Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 26 » Verse 55

Numbers 26:55 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

55 Notwithstanding the land H776 shall be divided H2505 by lot: H1486 according to the names H8034 of the tribes H4294 of their fathers H1 they shall inherit. H5157

Cross Reference

Numbers 34:13 STRONG

And Moses H4872 commanded H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 This is the land H776 which ye shall inherit H5157 by lot, H1486 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to give H5414 unto the nine H8672 tribes, H4294 and to the half H2677 tribe: H4294

Numbers 33:54 STRONG

And ye shall divide H5157 the land H776 by lot H1486 for an inheritance H5157 among your families: H4940 and to the more H7227 ye shall give the more H7235 inheritance, H5159 and to the fewer H4592 ye shall give the less H4591 inheritance: H5159 every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot H1486 falleth; H3318 according to the tribes H4294 of your fathers H1 ye shall inherit. H5157

Joshua 14:2 STRONG

By lot H1486 was their inheritance, H5159 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 by the hand H3027 of Moses, H4872 for the nine H8672 tribes, H4294 and for the half H2677 tribe. H4294

Joshua 11:23 STRONG

So Joshua H3091 took H3947 the whole land, H776 according to all that the LORD H3068 said H1696 unto Moses; H4872 and Joshua H3091 gave H5414 it for an inheritance H5159 unto Israel H3478 according to their divisions H4256 by their tribes. H7626 And the land H776 rested H8252 from war. H4421

Joshua 19:40 STRONG

And the seventh H7637 lot H1486 came out H3318 for the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Dan H1835 according to their families. H4940

Revelation 7:4-8 STRONG

And G2532 I heard G191 the number G706 of them which were sealed: G4972 and there were sealed G4972 an hundred G1540 and forty G5062 and four G5064 thousand G5505 of G1537 all G3956 the tribes G5443 of the children G5207 of Israel. G2474 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Juda G2455 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Reuben G4502 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Gad G1045 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Aser G768 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Nepthalim G3508 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Manasses G3128 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Simeon G4826 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Levi G3017 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Issachar G2466 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Zabulon G2194 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Joseph G2501 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505 Of G1537 the tribe G5443 of Benjamin G958 were sealed G4972 twelve G1427 thousand. G5505

Colossians 1:12 STRONG

Giving thanks G2168 unto the Father, G3962 which G3588 hath made G2427 us G2248 meet G2427 to G1519 be partakers G3310 of the inheritance G2819 of the saints G40 in G1722 light: G5457

Acts 1:26 STRONG

And G2532 they gave forth G1325 their G846 lots; G2819 and G2532 the lot G2819 fell G4098 upon G1909 Matthias; G3159 and G2532 he was numbered G4785 with G3326 the eleven G1733 apostles. G652

Proverbs 18:18 STRONG

The lot H1486 causeth contentions H4079 to cease, H7673 and parteth H6504 between the mighty. H6099

Proverbs 16:33 STRONG

The lot H1486 is cast H2904 into the lap; H2436 but the whole disposing H4941 thereof is of the LORD. H3068

Numbers 26:56 STRONG

According H6310 to the lot H1486 shall the possession H5159 thereof be divided H2505 between many H7227 and few. H4592

Joshua 19:32 STRONG

The sixth H8345 lot H1486 came out H3318 to the children H1121 of Naphtali, H5321 even for the children H1121 of Naphtali H5321 according to their families. H4940

Joshua 19:24 STRONG

And the fifth H2549 lot H1486 came out H3318 for the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Asher H836 according to their families. H4940

Joshua 19:17 STRONG

And the fourth H7243 lot H1486 came out H3318 to Issachar, H3485 for the children H1121 of Issachar H3485 according to their families. H4940

Joshua 19:10 STRONG

And the third H7992 lot H1486 came up H5927 for the children H1121 of Zebulun H2074 according to their families: H4940 and the border H1366 of their inheritance H5159 was unto Sarid: H8301

Joshua 19:1 STRONG

And the second H8145 lot H1486 came forth H3318 to Simeon, H8095 even for the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Simeon H8095 according to their families: H4940 and their inheritance H5159 was within H8432 the inheritance H5159 of the children H1121 of Judah. H3063

Joshua 18:10-11 STRONG

And Joshua H3091 cast H7993 lots H1486 for them in Shiloh H7887 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and there Joshua H3091 divided H2505 the land H776 unto the children H1121 of Israel H3478 according to their divisions. H4256 And the lot H1486 of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 came up H5927 according to their families: H4940 and the coast H1366 of their lot H1486 came forth H3318 between the children H1121 of Judah H3063 and the children H1121 of Joseph. H3130

