family H4940 of the Eranites. H6198

37 These are the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Ephraim H669 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them, thirty H7970 and two H8147 thousand H505 and five H2568 hundred. H3967 These are the sons H1121 of Joseph H3130 after their families. H4940

38 The sons H1121 of Benjamin H1144 after their families: H4940 of Bela, H1106 the family H4940 of the Belaites: H1108 of Ashbel, H788 the family H4940 of the Ashbelites: H789 of Ahiram, H297 the family H4940 of the Ahiramites: H298

39 Of Shupham, H8197 the family H4940 of the Shuphamites: H7781 of Hupham, H2349 the family H4940 of the Huphamites. H2350

40 And the sons H1121 of Bela H1106 were Ard H714 and Naaman: H5283 of Ard, the family H4940 of the Ardites: H716 and of Naaman, H5283 the family H4940 of the Naamites. H5280

41 These are the sons H1121 of Benjamin H1144 after their families: H4940 and they that were numbered H6485 of them were forty H705 and five H2568 thousand H505 and six H8337 hundred. H3967

42 These are the sons H1121 of Dan H1835 after their families: H4940 of Shuham, H7748 the family H4940 of the Shuhamites. H7749 These are the families H4940 of Dan H1835 after their families. H4940

43 All the families H4940 of the Shuhamites, H7749 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them, were threescore H8346 and four H702 thousand H505 and four H702 hundred. H3967

44 Of the children H1121 of Asher H836 after their families: H4940 of Jimna, H3232 the family H4940 of the Jimnites: H3232 of Jesui, H3440 the family H4940 of the Jesuites: H3441 of Beriah, H1283 the family H4940 of the Beriites. H1284

45 Of the sons H1121 of Beriah: H1283 of Heber, H2268 the family H4940 of the Heberites: H2277 of Malchiel, H4439 the family H4940 of the Malchielites. H4440

46 And the name H8034 of the daughter H1323 of Asher H836 was Sarah. H8294

47 These are the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Asher H836 according to those that were numbered H6485 of them; who were fifty H2572 and three H7969 thousand H505 and four H702 hundred. H3967

48 Of the sons H1121 of Naphtali H5321 after their families: H4940 of Jahzeel, H3183 the family H4940 of the Jahzeelites: H3184 of Guni, H1476 the family H4940 of the Gunites: H1477

49 Of Jezer, H3337 the family H4940 of the Jezerites: H3340 of Shillem, H8006 the family H4940 of the Shillemites. H8016

50 These are the families H4940 of Naphtali H5321 according to their families: H4940 and they that were numbered H6485 of them were forty H705 and five H2568 thousand H505 and four H702 hundred. H3967

51 These were the numbered H6485 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 six H8337 hundred H3967 thousand H505 and a thousand H505 seven H7651 hundred H3967 and thirty. H7970

52 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559

53 Unto these the land H776 shall be divided H2505 for an inheritance H5159 according to the number H4557 of names. H8034

54 To many H7227 thou shalt give the more H7235 inheritance, H5159 and to few H4592 thou shalt give the less H4591 inheritance: H5159 to every one H376 shall his inheritance H5159 be given H5414 according H6310 to those that were numbered H6485 of him.

55 Notwithstanding the land H776 shall be divided H2505 by lot: H1486 according to the names H8034 of the tribes H4294 of their fathers H1 they shall inherit. H5157

56 According H6310 to the lot H1486 shall the possession H5159 thereof be divided H2505 between many H7227 and few. H4592

57 And these are they that were numbered H6485 of the Levites H3881 after their families: H4940 of Gershon, H1648 the family H4940 of the Gershonites: H1649 of Kohath, H6955 the family H4940 of the Kohathites: H6956 of Merari, H4847 the family H4940 of the Merarites. H4848

58 These are the families H4940 of the Levites: H3881 the family H4940 of the Libnites, H3846 the family H4940 of the Hebronites, H2276 the family H4940 of the Mahlites, H4250 the family H4940 of the Mushites, H4188 the family H4940 of the Korathites. H7145 And Kohath H6955 begat H3205 Amram. H6019

