Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 36 » Verse 4

Numbers 36:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And when the jubile H3104 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 shall be, then shall their inheritance H5159 be put H3254 unto the inheritance H5159 of the tribe H4294 whereunto they are received: so shall their inheritance H5159 be taken away H1639 from the inheritance H5159 of the tribe H4294 of our fathers. H1

Cross Reference

Leviticus 25:10-18 STRONG

And ye shall hallow H6942 the fiftieth H2572 H8141 year, H8141 and proclaim H7121 liberty H1865 throughout all the land H776 unto all the inhabitants H3427 thereof: it shall be a jubile H3104 unto you; and ye shall return H7725 every man H376 unto his possession, H272 and ye shall return H7725 every man H376 unto his family. H4940 A jubile H3104 shall that fiftieth H2572 H8141 year H8141 be unto you: ye shall not sow, H2232 neither reap H7114 that which groweth H5599 of itself in it, nor gather H1219 the grapes in it of thy vine undressed. H5139 For it is the jubile; H3104 it shall be holy H6944 unto you: ye shall eat H398 the increase H8393 thereof out of the field. H7704 In the year H8141 of this jubile H3104 ye shall return H7725 every man H376 unto his possession. H272 And if thou sell H4376 ought H4465 unto thy neighbour, H5997 or buyest H7069 ought of thy neighbour's H5997 hand, H3027 ye shall not oppress H3238 one H376 another: H251 According to the number H4557 of years H8141 after H310 the jubile H3104 thou shalt buy H7069 of thy neighbour, H5997 and according unto the number H4557 of years H8141 of the fruits H8393 he shall sell H4376 unto thee: According H6310 to the multitude H7230 of years H8141 thou shalt increase H7235 the price H4736 thereof, and according H6310 to the fewness H4591 of years H8141 thou shalt diminish H4591 the price H4736 of it: for according to the number H4557 of the years of the fruits H8393 doth he sell H4376 unto thee. Ye shall not therefore oppress H3238 one H376 another; H5997 but thou shalt fear H3372 thy God: H430 for I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430 Wherefore ye shall do H6213 my statutes, H2708 and keep H8104 my judgments, H4941 and do H6213 them; and ye shall dwell H3427 in the land H776 in safety. H983

Leviticus 25:23 STRONG

The land H776 shall not be sold H4376 for ever: H6783 for the land H776 is mine; for ye are strangers H1616 and sojourners H8453 with me.

Isaiah 61:2 STRONG

To proclaim H7121 the acceptable H7522 year H8141 of the LORD, H3068 and the day H3117 of vengeance H5359 of our God; H430 to comfort H5162 all that mourn; H57

Luke 4:18-19 STRONG

The Spirit G4151 of the Lord G2962 is upon G1909 me, G1691 because G1752 he hath anointed G5548 me G3165 to preach the gospel G2097 to the poor; G4434 he hath sent G649 me G3165 to heal G2390 the brokenhearted, G4937 G2588 to preach G2784 deliverance G859 to the captives, G164 and G2532 recovering of sight G309 to the blind, G5185 to set G649 at G1722 liberty G859 them that are bruised, G2352 To preach G2784 the acceptable G1184 year G1763 of the Lord. G2962

Commentary on Numbers 36 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 36:1-13. The Inconvenience of the Inheritance.

1. the chief fathers of the families of the children of Gilead—Being the tribal governors in Manasseh, they consulted Moses on a case that affected the public honor and interests of their tribe. It related once more to the daughters of Zelophehad. Formerly they had applied, at their own instance, to be recognized, for want of male heirs in their family, as entitled to inherit their father's property [Nu 27:1-11]; now the application was made on behalf of the tribe to which they belonged—that steps might be taken to prevent the alienation of their patrimony by their alliance with husbands of another tribe. The unrestricted marriages of daughters in such circumstances threatened seriously to affect the tenure of land in Israel, as their inheritance would go to their children, who, by the father's side, would belong to another tribe, and thus lead, through a complication of interests and the confusion of families, to an evil for which even the Jubilee could not afford a remedy. [See on Le 25:13].

5-12. Moses commanded the children of Israel according to the word of the Lord—The plea appeared just and reasonable; and, accordingly an enactment was made by which the daughters of Zelophehad, while left to the free choice of their husbands, were restricted to marry not only within their own tribe, but within the family of their father's tribe—that is, one of their cousins. This restriction, however, was imposed only on those who were heiresses. The law was not applicable to daughters in different circumstances (1Ch 23:22)—for they might marry into another tribe; but if they did so, they were liable to forfeit their patrimonial inheritance, which, on the death of their father or brothers, went to the nearest of the family kinsmen. Here was an instance of progressive legislation (see also Ex 18:27) in Israel, the enactments made being suggested by circumstances. But it is deserving of special notice that those additions to, or modifications of, the law were confined to civil affairs; while the slightest change was inadmissible in the laws relating to worship or the maintenance of religion.

13. These are the commandments and the judgments, which the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses unto the children of Israel in the plains of Moab—The Israelitish encampment was on an extensive plateau north of the Arnon, which, though wrested from the Moabites by Sihon and Og, still retained the name of its original possessors. The particular site, as indicated by the words "Jordan near Jericho," is now called El-Koura—a large plain lying not far from Nebo, between the Arnon and a small tributary stream, the Wael [Burckhardt]. It was a desert plain on the eastern bank, and marked only by groves of the wild, thorny acacia tree.