Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 35 » Verse 8

Numbers 35:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 And the cities H5892 which ye shall give H5414 shall be of the possession H272 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 from them that have many H7227 ye shall give many; H7235 but from them that have few H4592 ye shall give few: H4591 every one H376 shall give H5414 of his cities H5892 unto the Levites H3881 according H6310 to his inheritance H5159 which he inheriteth. H5157

Cross Reference

Numbers 26:54 STRONG

To many H7227 thou shalt give the more H7235 inheritance, H5159 and to few H4592 thou shalt give the less H4591 inheritance: H5159 to every one H376 shall his inheritance H5159 be given H5414 according H6310 to those that were numbered H6485 of him.

Numbers 33:54 STRONG

And ye shall divide H5157 the land H776 by lot H1486 for an inheritance H5157 among your families: H4940 and to the more H7227 ye shall give the more H7235 inheritance, H5159 and to the fewer H4592 ye shall give the less H4591 inheritance: H5159 every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot H1486 falleth; H3318 according to the tribes H4294 of your fathers H1 ye shall inherit. H5157

Genesis 49:7 STRONG

Cursed H779 be their anger, H639 for it was fierce; H5794 and their wrath, H5678 for it was cruel: H7185 I will divide H2505 them in Jacob, H3290 and scatter H6327 them in Israel. H3478

Exodus 16:18 STRONG

And when they did mete H4058 it with an omer, H6016 he that gathered much H7235 had nothing over, H5736 and he that gathered little H4591 had no lack; H2637 they gathered H3950 every man H376 according H6310 to his eating. H400

Exodus 32:28-29 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Levi H3878 did H6213 according to the word H1697 of Moses: H4872 and there fell H5307 of the people H5971 that day H3117 about three H7969 thousand H505 men. H376 For Moses H4872 had said, H559 Consecrate yourselves H4390 H3027 to day H3117 to the LORD, H3068 even H3588 every man H376 upon his son, H1121 and upon his brother; H251 that he may bestow H5414 upon you a blessing H1293 this day. H3117

Deuteronomy 33:8-11 STRONG

And of Levi H3878 he said, H559 Let thy Thummim H8550 and thy Urim H224 be with thy holy H2623 one, H376 whom thou didst prove H5254 at Massah, H4532 and with whom thou didst strive H7378 at the waters H4325 of Meribah; H4809 Who said H559 unto his father H1 and to his mother, H517 I have not seen H7200 him; neither did he acknowledge H5234 his brethren, H251 nor knew H3045 his own children: H1121 for they have observed H8104 thy word, H565 and kept H5341 thy covenant. H1285 They shall teach H3384 Jacob H3290 thy judgments, H4941 and Israel H3478 thy law: H8451 they shall put H7760 incense H6988 before H639 thee, and whole burnt sacrifice H3632 upon thine altar. H4196 Bless, H1288 LORD, H3068 his substance, H2428 and accept H7521 the work H6467 of his hands: H3027 smite H4272 through the loins H4975 of them that rise H6965 against him, and of them that hate H8130 him, that they rise H6965 not H4480 again. H6965