59 And the name H8034 of Amram's H6019 wife H802 was Jochebed, H3115 the daughter H1323 of Levi, H3878 whom her mother bare H3205 to Levi H3878 in Egypt: H4714 and she bare H3205 unto Amram H6019 Aaron H175 and Moses, H4872 and Miriam H4813 their sister. H269

60 And unto Aaron H175 was born H3205 Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385

61 And Nadab H5070 and Abihu H30 died, H4191 when they offered H7126 strange H2114 fire H784 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

62 And those that were numbered H6485 of them were twenty H6242 and three H7969 thousand, H505 all males H2145 from a month H2320 old H1121 and upward: H4605 for they were not numbered H6485 among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 because there was no inheritance H5159 given H5414 them among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

63 These are they that were numbered H6485 by Moses H4872 and Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 who numbered H6485 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 in the plains H6160 of Moab H4124 by Jordan H3383 near Jericho. H3405

64 But among these there was not a man H376 of them whom Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 the priest H3548 numbered, H6485 when they numbered H6485 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai. H5514

65 For the LORD H3068 had said H559 of them, They shall surely H4191 die H4191 in the wilderness. H4057 And there was not left H3498 a man H376 of them, save Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh, H3312 and Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun. H5126

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on Numbers 26

Commentary on Numbers 26 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 26

This book is called Numbers, from the numberings of the children of Israel, of which it gives an account. Once they were numbered at Mount Sinai, in the first year after they came out of Egypt, which we had an account of, ch. 1 and 2. And now a second time they were numbered in the plains of Moab, just before they entered Canaan, and of this we have an account in this chapter. We have,

  • I. Orders given for the doing of it (v. 1-4).
  • II. A register of the families and numbers of each tribe (v. 5-50), and the sum total (v. 51).
  • III. Direction given to divide the land among them (v. 52-56).
  • IV. The families and numbers of the Levites by themselves (v. 57-62).
  • V. Notice taken of the fulfilling of the threatening in the death of all those that were first numbered (v. 63-65), and to this there seems to have been a special regard in the taking and keeping of this account.

Num 26:1-4

Observe here,

  • 1. That Moses did not number the people but when God commanded him. David in his time did it without a command, and paid dearly for it. God was Israel's king, and he would not have this act of authority done but by his express orders. Moses, perhaps, by this time, had heard of the blessing with which Balaam was constrained, sorely against his will, to bless Israel, and particularly the notice he took of their numbers; and he was sufficiently pleased with that general testimony borne to this instance of their strength and honour by an adversary, though he knew not their numbers exactly, till God now appointed him to take the sum of them.
  • 2. Eleazar was joined in commission with him, as Aaron had been before, by which God honoured Eleazar before the elders of his people, and confirmed his succession.
  • 3. It was presently after the plague that this account was ordered to be taken, to show that though God had in justice contended with them by that sweeping pestilence, yet he had not made a full end, nor would he utterly cast them off. God's Israel shall not be ruined, though it be severely rebuked.
  • 4. They were now to go by the same rule that they had gone by in the former numbering, counting those only that were able to go forth to war, for this was the service now before them.

Num 26:5-51

This is the register of the tribes as they were now enrolled, in the same order that they were numbered in ch. 1. Observe,

