Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 27 » Verse 19

Numbers 27:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 And set H5975 him before H6440 Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and before H6440 all the congregation; H5712 and give him a charge H6680 in their sight. H5869

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 3:28 STRONG

But charge H6680 Joshua, H3091 and encourage H2388 him, and strengthen H553 him: for he shall go over H5674 before H6440 this people, H5971 and he shall cause them to inherit H5157 the land H776 which thou shalt see. H7200

Deuteronomy 31:7-8 STRONG

And Moses H4872 called H7121 unto Joshua, H3091 and said H559 unto him in the sight H5869 of all Israel, H3478 Be strong H2388 and of a good courage: H553 for thou must go H935 with this people H5971 unto the land H776 which the LORD H3068 hath sworn H7650 unto their fathers H1 to give H5414 them; and thou shalt cause them to inherit H5157 it. And the LORD, H3068 he it is that doth go H1980 before H6440 thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail H7503 thee, neither forsake H5800 thee: fear H3372 not, neither be dismayed. H2865

Deuteronomy 31:23 STRONG

And he gave Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun H5126 a charge, H6680 and said, H559 Be strong H2388 and of a good courage: H553 for thou shalt bring H935 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 into the land H776 which I sware H7650 unto them: and I will be with thee.

Luke 9:1-5 STRONG

Then G1161 he called G4779 his G846 twelve G1427 disciples G3101 together, G4779 and G2532 gave G1325 them G846 power G1411 and authority G1849 over G1909 all G3956 devils, G1140 and G2532 to cure G2323 diseases. G3554 And G2532 he sent G649 them G846 to preach G2784 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 and G2532 to heal G2390 the sick. G770 And G2532 he said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Take G142 nothing G3367 for G1519 your journey, G3598 neither G3383 staves, G4464 nor G3383 scrip, G4082 neither G3383 bread, G740 neither G3383 money; G694 neither G3383 have G2192 two G1417 coats G5509 apiece. G303 And G2532 whatsoever G3739 G302 house G3614 ye enter G1525 into, G1519 there G1563 abide, G3306 and G2532 thence G1564 depart. G1831 And G2532 whosoever G3745 G302 will G1209 not G3361 receive G1209 you, G5209 when ye go G1831 out of G575 that G1565 city, G4172 shake off G660 the very G2532 dust G2868 from G575 your G5216 feet G4228 for G1519 a testimony G3142 against G1909 them. G846

Luke 10:2-11 STRONG

Therefore G3767 said he G3004 unto G4314 them, G846 The harvest G2326 truly G3303 is great, G4183 but G1161 the labourers G2040 are few: G3641 pray ye G1189 therefore G3767 the Lord G2962 of the harvest, G2326 that G3704 he would send forth G1544 labourers G2040 into G1519 his G846 harvest. G2326 Go your ways: G5217 behold, G2400 I G1473 send G649 you G5209 forth G649 as G5613 lambs G704 among G1722 G3319 wolves. G3074 Carry G941 neither G3361 purse, G905 nor G3361 scrip, G4082 nor G3366 shoes: G5266 and G2532 salute G782 no man G3367 by G2596 the way. G3598 And G1161 into G1519 whatsoever G3739 G302 house G3614 ye enter, G1525 first G4412 say, G3004 Peace G1515 be to this G5129 house. G3624 And G2532 if G1437 G3303 the son G5207 of peace G1515 be G5600 there, G1563 your G5216 peace G1515 shall rest G1879 upon G1909 it: G846 if not, G1490 it shall turn G344 to G1909 you G5209 again. G344 And G1161 in G1722 the same G846 house G3614 remain, G3306 eating G2068 and G2532 drinking G4095 such things as G3844 they G846 give: G3844 for G1063 the labourer G2040 is G2076 worthy G514 of his G846 hire. G3408 Go G3327 not G3361 from G1537 house G3614 to G1519 house. G3614 And G2532 into G1519 whatsoever G1161 G3739 G302 city G4172 ye enter, G1525 and G2532 they receive G1209 you, G5209 eat such things G2068 as are set before G3908 you: G5213 And G2532 heal G2323 the sick G772 that are therein, G1722 G846 and G2532 say G3004 unto them, G846 The kingdom G932 of God G2316 is come nigh G1448 unto G1909 you. G5209 But G1161 into G1519 whatsoever G3739 G302 city G4172 ye enter, G1525 and G2532 they receive G1209 you G5209 not, G3361 go your ways out G1831 into G1519 the streets G4113 of the same, G846 and say, G2036 Even G2532 the very dust G2868 of G1537 your G5216 city, G4172 which G3588 cleaveth G2853 on us, G2254 we do wipe off G631 against you: G5213 notwithstanding G4133 be ye sure G1097 of this, G5124 that G3754 the kingdom G932 of God G2316 is come nigh G1448 unto G1909 you. G5209

