Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 26 » Verse 9

Numbers 26:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And the sons H1121 of Eliab; H446 Nemuel, H5241 and Dathan, H1885 and Abiram. H48 This is that Dathan H1885 and Abiram, H48 which were famous H7148 H7121 in the congregation, H5712 who strove H5327 against Moses H4872 and against Aaron H175 in the company H5712 of Korah, H7141 when they strove H5327 against the LORD: H3068

Cross Reference

Numbers 1:16 STRONG

These were the renowned H7148 of the congregation, H5712 princes H5387 of the tribes H4294 of their fathers, H1 heads H7218 of thousands H505 in H1992 Israel. H3478

Numbers 16:1-35 STRONG

Now Korah, H7141 the son H1121 of Izhar, H3324 the son H1121 of Kohath, H6955 the son H1121 of Levi, H3878 and Dathan H1885 and Abiram, H48 the sons H1121 of Eliab, H446 and On, H203 the son H1121 of Peleth, H6431 sons H1121 of Reuben, H7205 took H3947 men: And they rose up H6965 before H6440 Moses, H4872 with certain H582 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 princes H5387 of the assembly, H5712 famous H7148 in the congregation, H4150 men H582 of renown: H8034 And they gathered themselves together H6950 against Moses H4872 and against Aaron, H175 and said H559 unto them, Ye take too much H7227 upon you, seeing all the congregation H5712 are holy, H6918 every one of them, and the LORD H3068 is among H8432 them: wherefore then lift ye up H5375 yourselves above the congregation H6951 of the LORD? H3068 And when Moses H4872 heard H8085 it, he fell H5307 upon his face: H6440 And he spake H1696 unto Korah H7141 and unto all his company, H5712 saying, H559 Even to morrow H1242 the LORD H3068 will shew H3045 who are his, and who is holy; H6918 and will cause him to come near H7126 unto him: even him whom he hath chosen H977 will he cause to come near H7126 unto him. This do; H6213 Take H3947 you censers, H4289 Korah, H7141 and all his company; H5712 And put H5414 fire H784 therein, H2004 and put H7760 incense H7004 in them before H6440 the LORD H3068 to morrow: H4279 and it shall be that the man H376 whom the LORD H3068 doth choose, H977 he shall be holy: H6918 ye take too much H7227 upon you, ye sons H1121 of Levi. H3878 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto Korah, H7141 Hear, H8085 I pray you, ye sons H1121 of Levi: H3878 Seemeth it but a small thing H4592 unto you, that the God H430 of Israel H3478 hath separated H914 you from the congregation H5712 of Israel, H3478 to bring you near H7126 to himself to do H5647 the service H5656 of the tabernacle H4908 of the LORD, H3068 and to stand H5975 before H6440 the congregation H5712 to minister H8334 unto them? And he hath brought thee near H7126 to him, and all thy brethren H251 the sons H1121 of Levi H3878 with thee: and seek H1245 ye the priesthood H3550 also? For which cause H3651 both thou and all thy company H5712 are gathered together H3259 against the LORD: H3068 and what is Aaron, H175 that ye murmur H3885 H3885 against him? And Moses H4872 sent H7971 to call H7121 Dathan H1885 and Abiram, H48 the sons H1121 of Eliab: H446 which said, H559 We will not come up: H5927 Is it a small thing H4592 that H3588 thou hast brought us up H5927 out of a land H776 that floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey, H1706 to kill H4191 us in the wilderness, H4057 except thou make H8323 thyself altogether H8323 a prince H8323 over us? Moreover H637 thou hast not brought H935 us into a land H776 that floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey, H1706 or given H5414 us inheritance H5159 of fields H7704 and vineyards: H3754 wilt thou put out H5365 the eyes H5869 of these men? H582 we will not come up. H5927 And Moses H4872 was very H3966 wroth, H2734 and said H559 unto the LORD, H3068 Respect H6437 not thou their offering: H4503 I have not taken H5375 one H259 ass H2543 from them, neither have I hurt H7489 one H259 of them. And Moses H4872 said H559 unto Korah, H7141 Be thou and all thy company H5712 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 thou, and they, and Aaron, H175 to morrow: H4279 And take H3947 every man H376 his censer, H4289 and put H5414 incense H7004 in them, and bring H7126 ye before H6440 the LORD H3068 every man H376 his censer, H4289 two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 censers; H4289 thou also, and Aaron, H175 each H376 of you his censer. H4289 And they took H3947 every man H376 his censer, H4289 and put H5414 fire H784 in them, and laid H7760 incense H7004 thereon, and stood H5975 in the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 with Moses H4872 and Aaron. H175 And Korah H7141 gathered H6950 all the congregation H5712 against them unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 unto all the congregation. H5712 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses H4872 and unto Aaron, H175 saying, H559 Separate H914 yourselves from among H8432 this congregation, H5712 that I may consume H3615 them in a moment. H7281 And they fell H5307 upon their faces, H6440 and said, H559 O God, H410 the God H430 of the spirits H7307 of all flesh, H1320 shall one H259 man H376 sin, H2398 and wilt thou be wroth H7107 with all the congregation? H5712 And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Speak H1696 unto the congregation, H5712 saying, H559 Get you up H5927 from about H5439 the tabernacle H4908 of Korah, H7141 Dathan, H1885 and Abiram. H48 And Moses H4872 rose up H6965 and went H3212 unto Dathan H1885 and Abiram; H48 and the elders H2205 of Israel H3478 followed H3212 him. H310 And he spake H1696 unto the congregation, H5712 saying, H559 Depart, H5493 I pray you, from the tents H168 of these wicked H7563 men, H582 and touch H5060 nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed H5595 in all their sins. H2403 So they gat up H5927 from the tabernacle H4908 of Korah, H7141 Dathan, H1885 and Abiram, H48 on every side: H5439 and Dathan H1885 and Abiram H48 came out, H3318 and stood H5324 in the door H6607 of their tents, H168 and their wives, H802 and their sons, H1121 and their little children. H2945 And Moses H4872 said, H559 Hereby ye shall know H3045 that the LORD H3068 hath sent H7971 me to do H6213 all these works; H4639 for I have not done them of mine own mind. H3820 If these men die H4191 the common death H4194 of all men, H120 or if they be visited H6485 after the visitation H6486 of all men; H120 then the LORD H3068 hath not sent H7971 me. But if the LORD H3068 make H1254 a new thing, H1278 and the earth H127 open H6475 her mouth, H6310 and swallow them up, H1104 with all that appertain unto them, and they go down H3381 quick H2416 into the pit; H7585 then ye shall understand H3045 that these men H582 have provoked H5006 the LORD. H3068 And it came to pass, as he had made an end H3615 of speaking H1696 all these words, H1697 that the ground H127 clave asunder H1234 that was under them: And the earth H776 opened H6605 her mouth, H6310 and swallowed them up, H1104 and their houses, H1004 and all the men H120 that appertained unto Korah, H7141 and all their goods. H7399 They, and all that appertained to them, went down H3381 alive H2416 into the pit, H7585 and the earth H776 closed H3680 upon them: and they perished H6 from among H8432 the congregation. H6951 And all Israel H3478 that were round about H5439 them fled H5127 at the cry H6963 of them: for they said, H559 Lest the earth H776 swallow us up H1104 also. And there came out H3318 a fire H784 from the LORD, H3068 and consumed H398 the two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 men H376 that offered H7126 incense. H7004