  • I. The account that is here kept of the families of each tribe, which must not be understood of such as we call families, those that live in a house together, but such as were the descendants of the several sons of the patriarchs, by whose names, in honour of them, their posterity distinguished themselves and one another. The families of the twelve tribes are thus numbered:-Of Dan but one, for Dan had but one son, and yet that tribe was the most numerous of all except Judah, v. 42, 43. Its beginning was small, but its latter end greatly increased. Zebulun was divided into three families, Ephraim into four, Issachar into four, Naphtali into four, and Reuben into four; Judah, Simeon, and Asher, had five families apiece, Gad and Benjamin seven apiece, and Manasseh eight. Benjamin brought ten sons into Egypt (Gen. 46:21), but three of them, it seems either died childless or their families were extinct, for here we find seven only of those names preserved, and that whole tribe none of the most numerous; for Providence, in the building up of families and nations, does not tie itself to probabilities. The barren hath borne seven, and she that hath many children has waxed feeble, 1 Sa. 2:5.
  • II. The numbers of each tribe. And here our best entertainment will be to compare these numbers with those when they were numbered at Mount Sinai. The sum total was nearly the same; they were now 1820 fewer than they were then; yet seven of the tribes had increased in number. Judah had increased 1900, Issachar 9900, Zebulun 3100, Manasseh 20, 500, Benjamin 10,200, Dan 1700, and Asher 11,900. But the other five had decreased more than to balance that increase. Reuben had decreased 2770, Simeon 37,100, Gad 5150, Ephraim 8000, and Naphtali 8000. In this account we may observe,
    • 1. that all the three tribes that were encamped under the standard of Judah, who was the ancestor of Christ, had increased, for his church shall be edified and multiplied.
    • 2. That none of the tribes had increased so much as that of Manasseh, which in the former account was the smallest of all the tribes, only 32,200, while here it is one of the most considerable; and that of his brother Ephraim, which there was numerous, is here one of the least. Jacob had crossed hands upon their heads, and had preferred Ephraim before Manasseh, which perhaps the Ephraimites had prided themselves too much in, and had trampled upon their brethren the Manassites; but, when the Lord saw that Manasseh was despised, he thus multiplied him exceedingly, for it is his glory to help the weakest, and raise up those that are cast down.
    • 3. That none of the tribes decreased so much as Simeon did; from 59,300, it such to 22,200, little more than a third part of what it was. One whole family of that tribe (namely Ohad, mentioned Ex. 6:15) was extinct in the wilderness. Hence Simeon is not mentioned in Moses's blessing (Deu. 33), and the lot of that tribe in Canaan was inconsiderable, only a canton out of Judah's lot, Jos. 19:9. Some conjecture that most of those 24,000 who were cut off by the plague for the iniquity of Peor were of that tribe; for Zimri, who was a ringleader in that iniquity, was a prince of that tribe, many of whom therefore were influenced by his example to follow his pernicious ways.
  • III. In the account of the tribe of Reuben mention is made of the rebellion of Dathan and Abiram, who were of that tribe, in confederacy with Korah a Levite, v. 9-11. Though the story had been largely related but a few chapters before, yet here it comes in again, as fit to be had in remembrance and thought of by posterity, whenever they looked into their pedigree and pleased themselves with the antiquity of their families and the glory of their ancestors, that they might call themselves a seed of evil doers. Two things are here said of them:-
    • 1. That they had been famous in the congregation, v. 9. Probably they were remarkable for their ingenuity, activity, and fitness for business:-That Dathan and Abiram that might have been advanced in due time under God and Moses; but their ambitious spirits put them upon striving against God and Moses, and when they quarrelled with the one they quarrelled with the other. And what was the issue?
    • 2. Those that might have been famous were made infamous: they became a sign, v. 10. They were made monuments of divine justice; God, in their ruin, showed himself glorious in holiness, and so they were set up for a warning to all others, in all ages, to take heed of treading in the steps of their pride and rebellion. Notice is here taken of the preservation of the children of Korah (v. 11); they died not, as the children of Dathan and Abiram did, doubtless because they kept themselves pure from the infection, and would not join, no, not with their own father, in rebellion. If we partake not of the sins of sinners, we shall not partake of their plagues. These sons of Korah were afterwards, in their posterity, eminently serviceable to the church, being employed by David as singers in the house of the Lord; hence many psalms are said to be for the sons of Korah: and perhaps they were made to bear his name so long after, rather than the name of any other of their ancestors, for warning to themselves, and as an instance of the power of God, which brought those choice fruits even out of that bitter root. The children of families that have been stigmatized should endeavour, by their eminent virtues, to roll away the reproach of their fathers.