Acts 20:28-31 STRONG

Take heed G4337 therefore G3767 unto yourselves, G1438 and G2532 to all G3956 the flock, G4168 over G1722 the which G3739 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 hath made G5087 you G5209 overseers, G1985 to feed G4165 the church G1577 of God, G2316 which G3739 he hath purchased G4046 with G1223 his own G2398 blood. G129 For G1063 I G1473 know G1492 this, G5124 that G3754 after G3326 my G3450 departing G867 shall grievous G926 wolves G3074 enter in G1525 among G1519 you, G5209 not G3361 sparing G5339 the flock. G4168 Also G2532 of G1537 your G5216 own selves G846 shall G450 men G435 arise, G450 speaking G2980 perverse things, G1294 to draw away G645 disciples G3101 after G3694 them. G846 Therefore G1352 watch, G1127 and remember, G3421 that G3754 by the space of three years G5148 I ceased G3973 not G3756 to warn G3560 every G1538 one G1520 night G3571 and G2532 day G2250 with G3326 tears. G1144

Colossians 4:17 STRONG

And G2532 say G2036 to Archippus, G751 Take heed G991 to the ministry G1248 which G3739 thou hast received G3880 in G1722 the Lord, G2962 that G2443 thou fulfil G4137 it. G846

1 Timothy 5:21 STRONG

I charge G1263 thee before G1799 God, G2316 and G2532 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and G2532 the elect G1588 angels, G32 that G2443 thou observe G5442 these things G5023 without G5565 preferring one before another, G4299 doing G4160 nothing G3367 by G2596 partiality. G4346

1 Timothy 6:13-17 STRONG

I give G3853 thee G4671 charge G3853 in the sight G1799 of God, G2316 who G3588 quickeneth G2227 all things, G3956 and G2532 before Christ G5547 Jesus, G2424 who G3588 before G1909 Pontius G4194 Pilate G4091 witnessed G3140 a good G2570 confession; G3671 That thou G4571 keep G5083 this commandment G1785 without spot, G784 unrebukeable, G423 until G3360 the appearing G2015 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ: G5547 Which G3739 in his G2398 times G2540 he shall shew, G1166 who G3588 is the blessed G3107 and G2532 only G3441 Potentate, G1413 the King G935 of kings, G936 and G2532 Lord G2962 of lords; G2961 Who G3588 only G3441 hath G2192 immortality, G110 dwelling G3611 in the light G5457 which no man G3762 can approach unto; G676 whom G3739 no man G444 hath seen, G1492 nor G3761 can G1410 see: G1492 to whom G3739 be honour G5092 and G2532 power G2904 everlasting. G166 Amen. G281 Charge G3853 them that are rich G4145 in G1722 this G3568 world, G165 that they be G5309 not G3361 highminded, G5309 nor G3366 trust G1679 in G1909 uncertain G83 riches, G4149 but G235 in G1722 the living G2198 God, G2316 who G3588 giveth G3930 us G2254 richly G4146 all things G3956 to G1519 enjoy; G619