Psalms 106:17 STRONG

The earth H776 opened H6605 and swallowed up H1104 Dathan, H1885 and covered H3680 the company H5712 of Abiram. H48

Jude 1:11 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto them! G846 for G3754 they have gone G4198 in the way G3598 of Cain, G2535 and G2532 ran greedily after G1632 the error G4106 of Balaam G903 for reward, G3408 and G2532 perished G622 in the gainsaying G485 of Core. G2879

Commentary on Numbers 26 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



In this chapter an order is given to number the people of Israel a second time, Numbers 26:1 and the account begins with Reuben, the firstborn, and the families that sprung from him, and the number of them, Numbers 26:5 and Dathan and Abiram being of this tribe, the affair of them and Korah is afresh related, Numbers 26:8, then the tribe of Simeon, its families and number, Numbers 26:12, next the tribe of Gad, and their families and number, Numbers 26:15, after that the tribe of Judah, its families and number, Numbers 26:19 then follows the tribe of Issachar, its families and number, Numbers 26:23, next to that the tribe of Zebulun, its families and number, Numbers 26:26 then the sons of Joseph, and first Manasseh, his families and number, Numbers 26:28 and then the tribe of Ephraim, its families and number, Numbers 26:35, after that the tribe of Benjamin, its families and number, Numbers 26:38 next the tribe of Dan, its families and number, Numbers 26:42 and which is followed by the tribe of Asher, its families and number, Numbers 26:44, and the muster is closed with the tribe of Naphtali, its families and number, Numbers 26:48, and the sum total of all the numbers is given, Numbers 26:51 and then follows another order to divide the land of Canaan by lot, when conquered, to the several tribes, according to their names and number, Numbers 26:52 and an account is given of the number of the Levites and their families, their number being taken not with the other tribes, but by themselves, and which is summed up, Numbers 26:57 and the chapter is concluded with observing, that it appeared upon this numbering of the people, that there were but two persons living of those that were first numbered among the children of Israel, Numbers 26:63.