Joshua 21:1-42 STRONG

Then came near H5066 the heads H7218 of the fathers H1 of the Levites H3881 unto Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and unto Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun, H5126 and unto the heads H7218 of the fathers H1 of the tribes H4294 of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 And they spake H1696 unto them at Shiloh H7887 in the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 saying, H559 The LORD H3068 commanded H6680 by the hand H3027 of Moses H4872 to give H5414 us cities H5892 to dwell in, H3427 with the suburbs H4054 thereof for our cattle. H929 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 gave H5414 unto the Levites H3881 out of their inheritance, H5159 at the commandment H6310 of the LORD, H3068 these cities H5892 and their suburbs. H4054 And the lot H1486 came out H3318 for the families H4940 of the Kohathites: H6956 and the children H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest, H3548 which were of the Levites, H3881 had by lot H1486 out of the tribe H4294 of Judah, H3063 and out of the tribe H4294 of Simeon, H8099 and out of the tribe H4294 of Benjamin, H1144 thirteen H7969 H6240 cities. H5892 And the rest H3498 of the children H1121 of Kohath H6955 had by lot H1486 out of the families H4940 of the tribe H4294 of Ephraim, H669 and out of the tribe H4294 of Dan, H1835 and out of the half H2677 tribe H4294 of Manasseh, H4519 ten H6235 cities. H5892 And the children H1121 of Gershon H1648 had by lot H1486 out of the families H4940 of the tribe H4294 of Issachar, H3485 and out of the tribe H4294 of Asher, H836 and out of the tribe H4294 of Naphtali, H5321 and out of the half H2677 tribe H4294 of Manasseh H4519 in Bashan, H1316 thirteen H7969 H6240 cities. H5892 The children H1121 of Merari H4847 by their families H4940 had out of the tribe H4294 of Reuben, H7205 and out of the tribe H4294 of Gad, H1410 and out of the tribe H4294 of Zebulun, H2074 twelve H8147 H6240 cities. H5892 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 gave H5414 by lot H1486 unto the Levites H3881 these cities H5892 with their suburbs, H4054 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872 And they gave H5414 out of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Judah, H3063 and out of the tribe H4294 of the children H1121 of Simeon, H8095 these cities H5892 which are here mentioned H7121 by name, H8034 Which the children H1121 of Aaron, H175 being of the families H4940 of the Kohathites, H6956 who were of the children H1121 of Levi, H3878 had: for theirs was the first H7223 H7223 lot. H1486 And they gave H5414 them the city H7151 of Arba H704 H7153 the father H1 of Anak, H6061 which city is Hebron, H2275 in the hill H2022 country of Judah, H3063 with the suburbs H4054 thereof round about H5439 it. But the fields H7704 of the city, H5892 and the villages H2691 thereof, gave H5414 they to Caleb H3612 the son H1121 of Jephunneh H3312 for his possession. H272 Thus they gave H5414 to the children H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest H3548 Hebron H2275 with her suburbs, H4054 to be a city H5892 of refuge H4733 for the slayer; H7523 and Libnah H3841 with her suburbs, H4054 And Jattir H3492 with her suburbs, H4054 and Eshtemoa H851 with her suburbs, H4054 And Holon H2473 with her suburbs, H4054 and Debir H1688 with her suburbs, H4054 And Ain H5871 with her suburbs, H4054 and Juttah H3194 with her suburbs, H4054 and Bethshemesh H1053 with her suburbs; H4054 nine H8672 cities H5892 out of those two H8147 tribes. H7626 And out of the tribe H4294 of Benjamin, H1144 Gibeon H1391 with her suburbs, H4054 Geba H1387 with her suburbs, H4054 Anathoth H6068 with her suburbs, H4054 and Almon H5960 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities. H5892 All the cities H5892 of the children H1121 of Aaron, H175 the priests, H3548 were thirteen H7969 H6240 cities H5892 with their suburbs. H4054 And the families H4940 of the children H1121 of Kohath, H6955 the Levites H3881 which remained H3498 of the children H1121 of Kohath, H6955 even they had the cities H5892 of their lot H1486 out of the tribe H4294 of Ephraim. H669 For they gave H5414 them Shechem H7927 with her suburbs H4054 in mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 to be a city H5892 of refuge H4733 for the slayer; H7523 and Gezer H1507 with her suburbs, H4054 And Kibzaim H6911 with her suburbs, H4054 and Bethhoron H1032 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities. H5892 And out of the tribe H4294 of Dan, H1835 Eltekeh H514 with her suburbs, H4054 Gibbethon H1405 with her suburbs, H4054 Aijalon H357 with her suburbs, H4054 Gathrimmon H1667 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities. H5892 And out of the half H4276 tribe H4294 of Manasseh, H4519 Tanach H8590 with her suburbs, H4054 and Gathrimmon H1667 with her suburbs; H4054 two H8147 cities. H5892 All the cities H5892 were ten H6235 with their suburbs H4054 for the families H4940 of the children H1121 of Kohath H6955 that remained. H3498 And unto the children H1121 of Gershon, H1648 of the families H4940 of the Levites, H3881 out of the other half H2677 tribe H4294 of Manasseh H4519 they gave Golan H1474 in Bashan H1316 with her suburbs, H4054 to be a city H5892 of refuge H4733 for the slayer; H7523 and Beeshterah H1203 with her suburbs; H4054 two H8147 cities. H5892 And out of the tribe H4294 of Issachar, H3485 Kishon H7191 with her suburbs, H4054 Dabareh H1705 with her suburbs, H4054 Jarmuth H3412 with her suburbs, H4054 Engannim H5873 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities. H5892 And out of the tribe H4294 of Asher, H836 Mishal H4861 with her suburbs, H4054 Abdon H5658 with her suburbs, H4054 Helkath H2520 with her suburbs, H4054 and Rehob H7340 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities. H5892 And out of the tribe H4294 of Naphtali, H5321 Kedesh H6943 in Galilee H1551 with her suburbs, H4054 to be a city H5892 of refuge H4733 for the slayer; H7523 and Hammothdor H2576 with her suburbs, H4054 and Kartan H7178 with her suburbs; H4054 three H7969 cities. H5892 All the cities H5892 of the Gershonites H1649 according to their families H4940 were thirteen H7969 H6240 cities H5892 with their suburbs. H4054 And unto the families H4940 of the children H1121 of Merari, H4847 the rest H3498 of the Levites, H3881 out of the tribe H4294 of Zebulun, H2074 Jokneam H3362 with her suburbs, H4054 and Kartah H7177 with her suburbs, H4054 Dimnah H1829 with her suburbs, H4054 Nahalal H5096 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities. H5892 And out of the tribe of Reuben, H7205 Bezer H1221 with her suburbs, and Jahazah H3096 with her suburbs, Kedemoth H6932 with her suburbs, and Mephaath H4158 with her suburbs; four H702 cities. H5892 And out of the tribe H4294 of Gad, H1410 Ramoth H7433 in Gilead H1568 with her suburbs, H4054 to be a city H5892 of refuge H4733 for the slayer; H7523 and Mahanaim H4266 with her suburbs, H4054 Heshbon H2809 with her suburbs, H4054 Jazer H3270 with her suburbs; H4054 four H702 cities H5892 in all. So all the cities H5892 for the children H1121 of Merari H4847 by their families, H4940 which were remaining H3498 of the families H4940 of the Levites, H3881 were by their lot H1486 twelve H8147 H6240 cities. H5892 All the cities H5892 of the Levites H3881 within H8432 the possession H272 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 were forty H705 and eight H8083 cities H5892 with their suburbs. H4054 These cities H5892 were every one H5892 H5892 with their suburbs H4054 round about H5439 them: thus were all these cities. H5892