Num 26:52-56

If any ask why such a particular account is kept of the tribes, and families, and numbers, of the people of Israel, here is an answer for them; as they were multiplied, so they were portioned, not by common providence, but by promise; and, for the support of the honour of divine revelation, God will have the fulfilling of the promise taken notice of both in their increase and in their inheritance. When Moses had numbered the people God did not say, By these shall the land be conquered; but, taking that for granted, he tells him, Unto these shall the land be divided. "These that are now registered as the sons of Israel shall be admitted (as it were by copy of court-roll) heirs of the land of Canaan.' Now, in the distributing, or quartering, of these tribes,

  • 1. The general rule of equity is here prescribed to Moses, that to many he should give more, and to few he should give less (v. 54); yet, alas! he was so far from giving any to others that he must not have any himself, but this direction given to him was intended for Joshua his successor.
  • 2. The application of this general rule was to be determined by lot (v. 55); notwithstanding it seems thus to be left to the prudence of their prince, yet the matter must be finally reserved to the providence of their God, in which they must all acquiesce, how much soever it contradicted their policies or inclination: According to the lot shall the possession be divided. As the God of nations, so the God of Israel in particular, reserves it to himself to appoint the bounds of our habitation. And thus Christ, our Joshua, when he was urged to appoint one of his disciples to his right hand, another to his left in his kingdom, acknowledged the sovereignty of his Father in the disposal: It is not mine to give. Joshua must not dispose of inheritances in Canaan according to his own mind. But it shall be given to those for whom it is prepared of my Father.

Num 26:57-62

Levi was God's tribe, a tribe that was to have no inheritance with the rest in the land of Canaan, and therefore was not numbered with the rest, but by itself; so it had been numbered in the beginning of this book at Mount Sinai, and therefore came not under the sentence passed upon all that were then numbered, that none of them should enter Canaan but Caleb and Joshua; for of the Levites that were not numbered with them, nor were to go forth to war, Eleazar and Ithamar, and perhaps others who were above twenty years old then (as appears, ch. 4:16, 28), entered Canaan; and yet this tribe, now at its second numbering, had increased but 1000, and was still one of the smallest tribes. Mention is made here of the death of Nadab and Abihu for offering strange fire, as before of the sin and punishment of Korah, because these things happened to them for ensamples.

Num 26:63-65

That which is observable in this conclusion of the account is the execution of the sentence passed upon the murmurers (ch. 14:29), that not one of those who were numbered from twenty years old and upwards (and that the Levites were not, but either from a month old or from thirty years old to fifty) should enter Canaan, except Caleb and Joshua. In the muster now made particular directions, no doubt, were given to those of each tribe that were employed in taking the account, to compare these rolls with the former, and to observe whether there were any now left of those that were numbered at Mount Sinai, and it appeared that there was not one man numbered now that was numbered then except Caleb and Joshua, v. 64, 65. Herein appeared,

  • 1. The righteousness of God, and his faithfulness to his threatenings, when once the decree has gone forth. He swore in his wrath, and what he had sworn he performed. Better all those carcasses, had they been ten times as many, should fall to the ground, than the word of God. Though the rising generation was mixed with the, and many of the guilty and condemned criminals long survived the sentence, even to the last year of the forty, yet they were cut off by some means or other before this muster was made. Those whom God has condemned cannot escape either by losing themselves in a crowd or by the delay of execution.
  • 2. The goodness of God to this people, notwithstanding their provocations. Though that murmuring race was cut off, yet God raised up another generation, which was as numerous as they, that, though they perished, yet the name of Israel might not be cut off, lest the inheritance of the promise should be lost for want of heirs. And, though the number fell a little short what it was at Mount Sinai, yet those now numbered had this advantage, that they were all middle-aged men, between twenty and sixty, in the prime of their time for service; and during the thirty-eight years of their wandering and wasting in the wilderness they had an opportunity of acquainting themselves with the laws and ordinances of God, having no business, civil or military, to divert them from those sacred studies, and having Moses and Aaron to instruct them, and God's good Spirit, Neh. 9:20.
  • 3. The truth of God, in performing his promise made to Caleb and Joshua. They were to be preserved from falling in this common ruin, and they were so. The arrows of death, though they fly in the dark, do not fly at random, even when they fly thickest, but are directed to the mark intended, and no other. All that are written among the living shall have their lives given them for a prey, in the most dangerous times. Thousands may fall on their right hand, and ten thousands on their left, but they shall escape.