Verse 1

And it came to pass after the plague,.... Related in the preceding chapter; how long after is not certain, perhaps before the war with Midian, exhorted to in the latter part of the foregoing chapter, and of which an account is given, Numbers 31:1,

that the Lord spake unto Moses; out of the tabernacle, or out of the cloud:

and unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest; the Lord had been used to speak to Moses and to Aaron; but now Aaron being dead, and Eleazar his son succeeding him in the priesthood, is joined with Moses, and the order here given is directed to them both:

saying: as follows.

Verse 2

Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel,.... Excepting the Levites, who were to be numbered by themselves, and at a different age; this sum was to be taken, that it might appear that all of the old generation that came out of Egypt, of the age at which this sum was taken, were now dead, excepting two, as the Lord had threatened; and partly that as they were now about to enter the land of Canaan, it might be divided to them according to their number; as well as to show the faithfulness of God to his word and promise, that he would multiply and make them fruitful, notwithstanding all their provoking sins and transgressions:

from twenty years old and upwards, throughout their father's house; all of that age in every tribe, house, and family:

all that are able to go to war in Israel; for which they must prepare, being about to enter the land of Canaan, and dispossess and drive out the inhabitants of it.

Verse 3

And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them,.... With the children of Israel, with the heads of them, their chief and principal, to assist in taking the number of the people; as when they were numbered thirty years ago, when a prince out of each tribe was taken to be with Aaron and Moses in doing that business; but those princes were now all dead, and another race succeeded, who were now employed in this service; so the Targum of Jonathan says, they spoke with the rulers, and ordered them to number them:

in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho: or of Jericho, as the same Targum, on the other side of Jordan to that on which Jericho stood; for as yet the children of Israel had not passed that river, nor entered into the land of Canaan, in which Jericho was, but they were now opposite it; See Gill on Numbers 22:1,

saying; as follows.

Verse 4

Take the sum of the people, from twenty years old and upward,.... At the same age at which the sum was taken before, Numbers 1:3 so that there could not be one that was more than sixty years of age, of all those that went into the land of Canaan, except Joshua and Caleb, and besides some few in the tribe of Levi, which did not come into either of these musters:

and the Lord commanded Moses, and the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt; as Moses had a command to number the people before, so he had now. The sin of David was, that he numbered the people when he had no command for it; Moses, when he brought the people out of Egypt, had them committed to him by number; and now being about to die, he delivers them up as it were by number again, as Jarchi observes.

Verses 5-7

Reuben, the eldest son of Israel,.... the number of his tribe is taken first on that account; there were four families that descended from him, the Hanochite, Palluite, Hesronite, and Carmite, and the number of men from twenty years old and upwards, fit for war, were 43,730; so that, since the last numbering, this tribe was decreased 2770; which may in part be accounted for by the families of Dathan and Abiram being cut off for their rebellion, who were this tribe, and whose affair is briefly related in the following verses, and it may be to point out this unto us.

Verse 8

And the sons of Pallu,.... Or son, the plural for the singular, Pallu having but one son, whose name was Eliab, the father of Dathan and Abiram; Numbers 26:9.

Verse 9

And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram,.... Of Nemuel we nowhere else read either he died without children, or he and his family perished with his brethren, being concerned with them in the conspiracy; or the family of the Palluite was in his line; one of the same name may be observed in the tribe of Simeon:

this is that Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregation; either before their rebellion, for their power and authority, being heads of their fathers' houses; or for their parts and abilities, being men of great wisdom and sense; or for their zeal, activity, and usefulness; or after it, and became famous, or rather infamous, on account of it, see Numbers 16:2.

who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against the Lord; who joined with Korah and his company, and quarrelled with Moses and Aaron about the priesthood; with Moses for putting Aaron into it, and with Aaron for accepting it, and officiating in it; and so with the Lord himself, by whose orders he was invested with it.