2 Timothy 4:1-6 STRONG

I G1473 charge G1263 thee therefore G3767 before G1799 God, G2316 and G2532 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 who G3588 shall G3195 judge G2919 the quick G2198 and G2532 the dead G3498 at G2596 his G846 appearing G2015 and G2532 his G846 kingdom; G932 Preach G2784 the word; G3056 be instant G2186 in season, G2122 out of season; G171 reprove, G1651 rebuke, G2008 exhort G3870 with G1722 all G3956 longsuffering G3115 and G2532 doctrine. G1322 For G1063 the time G2540 will come G2071 when G3753 they will G430 not G3756 endure G430 sound G5198 doctrine; G1319 but G235 after G2596 their own G2398 lusts G1939 shall they heap G2002 to themselves G1438 teachers, G1320 having itching G2833 ears; G189 And G2532 they shall turn away G3303 G654 their ears G189 from G575 the truth, G225 and G1161 shall be turned G1624 unto G1909 fables. G3454 But G1161 watch G3525 thou G4771 in G1722 all things, G3956 endure afflictions, G2553 do G4160 the work G2041 of an evangelist, G2099 make full proof G4135 of thy G4675 ministry. G1248 For G1063 I G1473 am G4689 now G2235 ready to be offered, G4689 and G2532 the time G2540 of my G1699 departure G359 is at hand. G2186

Commentary on Numbers 27 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 27:1-11. The Daughters of Zelophehad Ask for an Inheritance.

3. Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not … in the company of … Korah—This declaration might be necessary because his death might have occurred about the time of that rebellion; and especially because, as the children of these conspirators were involved along with their fathers in the awful punishment, their plea appeared the more proper and forcible that their father did not die for any cause that doomed his family to lose their lives or their inheritance.

died in his own sin—that is, by the common law of mortality to which men, through sin, are subject.

4. Give unto us a possession among the brethren of our father—Those young women perceived that the males only in families had been registered in the census. Because there were none in their household, their family was omitted. So they made known their grievance to Moses, and the authorities conjoined with him in administering justice. The case was important; and as the peculiarity of daughters being the sole members of a family would be no infrequent or uncommon occurrence, the law of inheritance, under divine authority, was extended not only to meet all similar cases, but other cases also—such as when there were no children left by the proprietor, and no brothers to succeed him. A distribution of the promised land was about to be made; and it is interesting to know the legal provision made in these comparatively rare cases for preserving a patrimony from being alienated to another tribe. (See on Nu 36:5).

Nu 27:12-17. Moses Being Told of His Approaching Death, Asks for a Successor.

12. The Lord said unto Moses, Get thee up into this mount Abarim, and see the land—Although the Israelites were now on the confines of the promised land, Moses was not privileged to cross the Jordan, but died on one of the Moabitic range of mountains, to which the general name of Abarim was given (Nu 33:47). The privation of this great honor was owing to the unhappy conduct he had manifested in the striking of the rock at Meribah [Nu 20:12]; and while the pious leader submitted with meek acquiescence to the divine decree, he evinced the spirit of genuine patriotism in his fervent prayers for the appointment of a worthy and competent successor [Nu 27:15-17].

16. God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation—The request was most suitably made to God in this character, as the Author of all the intellectual gifts and moral graces with which men are endowed, and who can raise up qualified persons for the most arduous duties and the most difficult situations.

Nu 27:18-23. Joshua Appointed to Succeed Him.

18. Take thee Joshua … a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him—A strong testimony is here borne to the personality of the divine Spirit—the imposition of hands was an ancient ceremony. (See Ge 48:14; Le 1:4; 1Ti 4:14).

20, 21. Thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him—In the whole history of Israel there arose no prophet or ruler in all respects like unto Moses till the Messiah appeared, whose glory eclipsed all. But Joshua was honored and qualified in an eminent degree, through the special service of the high priest, who asked counsel for him after the judgment of Urim before the Lord.