2 Corinthians 8:13-14 STRONG

For G1063 I mean not G3756 that G2443 other men G243 be eased, G425 and G1161 ye G5213 burdened: G2347 But G235 by G1537 an equality, G2471 that now G3568 at G1722 this time G2540 your G5216 abundance G4051 may be a supply for G1519 their G1565 want, G5303 that G2443 their G1565 abundance G4051 also G2532 may be G1096 a supply for G1519 your G5216 want: G5303 that G3704 there may be G1096 equality: G2471

Commentary on Numbers 35 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 35:1-5. Eight and Forty Cities Given to the Levites.

2. give unto the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to dwell in—As the Levites were to have no territorial domain allocated to them like the other tribes on the conquest of Canaan, they were to be distributed throughout the land in certain cities appropriated to their use; and these cities were to be surrounded by extensive suburbs. There is an apparent discrepancy between Nu 35:4 and Nu 35:5, with regard to the extent of these suburbs; but the statements in the two verses refer to totally different things—the one to the extent of the suburbs from the walls of the city, the other to the space of two thousand cubits from their extremity. In point of fact, there was an extent of ground, amounting to three thousand cubits, measured from the wall of the city. One thousand were most probably occupied with outhouses for the accommodation of shepherds and other servants, with gardens, vineyards, or oliveyards. And these which were portioned out to different families (1Ch 6:60) might be sold by one Levite to another, but not to any individual of another tribe (Jer 32:7). The other two thousand cubits remained a common for the pasturing of cattle (Le 25:34) and, considering their number, that space would be fully required.

Nu 35:6-8. Cities of Refuge.