Verse 10

And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up,.... Not only Dathan and Abiram, but their wives and children, their houses and tents, and all their goods, see Numbers 16:32 together with Korah; the words being thus rendered, and standing in such close connection with the preceding, some have concluded from hence that Korah was swallowed up with them in the earth; whereas he seems rather to have been at that time with the two hundred and fifty men that had censers at the door of the tabernacle, and was consumed by fire with them, see Numbers 16:16 and, indeed, it is suggested here, for the phrase may be rendered, "and the things of Korah"F13ואת קרח "et quae erant, Korachi", Junius & Tremellius. ; what appertained unto him, his men, tents, goods, and substance, which agrees with Numbers 16:32 or, "and as for Korah"F14So Pool, Patrick; "deinde et Corah (qui periit) in morte congregationis", Tigurine version. ; with respect to him: "when that company died": he was at the head of, he died also, the same death they died, by fire, as follows:

what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men; which was the number his company consisted of, who took censers, and offered incense, and were consumed by fire, Numbers 16:2, and with whom, in all probability, he perished:

and they became a sign, were made an example of, to deter others from the like practices, and particularly usurping any part of the priest's office: some connect the words with the following, and take the sense to be, that this was the sign or miracle, that when they perished, Korah's sons died not, but were preserved; which sense is countenanced by the Vulgate Latin, but the other sense is best.

Verse 11

Notwithstanding, the children of Korah died not. Neither of the pestilence, nor by fire, nor by the swallowing up of the earth; they not being in the counsel of their father, but followed the doctrine of Moses the prophet, as the Targum of Jonathan; they either disliked their father's scheme, or, if they engaged with him in it, they repented and departed from him, and were not present when the judgments of God came upon him and his company; there were several of his posterity who were singers in the times of David, and to whom many of the psalms were sent to be sung.

Verses 12-14

The sons of Simeon, after their families,.... This tribe was next numbered, not only because Simeon was next to Reuben by birth, but because his tribe was under the standard of Reuben; two of his sons are a little differently named here than they are in Genesis 46:10, there the eldest is called Jemuel, here Nemuel; there the youngest but one is named Zohar, here Zerah; and one of them is here omitted, namely Ohad, perhaps because he died without children, and so no family sprang from him; wherefore the families of Simeon were but five, and the number of them were 22,200; by which it appears there was a very great decrease in this tribe since the last muster, even 37,100 which in some measure is to be accounted for by the great number of this tribe supposed to have died of the plague, on account of fornication and idolatry, made mention of in the preceding chapter; a prince in this tribe having set a bad example, it is probable he was followed in it by many of it, for which great numbers were cut off. Jarchi, from Tanchuma, says, that all the 24,000 that died of the plague was of the tribe of Simeon; and so says the Samaritan ChronicleF15Apud Hottinger. ut supra. (Smegma Oriental, l. 1. c. 8. p. 448.) ; but that is not likely.

Verses 15-18

The children of Gad, after their families tribe was numbered next to Simeon,.... because it lay encamped with that under the standard of Reuben. There is a little variation in the names of two or three of his sons, from those by which they are called Genesis 46:16, instead of Ziphion, here Zephon; and for Haggai, here Haggi; and what is much wider, for Ezbon, here Ozni. Seven families sprang from Gad, whose number now was 40,500; they were diminished since their last numbering 5150; it is probable this tribe, being a warlike tribe, suffered very much in their attempt to enter the land of Canaan contrary to the will of God, and were repulsed and defeated by the Amalekites, Numbers 16:40.

Verses 19-22

And the sons of Judah were Er and Onan,.... And besides these he had Shelah, Pharez, and Zerah, from whom families sprang, but none from the two first: for

Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan; where they were born; and that because of their sins, as the Targum of Jonathan adds, see

Ge 38:7-10 so that there were but three families sprang from Judah, the Shelanites, Pharzites, and Zarhites; only the family of the Pharzites was divided into two families, the Hesronites and the Hamulites, so called from two sons of Pharez; the number of these families amounted to 76,500, so that there was an increase of 1900 since the last muster, which answers to Jacob's blessing, that he should be a praise among his brethren, Genesis 49:8.

Verses 23-25

Of the sons of Issachar, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Judah, because it was under his standard. Two of his sons are a little differently named than they are Genesis 46:13 instead of Phuvah one is called Pua, and instead of Job another is called here Jashub; this tribe consisted of four families, and the number of warlike men in it was 64,300; their increase since the last numbering of them is 9900.