Joshua 18:6 STRONG

Ye shall therefore describe H3789 the land H776 into seven H7651 parts, H2506 and bring H935 the description hither to me, that I may cast H3384 lots H1486 for you here before H6440 the LORD H3068 our God. H430

Joshua 17:14 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Joseph H3130 spake H1696 unto Joshua, H3091 saying, H559 Why hast thou given H5414 me but one H259 lot H1486 and one H259 portion H2256 to inherit, H5159 seeing I am a great H7227 people, H5971 forasmuch as H5704 the LORD H3068 hath blessed H1288 me hitherto? H3541

Commentary on Numbers 26 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 26:1-51. Israel Numbered.

1. after the plague—That terrible visitation had swept away the remnant of the old generation, to whom God sware in His wrath that they should not enter Canaan (Ps 95:11).

2. Take the sum of all the congregation—The design of this new census, after a lapse of thirty-eight years, was primarily to establish the vast multiplication of the posterity of Abraham in spite of the severe judgments inflicted upon them; secondarily, it was to preserve the distinction of families and to make arrangements, preparatory to an entrance into the promised land, for the distribution of the country according to the relative population of the tribes.

7. These are the families of the Reubenites—the principal households, which were subdivided into numerous smaller families. Reuben had suffered great diminution by Korah's conspiracy and other outbreaks [Nu 16:1].

10. the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah—rather, "the things of Korah." (See on Nu 16:35; compare Ps 106:17).

11. Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not—Either they were not parties to their father's crime, or they withdrew from it by timely repentance. His descendants became famous in the time of David, and are often mentioned in the Psalms [Ps 42:1; 44:1; 45:1; 46:1; 47:1; 48:1; 49:1; 84:1; 85:1; 87:1; 88:1], also in 1Ch 6:22, 38.

12. The sons of Simeon—It is supposed that this tribe had been pre-eminent in the guilt of Baal-peor and had consequently been greatly reduced in numbers.

Thus God's justice and holiness, as well as His truth and faithfulness, were strikingly displayed: His justice and holiness in the sweeping judgments that reduced the ranks of some tribes; and His truth and faithfulness in the extraordinary increase of others so that the posterity of Israel continued a numerous people.

53. the land shall be divided according to the number of names—The portion of each tribe was to be greater or less, according to its populousness.

54. To many thou shalt give the more inheritance—that is, to the more numerous tribes a larger allotment shall be granted.

according to those that were numbered—the number of persons twenty years old at the time of the census being made, without taking into account either the increase of those who might have attained that age, when the land should be actually distributed, or the diminution from that amount, occasioned during the war of invasion.

55. the land shall be divided by lot—The appeal to the lot did not place the matter beyond the control of God; for it is at His disposal (Pr 16:33), and He has fixed to all the bounds of their habitation. The manner in which the lot was taken has not been recorded. But it is evident that the lot was cast for determining the section of the country in which each tribe should be located—not the quantity of their possessions. In other words, when the lot had decided that a particular tribe was to be settled in the north or the south, the east or the west, the extent of territory was allocated according to the rule (Nu 26:54).

58. families of the Levites—The census of this tribe was taken separately, and on a different principle from the rest. (See Ex 6:16-19).

62. twenty and three thousand—so that there was an increase of a thousand (Nu 3:39).

males from a month old and upward—(See on Nu 3:14).

64. among these there was not a man … numbered … in the wilderness of Sinai—The statement in this verse must not be considered absolute. For, besides Caleb and Joshua, there were alive at this time Eleazar and Ithamar, and in all probability a considerable number of Levites, who had no participation in the popular defections in the wilderness. The tribe of Levi, having neither sent a spy into Canaan, nor being included in the enumeration at Sinai, must be regarded as not coming within the range of the fatal sentence; and therefore it would exhibit a spectacle not to be witnessed in the other tribes of many in their ranks above sixty years of age.

Tribes Chap. 1 Chap. 26 Increase Decrease Reuben 46,500 43,730 — 2,770 Simeon 59,300 22,200 — 37,100 Gad 45,650 40,500 — 5,150 Judah 74,600 76,500 1,900 — Issachar 54,400 64,300 9,900 — Zebulun 57,400 60,500 3,100 — Ephraim 40,500 32,500 — 8,000 Manasseh 32,200 52,700 20,500 — Benjamin 35,400 45,600 10,200 — Dan 62,700 64,400 1,700 — Asher 41,500 53,400 11,900 — Naphtali 53,400 45,400 — 8,000 Total 603,550 601,730 59,200 61,020   Total decrease 1,820