6. there shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the manslayer—The establishment of those privileged sanctuaries among the cities of the Levites is probably traceable to the idea, that they would be the most suitable and impartial judges—that their presence and counsels might calm or restrain the stormy passions of the blood avenger—and that, from their being invested with the sacred character, they might be types of Christ, in whom sinners find a refuge from the destroyer (see De 4:43; Jos 20:8).

8. the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the children of Israel—The burden of furnishing those places for the residence and support of the Levitical order was to fall in equitable proportions upon the different tribes (see Nu 33:54; Jos 20:7).

Nu 35:9-34. The Blood Avenger.

11. that the slayer may flee thither, which killeth any person at unawares—The practice of Goelism, that is, of the nearest relation of an individual who was killed being bound to demand satisfaction from the author of his death, existed from a very remote antiquity (Ge 4:14; 27:45). It seems to have been an established usage in the age of Moses; and although in a rude and imperfect state of society, it is a natural and intelligible principle of criminal jurisprudence, it is liable to many great abuses; the chief of the evils inseparable from it is that the kinsman, who is bound in duty and honor to execute justice, will often be precipitate—little disposed, in the heat of passion or under the impulse of revenge, to examine into the circumstances of the case, to discriminate between the premeditated purpose of the assassin and the misfortune of the unintentional homicide. Moreover, it had a tendency, not only to foster a vindictive spirit, but in case of the Goel being unsuccessful in finding his victim, to transmit animosities and feuds against his descendants from one generation to another. This is exemplified among the Arabs in the present day. Should an Arab of one tribe happen to kill one of another tribe, there is "blood" between the tribes, and the stain can only be wiped out by the death of some individual of the tribe with which the offense originated. Sometimes the penalty is commuted by the payment of a stipulated number of sheep or camels. But such an equivalent, though offered, is as often refused, and blood has to be repaid only by blood. This practice of Goelism obtained among the Hebrews to such an extent that it was not perhaps expedient to abolish it; and Moses, while sanctioning its continuance, was directed, by divine authority, to make some special regulations, which tended both to prevent the unhappy consequences of sudden and personal vengeance, and, at the same time, to afford an accused person time and means of proving his innocence. This was the humane and equitable end contemplated in the institution of cities of refuge. There were to be six of these legalized asyla, three on the east of Jordan, both because the territory there was equal in length, though not in breadth, to Canaan, and because it might be more convenient for some to take refuge across the border. They were appointed for the benefit, not of the native Israelites only, but of all resident strangers.

16-21. If he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, &c.—Various cases are here enumerated in which the Goel or avenger was at liberty to take the life of the murderer; and every one of them proves a premeditated purpose.

22-28. But if he thrust him suddenly without enmity, or have cast upon him any thing without laying of wait, &c.—Under the excitement of a sudden provocation, or violent passion, an injury might be inflicted issuing in death; and for a person who had thus undesignedly committed slaughter, the Levitical cities offered the benefit of full protection. Once having reached the nearest, for one or other of them was within a day's journey of all parts of the land, he was secure. But he had to "abide in it." His confinement within its walls was a wise and salutary rule, designed to show the sanctity of human blood in God's sight, as well as to protect the manslayer himself, whose presence and intercourse in society might have provoked the passions of the deceased's relatives. But the period of his release from this confinement was not until the death of the high priest. That was a season of public affliction, when private sorrows were sunk or overlooked under a sense of the national calamity, and when the death of so eminent a servant of God naturally led all to serious consideration about their own mortality. The moment, however, that the refugee broke through the restraints of his confinement and ventured beyond the precincts of the asylum, he forfeited the privilege, and, if he was discovered by his pursuer, he might be slain with impunity.

29-34. these things shall be for a statute of judgment unto you throughout your generations—The law of the blood-avenger, as thus established by divine authority, was a vast improvement on the ancient practice of Goelism. By the appointment of cities of refuge, the manslayer was saved, in the meantime, from the blind and impetuous fury of vindictive relatives; but he might be tried by the local court, and, if proved guilty on sufficient evidence, condemned and punished as a murderer, without the possibility of deliverance by any pecuniary satisfaction. The enactment of Moses, which was an adaptation to the character and usages of the Hebrew people, secured the double advantage of promoting the ends both of humanity and of justice.