Verse 26-27

Of he sons of Zebulun, after their families,.... This is numbered next to Issachar, because it was encamped under the standard of Judah; it consisted of three families, whose numbers were 60,500, so that this tribe was increased 3100.

Verses 28-34

The sons of Joseph, after their families, were Manasseh and Ephraim. Manasseh is here mentioned first, though Ephraim was preferred to him by Jacob, and the standard belonged to him; not because he was the firstborn, but because he had now the greater increase, though he had but one son, Machir, of whom was the family of the Machirites, and a grandson, whose name was Gilead, from whom was the family of the Gileadites, and who had six sons; of whom were the families of the Jeezerite, Halekite, Asrielite, Shechemite, Shemidaite, and Hepherite. Hepher, of whom was the last, had a son named Zelophehad, but he had no son, only five daughters, whose names are given; the number of men in this tribe, of twenty years old and upwards, fit for war, was 52,700, so that the increase was 20,500, a large increase indeed!

Verses 35-37

These are the sons of Ephrain, after their families,.... Which were but three, the Shuthalhite, the Bachrite, and the Tahanite, only from the former sprung another family, called the Eranite; the number of the whole was 32,500; there was a decrease in this tribe of 8000.

Verses 38-41

The sons of Benjamin, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Ephraim, being under his standard. Five of the sons of Benjamin are omitted, perhaps because they died without issue, and so no families sprang from them; the names of the five sons mentioned vary a little from the names of them in Genesis 46:21 instead of Ehi, it is here Ahiram; and instead of Huppim and Muppim, it is here Shupham and Hupham; from these last five were the families of the Belaite, Ashbelite, Ahiramite, Shuphamite, and Huphamite; and from the eldest of them sprang two other families, the Ardite and Naamite, from Ard and Naaman, two sons of Bela; the number of men in these families was 45,600, so that here was an increase of 10,200.

Verse 42-43

These are the sons of Dan, after their families,.... Though he had but one son, the plural being put for the singular; or by sons are meant his posterity; his son's name was Shuham, and by transposition Hushim, in Genesis 46:23 from him was the family of the Shulamite; and yet, though but one, consisted of 64,400 men; there was an increase of 1700 in this tribe.

Verses 44-47

Of the children of Asher, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Dan, because it was under his standard; one of his sons is omitted, very probably dying childless, and so had no family; from the rest sprang the families of the Iimnite, Jesuite, and Benite; and, from the latter, two others, the Heberite and Malchielite; and it is remarked that Asher had a daughter named Serah, and who also is particularly mentioned as a sister of Asher's sons in Genesis 46:17 no doubt but she was a remarkable woman, either for religion, or for wisdom and prudence, or some amiable virtue or grace or another, that she is so particularly taken notice of: according to MaimonidesF16Apud Abendana in loc. she was an heiress; for though Asher had many sons, this was his wife's daughter by another man, who had no sons, and the inheritance was his daughter's, and therefore is so particularly mentioned; she inheriting as the daughters of Zelophehad did: the number of persons in this tribe was 53,400, the increase was 11,900.

Verses 48-50

Of the sons of Naphtali, after their families,.... This tribe, which is the last of them, was numbered next to Asher, because it was with that under the standard of Dan; it had four families in it, the Jahzeelite, Gunite, Jezerite, and Shillemite, and its number was 45,400, being less by 8000 than it was when first numbered.

Verse 51

These were the numbered of the children of Israel,.... The twelve tribes, consisting of so many families, as above named; and the sum total of persons in them of twenty years old and upwards, and fit for war, was

six hundred and one thousand and seven hundred and thirty; so that though all those that were numbered thirty years ago were now dead, excepting Joshua and Caleb, yet there wanted but 1820 of that number; so mindful was the Lord of his promise, and so faithful to keep it, notwithstanding the provocations of these people, to increase and multiply them, that they had pretty near the number to go into the land of Canaan which they had when they came out of Egypt.

Verse 52

And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... After the sum of the people of Israel had been taken:

saying; as follows.

Verse 53

Unto these the land shall be divided for an inheritance,.... That were numbered, and to none else:

according to the number of their names; and for this end was the number of them now taken, that the land might be equally divided among them; women and minors, or such as were under twenty years of age, had no share in it; and even only those who were at that age at this time; so Jarchi says, it was not divided to any that were less than twenty years of age, even though they came to be full twenty before the division of the land; for they were seven years subduing it, and seven years dividing it, yet none took any part of it but these 601,730: nay, he says, if a man had six children they took but their father's part only.

Verse 54

To many thou shalt give the more inheritance, and to few thou shalt give the less inheritance,.... To a tribe more numerous, and consisting of more and larger families, a greater part of the land was to be given to them to possess; and to a smaller tribe, and of the fewer families and persons in them, a lesser share of it: this direction is given to Moses, but is not designed for him personally, for he never entered the land, but died before Israel went into it; but for the chief ruler that would be then in being, namely, Joshua, his successor:

to everyone shall his inheritance be given, according to those that were numbered of him; that is, to every tribe, and so to every family in it, according to the number of men in it, that were of the above age when the sum of them was taken: because it is in the original text, "to a man according to those numbered of him", &c.F17איש "viro", Montanus. ; hence the Jewish writersF18Vid. T. Bab. Bava. Bathra, fol. 122. 1. gather, that the land was distributed not to women, but to men only.

Verse 55

Notwithstanding, the land shall be divided by lot,.... That the division might appear to be according to the determination and will of God, and not left to the judgment and discretion of the chief magistrate, though bound by the above rule:

according to the names of the tribes of their fathers they shall inherit; that is, according as to whatsoever name of a tribe such a part or portion of the land comes up by lot, that shall their inheritance be: Jarchi says, the names of the twelve tribes were written on twelve scrolls of parchment, and twelve borders or limits of land on twelve others, and they were mixed together in an urn, and the prince put his hand into it and took two scrolls; a scroll came up with the name of a tribe, and a scroll with a border or limit expressed on it; and the lot, he says, was by the Holy Ghost, for Eleazar, at the same time, was clothed with Urim and ThummimF19Maimon. & Bartenora in Misn. Biccurim, c. 1. sect. 5. ; so that the people were certain that the disposition and division of the land was of God; but there were but nine tribes and a half, among whom the land of Canaan was divided, two tribes and a half settled on the other side Jordan, namely, the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh.

Verse 56

According to the lot shall the possession thereof be divided,.... It was by the determination of the lot that the land was divided by inheritance, and that was by the Lord, according to Proverbs 16:33.

between many and few; it was so ordered of the Lord by the lot, that the many should have a larger share, and the few a lesser.

Verses 57-62

And these are they that were numbered of the Levites, after their families,.... And they were numbered not with the rest of the tribes of Israel, but by themselves, as they were at the first numbering of the tribes; the three principal families of which were, the Gershonite, the Kohathite, and Merarite, so called from the three sons of Levi; but all their sons are not mentioned, of the sons of Gershon only Libni, from whom was the family of the Libnites; not Shimei, because, as Aben Ezra conjectures, either he had no sons, or, if he had, they died without any, and so there was no family from them; and of the sons of Kohath no mention is made of Uzziel, nor of Izhar, but in the Korhites, only of the Hebronite family from Hebron; and of Amram, whose wife Jochebed is spoken of as a daughter of Levi, whom Levi's wife, as Jarchi rightly supplies it, bore to him in Egypt, and which Jochebed was the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam; and it is observed that Aaron had four sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar, the two first of which died for offering strange fire to the Lord, and the two last were now living: from Merari, another son of Levi, sprang two families, the Mahlite, and the Mushite; and the whole number of the Levites at this time taken was 23,000 males of a month old and upward; so that here was an increase of 1,000 males since the former numbering of them: the reason why they were not numbered with the other tribes was, because they had no part of the land of Israel divided to them, and had no inheritance in it.

Verse 63

These are they that were numbered by Moses and Eleazar the priest,.... That is, these were the Levites, their families, and the number of males in them, which was taken by Moses and Eleazar, who might be only concerned in numbering the Levites, of which tribe they were: and

who also numbered the children of Israel; all the tribes of them, with the assistance of their princes:

in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho; as they were commanded by the Lord.

Verse 64

But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the priest numbered..... About thirty eight years before this time: this, as Aben Ezra observes, respects the numbering of the Israelites, not of the Levites; for there were some of the tribe of Levi numbered then who were living, as Eleazar, and very probably Ithamar, and perhaps some few more, though it may be Eleazar, being now a numberer, was not reckoned among the numbered:

when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai; see Numbers 1:1 for as there were none of the tribe of Levi among the spies, there might be but few of them among the murmurers.

Verse 65

For the Lord had said of them, they shall surely die in the wilderness,.... This was threatened them, Numbers 14:32 and now it was fulfilled:

and there was not left a man of them, save Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun; the only two of the spies that brought a good report of the land of Canaan; all the rest of them, and those that murmured on the ill report of theirs, were now dead.